There Will Be a Short Stopover on the way to Disney Land

It is clear that the lobby was once welcoming and elegant. White and black marble floors complement the crystal chandeliers. A sleek onyx reception desk is where room keys were given. Round tables with large vases hold only dead flowers now. High-backed black chairs and white sofas are collected in a nook next to the elevators. Nearby is a fireplace and coffee tables containing a fine (if highly outdated) selection of magazines.
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Post by Aura »

Stacey got a short and somewhat confusing speech from Alex about how not playing is good, but people will be playing anyway, which he backpedaled on immediately after finishing, making the whole thing a bit odd.  Maybe the guy just wasn't a good public speaker.  That would explain the weirdness and unclear message of his lecture, at the very least.  Afterward, Alex asked her what her name was, as she still hadn't introduced herself.  Stacey considered that a fair request, since the others had given their names, so she decided to answer.

"I'm Stacey Mordetsky.  You know, rich girl, loser brother, dad owns a barbecue place... ring any bells?"

Admittedly, her response wasn't worded as nicely as it could have been, but being nice about things wasn't exactly Stacey's strong suit.  Plus, considering that she had been kidnapped, Stacey wasn't exactly in a nice mood to begin with.
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Post by Laurels »

((Firedog's Away ends close to the day I hit inactivity, so I'm skipping order just to avoid that issue))

Hm, Stacey's dad owns a barbecue place? I wonder if I've been there before. Then again, we don't eat barbecue that much. Wait, brother?

That's when Sophie remembered Stacey's brother, Jake. She had seen Jake drawing a few times in class, and knew he was into robots. He had skipped a grade, but was he here as well?

"Oh, I think I know him," she mentioned. "Was Jake on the plane? Wasn't he in our class as well?"

Sophie began to twiddle her thumbs. It might not have been the best idea to ask Stacey if her brother was also on this horrible island, but they already knew the severity of the situation. If Dave was dead, anyone else could be dead as well, and maybe Stacey needed help finding her brother.
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Post by Firedog* »

Alex waited until Stacey introduced herself and then tapped his right temple a few times with his index finger as a silly way for him to lock the name into his mind. "Stacey. I'll be sure to remember your name from here on out," Alex whispered, mostly to himself. Putting names to faces was always important and even more important in a place like this. If Stacey ended up deciding to play Alex would know who to look out for.

Sophie said something shortly after the introduction and Alex switched his focus to her. She had said something about Stacey's brother, Jake, which Stacey herself had mentioned with only an adjective in her introduction. A few things fell into place after the question had been finished and Alex realized that if Jake had been on the plane then he would also be on this island.

"Oh my god, having family on this island would be horrible… considering the circumstances of our entrapment." Alex said that a little louder than he had meant to. If Stacey herself hadn't thought about that beforehand then she would be stuck with some horrifying new thoughts about the possibility of killing her brother or her brother killing her.
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Post by Aura »

"Nah, Jake got sick the day before the trip.  He caught a pretty bad cold, and he got one heck of a sore throat, so mom and dad said that it would be best if he didn't go on the trip.  He was pretty disappointed about it."  Stacey scoffed in a half-joking, half-annoyed way.  "Looks like he was actually the lucky one, since he's not in this mess."

Stacey glanced out of a window to see the sun setting.  Night was beginning to fall.  Fortunately, she happened to be in a pretty nice hotel, and finding a place to stay the night in there surely wouldn't be much of a problem.  The only thing she had to worry about was someone killing her in her sleep, but she was pretty sure that Alex and Sophie wouldn't do that.  And if someone else snuck in during the night... well, that was just a risk that she would have to take.  She wouldn't be able to function properly if she didn't get any sleep, she knew that from experience with all-nighters in the past, where she was barely coherent the next day.  She picked up her bags and got off the couch, looking at Alex and Sophie as she did so.

"I'm going to find a room for the night.  You guys should probably do the same."

Stacey went off and found a room for herself on the second floor right near the stairs.  It was relatively simple, but still quite nice, and definitely the best place she would be able to find to spend the night.  She pushed the nightstand against the door in an attempt to keep out any potential intruders.  She was pretty sure that nobody in school would be able to break in through a second-story window, so she just left it alone.  She yawned and got into bed, curling up under the covers.  When she closed her eyes, she thought of home, and in the loving embrace of the bedsheets, for the first time since she arrived on the island, she felt safe.  She gently drifted off into a deep sleep.
Stacey woke up the following morning feeling refreshed.  She had actually managed to get a decent night's sleep.  Surely this would give her the strength to get through another day.  She considered just staying in the hotel, perhaps even not bothering to leave her room.  After all, it was probably the safest and most comfortable place on the island at the moment.  She sat on the edge of the bed and contemplated her decision.

Suddenly, a loud screech pierced the silence.  A voice came over the loudspeakers announcing the announcements for the day.  Stacey listened intently to see if anyone she knew had died.  It turned out that the guy that walked off the cliff was named Dave Russell.  Poor guy just couldn't take it, she guessed.  Seven other people had died the previous day, and one person had even killed two people.  Stacey made a mental note to avoid this Theodore guy.  With two kills already, he had to be trouble.

Finally, the Danger Zones were announced.  They were the Amusement Park, the Airstrip, and... the Hotel.

"Oh shit."  Stacey whispered to herself.  She jumped up from the bed as soon as her collar started beeping.  She hurriedly gathered her bags and pushed the nightstand out of the way of the door.  She burst through the door and ran downstairs, shouting a warning to Alex and Sophie, in case they were still in the building.


Stacey threw open the front door and ran off, not looking back.  She hoped that Sophie and Alex got out in time.  They had seemed surprisingly nice, considering the situation.  Stacey actually wouldn't have minded running across them again at some point.  At least they didn't seem like they would get violent if they met again.

At least, that's what she hoped.

((Stacey Mordetsky continued elsewhere...))
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Post by Laurels »

Sophie was glad Jake wasn't on the island. It would probably be hard for Stacey to hear of her brother's death, but at least he managed to avoid ending up in this twisted game.

Then again, that means Jake's sister might not come home. I really hope it doesn't come to that.

Stacey announced her intentions to move to one of the hotel rooms since it was getting late.

"That's a good idea," Sophie said, grabbing her bag. "We could all use some rest."

Sophie had found herself a room near Stacey's. She figured it would be good to respect the privacy of her friends, so she decided to take a room to herself. She spent most of the evening trying to take stock of her supplies. Dinner was a ration bar and some water. It wasn't anything to rave about, but Sophie found it nice. She needed to watch her calorie intake anyways, so she figured it would be enough. She also tried meditating for a bit in hopes of relaxing before falling asleep. She kept her dress on, but removed her bandanna, vest, and jewelry and placed them in her bag. She kept her sandals near the door, a habit she was used to at home.

Sophie was lying in her bed when the announcements came on in the morning. She quickly jumped out of bed when they came on, startled by the noise. She listened closely as they played out. Dave was the first to go, apparently. The guy on the announcements had to be cruel and compare Dave to a lemming. Sophie furrowed her brow at that comment.

This really is a game to him. It's his fault Dave killed himself, and he chooses to mock him. What a horrible man.

Sophie listened as the rest of the names were rattled off. Gabby Parker was dead, as were Daniel Whitten, Dan Liu, Jason Meyers, Kelly Peterson, David Zimmer, and Sven Olsen. Theo Fletcher killed two of them, while Katarina Konipaski got rewarded for killing Kelly.

Oh no. There are some dangerous people here. I really hoped it wouldn't come to this.

Just then, the danger zones were listed, and the hotel was included. Sophie's eyes widened. She heard Stacey shout for her and Alex to get out. Sophie was frozen, but then heard her collar start beeping.

Oh god....

Sophie quickly grabbed her bag and ran out of her room.

"ALEX! LET'S GO!" she quickly shouted in the hall.

Sophie continued to run until she was out of the hotel and away from the collar beeping. She was sure she'd meet Alex again, and hoped he made it out in time. It was then that she realized she left her sandals inside the hotel. She looked at her bare feet on the pavement.

Perfect... just perfect...

((Sophie McDowell continued elsewhere))
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Post by Firedog* »

Alex was glad that Jake wasn't on the island; he shouldn't have said anything in the first place about the possibility of them killing each other. At least now it wouldn't really matter. Also, for every person that wasn't on the island it meant that the terrorist's act would be just that much less successful.

A little while later Stacey had announced intentions to go to a room in the hotel and Sophie had agreed with the idea. Alex said nothing and just nodded his head before standing up and picking up his bags.
Alex had ended up in a room of his own, he was going to say something about how it would be best if they had stayed in the same room, but he understood that women deserved their privacy. It just bothered him because of the increased possibility of all of their deaths if someone was sneaky enough, whereas if they shared a room it was more likely that only one or none of them would die.

There was also the fact that it would have slightly excited him at the concept of sleeping in the same room with two members of the opposite sex, albeit not so much since they were on an island where if they didn't come up with a plan they would have to end up killing each other.

Alex tossed and turned most of the night, getting in two hours of sleep and finally drifted off for good as the sun came up. He faintly hear the sounds of the announcements and tried his hardest to stay awake for them, but only heard mumbles as he was already in a very comfortable spot.

A few moments later he heard a very loud yell that roused him from sleep, though he couldn't understand what it was saying. He rubbed his eyes to get the sleepiness out of them and sat up; opening his ears for a better possibility of hearing what was said. Then he heard another shout, this time from a separate person. He heard what was said and got up quickly; he grabbed his stuff and then noticed beeping on his collar.

Oh shit!

He then realized why he had heard the yells. After getting the rest of his stuff and putting his shoes back on he ran as quickly as he could out of the hotel.

((Alexander de Gaulle continued in The Red Shoes))
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