Don't Stop Dancing

Day 7 Morning (After Announcements), Private Now

The leadership houses, while smaller than the manor house, are no less extravagant. Each one of the six seems to be competing with its neighbor to be as eye-catching as possible, with many different multicolored designs painted across and decorations adorning them. While the insides all share the same layouts, many different modifications have been made by the former occupants; some have added different furniture items, while some have gone so far as to redecorate the entire interiors of their houses, including one where the interior wall was removed and all seating and beds replaced with cushions.
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Post by Melusine »

The pain came afterward.

But first, there was the thick liquid running down her face.

Something was stuck in her the soft tissues of her face. Her cheek, her eyelid and her eye. It was thick and clotty and it felt raw. She didn't know how deep the shards were, but they were profound. They cut her as they moved through her face while Amber pushed and pulled her face through the counter.

She knew it was fair to get this disfigurement. It was karma or whatever bullshit it was called.

But it still hurt.

Especially after Amber pulled out her head just to shove it back in, and it was then Paloma realized that what she had been feeling was pain. It was a shockwave that felt like a deep burn. There was blood inside of her mouth, on her lips, her cheeks because she had been screaming as her head was shoved through the broken glass, over and over again.

Paloma didn't just give however. Her hand still gripped the shiv as tightly as she could and kept swinging again and again at Amber. She wasn't sure where it struck. But there was blood. On her hand. There was, actually, a lot of blood on the both of them.

Paloma wasn't sure whose blood it was.
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In the rush of the fight, Amber had completely forgotten about the shiv.

Amber shrieked in pain as Paloma embedded the makeshift blade into her chest, near the bottom of her ribs. The wound burned more than anything else she had ever experienced before, putting into perspective just how nice she had it before all of this. Instinctively, she jumped back, briefly glancing at the point of entry, the end of the shiv still sticking out of her. Blood was already beginning to stain her tank top red, even through all the green, and now that she was looking at them, her clothes in general had a lot of fresh blood on it. Was it all Paloma's?

Her breathing fast and her heart hammering in her chest, Amber watched as Paloma began to recover by pushing herself up and off the counter, her face bruised and bloodied and all cut up with glass. Now with Amber no longer holding her down, she could go back on the assault, and Amber couldn't allow that. With all the damage Paloma had done already, who knows what else she could do before this was over? No, she had to end this fight now, before it got any worse.

Raising the bat high up into the air, Amber let out a desperate screech as she brought it down hard towards Paloma's head.
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It was one swift blow that was supposed to go straight to skull.

It would have been pretty hilarious if she could laugh. Dying just like Abel, but instead of drowning in a two inch puddle, it would be in a smear of her own blood.

But she didn't.

She curled herself back up and the blow landed on the top of her spine. The space between her shoulders but just below her neck had absorbed the damage, knocking the wind from her. Her mouth twisted. Something came out. She was tired that it cut her through her lips since she had expected a tooth.

Instead, it was a piece of glass about the size of her thumb. The right side of her face was bleeding and smearing the floor as she crawled toward her hat. She just needed it for a second.

"'u're suhh a fuckinh cunt."
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Post by Shiola »

((Erika Stieglitz continued from After the Twilight, Always a Sunrise))

Wary of what she might’ve been walking into, Erika took her time circling around the back of the house. Despite only having one floor, she knew the other leadership houses to be conspicuously spacious; this one was no different. There were plenty of places for people to hide, to take shelter, or set traps.

No one had been waiting at the back door, nor was there much sign that the place had been used all that much since their collective trial began. What did give Erika pause was the tail end of a conversation she caught as she slowly stepped inside. The tension was palpable, and the voices were both familiar to one degree or another. The one she expected was Paloma, the other couldn’t have been anyone but Amber.

Would’ve been a hard voice to forget, for all she’d been hearing it the last few years. They got high together more than a few times. Amber always seemed like her mind was burdened by something. Other people might not have noticed it quite as easily, but from the way she acted it was clear that her personal demons were similar to Erika’s own.

Well, before all of this.

Would’ve been difficult to imagine Amber coming to blows with anyone, before SOTF. By now though - it made sense.

It all started with Abel, before most of them even realized what started. Amber had been carrying that for a week now.

There were so many others this far in but Paloma was the first. She went for it, while the rest were still weighing their options, measuring barely-defensible choices against barely-sensible ones. It was hard to apprehend just how it happened; either kind, harmless Abel pushed her to beat him to death, or she’d come to understand the situation they were all in faster than anyone else had.

From the sounds of things she’d found a way to resolve it in her head in the intervening days. Enough at least, to kill again. Enough to stand by her actions when Amber demanded an explanation. She didn’t seem to hate herself, not the way Erika did. That was something worth asking about.

From the raucous sound of it, the encounter between the two of them was going to end with one of them dead. For the moment, it couldn’t be Paloma. They needed to talk.

Erika stepped into the living room, slowly. The creak of a floorboard announced her presence. No doubt she looked like nothing Amber expected her to be. Her shotgun hung limply at her side from its shoelace sling. It was only as much an implicit threat as the rest of the telltale signs she carried with her, all from the path she’d taken across the island.

Clothes stained with dirt and blood, tightly wound bandages, and the slightest tremor in her right hand. A pistol tucked into her waistband, hammer down. Dark circles hung under eyes that had seen too much death and too little sleep. She took in the scene before her with a vacant look, only a glimmer of curiosity on her face.

Amber was standing on Paloma’s arm, at the height of a vengeance she clearly hadn’t intended to exact, at least to begin with. Erika caught her attention, waving a hand in a slow, gentle arc.

“Hi Amber.”
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Amber raised one foot, before viciously stomping on Paloma's outstretched arm.

She was bleeding, panting, and the sharp pain in her chest got a little worse with every movement she made, but she was still alive. Not only that, but Paloma was seemingly down for the count, looking far worse for wear than she did. That was good, she thought, and it meant she could just leave Paloma to her fate now. No need to dwell here in this awful place where she could have died twice now.

The only thing left to deal with was the wound Paloma had left behind. It didn't seem to be as bad as it could have been, but Amber wasn't keen on the idea of leaving a tiny bone stuck in her chest just to stop the bleeding. To her, that sounded like just condemning herself to catching whatever awful diseases the animal Paloma had gotten it from had.

Then, there was a familiar voice, from behind her. She spun around, and-


Amber hadn't expected to hear someone else say her name, let alone someone she recognized. Finally, a person Amber actually knew was here, right in front of her. Memories of the time the two spent together cycled through her head, feeling oh-so-distant to who and where they were, now. Erika looked worse than Amber had ever seen her before, bloody, bruised, and ragged.

And armed. Amber, don't let your guard down, she's killed people, remember?

Yeah, but…

She knew Erika had changed, she knew that the person in front of her was a killer several times over, and that she would be right not to trust her. But Erika was also one of her friends, and certainly that had to count for something, right? Amber personally wasn't about to let their former connection die just because they were forced into a game where they had to kill each other, and certainly Erika had her reasons for what she did, right? Amber had wanted to understand Paloma for that reason, so it was only fair to give Erika the same chance. Maybe Amber could even convince her to stop hurting people, using the connection they had. It was never too late, right?

She felt Paloma begin to squirm beneath her, and quickly stamped her foot on her again to keep her from trying anything. This was their time now, not hers.

"Erika," she began again turning her attention back to her friend, her voice betraying the uncertainty in what she wanted to say. "It's, uh... nice to see you again?"
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Post by Shiola »

You don't really see me, Amber. You don't see what I am.

She could only guess what Amber was thinking, what she was actually thinking. Certainly not that it was nice to see her again, or that she was glad Erika was alive. Some part of her was afraid, she could tell. But Amber was good, and she had doubts. There were questions on her mind. Enough of them to not immediately lunge at Erika. It was why she demanded an explanation from Paloma before demanding blood. She acted like a human being, not a cornered animal.

That was nice to see. Amber was like Garnet. Holding on, in spite of everything that had happened. Like Erika thought she used to be. It made her think that there’d be some light left in the world when this was all said and done, if she made it. That there would be people who’d ask why, instead of coming to conclusions all on their own. People who couldn’t help but want to give her a chance.

If she made it. The gate to this cage still held shut, under far too many locks. Around seventy, by her reckoning. There was no saving them all, no saving even one. Her actions the day before were going to come back to haunt her, Erika was certain. Spreading the knowledge that she'd been wounded, arming someone else who was going to stand in her way. Someone who could hurt her in ways she wasn't sure how to protect herself from. Maybe it made sense the day before, in desperation; thinking what she'd done was some kind of mercy, or atonement for her actions. It sure looked like it, from inside that broken house. Now all it seemed like she had done was prolong her friend's pain, sending her off on her own with a gun and false hope.

That wasn't mercy. That's not a way to treat someone you cared about. I have to be honest with myself. Honest with everyone.

Erika offered a soft smile and a sympathetic tone.

“It was nice to see you too, Amber.”

She meant it.

As gently as she’d waved a greeting, Erika drew the pistol from her waistband, cocked it, and aimed a single deafening shot.
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"Wait, what's that supposed to-"

Amber's jaw dropped and her eyes widened as Erika reached for the gun, the realization of what was about to happen immediately dawning on her.

A tidal wave of fear and panic crashed into her, the same one she had felt when Johnny had pointed his shotgun at her, only this time it was much, much worse. Johnny might have scared her back then, but she could still tell just by looking at him that he didn't want to shoot her. She could tell that wasn't the case here, she could see the look in Erika's eyes and all the cold, inky darkness behind them. Just by seeing that look, Amber had ceased to recognize her. Whoever Erika was now, the girl who had been Amber's friend was long gone.

When the barrel of the gun was finally staring her in the eye, everything seemed to slow to a crawl as panic overtook her mind. Death was bearing down on her like a freight train. She wanted to scream, like she had before, with everyone in the woods, with Johnny. She wanted to get out of the way, escape the house, get as far away from here as she could, like she should have done in the first place, in hindsight. Thousands of scenarios and permutations played out in her head simultaneously as her mind raced for a solution to avoid what was coming.

All the different ways that this could end.

All of them were terrible for her.

This doesn't make any sense. Erika is my friend, how could she do this, why is she doing this?


Blue was right, she couldn't let herself die here. She may be standing right on death's doorstep, but she had to do something, anything, to keep from crossing that boundary. If death was like a train barreling towards her at top speed, then all she would have to do would be to get out of the way. She could try to dodge the shot just in time, or say something to convince Erika not to shoot or...


No, there was nothing she could do. She had nowhere to run, nothing to say, and no time to get out of the way. She could see the look on Erika's face, one she had seen before. It was the look that Erika only ever had when she was certain she was going to do something. Before, that look had always been so innocuous, like when Erika really wanted to beat Amber at a video game, but now it was mixed with pure murderous intent. It didn't matter what Amber tried, Erika was going to kill her. If death was like a train rapidly approaching, then she couldn't get out of the way, because she was tied to the tracks.

There was no escaping from this situation. This would be where her story ended.

I... don't think we can get out of this one, Blue.

Amber you can't just give up. You have to try something!

There's nothing to try. Her finger is on the trigger, she's pulling it right now. This is how we die.

...I'm scared.

Amber looked Erika straight in the eyes, a new wave of calm beginning to gently wash over her. She was still viscerally terrified of her life coming to an end, but she consciously decided to accept what was about to happen. After all, she had known from the start that this was always how it was going to end.

It's okay, Blue. At least we have each other.

When the bullet finally ripped through her skull, Amber's eyes were still fixed on Erika's own.
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Post by Melusine »

It never really dwelled on Paloma that she was inevitably going to die.

Yes, it was in the back of her mind sometimes especially when she ended those of her classmates, but it was never something that made quiver in fear. Sometime, she would lay at night and think about the fact she was going to die, perhaps sooner than later, but it was something she couldn't control.

That it would be a bridge she would have to cross when she metaphorically took a step into the void.

However, right now with Erika's sudden appearance and Amber's sudden disappearance, Paloma was only able to think about that. Even if a tiny part of her was glad that the bitch wasn't on her arm anymore and that she could finally touched the mangled flesh against her left cheek, she still felt this overwhelming feeling of fear. Amber's body didn't help her feelings. It was slouched over against the wall, pieces of her brain and skull scathering across the the room.

The bullet did short work of Amber's life. It was gone just like that and now it was on the walls of the room. Again, Paloma would normally be happy that the person who did this to her was now gone, but instead the pain was there to remind her she wasn't out of the woods yet.

The pain, however, was nothing compared to this drowning sensation that Erika made her feel. It was the predictable unpredictably of her end that materialized in front of her with a gun and now, it was pointed on her. Her fingers held her face back together. The entirety of the left side of her face was effectively gone from her quick diagnosis. She couldn't see in her eye anymore, her cheekbone had a hole that through her mouth and back out through her cheek. Her lip had split open as she spat out a second piece of glass shard. The cut it made went from the corner of her lips until the bone of jaw.

There was a name for what she had, but in the moment, she was more busy staring down Erika than trying to put words on her body. So her first words on the situation were this:

"What are you waiting for?"
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Post by Shiola »

Erika didn't blink as the shot rang out, and she kept watching as Amber crumpled to the ground, a bright red spot now punched in the upper left side of her head. She waited for a moment, watching for movement.

Nothing, save some jostling from Paloma and the tiny shell casing rolling across the floor. The wooden boards must've warped over the years.

It was quick. She barely had time to react. Good.

Amber shouldn't have had to go through anything worse. It was over now, and so was she. Another lock opened. Another name to remember. She thought she felt remorse, if the nausea and knot in her stomach were any indication. No more than the others, though. Was this what people meant when they said someone did something in cold blood? More than anything it made her tired, like the aftershock of adrenaline but without any of the excitement. Erika exhaled, letting her outstretched hand with the pistol fall to her side. She instinctively thumbed on the safety, wary of letting it point too close to her feet.

What did I come here for?

She looked down at Paloma, suddenly keyed back into the situation. No one else knew why she did what she did, of course. It should've been obvious what Paloma was expecting. It wasn't the right time for it though, at least not right here. Sighing, she tucked the pistol back into her waistband. Stepping around the two of them, she walked towards a rumpled, colourful loveseat at the other end of the room, and flopped down onto it. It was comfortable, and had its back to a wall. She set her shotgun across her lap, pointed vaguely towards the door.

She kept her eyes on Paloma the whole time, only breaking the stare when she finally decided to respond.

"I was hoping we could talk. Amber didn't need to be here."
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“You stole my kill.”
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Erika cocked her head, incredulous. This was what she was looking for, sort of. Hoping it hadn’t just been an accident. Paloma really was unrepentant.

She shuffled, suddenly less comfortable where she was sitting. Her finger tapped nervously outside of the trigger guard on the shotgun.

“Your… kill?”

Sitting forward, Erika narrowed her glance, unsure if she had heard what she thought she heard.

“Do you really care about that?”
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She needed it.

She needed to kill Amber to prove a point.

Paloma had to kill her because if she didn’t, she would be nobody.

She needed her name on the announcement again to remind people to stay away from her.

She’ll just have to find someone else.

“I thought you would understand.”

Erika judging her was the funniest thing to happen to her in about a week and a couple of hours. If Paloma could laugh, if she didn’t have to hold her mouth together as she spoke, she would be giggling.

Paloma learned forward to grab the baseball bat. It was hers once again. It was perfect. It was as if it was never gone and she felt that manic glee she’d first felt after finding it for the first time.

“What is there to talk about, Erika?”

The fear was back for a moment, but only for a moment. She wasn’t sure how long it would last.
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She listened. Watched, as Paloma went for the baseball bat. It didn’t matter; Erika had her hands on the shotgun for a reason.

But that wasn’t what she wanted. Not now, not yet. Paloma thought she’d understand, that Erika was like her. That was good, in a way. It meant that they must’ve been different. How was what mattered. For the time she had left on the island, she needed whatever it was that made Paloma feel the way she felt.

“I don’t understand, no. That’s what I wanted to ask about. I’ve killed people because I want to live, but I don’t know how to like - live with it. You killed Abel before a lot of us even woke up. Other than gettin' your ass kicked, you don’t seem like you were having a hard time living with it.”

Anywhere else, she might’ve been judging Paloma for it. If they lived in a different world, with a different morality. They were here. Amber’s blood was spattered across the wall, and they were just talking.

Erika wore the hint of a smile, a reflex that was once supposed to make people comfortable. It wasn’t supposed to, now.

“Why's that?”
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“I think that’s none of your business.”

She grabbed the bag. Paloma put the head of the bat against the ground. She pushed herself off the ground.

She pointed her face. Her eye was pretty bad from the pain she was feeling. And she knew she was cut up, but she wanted to know how badly. It’s not like there were a lot of mirrors around.

“How bad is it?” She snorted. “On a scale of one to ten.”

Paloma cocked her head, mimicking the girl.

“You’re a strong five, by the way.”
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Erika shrugged.

“It’s bad. Seven, eight maybe. I’ve seen worse.”

Once again, she shuffled in her seat. This time, bringing the barrel of the shotgun away from the door and towards Paloma. The smirk disappeared from her face.

“A lot worse.”

Still, her finger stayed on outside of the trigger guard. Paloma was a lot of things; Erika hoped she wasn’t suicidal. She hoped there was something still to be gained from this, other than another person out of the way.

She shook her head.

“It really is important to me to know why you’re doing this. I can't ask the others, they're either dead or too paranoid to get this close. Be honest with me, and then you can leave.”

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