Stranded in this Shopping Hell

It's your normal mall food court. Eateries are in place to serve the high brow and the low brow, the extravagant and the money-minding. Pizza, pasta, hamburgers, Oriental, you name it, it's here. A vast sea of tables and chairs sprawls forth from the food court, and it never seems to be empty.
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Rizzo gave an answer that wasn't really an answer at all. Perhaps he was trying to be funny, but it sure didn't work. Then he returned Aaron's question, spraying crumbs everywhere in the process. Aaron instinctively recoiled a little; the last thing he wanted was to spend the remainder of his parentally-induced exile covered in some else's spit and food waste. At least Rizzo noticed, and quickly started cleaning up.

"School's alright," Aaron said, giving the quickest possible answer. He paused for an awkward second or two. What now? Where could this conversation possibly go?

He decided to go ahead and spring the question he really wanted to ask, though in a careful, calculated manner. He paused another couple of seconds, planning his words so they wouldn't sound aggressive or accusatory.

"Hey, man, are you alr-"

Then cellphone girl was talking with them too. He'd caught her eye a second before, and thought maybe she did go to Bayview; now he had been unpleasantly proven right. Worse still, he couldn't really come up with any way to either continue his question or work her appearance towards finding out what was up. Quick plan changes were infuriating; whatever Aaron was, he was not an improviser.

"Ah, er, hi," he said, "I didn't see you there either."

Now go away, please...
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Post by Acelister* »

Rizzo stopped cleaning and looked at the newcomer, his jaw again stopping its chewing motions.

He eyed her suspiciously - was she here to come on to him and then shout at him? That must be what girls like to do - a game to them. Well it wouldn't fucking work! He was on to them!

He resumed chewing and finished cleaning as he sat back down. He remained silent, his face showing obvious contempt for Amber and her little sex-control-belittling games. But should he tell her that he was on to her - that she should just go back to herself and leave Aaron and him alone?

Aaron! He must have no idea! But he couldn't tell him this game of the female population at Bayview... If this girl tried anything with Aaron - then he would say something. If not, and she wouldn't get him, then she would just fuck off again...
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Post by Slam »

She smiled in the silence at the table, as the awkwardness wasn't a concern for her: she was just there to get the scoop! Whether these two were comfortable around her or not was irrelevant.

However, she'd never get them to spill if she couldn't actually get them to talk.

Now think: what's the best way to get these guys to open up?

Perhaps a casual conversation about what's going on right now?

"Have you guys tried these nachos? I swear, they're divine!"

Taking an innocent nibble accompanied with a cat-like smile to reinforce her statement, Amber sat there whilst predicting her next move.

I can't just open up and start talking even more; perhaps I should wait for them to make the next move.

It would be important to let them think they were in control: that way she'd be able to quietly change the topic to the sex makings without them being suspicious of her!

As for the matter of introducing herself, that would be easy as pie.

"You guys remember me right? Amber Whimsy?"
"Smile. The world's not ending just yet."
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Aaron took a deep breath as phone girl queried him about the nachos. His day just kept getting better. Now, aside from the maybe-stoned boy across from him, he had this weird girl trying to insert herself into the conversation for whatever reason. It was just another reminder of why Aaron hated spending time with most of his peer group.

If only Bounce and Will and Alice were here instead. Then I'd be able to actually have a discussion instead of some sort of horrible Frankenstein conversation.

"No," he said, "I haven't."

Then the girl introduced herself. Amber Whimsy. The name actually did ring a bell, but only because, whenever he'd last heard it, around school or something, he had stored it away in his memory as a perfect name for a hobbit in some D&D session down the line. Now that he was actually confronted with her, he couldn't remember if he'd ever even seen her at school, or if he'd just heard her name called in class or posted somewhere.

"Yeah," he said, "I remember you. What brings you to the mall?"

There. He had intentionally avoided introducing himself, knowing full well that most high schoolers only gave their names when they couldn't remember those of their conversation partners. It was a ploy to save face, and now that he'd defeated it, Amber would have to either ask his name or get by without it. Hopefully that would make her uncomfortable enough to leave. Maybe she'd even take Rizzo with her. The more involved this conversation became, the less Aaron actually cared to find out what was wrong with the boy. What did he care if Rizzo got arrested?
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Post by Acelister* »

"You guys remember me right? Amber Whimsy?"


"Yeah..." Rizzo muttered, nodding. He was sure he'd heard her name. Insultingly, at that. If only he could remember the context of the conversation... Or the insult. Then he could use it against her when she inevitably turned on them and devoured their souls!

"I remember you. What brings you to the mall?"

Mall... Right... Hard to take a soul - or two of them - when surrounded by lots of people. Shouting, too, would be heard and investigated.

He realised she just mentioned nachos and his attention went back to his sub. He picked it up with one hand and took a bite. He didn't want to talk to the girl, so he would just finish his sandwich and leave. He'd bid goodbye to Aaron, but that was it. Bayview girls didn't deserve kindness...
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The insertion had hit a slight snag, but then if it had been that easy there'd be no fun to the challenge. No, if she wanted the names she'd have to use a bit more of her reporter resources.

"Yeah, I remember you. What brings you to the mall?"

The secondary target was trying to approach her now, Amber believed; it wasn't the best result, but at least she could work with it.

"Urgh, I swear my friends are such jerks! They say they'll meet me up here for a sale, and then they all ditch me at the last minute? Can you believe that?"

Good, keep them batting back replies so that they don't try to get up and leave. Whilst she may have been working on a whim, Amber Whimsy knew the worst case scenario in this sort of situation quite well.

Meanwhile, her primary target sat to himself, only giving her the simplest of replies: clearly he was hiding some sort of secret from the stranger! Her suspicions, as always, were definitely right on the money!

Her imagination continued weaving fantastic stories of what that secret could be whilst she glanced at Rizzo. The small looking guy definitely looked occupied, which meant that his sexy secret was a big one!

Come on, spill it already!
"Smile. The world's not ending just yet."
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Amber explained that she was at the mall because her friends had promised to meet her, then ditched her, stranding her. At that, Aaron's feelings towards her softened considerably. After all, being abandoned sucked. He should know.

"Yeah," he said, "I'm sorry to hear that. I'm in sort of a similar situation. My parents left me here to buy clothes, and now that I'm done, they aren't picking up their phones."

He could have gone on, but didn't really want to rant too much to the girl. He'd gotten the worst of it out of his system already, talking at Rizzo. He could always complain more later if things really got to him again. Right now, though, it just felt good to know he wasn't the only one having an awful time stranded at the mall.

"Heh," he chuckled, "we can start a little club. Did someone ditch you here too, Rizzo?"

There. That would lighten the mood a little, and maybe even pry some information out of Rizzo. He hadn't really given an answer the first time Aaron asked why he was here, after all. Plus, if he gave some sort of weird non-response again, Amber might get worried and ask him what was up, sparing Aaron the need to do the same. That would be the best possible outcome of this bizarre lunch.

He had entirely forgotten his previously-mounting irritation with the two of them. Now Amber was a fellow sufferer, an ally in the grand struggle against stupid people who left their friends and families at the stupid mall for no good reason.
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Post by Acelister* »

Rizzo kept eating as the two spoke of their woes. It wasn't any wonder to him, that 'Amber' (if that was her real name!) got left to fend for herself. Sure, it sucked that Aaron's parents left him here so they could get their jolly's, but didn't they deserve their fun? They could have screwed in the bathroom only for Aaron to walk in on them...

"Heh, we can start a little club. Did someone ditch you here too, Rizzo?"

Rizzo blinked and looks at Aaron, then Amber. He totally missed the second part of that conversation. He swallowed his mouthful of food and shook his head before stopping.

"Kinda..." he shrugged, starting to feel more depressed again. "I guess you could say I got ditched... But I can't talk about it. I mean, I don't wanna talk about it..."

He can't reveal any details about his night, or the reason for his mood. Janet might tear his nuts off... She didn't seem the most stable person at Bayview...
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Post by Slam »

Amber looked at Aaron with a smile across her face as he began to spill out to her, giving replies and empathising with her.


Now that she was on the same level as one of the inhabitants of the table, she would have an easier time rooting the facts out of her main goal.

"Yeah, we can call it the AFN."

Chuckling to herself at her acronym, Amber looked eagerly at Rizzo as she awaited his response to the query, hoping that he'd start to open up more, and with any luck give her a clue!

How happy she was when her wishes came true.

"Kinda... I guess you could say I got ditched... But I can't talk about it. I mean, I don't wanna talk about it..."


Now that he had offered her a morsel of info, she could pursue the topic without appearing unusually invasive, especially now that she was getting on an even keel with the other two!

A look of curiosity laid upon her features, Amber tried to put the image of concern into her expression as well as she addressed Rizzo.

"Oh? What's up?"
"Smile. The world's not ending just yet."
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Amber joked about the club, and Rizzo apathetically said what he seemed to think they were hoping to hear, commenting that he didn't want to talk about it. Aaron suppressed a groan. Why couldn't people just say what they meant? If he really didn't want to talk about it, he'd wouldn't have said anything about it in the first place, and certainly wouldn't have called attention to it. Unless, of course, he was too stoned or whatever to think that clearly.

Whatever. It didn't matter. Aaron wasn't going to ask him about it. He wasn't going to indulge this guy's need to vent unless he actually came out and admitted it. He was curious, but he could not stand being manipulated.

Then Amber asked about it, seeming to take the hint. That was at least an acceptable resolution, though Aaron would have preferred to watch Rizzo try to casually work in the thing he "didn't want to talk about" for a while. Aaron often pretended not to pick up people's hints, because he found the ways they reacted fascinating. Some people would just come at the same thing again and again, from different angles, never realizing that they were being obvious about it.

For just a second, Aaron considered chiming in with something to the tune of "Didn't you hear him say he didn't want to talk about it?", but he didn't really have any reason to, so he instead took a second to eat some more of his burger. It wasn't getting any better. He resolved to, if he hadn't escaped the mall by dinnertime, eat somewhere better. Real food was worth a couple extra bucks.
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Post by Acelister* »

"Oh? What's up?"

Rizzo froze, his eyes widening. Didn't he just say he didn't want to talk about it? He couldn't! He'd lose his balls!

"Nuthin'..." he muttered, sliding down in his chair a little to make his already-short frame even less noticible. "You know, normal stuff... A girl or something..."

He hoped his vague answers would get Amber off of that line of questioning. He regretted mentioning a female though. What if that brought more questions? It was too late to change his answer now, so he had to come up with an answer for the inevitbile follow-up.

'What to say, what to say...?' he wondered. Something about family? No, that could be spun as he's slept with his sister or cousin. He was turned down by someone! A hundred percent true, without adding in the little detail of sex.
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Wuh-oh; he's avoiding what I want to hear!

Amber frowned as Rizzo slunk into his chair; it seemed that he definitely didn't want to talk about it, and if he didn't want to talk about it then -

"You know, normal stuff... A girl or something..."


It was all she could do to refrain from grinning right there and then, a faint smirk visible for a moment across her face. She had broken through the shell, and now it was just a case of spinning it into the creamy story filling!

Completely forgetting the presence of the other two as she pulled her notebook back out, Amber began scribbling down her notes without even a shred of subtlety:

Let's review what we have:
-He discusses sex with the other guy
-He doesn't want to talk about a girl
-There's another couple involved



Heartbreak, Scandal and Tragedy in the Three-way Fuck of Shame!

Having wrote her new headline in bold view on her notebook, still rather oblivious to the presence of the other two, Amber grinned as she began thinking of the details in her head.
"Smile. The world's not ending just yet."
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Rizzo clarified things in as vague a way as possible, saying something about a girl. Aaron frowned, slightly disappointed. How utterly boring. It seemed like all high school romance was just a string of idiotic dramas, where people made out, misunderstood each other, and screamed at each other in person or through text messages, then went off and found new partners and repeated the process. Aaron was very glad he'd never gotten involved in it. Besides, most high school girls were total morons. He had high standards; he needed someone intelligent and assertive, someone who would actually be close to his level. He couldn't get along with someone if he was way more intelligent than them.

Aaron muttered a weak, "That's too bad," just to get the expected sympathy out of the way. That done, he took another bite of his burger. It was mostly gone now. That was one thing that could be said for this conversation: it had distracted him enough that he hadn't focused on the taste of the food as much as he would have had he been alone.

Amber had pulled out a notebook and began writing something. Aaron took a peak at it, trying to be fairly inconspicuous. It looked like some sort of story title. A particularly lurid one, actually. He didn't know quite what to make of it. He hadn't really taken Amber for the sort to be into hardcore romance novels or whatever.

"You in the creative writing class?" he asked, hoping he sounded casual. Maybe she'd just been assigned some really awkward prompt. Or maybe she was one of those crazy party girls, like Victoria Logan and Jennifer what's-her-name. Aaron didn't really care enough to pay much attention to gossip, so it was quite possible he'd missed hearing about her exploits.
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Post by Acelister* »

Rizzo didn't even notice Amber writing - or her notebook. He didn't look up, taking another bite of his sub and keeping hold of it. At least he had an excuse to drag out any answers - hopefully for the five hours Aaron had left here.

"You in the creative writing class?"

Rizzo blinked and looked up, seeing Aaron looking at Amber. He looked over as well, noticing the notepad. She didn't have it when he was glaring at her, did she...? Or at least she wasn't writing in it, so it wasn't noticible. What a strange question it was, though... Did Aaron see what was written on the pad?

He almost offered to obtain some jotter pads for Amber - but then he remembered she was the enemy. Female. Which begged the question - why did he answer her question just now?

He wasn't feeling as sharp as usual! That was the answer. He fished into his pocket and took the strip of caffiene tablets out of his pocket and popped two out. He put the strip back and tossed the pills into his mouth and swallowed them without a drink. That would have him feeling sharp as normal in a few minutes.
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Post by Slam »

"You in the creative writing class?"

Remembering once again that she wasn't actually alone, Amber rapidly rushed her hands to cover the text, not wanting to blow her cover.

"Writing class? What writing class!?"

But hang on! If I keep this up, I'll look even more suspicious!

Not really paying attention to Rizzo at this point, Amber pulled her hands off the paper and down to her side, chuckling nervously at Aaron.

"Well, I mean... It's not for class or anything, it's more of a thing. An internet thing! Yeah, it's for this website I'm a member of."

Continuing to chuckle as she finished her statement, her face started to blush slighty.

Get it together girl! We've got more research to do!

Coughing to clear her throat, Amber took the notes and tucked it back into her pocket, hoping that she hadn't ruined her chances to find out even more info for her story.

"Sorry, I just had an idea and had to write it down. Where were we?"

Her chuckling slowly subsiding as she returned to look at the others, Amber tensed up slightly as she awaited their next response.

With any luck, she hadn't gone and lost her chances.
"Smile. The world's not ending just yet."
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