Girl *70 START

~Nev's Awakening~

An old and tiny house. If not for the many cobwebs, and the slightly bloodstained floor, the house would look rather out of place. This is the perfect place for the folk that would much rather hide under a table than partake in such a terrible game.
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Post by Ginsenshi* »

*blink, blink* "Uhh where... it go?" Kouji answered aloud after a second. Kouji thought to himself, "Women I'll never understand them."
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Post by Abel Nox* »

She smirked slightly, "You are an idiot. Well, so we got off to a bad start, my name's Nevera Aero, but you can call me Nev."

Her brown hair swished slightly as the stawberry streaks shined somewhat. She looked back at Jeremy and blushed because of his state of being shirtless.
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Post by Ginsenshi* »

"Umm.... uhh errr, okay then, my name is Kouji Ginsenshi but u can call me, Kouj or Gin; whatever u wish or just Kouji." Kouji replied to her.
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Post by Abel Nox* »

She cocked an eyebrow. "Ok, Kouji..." She began to laugh. "You really need to learn how to talk...... to a girl." She patted his shoulder and walked towards the room she was in before.
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Post by Ginsenshi* »

Kouji just stared on not really looking at her ass but kinda looking- being a guy after all. "Right."
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Post by Abel Nox* »

She looked back at him. Her smile faded as she rose her hand.

"Now, now, Kouji, I said learn to talk to a girl, NOT LOOK AT ONE!!!!!"

She struck his right cheek hard and a mark was definately there, oh yes a big red hand print.
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Post by Ginsenshi* »

"Gomen na sai, err I'm sorry." Kouji said holding his cheek, "God that hurt like hell." Kouuji thought.

Kouji then looked down at the ground and then signed.
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Post by Abel Nox* »

She smiled. "You knew it was coming." She looked back at Jeremy with a cocked eyebrow.. "I am a little concerned about that guy, is he gonna hurt us?"
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Post by Theseus* »

Jeremy watched as the girl and the guy argued and the girl struck the guy. Jeremy was tired of this stuff, tired of people playing the game. Jeremy made his presence known by walking up to the two of them, "Both of you! Stop it now!" Jeremy readies his bloody sickle, he winced a bit at the pain of moving his harm up, luckily the gunshot wound had stopped bleeding, that was the price of not playing the game.
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Post by Abel Nox* »

Her eyes widened. "Um, can's we all just get along!"

She dropped her bag and readied her staff.
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Post by Theseus* »

Jeremy saw the girl ready her staff, "Listen girl, I am in no mood to fight. I just came from a bloodbath, watched friends get shot, and got seperated from my group. I am not playing this game but I'm going to be blunt. Are you and your friend here playing this game or not?"
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Post by Abel Nox* »

"I don't think Kouji is, but I sure am not!" She placed her staff down and picked up her bag.

She got a sad expression. "I am so sorry!" A tear rolled down her face. "I would hate to see my friend die or get shot before me. So I am assuming that that is your shirt, there."
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Jeremy looked at his left arm which had his shirt wrapped around it. Jeremy nodded, "Yeah, I got shot, used my shirt to try to stop the bleeding. When you're being shot at by a shotgun, handgun, and a machine gun a couple bullets are bound to hit you." Jeremy realized he was being a bit cold, "sorry for my attitude. I'm just a little worried for my friends, we all got seperated when we kind of got ambushed by different kids." Jeremy lowered his sickle and said to the girl, "My name is Jeremy." Jeremy eyed the boy not sure what to think of him.
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Post by Abel Nox* »

She looked at him and held out her hand, tears still staining her face. She kinda eyed Kouji.

"He's just a pervert, don't worry about him." She said kinda in a laugh but was still a little teary.
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Post by Theseus* »

Jeremy looked at the girl who was crying, Jeremy knew she must have been knew to the island. Jeremy felt the same emotions when he first arrived, after traveling with Fred and the group, he cahnged. Jeremy didn't like it but he became cold...and Jeremy said to the girl, "Why are you crying?"
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