La ignorancia es atrevida

Located on the first floor of the school building, the language arts wing houses all the school's English, Spanish, and other foreign language classes. The Principal's office is also in this area.
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Post by KamiKaze »


He wanted to give it back. But it was your standard run-of-the-mill cheap pen, that didn't even cost a dollar. Plus, he arrived late without a writing utensil. Not to mention that... well, people usually didn't give her things like pens and such back. They often assumed she didn't want it back, which she might in some cases. But here he was, saying that she should have it back.

"Uh... keep it. It won't hurt me, I've got more-"

Trevor went into an impersonation of Ms. Herrero, that actually... was quite accurate? Aileen raised an eyebrow again, though this time an odd expression of amusement appeared on her face as she crossed her arms.

"Spot on, actually."

Soon afterwards, he asked for tips. It seemed a bit like pleading, but he must be desperate. Aileen took a deep breath, unraveled her arms, and started.

"All you need to do is study and practice, as I told you. It's difficult, yes, but it's not like rocket science or something. Some people say they use flashcards and such to help them remember major things they need to study for."

So, what else needed to be said? Well, he asked for help, but once again, could she give it?

Could she?

With a sudden burst of sound, Aileen quickly blurted out "Ifyouneedanythingfeelfreetoask!"

After a beat, she realized that she actually went out and said it, and quickly looked down at her feet. She should be heading back to class soon, but what if Trevor needed something more?
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Post by VinnyMcQ* »

Trevor pocketed the pen grinned when Aileen commented on his impression of Ms Herrero. He'd found that he was called on to play character roles more often than not during school shows since he had a knack for nailing the voice. Aileen didn't seem fazed by his asking for help, and mentioned flashcards and the like. Ha, I'm sure Rocket Science is easier than this. What Aileen said next surprised him.


Trevor spent half a beat deciphering the flurry of words, and the other half weighing up the different meanings of those same words. She was already helping wasn't she? I mean that was the point of the advice, the good advice she just gave with the flashcards and everything. What exactly is she saying here? Trevor felt a familiar sensation in his chest that he quickly smothered. It was an innocent offer of help, nothing more. She'd probably turn into some sort of harsh schoolmistress with him. Admit it; you'd like that wouldn't you he thought. He countered his own thoughts. She's just being friendly so don't go all reading it the wrong way. Still, take her up on it, see where it goes. Don't push it though.

Trevor looked at Aileen and found her staring at her feet. Trevor wondered if she regretted what she'd said. ‘Thanks Aileen, I might just take you up on that. Look I've got to get to class but,' Trevor felt impulsive and used the borrowed pen to scribble his number and handed it to Aileen, ‘why don't you call me sometime and see if we can work something out?' Trevor stepped back slightly, happy with how things had gone. If she had been regretting it then she wouldn't call and he'd know. He knew he'd been a little unorthodox in his methods, but if that mattered to her then it would tell him all he needed to know.

Not wanting to hang around awkwardly Trevor turned to go. He flashed a quick smile to Aileen and made a ‘call me' sign with his hand before walking away and turning round a corner and out of sight.

Trevor's smile stayed on his face and his happy mood stayed in his head all the way to his next class.

(Trevor Duncan continued in Enjoy the Movie)
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Post by KamiKaze »

Oh, that's right. Class.

Trevor scribbled something on a piece of paper with the pen she gave him, and handed it to her. Aileen made a confused expression at first, until he mentioned her calling him.


Aileen wondered if she could. It wasn't like she didn't have a bad memory regarding anything that wasn't names or anything. But, would she have the courage to? After all, what if-

Relax, Aileen. Calm... you gave that Melissa girl your phone number too, right? And nothing bad came of it...

Speaking of which, her getting people's numbers was starting to become some sort of new development. She usually didn't even know their name, and now suddenly she was getting their numbers. Well, they seemed to trust her with that nowadays, for some reason.

Before she could say anything, Trevor was running off again, making a "call me" gesture as he ran off. Aileen only stared at him as he turned around at a corner.

And with that, Aileen, with her bag hanging off her shoulder, spun on her heel, and stomped off to her next class in the opposite direction. Hopefully the teacher wasn't as sadistic there today.

((Aileen Borden continued elsewhere))
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