

The foreman's office is a free-standing building raised up a story above the ground, a design that allowed the foreman to see all the goings on of the mine from the balcony that ran along the side of the office. On the inside, the office itself is rather bare. A desk sits in the middle of the room with three chairs lying fallen around it, and a filing cabinet lies on its side in one corner of the room. An ornate wooden cabinet containing some old cigars and a bottle of whiskey, along with some faded and partly-rotten papers that may have once been employee paperwork, also sits against one wall.
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Post by Primrosette »

Aion still felt like crap after Chester had left. But this was not the time for him to be a little bitch about it. Unless the head injury would get a lot more serious and worse for him. Then he should definitely think about resting or asking Amos for help again. He wondered if the other boy was getting sick and tired of babysitting his ass. Well, no point in him worrying about it. They really needed to get a move on. He didn't want to suddenly collapse dead without doing anything useful anyway.

"Ready to go, Amos?" He asked while getting his belongings ready and he focused unsteady on the other teenager.

((Aion Rhodes continued in Possession))
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by Ohm »

With good luck and a turn, Chester was soon gone. It was just Amos and Aion left. Amos tapped his foot against the floor, contemplating how to deal with Aion's injury on their way out of this place and over to the research station.

He was snapped out of it by Aion, holding up his stuff and ready to go. His face seemed a bit slack, but otherwise, he appeared better, but you could never guess with these kinds of injuries.

"As long as you keep yourself on your feet, yeah." He said as he gathered his bag and helped the other boy out of the building.
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