You Can Run...

Overlooked by large cliffs to the north and surrounded by tall trees to the south, the lagoon was formed ages ago when a tsunami hit the island. Since then, it's become an untouched beauty of the island... but be mindful of the lagoon's beautiful waters. You never know who might sneak up from behind and drown you in them.
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Post by Megami* »

Viki was having trouble making out exactly what was going on from her hiding spot in the bushes, but from what she could tell, it seemed that Gabe and what she had undoubtedly identified as Evan were getting the upper hand in their fight with Blood Boy. A sense of relief washed over her, but a feeling of apprehension still lingered in the back of her mind. That was when the announcement went off.

Danya's jovial tone of voice made her want to vomit. After having witnessed the mutilated body of Heather Tilmitt back at the hospital, she hardly thought that anything about the game could be funny. But this "Danya" man... it all seemed to be nothing but a game to him. That was it. Their lives were meaningless... they were just playthings.

He rambled on and on, talking about the overcast sky and how he expected it to rain. The thing was, they were fighting for their lives, not watching the news in anticipation of the weather report. She didn't know about the rest of the students still alive on the island, but his quirky comments and small talk weren't doing much for her.

When he finally got to the point, Viki immediately wished he'd have simply kept on talking about the winner. Nearly twenty students had died the day prior. Her thoughts snapped to Serenity and Ianto, who they had lost track of when they'd run away from the hospital. She closed her eyes and silently prayed that she didn't hear those two names on the list.

The first was Karl Van Buren, someone she didn't personally know. Nevermind the fact that Karl was dead, but Danya went on and on jokingly about the "orgy" that was taking place in the shower. Somehow, Viki doubted the sincerity of his remarks.

Second was Owen Fontaine, killed by another student she wasn't personally familiar with. Evelyn's death was soon announced, and Viki found a frown passing across her features as she recollected Evelyn's horrible fate. The fourteenth overall to die was Kara Holmes.

Viki's heart stopped.

The truth was, Viki hated Kara. She might have even secretly wished her dead a few times, not that she'd ever meant it. No matter what Kara'd done to her or how much they hadn't gotten along in school, she'd never truly want something bad to happen to her. But, it had. Something horrible had happened to her.

Danya was recollecting it... every brutal detail. This "Nathanial Harris" boy, whoever he was, had really done a number on her. Her death sounded excruciatingly painful. The fact that Kara was dead didn't impact her nearly as much, though, as the potential reaction that Gabe might have to it did.

She heard Blood Boy begin laughing hysterically from nearby, commenting something about Kara's death before running off into the foliage. Deeming it safe to emerge, Viki tentatively made her way out of the bushes and headed over toward the two boys. As relieved as she was to see Evan alright, something about having a "happy reunion" just didn't seem appropriate right now.

"Gabe..." Viki muttered quietly, reaching out a hand and placing it gently on his shoulder.

A sympathetic smile formed across her features, and her gaze slowly turned to Evan. She couldn't help but shake her head a bit. She had a feeling one of two things were going to happen... Gabe would either get really mad or break down completely. Honestly, she didn't want to witness either, but at the moment, one or the other was an inevitability.
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Blood Boy had run off after a hard battle that had left a buzzing in Gabe's head. To be honest, he was so preoccupied with saving his own life that he didn't even notice the announcements going off. His mind was dead focused on anticipating Blood Boy's next move. When he ran off and made his last comment, Gabe was confused. Was there something he hadn't been privy to?

Evan on the other hand had heard full well what had been said by Danya. He didn't even have time to think about it. He just stared at Gabe expecting him to explode. But Gabe didn't. He stood there confused, a small smile showing on his face as he watched Blood Boy turn tail and run. "I guess... we got him, eh buddy?" he said half-heartedly to Evan, spotting that he was showing noticeable concern for Gabe. Viki came and put a hand on his shoulder, a gesture he'd assumed was gratitude for their safety. But as he looked at her, he noticed she too was wearing a mournful expression. "I mean it was a close call there for a bit, but we got em!" Evan was puzzled. Gabe was taking this too well. The drugs made him open his mouth and assess the situation. "Gabe... did you not just hear that?" It was a bit insensitive too be sure, but it was obvious that Gabe's reaction was not the one either Evan or Viki had expected.

"Hear what?" Gabe asked, puzzled slightly. Then it clicked. There was an announcement going on during that fight, and he hadn't heard it. The expressions of concern on both Viki and Evan's faces solidified the idea in his mind. Something awful had just transpired. "Guys... wh-what did..." he swallowed hard, and his body seemed to radiate a heat like one does when they have a fever. "What did- what the announcements say?" He prayed in his mind that it was something small, like their area being announced a dangerzone. But deep down he knew that with his luck it was much much worse. Evan said in a sympathetic tone, clearly looking distraught "Gabe..." he moved closer to his best friend. "Gabe... I can't- I mean I'm sorry but... Kara..." he said, unsure of how to word things, "has died..."

He didn't even need to finish the sentence. When Evan had said her name, Gabe knew exactly what would come next. His body went numb, and his eyes reddened and filled with tears, brimming to escape their ocular prison. "I'm sorry Gabe" Evan said, looking at his feet, unable to hold eye contact. Gabe was still numb. The only thing he could do was fight his hardest to keep the tears from coming out. He knew in the back of his mind that if they started, they'd never stop. He didn't speak; he just stared at the ground. He reached up without looking and took Viki's hand, squeezing it tightly. Fighting the tears became the hardest thing he'd ever done in his entire life. They were struggling to be free, being held in check only by Gabe's pride and desire for self control.

Evan raised his head and looked long and hard at Gabe, anticipating the inevitable breakdown that would follow. But it never came. Gabe was trying too hard to hold it back. He finally opened his mouth. "Who- I mean... how- I...I... but it can't- I mean I'm so-". He wasn't even able to think. Images of Kara flashed through his mind. Images of times they'd shared together. Images of her house and her room, of her smiling, of her frowning and crying and yelling, of her naked body, of her in her prom dress. The times he'd watch her at cheerleading practice, the time they first kissed. The images took over his mind. His mouth opened again, and his throat spasmed a bit for air. He fought so hard, but a few lone tears began to stream down his cheeks and drip off his chin. " I...why would- I don't..." he stammered, trying his hardest to avoid sobbing and breaking into a nervous wreck. "It's ok buddy" Evan tried to say reassuringly, "I know... I know... it's ok. Let it out. It's just us here".

Gabe fell to his knees and stared at the sky. Tears began to come out ever stronger. Thoughts of "how could anyone let this happen?" and "is any of this even real?" filled his mind. Finally he bent forward, buried his face in his hands, and let it flood out. Evan and Viki watched as Gabe cried. They watched as he sobbed, and moaned, and shouted profanities at the sky. He bent forward even more until he lay on the ground, pounding his fist into the dirt, and curling his legs into a fetal position. All Evan could do was crouch down next to him and pat him on the back to console him as he let it all out.

"Oh God..." Gabe said, almost inhaling the dirt off the ground each time he took in a deep breath. Leaves stuck to his face, and dirt stuck to his lips. But none of that mattered. He'd acheived the numbness that one only achieves the moment the most horrible thing in their life happens to them. "Oh God, why...." he repeated over and over in between gasps for air and moans of pain. "There there buddy. You'll be ok. Let it all out" Evan continued to repeat, while patting Gabe on the back. He gave Viki a look as if to suggest "I don't know what else we can do". A mournful, sorrow-filled look.
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Viki sighed quietly as Gabe collapsed into a sea of tears. There was nothing she could say or do that would make him feel any better, and honestly, she didn't see the point of trying. Evan's reactions toward Gabe's seemingly insatiable tears seemed to have no impact on the football player, which only confirmed the fact that she couldn't do anything to make him feel better.

Her trail of vision turned from Gabe to Evan, who was trying in vain to comfort his crying friend. Perhaps the thing that bothered her the most was that while she felt bad that Gabe was upset, she felt no sympathy for Kara Holmes or the fact that she was dead. Of course, nobody deserved to die as painfully as Kara had, but the fact that Kara was dead in and of itself had almost no impact on Viki whatsoever.

What's wrong with me? Do I think she deserved it? No... nobody deserves to die. So why... why am I not sad? Even though we weren't friends... didn't get along... I shouldn't be completely indifferent to the fact that she's dead. Do I... do I really hate her that much?

Viki's blue eyes moved toward the grass at her feet and a frown crossed her features. She simply couldn't understand what she was feeling -- or the lack thereof, at that precise moment. She was normally such a caring and compassionate person, and the fact that one student dying left her completely void of any sort of sadness frightened her.

At least they were in no sort of imminent danger at the moment. Blood Boy seemed to be long gone, and she couldn't hear anything around them besides the singing birds and the water from the lagoon lapping quietly against the shoreline. The sky was eerily dark, and it looked like it might rain soon. Viki definitely didn't want to be stuck outside in the rain.

But could they move right now? Would Gabe be willing to move, or would he simply give up altogether and refuse to leave the lagoon? Maybe now wasn't the best time to suggest leaving... Viki's eyes scanned their surroundings, and she noticed the high cliffs on the other side of the lagoon.


Some of the rock formations looked big enough for the three of them to hide under. At least that way, they wouldn't be out in the open, and in case it did start raining, they'd be sheltered from it. A cool breeze rushed through the lagoon, and Viki's arms wrapped around her chest as the cold air brushed against her skin.

"Hey, Ev..." Viki spoke up finally in a quiet tone of voice, "We should get undercover... it looks like it might start raining."

Viki nodded toward the rock formations underneath the cliffs, indicating that they should move over to the area. She felt it would be much easier to get Gabe a few yards than it would be to move him through the jungle to somewhere with a roof. Besides, they probably didn't even have the time to do that.

She wanted to say something to Gabe, but nothing seemed appropriate. What do you say to someone in a situation like that anyway? I'm sorry your girlfriend's dead, but she was a bitch anyway? It was the definition of inappropriate. Instead, she sighed quietly and turned her gaze out across the rapidly moving waters of the lagoon.
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*click* "Hi, you've reached the McCallum household. We can't take your call right now. Please leave a message"


"Hi, this is Evan, I'm calling for Gabe. He was supposed to be coming over for my birthday party tonight and ...uh, he's kinda late. I was just wondering if he was on his way. He promised me he'd show up, so if you could have him call me back as soon as he can, that'd be great. Thanks.


Oh shit, I forgot Evan's party was tonight. I can't bail on Kara though. Ah well, he'll forgive me... I'll make it up to him tomorrow...

Evan sat at his grieving friend's side, slowly rubbing his back in comfort. He pondered their next move. He thought it would be a good idea to relocate, especially seeing as that kid who attacked them might come back if they stayed too long. He wondered about bringing up the issue with Gabe, who seemed to be curled into a blubbering mess on the ground. No, that wouldn't be possible I think. He's too upset. God, Viki's pretty. I wish we weren't here right now, I'd be tempted to ask her out... Dammit Evan, your friend just had his girlfriend MURDERED... stop thinking about yourself for once! He got up and slowly walked over next to Viki. He leaned in and whispered as quietly as he could. "Look, I totally agree with you. But Gabe... I mean, we can't just ask him to move right now. He's in no condition. We need to let him gain alittle composure first. I don't know how long he's gonna need, but I really can't ask him now. He's in no condition to worry about anything elese, and it's probably a bad idea until we know he's ready to move on, you know? Just give him a bit more-"

"Guys", came a familiar voice behind them, "guys... it's ok... I understand. You're right, we have to move. We have to start..." *sniff* "...thinking about our safety first. Where do you want to go Viki?" Gabe asked, standing upright behind them, his eyes red from crying. Evan made a pained facial expression, but Gabe jumped in before he could say anything. "No, she's right Ev... we have to protect ourselves now. That last one was too close a call." He wiped a tear off his face, and jutted his chest out in a show of inner strength. "I'll be...ok... but we should go. Hurry now. We don't have our supplies anymore. We need to find some shelter."

Evan marvelled at is friend's strength, and was relieved Gabe had been able to snap into a sense of rational thinking. He was certain he must be very hurt inside still, but he knew Gabe wasn't likely to show it from this point on. "Well, ok man, if you think that's we should do, then that's what we'll do... I still have my stuff, and you guys are welcome to use some when we get somewhere safer. Where exactly do you think we should go Viki?" His face reflected a small amount of guilt he was holding in for making Gabe move, but he quickly returned to his usual stoic self.

"Yes... Viki, lead the way", *sniff "please."
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Evan rose to his feet and moved over to Viki's side, leaning in as if he wanted to tell her a secret that nobody else around them needed to hear. In actuality, he was simply telling her that he didn't feel like it was a good idea to ask Gabe to move from their current location right now. She understood his reasoning completely.

After all, Gabe seemed pretty distraught over Kara's death. As immasculating as it was to watch a football player sob uncontrollably, Gabe seemed to have thrown it all out the window. There was no way he was going to regain his composure anytime soon.

No sooner than the thought ran through her mind, Gabe spoke up, telling them that it was okay and that they were right. Viki turned to look at Gabe, a look of surprise passing across her features. His face was flushed and his eyes bloodshot from all the tears that had fallen from them.

A frown crossed Viki's lips and Evan looked as though he were going to speak up for a moment, but Gabe quickly interjected, telling him that protecting themselves was priority number one.

Although he was trying to give off the appearance that he had gotten over it, it was still painfully obvious that Gabe was upset. Viki felt guilty for all but making him end his grieving process so soon, but if they spent the rest of the day sitting at the lagoon waiting on Gabe to stop crying, they might well be dead before tomorrow.

In that sort of state, he was no use to anyone, and he definitely couldn't protect himself. They couldn't just let him stay like that... they couldn't let him go through the whole grieving process. There just wasn't time.

All of a sudden, Viki found herself on the spot. When she had said "move", she hadn't had anything in mind other than perhaps relocating underneath the rocks nearby in case it started raining. Now that she thought about it, though, shelter seemed like a much better idea.

Ianto had definitely been right when he'd been suggesting that they should get some rest when they could.

Her thoughts briefly turned to him, and Serenity. She wondered if they were okay, and how Serenity was coping with Kara's death. After all, the two had been best friends for as long as she could remember. Serenity had been a nervous wreck back at the hospital... now, she was probably ten times worse.

"M-me?" Viki sputtered out after a moment, a bewildered expression forming across her face.

Where could they even go? She hadn't seen too many places since she woke up on the island. She'd woken up in the marsh, ran into Ianto, Gabe and Serenity, they'd moved on to the hospital from there, and her trip from the hospital to the lagoon had been an upside-down one spent staring at Gabe's back. It wasn't exactly a prime location for viewing the island's layout.

"Well, let's see..." Viki thought deeply for a moment, absent-mindedly brushing a strand of her jet black hair away from her eyes, "I know I don't wanna go back to the hospital. I just... can't stand the sight of all those bodies."

A chill ran up her spine as she thought about it, and she shivered slightly. After a moment, she once again remembered that she'd shoved her map into her pocket. She removed it and studied it carefully, her blue eyes scanning over all the potential areas on the map. The hospital was out. The marsh was out, there was practically nowhere to hide.

"Maybe... maybe the storehouse? It looks pretty big... at least we'd be able to maybe hide out in a room or something. Or... or whatever, really. I don't know."

She toyed uneasily with the strand of hair she'd brushed behind her hair and looked over toward the two boys.
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((Steve continued from The Legend of the Flower of Woe))

"God..damn..fuck..ow...shit." The obscenities continued to be muttered as Steve made his way through the brush, his left shoulder still stinging from the bullet. The brush certainly wasn't doing any favours for him either. He'd rolled his ankle enough times that he'd lost count, and the occasional vine Steve would push out of the way would show him the pointy end of many small needles.

The only comfort Steve had now was that he had a rather large rifle, and two full clips, one of which Steve had loaded. The Garand certainly wasn't the lightest thing he'd ever held, but it was his best defense now, and if he could find anyone trustworthy, he'd be able to provide some protection against the players.

Steve's breathing became heavier as he trudged along. He found a large stump in the ground, and took a seat to catch a quick rest. His body screamed for him to shut his eyes and sleep, but his mind wouldn't let him. He pulled out his map, tracing his approximate path from the field of flowers, he was now in the area marked as "Lagoon".

Steve reached back in his pack and pulled out one of his water bottles. Finishing what was left of it and stuffing it back in, he thought back to James.

Probably would have been a good idea to take some of his water.

Shaking his head at the mistake, Steve rose up and pressed on. As he walked forward he could hear some muffled voices. Readying his rifle, Steve cautiously crept forward. He heard a very familiar female voice say, 'or whatever, really. I don't know.'


Steve moved to his left to look and see if it really was Viki.

Holy shit!

Steve had moved to his left to see Evan and Viki standing with his best friend.

Bursting through the brush with a newly found burst of energy Steve started yelling,

"Dude!!! Evan, Viki, Gabe!"

Steve ran over to them with a huge smile on his face. He'd found his friends.
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Though Gabe's eyes were flush with redness and tears, and there seemed to be a constant buzzing sound in his ears, there was no mistaking that Steve had found them. It was as if some higher power was taking pity on him, and gave him one meager accomplishment to keep him from going completely over the edge. He rose to full height, and wiped the remaining tears from his face. Then, in the most non-chalant manner he could muster, he greeted Steve with a simple "Hey man... glad you found us". And indeed Gabe was glad; this would likely be the only moment of relief he would have on this damned island.

Evan, on the other hand was more relieved at the sight of a rifle in Steve's hand then at the arrival of Steve. He was glad Gabe wasn't making a huge deal about it. Gabe had a tendency to neglect other things in his life when Steve was around. Steve and Gabe were best friends, there was no mistaking it, but Evan had always felt Gabe was his best friend. For him, it was hard to compete with a stand up guy like Steve. Perhaps Gabe was in the wrong for neglecting Evan constantly in favour of Steve, or perhaps Evan was just being petty about seeing someone else happy. Regardless, it never sat well with Evan, and he'd always maintained a friendship with Steve that could be described as distant at best. "Good to see you buddy" he said, pasting a mock smile on his face. Inside he was feeling like shit from the whole ordeal.

Gabe approached Steve with a sullen look of loss. He'd always tried to keep a brave face around Steve, since he admired him as a sort of role model. But the loss of Kara was just too much of a tragedy to hide. "I'm really happy you're here man. You probably heard over the last announcement... about Kara...". He fought the tears even still. "I don't know what to do man. I'm just so fucking tired of everything." He slumped his shoulders in defeat and looked to Steve for a sign of reassurance.

Evan took the reunion as an opportunity to move next to Viki. "Pretty crazy huh?" he said, "first this Kara thing, then Steve comes along. It's like all this stuff is from some sick novel or something, you know?" He looked at Viki only breifly, but turned away when she'd made eye contact. He extended his body fully upright and jutted his jaw out as far as it would go. "I like your idea about the storehouse. I think that's as good a place as any to go. Who knows, maybe theres some stuff still there we could use, or whatever". Evan always was awkward around girls he liked. At least Steve would keep Gabe distracted from Viki for a bit. Evan had a feeling she'd had a thing for him, and that just wouldn't do at all.
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Steve acknowledged Evan with a nod and a, "You too man." It was when Gabe approached him with the reminder that Kara was dead that the happiness in Steve's face completely faded. He and Kara hadn't been the best of friends, but she was an important part of his best friend's life, and therefore an important part of his too. Steve went over to Gabe and embraced his friend and spoke quietly.

"Dude, I'm so sorry for what happened to her. I know how much she meant to you, and how happy you were around her. I know it sounds overly macho, but we'll find whoever killed her, and we'll show him or her no fucking mercy. You understand me? No..fucking...mercy."

Steve tried to remember the name from the announcement, but it escaped him at the moment. Steve released his friend and then spoke to everyone.

"Look, I know that we're all tired of this like Gabe, but we can't let it get to us. I know, you're thinking, 'But how when our friends, loved ones and classmates are out there being killed?'. I don't know about you guys, but I'm trying to remain focused on the fact that there has got to be a way out of here. This is a group I think could figure a way off the island. Evan, you're a smart logical guy, Viki you are one of the more rational people I know. Gabe, man you're one of the stronger people here, and if we're going to make a plan to escape or whatever we do, we need you to be at your best. I know it'll be hard, but you can mourn after we save the lives of people who don't deserve to die here."

Steve knew it all looked like it was just another big football guy motivation speech, but he meant every word of it. This group was like the Wizard of Oz in a way. Evan was the Cowardly Lion, who with some more courage could be a driving force in getting off the island. Viki was their Dorothy just because she was the only girl. Gabe was like the Tin-Man who'd lost his heart, but if he could find it again, he'd be formidable.

And me...while I guess its true I'd be the Scarecrow. Little more brains and I could probably do this myself.

"Now, I thought I heard you guys say you wanted to go to the storehouse. That'd be a good place to start. See if there is anything we could use."
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((Sorry 'bout the wait, guys.))

A sudden rustling from the bushes caught Viki's attention, and as a figure burst forth from them, she could do nothing but look on with a certain apprehension and fear. Fortunately for them, it wasn't another player out for blood, and the infamous Blood Boy hadn't returned to the scene to finish what he'd started. Instead, it was Steve Digaetano, carrying a large rifle. In essence, it was a sight for sore eyes.

Steve seemed to be just as relieved to have run into them, and as he approached them, Gabe wiped away the few remaining tears that had been rolling down his face and greeted his friend. She couldn't help but be somewhat amused as the macho attitude that all three boys seemed to take as they were reunited with one another. Where only moments before Gabe had been sobbing, he was now nonchalantly talking to Steve.

Of course, talk almost immediately turned to Kara and her death, and Viki could only sigh under her breath. She wasn't entirely sure what she had been expecting from Gabe, though. Kara was his girlfriend, even if Viki thought poorly of the other girl. The fact that the cheerleader was dead wouldn't change anything about Gabe's feelings toward her. But why was she even thinking about such things? Was she really trying to vie for some guy's affections when they could die in the next minute?

She was thrown from her reverie as Evan addressed her, and she moved up to look at the other, much taller student.

"Yeah..." Viki mumbled quietly, "This whole thing seems so surreal... like some bad dream that I can't seem to wake up from. I'm glad we found Steve though... at least we're all together, right? Even if Kara..."

She probably deserved it anyway.

The fact that she simply couldn't put a name on the face that had killed Kara was the only thing that truly disturbed Viki about the other girl's death. She could have sworn that Danya had said the name "Nathanial Harris" on the announcement. Viki'd been attending Southridge High since ninth grade, and even before that, she'd attended elementary and junior high with most of her classmates... and she didn't know that name. At all. That fact worried her.

There's somebody out there maiming people on the island... and I don't know who they are... I can't even put a name with the face... something about that... it's absolutely horrifying.

Her thoughts were pushed to the back of her mind as Steve spoke up, trying to rally the group together. Viki had only briefly thought of escape throughout the past three days. The fact was, they had been so focused on trying to survive that anything outside of survival had barely crossed her mind. Still, Steve had some very valid points. They needed to be doing something other than waiting on their inevitable deaths.

Evan seemed to reaffirm her idea of going to the storehouse, and Steve, too, seemed to agree. She was just relieved that she'd managed to make some sort of contribution to the group. Up until this point, she'd almost felt like dead weight to the rest of them, especially after the incident at the hospital with her passing out. Since then, she'd felt the need to do more than her own part to make up for her own deficiencies.

"Should we go now... or wait till the sun comes up?" she asked after a moment.
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"I'm going to say we should wait for the sun to come up. After all, we wouldn't want to get there, then have to leave right away if its a dangerzone." Steve said calmly.

It was really just a ploy to try to stay where they were. Steve wanted to talk to Gabe about everything from abandoning Courtney, to how he got the gun and more importantly, he needed Gabe to absolutely understand that he could think about Kara after they got out of here.

"Look, I'm pretty hungry since a lot of this shit takes shit. I actually think we should head to the mess hall. See if there is any food or water, or anything we can use there."
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Evan chimed in with his own two-cents on the matter, as he often felt compelled to. "I don't think we're gonna find any food anywhere Steve. This whole island looks like it was abandoned decades ago. And right now, tasty food is on the bottom of my priority list. In case you missed it, there are people here trying to kill us! In fact, just before you came along we got attacked by this crazy fucker in a stupid mask. Funny thing is, I think I've seen that kid wearing that mask at school before... stupid fucking retard. I bet he's just butt ugly under that thing. We smashed him good, right Gabe?" he said, turning enthusiastically to his best friend for a reaction.

But Gabe was still too depressed over Kara's death to go with Evan's attempt to lighten his mood. On top of that, he'd just heard some more names he didn't look forward to hearing about called out yet again over the megaphones on the island. Courtney, Kara's cousin, was among them. Poor girl, she must have been so scared. I'm sorry I couldn't save you either Courtney. Your whole family must be in pieces right now. They were almost my family. I miss them so. Instead, all Gabe could muster was a sullen look and a simple reply. "I think we should move now and sleep when we get there. I don't want that kid coming back here and catching us when we're asleep. He'd probably do...very bad things to us..."

Evan started speaking again. "Ok then... so we're gonna go then? I think the storehouse is just as good a place as any to take this show. Follow me guys" he said, with renewed vigor. Gabe got up and followed shortly after, shoulders hungs low and wearing a hefty frown.

((Evan and Gabe continued in Blood, Sweat, and Tears))
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Steve heard Courtney's name over the announcement and a rush of overwhelming guilt swept into him. He had just straight abandoned the girl on this island, when she needed someone to protect her. Steve cradled the gun and put his head down.

There was a brief silence before Evan spoke. His remark about food striking a small nerve with Steve, since they did need food to survive. However, his urge to say something was quickly driven away when this new voice on the PA said the mess hall was a temporary dangerzone to everyone except that Dodd guy.

"All right, storehouse it is. If that idiot in the mask tries that shit again, he won't make out to well." Steve said as he motion to Viki to walk with him behind Gabe and Evan.

And neither will Harry Tsai if the bastard shows his face.

((Continued in Blood, Sweat, and Tears))
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Post by Megami* »

How long had they been standing there? Night seemed to have slipped into day and slowly be descending back into nightfall before Viki even realized what was going on. Ever since Danya had announced the death of Kara Holmes and Gabe had had his breakdown, time seemed to have stopped for the group at the lagoon.

Enough time had passed by that the third announcement had gone off, and since then, Viki had been completely silent, simply lost in thought. Even more people had died... good people, bad people, it didn't matter who they were. The fact was that now, they were dead.

Perhaps the name that stuck out the most to Viki on the last announcement had been one, Courtney Blaggé. Kara's cousin. She, too, had been killed in the past day, by a student named Harry Tsai. Viki couldn't put a face with the name, although she was certain she had heard it before. Her eyes moved to the three boys surrounding her, almost as if expecting another of them to break down into tears.

This, of course, didn't happen.

Steve had brought up the idea of going to the mess hall in search of any preserved food earlier, but as soon as Danya's assistant (as he had referred to himself as) made the announcement, that plan had flown out the window. The area had been declared a temporary dangerzone until Adam Dodd picked up his prize for Best Kill.

Viki cringed at the thought of it. Giving people prizes for murdering their classmates? It was so deranged and disgusting that she hated even the mere thought of it. Murder was an unforgivable crime, and those who committed it should be punished, not rewarded. At least, that was how she felt about it. And this Dodd kid? He'd been the winner of the "original" SOTF game. He'd killed dozens of people.

And now he'd blown two up, and he was getting a prize for it. Viki couldn't quite quell the nauseous feeling forming in the pit of her stomach. She didn't have much time to dwell on it before the group ultimately decided to head to her suggested location: the storehouse. She didn't have much to say about heading to the storehouse... it had been her idea in the first place, so instead, she simply followed in tow behind the boys, back into the jungle.

((Continued in Blood, Sweat, and Tears))
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