Taking stock

A well full of precious, clean water. Be careful, though...it might just all be some sort of clever trap.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

He just looked at his shoes as he tried to fumble together some more of his memories,everything had been so hurried.He couldnt even rememebr being brought to this horrid island he just remembered waking up and then being chased by that bitch from hell.He took a second or two to hope that she had died or had at least been disturbingly disfigured.

His eyes widened at the sight of that shotgun,the handguns made him anxious but the sight of a shotgun made his chest ache even more so much so he had to close his eyes and take a few moments to try and controll his breathing.

"Youre not going to kill me a-a-a-a-ar-are you?" he said not opening his eyes as he asked.
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Post by Buko »

((Continued from: The Return))

Vince Samsa looked at the well, four figures. How coincidental he was playing the role of Cody Jenson in this foursome, he would kill them. Vince stared at the grenade in his hand, it was a smoke grenade the smoke would be around four around 90-150 seconds, Vince would kill someone in that time. A grenade in one hand and a gun in another. He smiled has he stood around thirty meters away from the group.

He pulled the pin and threw it, it landed right next to well and soon the sound of bullets ruined the serene feel the well once had. Vince darted to the side, he had emptied an entire round shooting into the smoke, he had to hit something he thought grinning while reloading his gun.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

Dorian looked up at the other members of the group with fearful eyes as he waited on a response to his question but before anyone had given him his answer something bounced off his shoe. Tearing his eyes away from his..allies? enimies? captors? well the other students to be more accurate he turned his eyes downward to the small metal can that had bounced off his shoe.

The realization of what it was came with the WHUMPF sound as the thing started spraying a thin funnel smoke in opposite direction from him.Aimed away or not still within seconds the smoke was surrounding him and he would be coughing and spluttering as he began running out of the cloud of smoke? deeper into it? the walls of grey seemed be on all sides. Lungs aching as he coughed and ran to try and escape the smoke a new danger surfaced as the air around the well became filled with gunfire.

One hand over his mouth as he crouched down and continued running, he didnt see the rounds fly past him well infact he didnt see much but he certainly hear the whizzing of the rounds and then finally he felt them. The lucious green trees around the well were finally visible as he escaped the cloud of smoke and got the fresh air his lungs craved. As he stopped his running to suck in a deep breath a round sank into his shoulder, the bullet flew in and out of his shoulder causing his already pale face to loose a little colour as the heat from the wound made his blood boil.

The had that had been covering mouth soon found its place over the bulletwound as it dribbled more and more blood out onto what had been a very nice looking shirt but was now tarred with dirt and blood.

He ran a couple more steps before leaning against a tree as he bit down on his tongue that pain still throbbing in his left arm as he looked towards the smoke.What could he do? How could he save the others? They werent his concern and they had guns.. and there were more of them! Still he couldnt just leave them to die..thats if they werent already.

His bloodied hand was pulled from his wound, the palm completely encased in that sticky red substance as he put his hands to his mouth and called out " Run towards the sound of my voice!".

Yes Dorian was book smart and he had a good heart but a good heart wouldnt keep you breathing in this game but a bad one surely would.
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Post by Toukan* »

The soft thud and hissing noise behind her signaled to Clare that something was wrong. She turned her upper body and noticed the smoke billowing out behind her.


She made a move to cover her nose and mouth with her jacket and took a step towards Ryan, away from the well. Then the bullets started.

This isn’t happening! This can’t be happening!

Clare tried to move, tried to run away, but fear had paralyzed her legs and she stayed rooted to the spot. A sustained, piercing shriek resounded through the hail of bullets. Crimson blossomed around the left shoulder of Clare’s crisp white shirt, a large tear gaped to show a long gash where a bullet had grazed her skin. The pain was more intense than anything she had felt before. She stepped forward one... two paces before she stumbled and fell against Ryan’s back before slumping to the ground. Her right hand had automatically clamped down over the wound and if it hadn’t been for the shoulder strap the shotgun would have been lost in the confusion. Bullets flew through the air around her, but thankfully she wasn’t hit a second time, though she couldn’t speak for anyone else. What little of her vision wasn’t obscured by the smoke was blurred by the tears welling in her eyes due to the smoke and the pain. Even the sound of gunfire was mostly muted by the overwhelming sound of her own frantic heartbeat.

They want to kill me.

Then the adrenaline kicked in. The pain didn’t go away, but she found she could ignore it for the time being. Her blood-slicked right hand moved from her shoulder to the gun strapped to her arm.

They want to kill me.

“Run towards the sound of my voice!” Her gun fell from her grasp again as she struggled to move on all-fours towards Dorian’s voice, away from the gunfire.

“Ryan!” She called, though her throat burned. “Ryan, where are you?!”
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

He yelled out into the cloud over and over but nobody but came and with his back pressed against a tree he would slowely begin sliding down it as he clutched the bleeding wound as hot tears filled his eyes. He felt as if he was going to die well he did think he was going to die but from a shoulder wound? It was possible but unlikely but fatal or not the wound was his main concern.

Between painful cries his eyes would open to see the form of a girl crawl out from beneath the smoke, still clutching his arm he stumbled over to her. His free hand would be held out to her as she looked up into the smoke.

Movment? More gunshots?...Were the others all gone?

"W w we need to go! We need to get out of here now!"
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Post by Kaishi* »

Fssssssssssssssssssssss. . .

"What --"

The word had hardly escaped his lips before the smoke made its way in. It forced itself down his throat like a snake in a torture game, causing him to splutter and gag. His eyes burning, he searched through the smoke for Neville, Dorian, and Clare. If they could regroup, then they'd be able to run from their attacker and make it out alive.


That was when he was knocked down from the weight of someone falling against him. The gun fell out of his hand, going farther into the dark smoke.

My gun! It was his only defense. Without it, he was like a ninja without the cool martial arts and weaponry. Completely useless; only for show. Got to get it... He crawled along the ground on hands and knees, the sounds of gunshots and his allies yelling deaf to his ears. Once he had his gun back, he could stop the enemy. Reason with him or her. Calm them down a little bit until they listened to reason. Yeah.


Ryan Torres rolled haphazardly out of the smoke, ending up on his back and with the gun in his hand. His pants had gained a dark stain near his thigh, signalling that he, too, had been wounded by Vince. The enemy was several meters away, but Ryan could see him clearly. He's grinning.

Hissing through the pain, he pulled himself up to stand. "Y-you!!" His injured leg buckled, and he fell over like a cripple without a cane. So much for taking on the enemy all by yourself. "You... Ba-back off." Ryan whistled through his teeth, praying that Vince wouldn't take advantage of his stupidity and kill him right then.
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Post by Buko »

Vince stared at the boy as he tripped to the floor, his smile had immediately faded as he walked up to the boy, Vince had to make this work. He had to have a hostage, the groups screams reached where the first thing that reached his ears and he knew with the right kind of persuasion he could get out unscathed and with a few new weapons.

As he walked up to the boy Vince slipped his gun into his pocket making sure the safety was on and he helped the boy up, he then took a few steps back before smiling “Hello, now before we go all blam blam and I have to stick a smoke grenade down your throat how about we settle this like men?” Vince looked at the boy with a sinister smile on his face “I want you to hit me as hard as you can…so I have a reason to kill you.”
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Post by Friendly Ghost* »

Neville only felt panic and bewilderment then; later he remembered that when he fist had gunfire aimed at him, he curled up on the floor, face buried in his chest.

He couldn't tell where the bullets had come from; he felt a shock that must've been one striking beside him, and a hail of stone chips were struck from the well into his face, blinding him further, as the gas scoured his nose. He heard screaming, his name and Ryan's...was it too much to ask from a vanishing life that Clare could've shouted for him?

His back was to the well; and it seemed the funniest thing in the world that after this much time he hadn't fired his gun. As he wiped his eyes with the back of that hand, his other limbs groped around himself, and he found Clare's foot.

He forgot her reaction when he heard a voice; less than thirty yards away, unfamiliar. Inside the smoke, Neville brought his firing arm onto the well's rim. His ears stopped ringing, and his mind cleared.

"...throat, how about we settle this like men?" Go on, shoot your mouth off, talk more...“I want you to hit me as hard as you can…so I have a reason...”

Gottim. The voice was there. Amazing what you learnt in scouts.

People react strangly to panic. All Neville felt as he fired twice towards the voice of the enemy was anger with himself for doing this so badly.

(OOC: Yes, I haven't posted for some time, sorry people, will correct.)
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Post by Buko »

The bullets where aimed horribly and whizzed by Vince’s head, he smiled has he took out his gun and fired back into the general direction the shots had come from, “Your friends need to learn how to shoot, man… or they will just end up wasting bullets…”. Truthfully the bullets had missed mostly because of where his voice was placed…inches in front of him, if he had spoke and then walked forward to hit Ryan…Vince would have been dead right now.
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Post by Friendly Ghost* »

Past the gas, which was still burning his nose out, Neville felt a kind of crawling itch on his face that he recognised from a couple of paintball games, in a milder form. Why not a dozen games with a gun that kicked as badly as the Wildley? Nev ducked back. He didn't think of shouting to his companions; times like these his inclination was to trouble himself for no one, and not add to anyone's problems by calling for help.

Neville's hand continued groping, and touched his water bottle. He'd left it by the well, it had fallen, but he clamped it to his eye anyway. A fair bit of water ran over his face, he blinked and rubbed in a frenzy. The idea of death was seeping horribly into his mind.
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Post by Kaishi* »

Settle this like men? How could he with his bad leg? It was one of the only things stopping him from getting up and fighting for real. There was always the gun gripped tightly in his hand, but where was the glory in that?

“I want you to hit me as hard as you can…so I have a reason to kill you.”

Ryan glared at Vince defiantly, mustering up the strength to stand again. Neville's bullets zoomed by, causing his ears to ring and his heart to quicken. The gunshots were ignored for the most part as he raised his arm. The gun shook slightly under the light, revealing how loose of a hold Ryan had on it. Can't belive you missed it, fuckah.

"I-I know how to sh-oot. Way better than them." I won't kill you. He prayed that his face wouldn't betray his hidden thoughts. No glory. . . "Told you b-before, back off! Get away from here!!" The redhead would've jabbed the gun into Vince's chest to add to the effect, but the dizzy feeling he was getting held him back.
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Post by Buko »

Vince Samsa smiled as the boy pointed the gun at him; he smiled as the boy quivered in pain. Should he put the boy out of misery? No. He would beat him, he would hurt the boy…he would impair the boy. “C’mon pull the trigger?” he paused with that sick smile on his face…the same smile he had once saw his mother have when the men put the shotgun to her head.

“Put a gun to my head and paint the walls with my brains. Just great, I say. Really.” Vince told the boy evilly. “I know you won’t, because you’re just an idiot kid. You have been lied to about your individuality, there is no such thing as an individual and there is no such thing as you!” Vince took a quick jab at the boys face not paying attention if he hit or not. “Yet you deceive your self thinking that you are someone, living a lie…this is your life and it is ending one minute at a time.” he smirked “You dress up in the clothes of your idols in an attempt to replicate them.” “But, you fail to realize sticking feathers up your butt," Vince said, "Does not make you a chicken."

He lifted his massive foot and kicked it right into the boy’s chest.
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Post by Toukan* »

"W w we need to go! We need to get out of here now!" The mysterious young man was clutching a bleeding wound on his shoulder, though he held his other hand out to her. A second hand clutched at her foot, only to disappear into the smoke before she could identify who it was. Two more shots rang out through the haze.

There was so much confusion, fear, and pain that Clare was starting to become delirious. Her tear filled eyes had started to take on a slightly glazed look as she took Dorian’s hand and heaved herself to her feet. The entire left sleeve of her dress shirt was stained crimson with blood, but it could have been worse, the fabric just decided to soak up all the liquid. The wet fabric stuck to her skin and made it more difficult to maneuver her arm in addition to the burning wound on her shoulder.

“I need to help them.” She said firmly. “ I can’t just leave them behind.” Clare gave Dorian an apologetic look before turning around and charging into the smoke. She struggled to remove the irreparably damaged dress shirt. Well, it technically wasn’t irreparably damaged, but it might as well have been considering the situation. Several buttons which had been poorly attached in the first places popped off of the shirt and onto the ground, allowing her to pull her arm out of the sleeve and push the material down around her waist and out of her way. The bullet had snapped the strap of her camisole, but partially exposing herself to a group of people she really didn’t know wasn’t on her list of fears at the moment. The shotgun weighed heavily on her wounded arm as she pulled it upwards into her hands again.


The sound of a shotgun cocking was probably the sweetest sound she could have heard at that moment. It filled her with such reassurance as she charged through the smoke towards the sound of voices, her gun held at the ready.

“Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken.”

“Well, aren’t you witty.” Clare grinned. Her dazed and slightly crazed smile had reached her eyes as she pointed her shotgun towards Vince in the dissipating smoke. “I think it’s high time you take your leave.”
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Post by Buko »

“Do you know of Siddhârtha Gautama?” Vince said has he looked toward the shotgun “He believed that there is a cause for suffering which is desire.” he smiled “Like right now I am staring at your face instead of your right nipple…which looks great by the way.” Vince said smirking “But, back on topic… the desire to survive, the desire to get off this island will only lead to more suffering.” he said sadly.

“But this is freedom, losing all hope is freedom and you will feel better once you realize this.” Vince looked at the girl with a vacant expression on his face “Pull the damn trigger, you’ll just be helping me out…” he looked up to the sky “When I was three years old I had a gun pointed at my head…my mother didn’t care if I died or not, she dared the man to shoot me…she didn’t care about my life” he stared at the boy he had kicked “and now I don’t care about my own.”

“When I was tiny I had a god father and he came to my house all the time…he was a family friend, he loved my mom and me, or at least that is what I thought.” Vince looked at the group as the smoke faded “He was the one who held the shot gun and blew my mothers brains out…isn’t it ironic that I will suffer the same fate?” he looked towards the sky “The FBI didn’t investigate her murder for five years, she was just another drug dealer they didn’t have to worry about.” he smiled tenderly “Now who am I?” he asked himself “ I am the all-singing, all-dancing crap of this world.... I am the toxic waste by-product of God's creation.” he said with a smile.

“I will always be lonely because I know this…but there is one thing I have come to accept.” he said has he walked away “and that is that loneliness is the human condition.”
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Post by Friendly Ghost* »

Complete with music from the film, Michael Madsen with cowboy hat appeared in Neville's mind and spoke over Vincent's tale of woe.

"She deserves her revenge. And we deserve to die." Laugh. "But then again, so does she."

American movies got everywhere. Neville considered running out of the smoke firing, but he guessed he'd be shot while he figured where everyone was...he crawled round the well, away from Vince, and prepared for a few long seconds waiting for the smoke to clear.

Could he do anything else?

"*cough*...*cough*...Shoot him, Clare!"

(ooc: Are we up to a few minutes of smoke by now?)

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