
The school campus is very well maintained. The grass is always kept neat and short, and the hedges around the school are always kept trimmed. The sports fields are all in immaculate condition, and a nice quad area has been set up for the students outside, with tables, chairs, and a gazebo.
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Post by KingKamor* »

Eva didn't even hear her friend walk up to her. He headphones must have been turned up higher than usual. Before she even acknowledged that Jennifer was there, she dabbed a little gray on the portrait. With her free hand, she put her headphones down around her neck, her hair hugging against her neck underneath it.

"It's not just any tree." She didn't even glance away from the eisel or the tree beyond it, but she already knew what Jen was most likely wearing: probably a skimpy skirt and tights. "It's the tree that this witch is hiding in." A soft smile spread across her lips as she quietly chuckled to herself. "Nobody was noticing her at all. I thought that it was kind of sad, so I wanted to paint her to show everyone." It was a dumb little story for the painting, but Eva was having fun with it.

She finally decided to take off her headphones and set down her palette so that she could look her friend in the eye. "So, what's up?"
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Post by DAv* »

Geoffrey stood silent, listening to the conversation going on between the two girls and tried to catch glimpses of the painting, a large admirer of traditional art himself. He murmured to Jake "Shall we go have a sneak peek at an artist in action?"
Pickle Jello*
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Post by Pickle Jello* »

Jake heard Geoffrey say "Shall we go have a sneak peek at an artist in action?" Jake was practically waiting for Geoffrey to say that. He wanted to go there but he didn't know how to say it. "Sure," he said, not being able to think of anything else to say. He got off the table and walked behind Eva and Jen. Right now, she wasn't painting, just talking to Jen. He heard her say "It's the tree that this witch is hiding in. Nobody was noticing her at all. I thought that it was kind of sad, so I wanted to paint her to show everyone." Jake raised his eyebrow a bit, his usual reaction to hearing something strange. He then thought that it must just be how she looks at it. He just wanted to see what the finished product would be.
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Post by Killer_Moth* »

Jen cocked an eyebrow at the tree. Some witch was supposed to live there? She tried passing the conversation trough her ‘Eva Filter'. There was a bit that, if she squinted, she could get to look a little bit like a face. A witches face made just as much as any other. Still, a tree was a tree.

The boys were coming over to look at the painting. At least, she reckoned that was their excuse. After all, it wouldn't hurt their reputations to be seen with Crazy Jen Romita. She smiled inwardly, she could have some fun here. And hopefully get Eva some as well.

So, what's up?

"Oh, you know. Had a crap date last night. I am so close to giving up on foreign boys. Give me some All-Americans for a while. At least they know how to treat a girl right." That would give the eavesdroppers something to think about, get their blood stirring. She eyed them up openly, to make sure they got the hint.

"Thought I'd come, check and see if you had any plans for after school. If not, you wanna hit the mall? I could use me some retail therapy. And you could use a new outfit. But, if you're painting, then that's cool. I'm happy to hang here and chill for a while."
Pickle Jello*
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Post by Pickle Jello* »

"Oh, you know. Had a crap date last night. I am so close to giving up on foreign boys. Give me some All-Americans for a while. At least they know how to treat a girl right." Jake thoughtl that Jen might be trying to provoke a reaction from Geoffrey and him. He was a little more sure of it when she eyed them. Jake just stood there, not doing anything. "That girl is too slutty for me," Jake thought to himself. Not that he'd actually do anything if she wasn't. He was terrible at starting conversations with people who weren't already his friends, especially with girls. He just stopped thinking of that and continued watching Eva paint. He found her more attractive, mainly because she had more class. He wanted to say something to her but just couldn't get himself to do it. He just continued standing there, watching them.
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Post by KingKamor* »

"A crap date, huh? Come to think of it, I think that I've noticed your interest in foreign guys lately. Was that just a phase you were going through at the time?" She noticed the boys walking up to them and thought to herself, 'Aw man, really? Jen attracts guys too easily. Whatever. They might only pay attention to her, anyway, so I might not have to deal with them.' Once she noticed that they were looking at her painting, a little pride swelled up within her, and she managed to crack a smile.

She glanced at her painting at Jen's suggestion of going to the mall. After some thought, she said, "Yeah, this is coming along better than I thought. I think can have the afternoon off as long as I get home before dark. My dad's anal retentive about that kind of stuff." Her only hope was that Jen wouldn't ask the two boys to join them like she usually did, and decided to simply ignore them. "What time do you plan on going?"
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Post by DAv* »

Geoffrey looked over to the girls as they spoke, mildly interested at what they were talking about. Not particularly bothered about their dating plans, he concentrated on the picture still and admired it, noticing that Jake wouldn't take the intiative, Geoffrey decided to go for it and said out loud "I'm sorry to interrupt but my friend and I were admiring the picture you were working on weren't we Jake?"
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Post by Killer_Moth* »

Damn it all, they're supposed to be paying attention to me, not to her and her stupid painting! Jen seethed inwardly. Was she losing it? She needed to get some man action and soon. Maybe she could check out the Drama club.

"It was not a phase, Eva. I just happen to think that men are like ice-cream. Why stick to one when there are so many wonderful flavours out there to be sampled." She paused for a moment. She had never found the right guy, the guy who could give her a way out. But was this beginning to hurt her? She knew what they all thought of her. So what if she enjoyed herself? She was honest about it, and wasn't hurting anybody. She was open about what she was after. If anybody didn't like the way she was, then what did she care? She still had friends, like Eva, and Morgan. Fuck these stupid little boys and their paying attention to the tall, skinny pretty one. If they couldn't see what Jen had to offer, then she didn't care about them. Blocks, Stones, Worse than senseless things.

"Hey, don't sweat your dad. Shows he cares. That's important, y'know? But, there's no rush. I like to keep my plans pretty open. Any time you want to head out's cool with me."
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Post by KingKamor* »

Eva chuckled a little at the ice cream comment. "Yeah, that sounds like you, alright. That's not how it is with me, though. I only like a few specific flavors, you know?" The analogy was beginning to get old, but she may as well have used it. She ignored the comment about her father, though she reacted to the positive thoughts about him with an involuntary twitch of her eyebrow. "How 'bout we just go right after school?"

Once one of the boys spoke up about her painting, she looked at him with mild surprise. The painting at it's current stage wasn't anything special, so he might have just been trying to get her attention, but she went along with it. "Are you guys in art, too? I haven't seen you around the art room."
Pickle Jello*
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Post by Pickle Jello* »

"I'm sorry to interrupt but my friend and I were admiring the picture you were working on weren't we Jake?" Jake heard Geoffrey say that very suddenly. Jake wished that he didn't. While Geoffrey wanted to be seen, Jake just pretty much wanted to be behind the curtain and watch. Eva looked at Geoffrey in surprise and asked "Are you guys in art, too? I haven't seen you around the art room." Jake chuckled for a second. "No, I don't take art. I suck very much at painting and that stuff. When it comes to art, I'm a musician."
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Post by DAv* »

Geoffrey shrugged at the question "Alas, I've always been one for admiring the arts, talent has always seemed to abandon me whenever I've tried to take them up. The ability to bring about sounds or pictures to life before a person's eyes is truly of the Divine. It..." He paused, realising that once again, he was letting himself get carried away. He allowed himself a smile at Jen's comment, not ashamed about what a person was after, he could admire that "I suppose one can't always stick with vanilla." He muttered out loud.
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Post by Killer_Moth* »

"Oh, I don't suppose there's any rush. We can still find something nice after school." This was more like it. Eva wasn't noticing just how much the boys were fawning over her, but then again, Eva never seemed to notice that. Jen was sure that she had dated, and knew that she seemed to like boys. Was the girl just that clueless that she was hot?

Alas, I've always been one for admiring the arts, talent has always seemed to abandon me whenever I've tried to take them up. The ability to bring about sounds or pictures to life before a person's eyes is truly of the Divine. It...

"Geoffrey, there are other forms of art, you know. Here we are; painting, music, acting. Have you ever considered writing? You certainly seem to have a way with words." He seemed somewhat pleased by that statement. She overheard him muttering, "I suppose one can't always stick with vanilla."

"You certainly can't. So, what is your favourite flavour then? I've always seen myself as Rum 'n' Raisin"
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Post by KingKamor* »

"I love music, but I haven't ever been really good at playing anything," she said to Jake, thinking of her beloved ipod and SkullCandy headphones. After hearing Geoffrey speaking practically in Shakespearean, it took every fiber of her being to be polite and keep herself from rolling her eyes.

Whenever someone had to speak like that, Eva's only wish was that they got to the point quicker or just shut up. Talking wasn't a free action-- it took time out of everyone's lives. Ploticians were the worst offenders, of course.

After hearing Jen's comment on him writing, Eva remarked, "Yeah, if you can think up a decent story, then the writing portion shouldn't be too hard for you."
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Post by DAv* »

Everyone else was talking about writing. Jake was never great at writing, prose, poetry, or music. Eva said something about writing a decent story to Geoffrey. Jake decided to say something humorous. "Oh, you should write a book called Larry the Lobster Boy Visits the Holy Land." Jake had no idea where he had that idea, it was just something very silly that came out of the top of his head. Jake didn't know what to say from there, so he just decided to see what everyone else would say.
Pickle Jello*
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Post by Pickle Jello* »

Geoffrey felt the faintest twinge of a blush cross his cheeks at Jen's words. In truth, he'd never really considered writing, his appreciation for art having never gone further than that. Writing? Well... "I suppose I could give it a try." He said slowly and thoughtfully "Couldn't hurt to have a go."

He was brought out of his thoughts by Jen's talk of ice cream "Really? You're a Rum and Raisin fan too? I thought I was the only one. Everyone else in my family's chocolate, gets dreadfully dull after a while." He said, actally warming up to Jen quite a bit, a go getter and very sure of herself, qualities he definetly admired. Deciding to try his luck, he asked "I don't suppose I could accompany you on a shopping trip Jen?"

His thoughts came crashing down upon hearing Jake's non sequiter and looked at his fellow student with equal parts confusion and exasperation "I... Think not Jake." He said, avoiding saying what he was truly thinking at the moment.
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