SOTF Horror Anthology (Songtest 126)

Time to be scared!

SOTF's own Eurovision-style song contest. Submit songs that fit the theme and get mercilessly judged on your taste in music here.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Boop! One day notice!
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Post by KamiKaze »

Boop! Under 12 hour notice!
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Post by KamiKaze »

Boop, under five hours and 30 minutes reminder!
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Post by KamiKaze »

One thread on a fan forum asked you to rank your favorite Survival of the Fittest episodes.You spent some time thinking, and you managed to come up with a list.

[+] DQ
My, my, happiness is such a fickle thing! Is there such a thing as being happy at a funeral? I mean, I’ve been happy at funerals before! They bring people together, you know? Maybe your folks will be happy at your funeral!
“This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee” by LittleJayneyCakes was submitted by DerArknight, and received 52 points, with one ten and one eight! It would have placed 8th.
[+] 15th
Heeeeey. Who got footage of our conversations with the accountant? I mean– this is a firm lesson in making sure your security systems are up to date. You never know… if someone or something wants to get in…
“Alpha Desperation March” by The Mountain Goats was submitted by Murderweasel, and received 29 points, with one eight!
[+] 14th

Sorry! Force of habit. Some things die hard, am I right?

Anyways, Mike learned the hard way that family problems should be solved… organically. But unfortunately, he didn’t have the guts! Hahahaha!
“How to Pretend” by CircusP ft. Miku and Gumi was submitted by BlizzardeyeWonder, and received 36 points, with one ten and one eight!
[+] 13th
You should always treat your partners with care! I had an exe once who told me I needed to lose weight, and I agreed! So I shoved him off the boat we were on! It’s been smooth sailing since.
“Macabre Rotting Girl” by SimGretina ft. Kathy-chan was submitted by KamiKaze (ME) and received 36 points, with one twelve and one eight!
[+] 12th
Yes, you should always let your fear subside! It makes things easier for when the mad science monsters are feeling a little hungry, hahaha!
“Watercolour” by Pendulum was submitted by Carlisle, and received 37 points, with one ten!
[+] 11th
Sometimes, you just fall in love with a shadow, nothing more, nothing less. I know from experience. But hey, how was I supposed to know that I was talking to a shade of a man? You just can’t tell if you’re talking to a ghost or not. But we enjoyed our poetry sessions together, at least. Anyways, dear viewers… be certain that the computer program you’re talking to doesn’t… get attached.
“Sayo-Nara” by Dan Salvato was submitted by AnimeNerd, and it received 44 points, with two eights!
[+] 10th
Ah love. It really is more than a meal. It’s companionship, intimacy, trust… but do you really trust your partners? I found one of my exes drinking orange juice after brushing his teeth, and I couldn’t look at him the same. But I couldn’t do anything, he was a big hulking werewolf. Not at first…

*Kamilla holds up a leash and grins*
“Me and Mr. Wolf” by The Real Tuesday Weld was submitted by LordofAwesome, and received 45 points, with one ten and one eight!
[+] 9th
There was a soccer mom who told me that what I listened to was satanic. I told her that was rude. Just because someone is a demon doesn’t mean their music is without artistic merit! But still, you should always be careful of the music you listen to. Especially… if it’s at the beach…
“Craving” by YMIR was submitted by Kotorikun, and received 46 points, with one 12!
[+] 8th
Now, what are your dreams? Are they of the waves on the ocean, on the Antarctic? Be wary when you look into the depths, you’ll never know when you’ll see… those eyes.
“Black Eyes” by David Wirsig was submitted by Maraoone, and received 51 points, with one twelve, two tens, and one eight!
[+] 7th
I had another lucid dream. In it, I was trapped inside a coffin, but then I remembered, I can’t die! So I burst my way out and ate the people responsible. As I should. That’s when I realized it wasn’t a dream. So, gentle viewers… be careful what happens in a dream. You never know what could be… reality.
“Dream Warriors” by Dokken was submitted by Fiori, and received 54 points, with one ten!
[+] 6th
Childhood memories! How delightful. I remember being born ages ago, and then receiving my first knife! You should have heard their screams! Hahahaha!

But alas, you all should be cautious. You never know what childhood memories could come back to haunt…
“In the Dark of the Night” by Jim Cummings and David Newman was submitted by Laurels, and it received a 12 and an 8!
[+] 5th
*Kamilla sits on a set that looks vaguely futuristic, posing in a way that looks like she’s roasting marshmallows over a campfire*

Ah, yes, you should always think of fire. You never know… when people will rise up and dominate.

*she lifts up a flaming marshmallow on a stick and blows it out, smiling*
“RISE” by Zamilska was submitted by Ahab9, and received 57 points, with three eights and one twelve!
[+] 4th
Vampires, right? What fascinating creatures. Immortality can be a blessing or a curse, depending on the circumstances. Me? I’m having the time of my life!

*Kamilla drinks from a wine glass containing a suspicious red viscous substance*
“Poetry of the Poisoned” by Kamelot was submitted by dmboogie, and received 66 points, with four twelves!
[+] 3rd
Wolves! *Kamilla raises a hand to her ear while grinning while howling noises play in the background*

Children of the night! What wonderful music they make. I do enjoy their company most of the time. Did you know that the ‘alpha wolf’ is a myth? Wolf packs are families, not patriarchies! I know I did, when I went over to meet my werewolf ex’s parents, whew! Let me tell you! His mother, I’m glad she’s not my in-law!
“Night of the Werewolves” by Powerwolf was submitted by Pancapples, and received 74 points, with one ten and two eights!

And now you’ve narrowed it down to two.

Who are the two choices? Find out in a bit…
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Post by KamiKaze »

You spend hours and hours deciding which is your favorite Kamilla showing.

First is “Alex Theme (Machine Head Mix), an action-horror story about a soldier coming home from service to discover his younger brother is missing. This one was directed by someone named Skraal.

The second is an existential horror story called “Lagtrain”, about a girl who finds that her days are getting longer on public transportation. This was written by someone called ‘Zetsu’.

You think and think, and you’ve come to a decision.
Of course, Kamilla has some commentary at the end of both.
Ah, public transportation! It really does suck the life out of you! I think we all agree, there is nothing scarier! Especially when you’re having an existential crisis while riding the train. Be careful when you’re using public transport. You’ll never know what will happen…

“Lagtrain” by inabakumori is our winner! It received 98 points, with two twelves, a whopping six(!) tens, and one eight.

And we have our runner up…
You can fight, you can claw your way, but you can’t escape your personal demons unless you confront them head-on. I know from experience, that sometimes demons will come back into your life and you have to hit them over the head with a frying pan, hahaha.

“Alex Theme (Machine Head Mix)” received 90 points, with four twelves!
Congrats to our winner!
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Post by KamiKaze »

Here is where you get judged for your sins.

And a bonus for you!
[+] Prompts that were not seen in this contest
Note that I had to remake the wheel at one point, so this may not be all of them.

Was not rolled:
Reality (things that are scary not because of anything overtly supernatural or gory, but because of it being something realistically scary (financial issues, dying of an incurable disease, losing a loved one, etc.))
Christmas Encroaching Outside of December (joke following through on OP)
Your Shitty Roommate (joke)
Splatter/Gore (think torture porny things)
Surreal Horror
Cosmic Horror
Dark Fantasy
Body Horror
Comedy Horror
Found Footage/Analog Horror
Gothic Horror
Creature Feature (good old monster movies)
Bugs, Spiders, and Other Creepy Crawlies
Possession, Brainwashing, and Other Body Snatchers
Alien Invasion
AI/Robot Uprising
Horror Romance
Folk Horror
Apocalypse and Post-Apocalypse
Creepy Children
In the Woods

Rolled, but rerolled:
Arthouse Horror (originally rolled for LordofAwesome, but prompt was too difficult)
Medical Horror (originally rolled for Pancapples, but prompt was too difficult)

I might do this theme again because it was fun, so I'll definitely add new stuff + remove/rename trickier stuff if I do!
And with that, I'm off to take care of myself. A nice hot bath made from the blood of virgins, an eyeball smoothie... that's how I, Kamilla, do self-care. Ta-ta for now, and sweet nightmares!

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