Origin of Symmetry

Off to the corner of the utilities area is the tall radio tower and the small building that houses the radio equipment. Being the most important place for communication with the outside world, the radio tower was kept in immaculate condition and constantly maintained. Even now, covered in vines and overgrowth, it only shows a small hint of time's effects. The building next to it is essentially one small room filled with all the radio equipment that could possibly be needed to call the outside world, as well as a couple of chairs and a phone to call other parts of the island. Although all the equipment appears workable at a glance, closer inspection reveals key components missing, eliminating the ability to send signals of any sort.
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Post by Espi »

Hmm, a conundrum.

As much as Blair wanted to trust Alba, skater girls unite and all that jazz, she was really uncomfortable with Fiyori. She'd basically admitted to being dangerous and shooting Olivia (right, that was her name), and Blair wasn't sure what kind of praise she'd earned. Killing Georgia Lee was hardly a good outcome, and the fact that Fiyori had killed one of Georgia's allies only made it more suspicious.

Frankly Alba wasn't helping her case either, the comment on an arrow was awfully specific. There was a story here, and Blair didn't really want to know it.

It was hard, and Blair found herself at a brief loss for words. Human company had proven sporadic ever since Rene at the church, and Blair had spent most of her time since then engaging in brief, awkward encounters during the few times there was anyone else around at all.

The trouble was, everyone is dangerous. Unless you off yourself or die in an accident (and by this point there was no excuse for stupidity) you were mostly safe when alone. The threat was inherent in company; it's not guns but people who kill people (though obviously guns help) so no people meant your likelihood for death was minimal.

As much as she doubted anyone, especially Alba, would be so sleazy about trying to lure someone to their death, Blair didn't want to risk it. She was armed and dangerous herself, and the larger a group, the more attention it attracts, and buildings at this point were appealing. Even when it wasn't cold or wet, landmarks were good places to look for people (to hold hands with or murder or whatever) and if looting was your thing then corpses were easier to find indoors. The radio tower would not be isolated forever, and Blair would rather not be stuck in a building when someone walks in with guns blazing.

"Hmm, I'm gonna pass." She smiled sheepishly and started walking off. "No offense, but I'd rather lay low, and people are gonna go to the buildings, right? Better to keep on the move, I think."

Turning back as she walked, Blair called out, "Good luck, I guess."

((Blair Moore continued in Toxic))
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Post by Laurels »

((GM and timeskip approved))

So it was because of Fiyori that Blair wasn't coming in. Fiyori could sense it, and simply walked back inside rather than deal with Blair. Alba watched her go back inside, then turned to Blair.

Blair was leaving. She said more people were going to the buildings now and that she wanted to lay low. Alba said nothing as she walked away. She wanted to protest, to go after her friend, to offer a rebuttal to the idea about the buildings, but nothing came. She merely watched as Blair disappeared from sight.

She lowered and shook her head. She was tired, and she knew that running after Blair might not work for her. She had a poor record of running after people, and at the very least, staying here would mean that she'd stay with Fiyori. Even if people were heading to the buildings, there were plenty of buildings left, and they could at least fortify and defend the radio tower.

Alba walked back inside the tower and closed the door behind her. There wasn't much she could do right now, nor that she wanted to do. A few hours of quiet would help.

Alba's eyes opened quickly when she heard the sounds of the announcements. She and Fiyori had spent the whole day in the tower, occasionally chatting, but doing little else. She had slept on the ground for part of the night and took the last watch shift. She must have dozed off for a bit during the night. But now she was awake, and ready to hear what was going on.

Maxim and Tyler were dead. Maxim was one of Brendan's good friends back home, and they had even run into one another at Sadie Hawkins. It was tough to hear that he was gone. Tyler dying also upset her. Brendan never got to make amends for killing Bernadette, and now Alba couldn't even apologize to him in Brendan's stead.

Hearing Brendan's name brought back all the painful memories of his death. Jae got the credit and some praise from the terrorists for the murder, and Alba felt sick.

More names were rattled off. Raina committed suicide, as did a lot of other people. As the game went on, Alba was starting to recognize more and more names. She had no idea how many could be left at this point, but it was getting really close to the end.

Jae got the prize for killing Brendan, and several areas were marked permanent Danger Zones. The tower was safe, so Alba could relax a bit. Not a lot, but it helped to have one less thing to worry about.

Alba stood up and stretched a bit. Bryony, Jon, and Blair survived the night, but so did Jae. There were more and more crazy people running about, and the game was only going to get more intense. She knew she needed to be ready for whatever. If Brendan could get quickly murdered, so could Fiyori, and so could she.

Alba grabbed her bags off the floor and set them on the control panel. She began to go through Kaitlyn's bag. She hadn't touched the contents inside unless she was searching for food or water. The uzi and the landmine were still inside. She had read the instructions for the landmine a few days ago, so she had an idea for what to do. She put the remote for it in her sweater pocket. She folded Jon's jacket and left it on the panel. If Jon came by, he'd at least know she was there.

She began to seal up Kaitlyn's bag and turned to Fiyori.

"How are you doing?" she asked.
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Post by Riki »

Ty was dead.

These three words stood all by themselves in Fiyori's head. Ty was dead, killed by none other than Kimiko. Fiyori didn't know what to do. No, not in the sense that she had no plan for the future. Fiyori did not even now whether she should move her body, or turn to Alba, or breathe in at all. Everything, everything Fiyori had held for sure and certain was suddenly cast away. Like that, that little thread of - if not hope then something else - was dark and dead.

When they were a bit smaller, Fi and Ty, back in Kingman, they became friends. Her parents didn't really approve of that, of course. As they always did, with judging eyes but ultimately saying nothing. Of course, what they thought was 'this boy has anger issues' and Ty had anger issues.

Yet that all changed with the years. As he matured, as he met Bernadette. He became a better person, one that was in charge of his own beast. So many people in Kingman, so many people at Cochise still saw that raving bull in him, but Fiyori was glad. Glad, and proud. Proud to had been blessed by a friendship with such a great person.

And then the island came, and he stood tall. He had not heard his name once. Even when he could have easily killed with his mighty body he did not. Even when Bernadette died, he did not kill. He was a good man. Out of the many she knew, maybe even the best. Fiyori hardly entertained the thought of Ty being in Survival of the Fittest. But in those brief moments of acceptance, she wished for nothing more than for him to win.

Yet that chance was no forever gone.

"I am... going to kill Kimiko."

Fiyori turned towards Alba.

"I am going to kill Jae."

She started clenching her fist. The final of the three sentences would be left unsaid. Fiyori stared down at Alba.
[+] Version 6
[+] Version 5
O B014 Joachim Lovelace - Ballistic Knife, MP 18, Obsidian Knife - "It doesn't matter. They lost, he lost, I'll lose. That's the nature of the game."
O G042 Aileen Aurora Abdallah - Pair of MMA Gloves, Golf Club & Table Leg -
B059 David Zimmer - Sabre -
[+] One Day
Hycanthe Eickenhorst
Piet Lick
Cedric Matsumoto [INSPO]
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Post by Laurels »

Alba was quiet as Fiyori replied. It sounded like Fiyori was as displeased with the announcement as she was. Fiyori's reaction was a lot more resolute and stronger than Alba's. It was strange. A few days ago, going after people for revenge seemed horrible. Even when she went after Kimiko after she killed Bradley, all Alba could think of was capturing her and holding her hostage. But that was before more than half the people here were murdered, and before people like Kimiko killed over and over again.

Fiyori wanted to hunt down and murder two people, and Alba didn't even find it that shocking a proposal.

"Yeah... I can see that..." she said.

She hung her head a bit.

"They're just going to keep killing, aren't they? I mean, at this point, why even stop?"
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Post by Riki »

Fiyori shook her head, thought of a reply in her head, thought of it as too corny and laughed at herself. Then she coughed once and twice, and holstered her own bag.

"Well, you're right. Why stop with something that's clearly working? Wouldn't do it any different myself."

She looked at Alba, gave a brief nod and a light smile, and then with bag and all turned to face the door.

"What are you going to do now?"
[+] Version 6
[+] Version 5
O B014 Joachim Lovelace - Ballistic Knife, MP 18, Obsidian Knife - "It doesn't matter. They lost, he lost, I'll lose. That's the nature of the game."
O G042 Aileen Aurora Abdallah - Pair of MMA Gloves, Golf Club & Table Leg -
B059 David Zimmer - Sabre -
[+] One Day
Hycanthe Eickenhorst
Piet Lick
Cedric Matsumoto [INSPO]
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Post by Laurels »

What was Alba going to do right now? Was she going to sit in the tower and listen to Jenny from the Block? Was she going to go wander off alone and let some horrible fate befall her? Was she going to go off on a revenge quest against Jae and whoever else was left at this point that was clearly playing?

She had a bevy of choices, and each had their pros and cons. She paused and thought quietly. After surviving nine days on this island, what was Alba's choice for Day 10 and beyond? She hung her head down a bit, then turned to face Fiyori.

"I'll go with you," she said.

Alba sighed.

"But I'm not going with you to hunt people down. Believe me, I'm just as angry and sad as you are, but I want to be smart, and I want to be careful. More importantly, I want to protect anyone left who matters to me in the slightest."

Alba slung the bags over her shoulder and faced Fiyori head on.

"If we run into Jae, Kimiko, or whoever's playing and they try to kill us, I'll help protect you. I'm not happy about it, but at this point, we have to protect each other when we can, even if that means killing."

Alba stepped a little closer to Fiyori.

"But I still want to be the kind of person who can go home after this, if I'm the winner of course, so I do have some boundaries on what we do. Does that work for you?"
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Post by Riki »

Fiyori bit her lips. There was sincerity in Alba, a genuine desire to do this nebulous thing where she'd follow Fiyori but won't hunt people down.

She knew it would be impossible.

"I believe it is best if we part ways and pray to never see each other again."

Briefly, she considered referencing the huge elephant in the room. The simple fact that in the end only one would come out alive. And the more complex fact, that it won't be Alba. Not as long as Fiyori had a say.

"But what can I do to stop you. Do what you must do."

[[Fiyori Senay, continued into The Ten Duel Commandments ]]
[+] Version 6
[+] Version 5
O B014 Joachim Lovelace - Ballistic Knife, MP 18, Obsidian Knife - "It doesn't matter. They lost, he lost, I'll lose. That's the nature of the game."
O G042 Aileen Aurora Abdallah - Pair of MMA Gloves, Golf Club & Table Leg -
B059 David Zimmer - Sabre -
[+] One Day
Hycanthe Eickenhorst
Piet Lick
Cedric Matsumoto [INSPO]
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Post by Laurels »

Alba froze when Fiyori gave her response. Fiyori wanted them to part, but said Alba was free to do whatever she wanted. Fiyori walked past Alba and out of the tower. Alba turned and watched as Fiyori began to leave. She shook her head.

"Like hell," she muttered to herself.

Alba adjusted both of the bags and straightened herself out. She clutched the rifle and began to make her way out of the tower. She was staying with Fiyori, and she wasn't going to spend the rest of this game alone or full of regrets. Even though Fiyori was starting to pick up the pace, Alba was going to catch up.

Alba hurried out of the tower and after Fiyori. She had made her choice.

((Alba Reyes continued in The Ten Duel Commandments))
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