Without You

The former inhabitants of the island seem to have been rushed from their homes in a hurry. Houses within the residential area are still filled with goodies and still hold a uniform and up-kept appearance. The rows of brick houses beg for a bit of chaos that the oncoming battles are bound to provide.
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Post by Cyco* »

Anna smiled at Huy; she was beautiful when she smiled. "You're right, Huy. Thank you," she said.

He smiled back. "You're welcome." For a moment, the inevitable fate of everyone on the island had been pushed out of his mind. It was back the next, however, thanks to the morning announcement. Huy listened anxiously to find out if anyone else he knew had been killed. This time it was all strangers. And they were safe from the dangerzones, too; that was a relief.

"Huy… where do we go from here?" Anna asked him when Danya finally ceased talking and the noise died out altogether. That was a good question. He hesitated for a moment, looking around the room as if it would provide the answer.

"I guess...uh, I guess our best bet would be to stay here for a while," he finally offerred. "Better not to get caught in a thunderstorm." He fixed one of the sleeves on his button-shirt that had unrolled. "So far this is the best shelter I've come across. Better than the 'mansion', anyway..."
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Anna looked at Huy. He looked…. Different. She couldn't explain it, but he looked very different. Maybe it was the fact that they were all trapped in this evil game that they all now saw each other in a different light? Perhaps. She tried to remember how it used to be, but the memories seemed like far-off fantasies now. She frowned and stood up, walking over to the kitchen window and pulling the blinds a bit so she could look outside.

It hadn't begun to get crazy out there yet, and thankfully it really wouldn't effect them either way, besides the fact that she was scared to death of thunder. She frowned again and looked to her friend. It was nice and all that they could hide out here, but what about getting off this crappy island.

"Huy… is there a chance of us escaping?" She asked him sincerely. "I don't want to die here."

((Crappy post, AWAY!))
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Post by Cyco* »

The heavy rain was comforting in a way; Huy didn't figure someone would be out searching for kills when it was coming down like this. Everybody would be more interested in getting out of the storm.

Huy hadn't been too optimistic about his chances of survival since day one. What were the odds that he would get out alive? One in...he didn't even know how many students had been set loose on the island. Anna asked him how he felt on the subject, adding that she didn't want to die here. That was mutual. Huy thought about it for a second, and decided that it would only make a bad situation worse if he dashed her hopes. He would be honest.

"Well, there's a chance for you or me to escape, but I wouldn't put any money on both of us." Those were dangerous words. Better not to leave it at that. "But I don't want to win anyway, not if it means I have to kill my friends. I won't hurt you, Anna."
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Anna didn't know anything about survival. There was no chance for her to live. She was the walking dead. And that was somewhat okay. She'd see Jaime again. That was comforting. But Huy… Huy could survive. He might make it through. She'd help him through it. She'd die for him.

"Huy, no… I'll be the one. I'd rather die for you Huy. I… I can't survive here, but you can! I'll die so that you can live!" she cried out, running to her friend and gripping him into a tight hug. She'd be the one to die, not Huy. Never Huy. He'd survive, and he'd see his family again, she'd make sure of that.

"You can have my Axe. I won't be using it anyhow; it's too heavy for me." She let him go and smiled at her friend. She was somewhat happy now. She had a friend here. That was something that was needed. Without a friend, you had nothing.
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Post by Cyco* »

"Anna, I..." Huy was at a loss for words as Anna hugged him again, expressing her feelings on the delicate matter. On the one hand, he admired her selflessness. But on the other, it scared him that she was talking like that. It was like a reinforcement that there was only one way out.

Anna smiled, though, and Huy was able to push their inevitable doom from his mind once more. If Anna could smile after all she'd been through, then so could he. He did.

"...uh, er, it's uh...it's really coming down, huh," he said, making for the window and peering through the drapes. He didn't see anyone outside. Huy grabbed the ax off of the floor and hefted it. It was a little heavy for him, but he was far from incapable of using it.
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Anna had taken it upon herself to search the house the two friends now occupied for a bit of food. It was important for them to have some extra provisions, right? She looked through the kitchen cabinets t first, finding a few boxes of uncooked noodles, and a box of raisins. The refrigerator only held a small bottle of vinegar that was useless to them, so she let it. She made her way to the pantry and found a can of corn, and a few spices. Cinnamon, pepper, oregano, and paprika. Nothing else of use was there, so she crammed what she found into her daypack before moving to the upstairs.

The stairs creaked eerily as she climbed them and it sent shivers up her spine. She tried to ignore it though. She found her way into the bathroom and looked around. The medicine cabinet was mostly empty, holding but a comb and shaving crème. They really gutted the place. The bedrooms were no better, full of useless junk, though she was able to find a pair of raincoats that must have belonged to the previous owners of the house. She took them with her. She began to make her way back to Huy and handed him a raincoat happily.

"I found them upstairs. We can use them if we ever have to leave!" she smiled, but that smile was soon ripped from her features as the next announcement came on. 14 more had died yesterday. Fourteen… some of them she knew from Franklin. Some of the killers too. It was kind of sad. Then Danya announced that the residential district was to become a danger zone and she hurriedly stuffed all the food into her daypack. She slipped on the coat and hung the pack over her shoulder.

"Hurry, we can hide in the forest!" She yelled as she sprinted to the front door. She ran from the house and thought she saw another person across the street, but wasn't sure. She waited for Huy to catch up and ran full speed out of the housing area.


Zilya Merchenkov wasn't sure what to believe anymore. She'd hidden here for days now. Now she had to leave? How asinine. Really. If he wanted them all dead he should just blow their collars already. She was so sick of this. She sighed audibly as she stepped out of the house she once occupied. She was almost immediately soaked and she really didn't care. A door opened on the other side of the street and she saw someone run out. She quickly ducked behind a well placed tree and waited for the duo to run off. She looked after them, and decided it was best for her to leave as well.

"Nothing's ever simple, is it?"

Anna continued in the forest
((Zilya continued in Sweet Serenity))
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Post by Cyco* »

While Anna was gathering supplies, Huy dug through his supplies and withdrew his pencil, marking a small 'x' on the dining room wall and taking a step back. He let out a deep breath and raised the ax up and to his right, gritting his teeth as he swung forcefully at his target. He missed by about half-a-foot, too high and to the right. He tried again, hoping the ruckus wasn't bothering Anna. The second time was actually farther from the mark than the first, and he cursed under his breath. He didn't even want to think about what it would be like to bury the weapon in someone's chest. He wasn't sure if he could do it, but he'd try if it was to protect himself and his friend. The third time was closer than both, only off by about four inches. That was good enough, seeing as Anna was back from scavenging.

She tossed him a raincoat, and he set it down on the kitchen table with his bags just as the morning announcements came on. Huy sat down at the table and listened intently. Danya indicated that the storm was about to worsen, but it was really no skin off of his back. He was more anxious about the death count. Fourteen, there were. Two of them were fellow Franklynites, neither of which he'd known very well, but one of which had been in his homeroom class. Zachary Foreman, who preferred to be called Zed by his friends. Huy was an aquaintance, really; he wasn't into that whole skate scene. But he'd still referred to him by that moniker, just to be friendly. What really scared him, though, was the nature of Lanni's death: a suicide. Did some of them have so little hope of survival? He was one to talk, wasn't he. Right now he wasn't sure what he wanted, but he still owed Anna the protection a good friend deserved.

The dangerzones were announced next, and Huy crossed his fingers. He had a terrible feeling that Danya would flush him and Anna out just for kicks; he'd had that suspicion since day one. It felt like the terrorists had infiltrated his very thoughts. The residential district, along with their shelter, was called as a dangerzone.

'Aww, come on...'

He knew it. He fucking knew it would be. The mall and the industrial sector were called as well, and he withdrew his map from his daypack to see where they could go. Anna suggested the forest, which was a good long walk, but then again they did have the raincoats. And who would be outside during the storm? In the forest? No, that didn't seem too likely. In fact, it really did seem like a good idea.

"Way to think outside the box, Anna. Let's go," he nodded, still a little bummed that they'd lost a perfectly good base. Anna was already at the door by the time he'd slipped on his coat, which was understandable considering they had little idea where the residential zone ended and would be best to get as far away from the houses as possible. He packed the map up quickly, remembering to head southeast, past the school, to the bridge. He hoped he wouldn't forget, shouldering his bags and grabbing the ax out of the wall as he bolted out the door after her.

"Anna, wait up!"

((continued elsewhere...))
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