F(to pay respects)1

(one shot like Robin was)

When traveling within the forest, slightly deeper in than one would expect to find human habitation, a trapping camp can be found. Featuring one small wood cabin and a set of old tarp tents, the camp appears to have originally been used for the catching of deer. The cabin itself has not done well in its time left alone within the forest without any care; its windows are still intact, but the roof has started to sag and fall inward, making its structural integrity dubious, although it would still be effective as a form of shelter from the elements. There is also a makeshift seating area that was made using chopped wood placed on the forest floor, with seats made from circular logs and a long bench created from a split trunk. Curiously, the partially-frozen carcasses of a pack of wolves can be found strung from a log perched across the cabin roof and an indent in a nearby tree, and the remains of a recent fire pit can be found in the center of the seating circle.
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Post by Cicada »

Bunch of windows on that cabin. He'd seen enough.

Up until the last second when that and the other that had happened it had maintained the feeling of a particularly petty humanoid interaction. Almost like an anime, but in anime the lines were usually more striking and profound.

When he thought about it a bit, the funny but nobody was laughing bit was that it still was remarkably ordinary and typical to real life boy hates girl tropes, even down to the girl having to take the emotional burden onto herself. By killing the other party involved, so on. A spin on a classic.

Crunching permafrost and gravel. As far as he could tell multiple people were congregating to the wounded animal that was Kitty- like this she sounded exactly like her namesake dying, he'd remarked to Ash once.

He was gone before he was ever relevant to the scene, carrying his piece of it with him instead. He didn't stick around to see who else showed up.

- Salem Fox continued elsewhere -
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