What Goes App, Must Come Down

Teddie Boyd's phone after his first day back at school [cw: suicide reference]

A new experimental space for V8 pregame! This forum is for public bulletin boards, social media posts, and other miscellaneous character interactions which may not exactly line up with the time during which pregame takes place. Threads in this forum do not count against the "1 current thread/1 memory thread" limit, as characters can post in various online spaces, hang up fliers, and do other such things in here without necessarily having a set scene. Please consult the rules and guidelines pinned in this section for further information before posting.
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Post by VoltTurtle »

he did what??? 22:15
he's lying!! i never did that!!! 22:15
we barely even kissed 3: 22:15
that's so gross... 22:16
he's such a fuckboy 22:16
wait who else did he say that to??? 22:20
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Post by Slam »

dw I know you're not like that 22:21
Like you say its fucking gross 22:21
We were just talking in the bathroom, but it wasn't just us in there 22:24
But I wasn't really looking who else was in there, sorry 22:25
Shit this feels bad 22:27
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Post by VoltTurtle »

i'm so upset 22:29
why would he do this??? 22:30
he was embarrassed dating me 22:30
he didn't even act like i was his girlfriend in public 22:30
it's why we broke up, it's why i tried to kill myself!!! 22:31
but now he's lying about me and using me to brag??? 22:31
i'm gonna cry 22:32
i don't know what to do 22:34
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Post by Slam »

wait what 22:34
No I mean don't cry 22:35
shit I'm sorry 22:35
fuck 22:35
ok but like 22:38
robins a prick and i don't think people took him seriously anyway? 22:38
like i didn't, i'm just telling you so you know 22:39
it's like you said, he's a massive fuckboy who makes shit up 22:40
no-one's going to trust him over you, you know? 22:41
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Post by VoltTurtle »

it's not just that 22:42
if he's willing to lie about this, then what else is he lying about? 22:42
not a lot of people know me that well 22:43
some people think i'm weird and creepy... 22:43
they might believe him... 22:43
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Post by Slam »

sorry for late response 23:16
It'll be ok, I don't think anyone else in the bathroom was even listening 23:17
and he's a fuckboy that no-one will believe anyway :) 23:17
and if anyone says shit about you I'll get them in a bear hug! 23:18
but not the friendly kind! 23:19
whoops watermarks 23:20
ok feel better? 23:21
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Post by VoltTurtle »

Read 23:22

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