The Strange Case of Nadia

The one-on-one treatment rooms are a set of four rooms used mainly for the purpose of treating the higher-risk patients and conducting initial interviews with new patients. Two chairs, a desk and a two way mirror on the wall are the only furniture within each room and they are laid out for maximum efficiency, with the same observation room being able to see into two interview chambers at once, allowing for a fully separated appraisal. While three of the two-way mirrors have survived (although one is badly cracked), the fourth has been completely smashed, allowing a clear view into the observation room.
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The Strange Case of Nadia


Post by Laurels »

((G004 Nadia Riva: V6 Start))

Nadia clasped her hands together and rubbed her forehead against them. She let out a soft moan, her head still aching from the drugs used to knock her out. She muttered some expletives under her breath. She couldn't believe this would happen to her. A few weeks ago, she was getting published in Photo Vogue and looking over her acceptance letter to UCLA. Now she was on an island of murder and was statistically likely to die. She slowly beat her head against her hands and moaned.

"I can't believe it," she said.

Nadia looked around the room. She woke up sitting in a chair in what looked like an interrogation room. There was an empty chair before her, and a long mirror on the side of the wall. There was a duffel bag before her. She knew they had given her a weapon to kill her peers with. She pulled it over and began to search through it. Eventually, she found the assigned item. Walkie talkies. She shook her head. She then looked up at the camera in the corner of the room.

"Great. Now I can chat with truck drivers while someone like Caedyn fucking Miller is eviscerating me. Thanks, Mr. Danya. You really made me happy."

Nadia put the walkie talkies back in her bag and zipped it up. She rubbed her eyes. It wasn't like Nadia was likely to find someone to share the walkie talkies with. Rod was on the second day of the trip. What had been a source of annoyance that she would have to do the trip without her boyfriend at least meant he was spared from this bullshit. That was slightly comforting, but not as much as she would have hoped. It's not like Rod could rescue her.

Still, Nadia knew Rod was probably watching this. She looked over at the camera in the corner. She figured now was the best time to talk. Nadia didn't know how long she'd have to talk.

"Hey, Rod. So, this sucks..." she began.

She mentally kicked herself. This was no way to start a will. She cleared her throat and continued.

"Anyways," she continued. "So, I'm probably going to die. It's not at all what we had hoped with our lives, but it is what it is. I'll try to survive, but no guarantees. I don't have a weapon and I'm not very tough. The chances are slim, and I know rescue is unlikely."

Nadia sighed.

"Look. If I don't come back, get out of Kingman. Do everything we talked about, make something of yourself, help your nation, all of that stuff. Become a doctor or a lawyer or a teacher, something that makes you happy. If I do come back...well...we can figure out what to do then. But for now, be prepared to hear the worst. Just...don't let this ruin you. Don't turn to narcotics to ease the pain, and certainly don't let this keep you from leaving Kingman. You're a tough guy, and I know you'll be able to move on. Just be ready for whatever comes next. I'll try to be ready for here."

Nadia sighed.

"I love you. Always."

Nadia looked away from the camera. She didn't normally cry, and she certainly didn't want Rod to see her eyes start to tear up.
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Post by Rorick Skyve* »

[[Maxim Kehlenbrink - B018: Start]]

Maxim had always known fate had it out for him somehow. Whenever something would go wrong in his life, whenever he'd knock over a glass of milk, when a shower of rain got into the way of one of his rare yet beloved lone walks, when his PC froze, whenever he'd misplace the book he was currently reading, all those times had he blamed fate. And seeing as this entire ordeal was only the slightest bit more worrisome than all of those - Well, there certainly was no doubt about who he would blame this time around.

It had almost surprised him, really. Surprised him that he had initially accepted his situation without throwing a fit, a tantrum, without breaking down or beginning to cry; in short, without starting to panic. He had woken up, feeling unusually uncomfortable; not surprising, considering he had woken up on the floor. Then he had remembered, reflected on his situation, began to feel despair creep up his spine and infect his mind and then he had just - accepted it, yes. It was like he had gone through all five stages of grief at once, intertwined and mixed until they were no longer recognizable.

Facts were, he was alive, he had a noting on his person but a bag full of clothes and supplies and a bow that...he couldn't even begin to describe. He had gazed upon it earlier,  when rummaging through his duffel bag. He had never held one in his hands before, played a lot of archers in games, yes. Last one was that elven Bowman from Dragon Age, god how he had loved that one - and how he wished he could have sat in front of his computer playing as him in that very moment. If only...if only he had feigned being sick, found some excuse to be able to stay behind, stay home. It was too late now, far too goddamn late.

Chances were, he was going to die if he didn't pay attention, especially with him being practically helpless, with only that accursed bow in his bag, completely scribbled over with words, unpleasant words, words that reminded him of how dreadful the English language that he so loved could be. Simply disgusting. And yet, he was going to keep it. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth or something like that. He would make the best of that abomination, to make a campfire if he had to. If only he had known how to make one of those.

The corridor he was walking down was - unsettling to say the least, if only because he was that empty. Usually, he loved empty spaces like this, being all by himself, no one to disturb him. That had obviously changed now. He had to find some people, if he liked it or not. Staying all by himself made him vulnerable, any jock armed with a pencil could have overpowered him, probably. He had to find people. Maybe even run into Cristo. Or Brendan or Al, but...yeah, Cristo was the best option. He knew what he was doing. He always did.

Wait. There, there was something, something very faint, no doubt, there were sounds coming from somewhere. No, not somewhere. They came from behind a door, the one to his left, piercing the ever dominant silence. Yes, someone was talking, someone was there and they were talking. Jesus Christ. Never, never in his life before had he considered the possibility of him being eager - no, intrigued to meet a potential stranger. And maybe, just maybe this voice belonged to someone he knew, at least a bit. Maybe. He had to go and look, take a peek at least.

Maxim held his breath. Yes, there it was, anxiousness his old friend and foe alike. All he could hope for was for it to leave him be for the moment. He inched closer towards the door, carefully taking one step after the next. Being cautious was still the best way to go about this. Yes, he did want to see who was behind that door but at the same time, he knew that anyone and anything could have potentially been behind it. Easy and slow. Deep breaths.

His hand slightly shaking, he got hold of the doorknob and turned it. The door wasn't locked - he wasn't even sure if he was supposed to be happy about it or not. He entered the room with one leg, almost being overwhelmed by a cloud of darkness at first. But then he saw the person, saw her. It was a girl, yes, without a doubt. Facing away from him, looking at something. And between them, what he had believed to be a strange light effect at first, was a pane of glass, apparently. Those were the images he saw upon entering. Yet he didn't make a sound, didn't say a word, didn't yell out or anything. He still wasn't sure. Not sure if he really wanted to go and meet that perfect stranger.
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Post by Yugikun »

The foot went down against the chair, decaying wood failing to stand up against flesh and bone as the two now separated pieces fell to the floor.

The foot went down again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

((G030 - Begin))

Jasmine King stood over the pile of splintered wood which used to be a chair within one of the therapy rooms. She kicked the pile, and the pile scattered as the majority of it flew through the air. She looked around. She needed something. Another thing. There was a desk. Another chair. Good enough. She moved around the desk slowly, feet barely touching the floor, and when she reached it, it began again. The foot went down again and again and again and again until it was nothing but a pile of pulp, and as Jasmine saw this breathed in and out, teeth clenched and hands shaking and fists clenched.

Because it was all so bullshit. It was. She didn’t know why and she couldn’t form the thoughts into words but it was. It was just so, so, utterly and absolutely and completely bullshit. She was here, alone and scared with a metal prison around her neck with the fact she was going to die within the next few days while everyone else was out there, comfortable in their couches and beds just watching. Her brother was one of those people, and in all likelihood he was jumping for fucking joy since the person whose life he made hell was finally gone. No. No. Fuck him, fuck the people watching, and fuck the people running this for putting her into this absolutely bullshit situation.

So, as she stood over the pile of pulp or wood or whatever the fuck the thing was called, she moved her leg behind her, moved it back forward…

...And let out a small yelp as she hit something harder.

Pain went up through her foot. Nothing major, but the irritation and the anger was rising higher and higher. She looked at the thing she hit. A bag. G030 - King, Jasmine on the top. It didn’t cross her mind that the bag was hers. All she knew was that it was another object in her way and that she was more angry than ever before, so she picked it up.

A scream sounded through the rooms and corridor as the bag went through the mirror, revealing the chamber that lied behind.
[+] The Present
Image Image Image

B???: Valentin Shulgin — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | SM: | Present:

G???: Yong Yi "Penny" Yu — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | SM: | Present:
THEME: Rina Sawayama — Comme Des Garçons (Like the Boys)

G???: Clover Wilkinson-Crowheart — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: N/A | SM: N/A | Present:
THEME: The Killers — Spaceman
[+] The Past
Image Image Image

B003: Jeremy Frasier — "Yeah. No regrets." — 57%
Kills: 2 | Equipped with: Scoped Raging Bull, $1000, Wooden Baseball Bat, Eyepatch, Pancor Jackhammer
PREGAME — Past: ☆ ☆ ☆ | Present: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ | Sadie Hawkins: ☆ ☆
V6: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
THEME: OneRepublic — Love Runs Out

B013: Alvaro Vacanti — "Thank... you..." — 41%
Kills: 3 | Equipped with: MAC-10
PREGAME — Past: ❇ ❇ ❇ | Present: ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ | Sadie Hawkins: ❇ ❇
V6: ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇
THEME: The Megas — The Haystack Principle

G030: Jasmine King — "I win." — 11%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Brass Knuckles
PREGAME — Past: | Present: ☻ ☻ ☻ | Sadie Hawkins: ☻
V6: ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻
THEME: Luck Ganriki — golden sneer
[+] The Future

Nicholas "Nick Andretti" Andretti — The Mercenary — "Have a problem? I can help you. For a price."
Teddy "Theodore" Berenson — The Crusader — "Be excellent to each other."
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Post by Laurels »

Nadia wiped her eyes and let out a long exhale. It was hard to feel this defeated, especially since it was new to her. She had lived a life that wasn't filled with too much strife. Anything she wanted she knew how to work for and earn. But it was another thing altogether to think about her mortality, especially in such an extreme situation as this.

Once Nadia felt calm enough, she turned to face the camera again. She had said her words to Rod, now she owed some to her parents and sister. Unfortunately, that was challenged by a loud sound down the hall. Nadia jumped up in her seat a little as she heard the sound of something being smashed.

She stood out of her chair and grabbed the duffel bag. She let out a groan and made her way to the door of the room. Someone was going crazy already, and she knew it was only a matter of time before they tried looking through the rooms. Nadia wrapped her arm around the duffel bag, making a cushion between herself and whoever might have come in. She moved to the side of the door and placed her back to the wall. If someone tried to come in, she could at least hide behind the door. If they were armed, she could use her body weight and the bag to push them down and run away.

Nadia bit her lip. She knew it was too soon to feel threatened and to switch into defense mode. But this was Survival of the Fittest, and she knew it would be stupid to not consider the possibility.
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Post by Rorick Skyve* »

Maxim still didn't budge an inch, continuing to stand in the doorframe with one leg in the room and his head poking into the room. Whatever it was that girl was doing, she was still facing the other direction, looking up at the wall. Was she talking to herself? If so, that could imply a great many things, could mean she was trying to comfort herself, cope with the situation or she had potentially gone mad and started to soliloquize. The latter seemed a bit farfetched, but who could know? He'd keep watching her in any case, it was too early to let his own presence be known. Then again, all she had to do was turn around and she'd probably spot him.

Just then, the tension in the air was cut clear in half by yet another sound, but far less subtle than the muffled voices from earlier - a loud smashing noise, like glass shattering, coming from not all too far away. It was more than sufficient to make Maxim jump where he was standing, almost making his head collide with the door as he twitched in momentary fear.

Something had happened not too far away from him, something that clearly indicated the use of violence. What if there was fighting taking place or had just been finished? Either way, it meant someone with less than well-meaning intentions was near had maybe decided to go on a killing spree, because goddamn, anything was possible. There were two options he had, no, three options. The third one obviously being the choice of doing absolutely nothing and becoming frozen in place - clearly not what he was going to do.

No, he could either fully go into the room, risk being spotted by this girl he did not know, but potentially evade someone far more dangerous or he could turn around and keep walking down the hallway, hope to get away from any source of danger here before it reached him. Both had their merits and downsides.

Though approaching this from a logical standpoint, he quickly decided entering the room was the favorable choice. Yes, he had no idea what that girl was going to do, but at least, she looked like someone he could have fought off if he tried, with his sheer bulk alone. Of course, there was also the possibility that she was carrying a weapon far more capable of ending his life, but that was speculation and a risk he was willing to take.

He breathed in deeply, fully slipped into the room and closed the door behind him, as silently as his shaking fingers allowed him to.

When he turned to face the girl again, he noticed her turning as well. He recognized her, had seen her before - of course he had, they were fellow students, after all - but couldn't recall speaking to her, other than some long past casual exchange maybe. Either way, she was going to see him as well now, fine. Whatever she'd do, he wasn't going to -

Huh, that was weird. She had looked directly at him just now and somehow, her expression hadn't changed nor had anything about he indicated that she had taken note of him. Maybe she had tears in her eyes and couldn't see properly, since she had clearly been crying, judging from the condition of her face. No, that didn't seem right. Maxim remained standing where he was and then he realized the nature of the room.

A one-way mirror. Of course, how had he not noticed before, this was one of those rooms he could look into, while person inside couldn't see him on the other side of the glass. Now what certainly was convenient.

The girl approached another wall, no, not a wall, there was another door in that room he hadn't noticed before. It was probably one leading to the corridor he had just gone through, through a door a few steps further down the hall. What was she doing, was she not scared of whoever had caused the noises? Ah, she wasn't exiting the room. Just positioned herself next to the door. Maybe she wanted to set a trap for whoever entered?

Too many possibilities, too many possible scenarios in which he, Maxim, was screwed, to put it simply. Again, he couldn't risk letting his presence be known yet. He simply stood and watched in silence.
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Post by Yugikun »

The mirror broke, and Jasmine watched as her reflection quickly disappeared, the image being replaced by the room behind it.


Okay, wait. She needed to think about this. She could still feel that her fists were clenched and that her hands were shaking, but she needed to think about this. She was here, she was on Survival of the Fittest and according to what the man at the presentation said, if she wanted to get off of this island everyone else here had to die. Could she do that? The answer to that question she knew was no. It was an absolute, and it wasn’t a matter that she couldn’t do it, the thing was that she wouldn’t. There were too many people that she liked and the mere thought of having to end their lives made Jasmine quiver. She knew that there were other people out there. Rea. Maria. Fucking Hazel. She wasn’t sure she could do it to them, either. She’d be a monster if she did. To herself and to everyone watching.

But then the next question appeared within her mind.

Did she want to live?

The answer was a yes. Yes. Absolutely yes. She had her life, she had her family, she had her future to uphold, and if you gave her the option to get out of here right now she would take it, no matter what the cost was. The answer was yes. Jasmine knew that.

She didn’t want to kill anyone, but she wanted to live. And yet both of those contradicted one another, according to the man. That was an issue which she wasn’t really sure what to think about it, which annoyed her. Wait, nevermind, she figured it was okay. Considering the situation she doubted anyone would blame her for not knowing what to do. She looked around. She could still feel the pangs of anger in her brain and arms. She saw the bag she threw in front of her. Slowly, she moved through the broken mirror and took steps towards the bag, grinning as she opened it.

It turned out that her earlier statement wasn’t quite as a contradiction as she thought it would.

First aid kit. Food. Water. Compass. Map. Yes, yes, yes. She had everything that she needed to survive, at least for a couple days. She didn’t need to kill. All she needed to do was to not die and there was a chance that she could get back home. Yes. She sifted through her bag, and eventually found her weapon, as well. Knuckles, they seemed. She would have preferred a blade or a gun, but she likely wouldn’t have stomached the will to use them, anyway. This was good enough for her. Easily.

She didn’t hear anything from the other rooms as she sifted through her bag.
[+] The Present
Image Image Image

B???: Valentin Shulgin — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | SM: | Present:

G???: Yong Yi "Penny" Yu — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | SM: | Present:
THEME: Rina Sawayama — Comme Des Garçons (Like the Boys)

G???: Clover Wilkinson-Crowheart — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: N/A | SM: N/A | Present:
THEME: The Killers — Spaceman
[+] The Past
Image Image Image

B003: Jeremy Frasier — "Yeah. No regrets." — 57%
Kills: 2 | Equipped with: Scoped Raging Bull, $1000, Wooden Baseball Bat, Eyepatch, Pancor Jackhammer
PREGAME — Past: ☆ ☆ ☆ | Present: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ | Sadie Hawkins: ☆ ☆
V6: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
THEME: OneRepublic — Love Runs Out

B013: Alvaro Vacanti — "Thank... you..." — 41%
Kills: 3 | Equipped with: MAC-10
PREGAME — Past: ❇ ❇ ❇ | Present: ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ | Sadie Hawkins: ❇ ❇
V6: ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇
THEME: The Megas — The Haystack Principle

G030: Jasmine King — "I win." — 11%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Brass Knuckles
PREGAME — Past: | Present: ☻ ☻ ☻ | Sadie Hawkins: ☻
V6: ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻
THEME: Luck Ganriki — golden sneer
[+] The Future

Nicholas "Nick Andretti" Andretti — The Mercenary — "Have a problem? I can help you. For a price."
Teddy "Theodore" Berenson — The Crusader — "Be excellent to each other."
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Post by Laurels »

(Minor GMing approved)

It got quiet outside. Nadia knew that it was possible whatever was happening outside might have ended. Maybe the person had moved along to a quieter, less populated area. On the other hand, they could be patrolling outside the hall, waiting for someone to foolishly run out and be easy pickings. Nadia knew that she was likely that person if she barged out screaming her head off. No, the best thing to do would be to move quietly and wait for an opportunity.

She slowly moved to the door handle and cracked it open. The hall looked empty from what little she could see. She opened the door further, slowly pushing it further and further. Finally, she was in the empty hall, her duffel bag still hugged tightly to her chest. She glanced up and down the hall.

Next to her was a room with a door slightly cracked open. It was pitch black inside, so Nadia figured it would be safe to duck into there. After all, if they saw the room wasn't being used, they could just walk by. All she had to do was go in there and hide under the table until she felt safe enough to move out.

Trying to be nimble on her feet, she hurried to the door and pushed it open. She moved inside the room, assuming it was just like the room she was in. However, instead of bumping into a chair or table, she bumped into something much taller, slamming her bag against the chest of the figure in the dark.

"Dammit!" she hissed as she made contact with the person.

Of course, if she had that idea, why couldn't someone else?
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Post by Rorick Skyve* »

The girl finally made her move, it seemed, a bold one at that. He watched as she pressed down the handle and slipped out of the room without hesitation, her own duffel bag in hand. For a second, Maxim began to ponder whether or not he had just made a mistake. It would have been easy for him to knock on the glass, alert her to his presence. Though then again, doing so would have most likely only confused her more, seeing as she couldn't have known he was behind said glass pane.

Still, she was out of his sights now. Now what? For all he knew, someone dangerous could have been walking around outside of the room he was in. Probably not the girl, she didn't seem like she had any sort of murderous or even malicious intent, not at a first glance. No, but whoever had caused the loud noise not too long ago was still somewhere near them. Whatever it was that had gotten smashed, it certainly hadn't ended up like that without someone else's influence. Again, the possibility of a short fight having taken place could not just be ruled out.

For that exact reason, he decided he wasn't going to leave this room. It was almost pitch black, he could see anyone who'd enter the room on the other side of the glass without being spotted himself and most importantly, there was no reason for anyone to come in here. Sure, he himself had done so earlier, but only because he had heard noises. He wouldn't make any noises himself, definitely not. He'd just be holding out, let some time pass, enough to be sure that there wasn't some sort of madman stalking the hallways.

However, that also meant leaving the girl to her fate, possibly ending with her running into said potential killer. If so, that'd be a burden on his conscience, no doubt. Still, that was a gamble he was willing to take. He didn't know the girl, not even her name. She had decided to leave the room on her own accord, he could not be blamed for her decision making. Yes, whatever she did or what happened to her, it was completely on her. Though he still felt a pang of guilt, several in fact, he still wasn't willing to go out there and risk his own safety in order to potentially keep this stranger away from peril. He'd stay here, stay where it was safe.

His musings were abruptly interrupted by a noise, faint noises he could not immediately identify. Something was moving near him, no doubt. Was it the girl? Most likely, but he couldn't be sure. After all-

There, closer this time, the noises were footsteps, without a doubt. He turned towards the door, his eyes still not having gotten used to the darkness. It was enough for him to notice the person that had silently entered the room though. For a moment, his heart began racing faster, all he saw was a dark shape directly in front of him, moving towards him. It would have been prudent to speak up, move or show any sort of reaction whatsoever. Maxim, however, did none of those things and simply remained standing where he was, frozen in place; the fear he had wanted to avoid getting to him finally having taking its toll.

His momentary stasis was short-lived, however, as something that was clearly not the person bumped into his chest a mere second after. Uttering a mix of a gasp and a hiss, he staggered back one two steps, almost letting go of his bag in the process. He heard the other person cursing. A feminine voice. So it was the girl, most likely.

Having regained his balance, he continued to simply stand and audibly breathe for another few seconds. He stared at the silhouette before him, still not fully capable of making out all of the girl's features. He had to say something now. He had been discovered, now he had to play the card he had been dealt.

"Hey, hey. Don't be scared, yes? I'm just hiding in here, just hiding. All fine." Maxim held up one hand, intending for it to resemble some sort of reassuring gesture. Of course, he did not consider the fact that the freshly arrived probably couldn't even really see what he was doing with all the shadows around him.
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Location: there is a man standing behind you


Post by Yugikun »

She heard noises coming from behind her.

She needed to move.

She stood up, picking up her bag as her feet crunched the broken glass below her. That was right, she broke the mirror. She cringed, slightly. That was her fault. As much as she wanted to deflect the blame and give excuses for herself she really couldn’t. She got angry at the situation, couldn’t control it, made a mistake, and now she had to pay the consequences for it. Maybe. It was pretty clearly people who were out there as the noises she heard sounded more like voices than anything else, but she didn’t know who these people were. That, she figured, could be either a good thing or a bad thing. It mostly depended on who these people were. She imagined that she would be properly able to judge that if she got to see them. She knew these people. She had been collecting information off of them for years. She smiled, slightly. Maybe some of that could be useful now.

She moved herself away from the broken mirror and a little bit more into the darkness of the room. Now they couldn’t see her from the source of her noise, which was good. She imagined that that would at the very least give her a little bit more time before they came.

It felt weird, thinking like this. She felt that it was necessary, though. She needed to survive this. She wasn’t going to let any emotions or irrelevant thoughts stop her from that. She was going to get out of here, plain and simple, and she was going to remove all of those flaws that she allowed herself to keep.

She looked around for a bit, trying to find something in the darkness. The light from the room she was previously in was behind her, and she was moving forward, stumbling as she tried. Ugh.She wished she had a flashlight, or something. That’d make this easier for her. Eventually, she found an outline. Light in a rectangular shape. A door, most likely. She moved foward, feeling for the handle, and once her fingers wrapped themselves around the cold metal, she moved her wrists, opening it.

There was a door in front of her, with the noises from earlier coming from it.

She froze.
[+] The Present
Image Image Image

B???: Valentin Shulgin — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | SM: | Present:

G???: Yong Yi "Penny" Yu — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | SM: | Present:
THEME: Rina Sawayama — Comme Des Garçons (Like the Boys)

G???: Clover Wilkinson-Crowheart — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: N/A | SM: N/A | Present:
THEME: The Killers — Spaceman
[+] The Past
Image Image Image

B003: Jeremy Frasier — "Yeah. No regrets." — 57%
Kills: 2 | Equipped with: Scoped Raging Bull, $1000, Wooden Baseball Bat, Eyepatch, Pancor Jackhammer
PREGAME — Past: ☆ ☆ ☆ | Present: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ | Sadie Hawkins: ☆ ☆
V6: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
THEME: OneRepublic — Love Runs Out

B013: Alvaro Vacanti — "Thank... you..." — 41%
Kills: 3 | Equipped with: MAC-10
PREGAME — Past: ❇ ❇ ❇ | Present: ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ | Sadie Hawkins: ❇ ❇
V6: ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇
THEME: The Megas — The Haystack Principle

G030: Jasmine King — "I win." — 11%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Brass Knuckles
PREGAME — Past: | Present: ☻ ☻ ☻ | Sadie Hawkins: ☻
V6: ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻
THEME: Luck Ganriki — golden sneer
[+] The Future

Nicholas "Nick Andretti" Andretti — The Mercenary — "Have a problem? I can help you. For a price."
Teddy "Theodore" Berenson — The Crusader — "Be excellent to each other."
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Post by Laurels »

Nadia cursed herself as she realized she was now stuck in a dark room with an unidentifiable stranger in a creepy chamber in an abandoned island where everyone she knew is currently fighting to the death. It was definitely not supposed to turn out like this, and might have been better if she just kept going down the hall. But now she was stuck with this guy, and she needed to be prepared for whatever came next.

The guy tried to calm her down, claiming he was just hiding.

"Yeah, great. Now shush!" she whispered at him.

There was still the possibility that someone was outside the room making all the commotion. Nadia looked around. She noticed a mirror on the wall in the same place where the mirror in her room was. Since she could see the mirror, she realized it was two-way, and this guy probably saw her in the other room. That was unsettling, but even more unsettling was the idea that they were still in danger. She needed to be ready, and if this guy was peaceful, she needed to learn some things from him quickly.

"Look, are you armed?" she quietly asked the guy.
Rorick Skyve*
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Post by Rorick Skyve* »

Alright, alright, at least it seemed like this girl wouldn't be a problem for the moment. She showed no signs of panicking or intending to use violence, so that was obviously good. Also, she was totally right, he had to shut his mouth. Had already made far too much noise with trying to calm her down, possibly given away their location. He had to avoid making more mistakes at all costs.

Maxim simply nodded in response, uncertain if she would even see him moving his head. Still, there was no response required from him, seeing as she had asked for him to shut his mouth. He'd be all too glad to follow that order.

Seemed like he was in luck though. This girl seemed to know what she was doing to some degree, not the hysterical type, not the overly fearful either. Rational, level-headed. The kind he would be glad to cooperate with. Granted his initial impression wasn't completely faulty and she'd show her true colors later, but that was just an 'if', and ifs were irrelevant as of now.

Another good question on her part. He shook his head again, but feared she might not have seen it in all the darkness either, so he inched a little closer and whispered to her. "No, I don't. None I can use, at least." Sad, but true. That goddamn bow. He would have preferred something as crude as a screwdriver over that. Still, he would have to be prepared somehow, in case someone with murderous intentions showed up.

"What about you?"
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Post by Yugikun »

She heard the voices again.

And slowly, she unfroze. Breathed. She still wasn’t able to tell what the people inside were staying, but they didn’t seem to be approaching her. That was good. It meant she had a little bit of time. To think, of course. About whether or not she should stay still or move. Off of the top of her head, that seemed like a very easy choice to her. Move. Staying still in between the doorways made her a sitting duck and she couldn’t really think of any benefits that would make up for that. She nodded to herself. She had to move. Now the question for her was where to move to. Into the door with the people inside, or out of the area while nobody knew she was here?

Both choices were valid, but both were regarding who the people were inside the room. She wasn’t very sure about who they were, their voices weren’t ones that she could recognise. If she went inside, it could be possible for her to join in on their conversation and integrate with them. However, she didn’t know who they were, and it was entirely possible for her to become their victim if they weren’t good people. So, the next option was to leave this place while she still hadn’t been noticed. It meant that she could possibly avoid the risk of these people, but it meant that she could be at the mercy of whoever the other people were out there.

She shook her head. This was another easy choice. She set a reminder to kick herself later for thinking that both were equal options as she opened the door.

It was dark, just like the room she was just in. How did people use this if it was so dark all the time. Wait, no. That’s not a question to ask right now. Maybe when she was safe and secure she could but when she was possibly in fear for her life she wasn’t going to waste it asking stupid questions like that. Ugh. She just needed to move forward in here for a bit. The voices had stopped, for some reason, but she hadn’t heard anything else in this room. Hopefully this was a good idea. She knew that she could run if it wasn’t but it would be far better for her if this ended up being good.

The creaking of the door and the noise of her footsteps were totally foreign to her, at this point.
[+] The Present
Image Image Image

B???: Valentin Shulgin — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | SM: | Present:

G???: Yong Yi "Penny" Yu — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | SM: | Present:
THEME: Rina Sawayama — Comme Des Garçons (Like the Boys)

G???: Clover Wilkinson-Crowheart — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: N/A | SM: N/A | Present:
THEME: The Killers — Spaceman
[+] The Past
Image Image Image

B003: Jeremy Frasier — "Yeah. No regrets." — 57%
Kills: 2 | Equipped with: Scoped Raging Bull, $1000, Wooden Baseball Bat, Eyepatch, Pancor Jackhammer
PREGAME — Past: ☆ ☆ ☆ | Present: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ | Sadie Hawkins: ☆ ☆
V6: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
THEME: OneRepublic — Love Runs Out

B013: Alvaro Vacanti — "Thank... you..." — 41%
Kills: 3 | Equipped with: MAC-10
PREGAME — Past: ❇ ❇ ❇ | Present: ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ | Sadie Hawkins: ❇ ❇
V6: ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇
THEME: The Megas — The Haystack Principle

G030: Jasmine King — "I win." — 11%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Brass Knuckles
PREGAME — Past: | Present: ☻ ☻ ☻ | Sadie Hawkins: ☻
V6: ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻
THEME: Luck Ganriki — golden sneer
[+] The Future

Nicholas "Nick Andretti" Andretti — The Mercenary — "Have a problem? I can help you. For a price."
Teddy "Theodore" Berenson — The Crusader — "Be excellent to each other."
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Post by Laurels »

Great, the other guy wasn't armed. Granted, Nadia was glad he didn't have anything to pull on her (that she could see), but it meant nothing if there was a dangerous person in the halls. Nadia moaned softly.

"No, I got shit," she whispered to the guy. "So we just-"

Nadia heard a creaking sound behind her and turned around. Someone was opening the door. Nadia bit her lip as a figure appeared in the doorway. Crap. They weren't quiet enough, and now someone dangerous was here.

Nadia tried to think quickly about what to do. She couldn't exactly run and hide trapped in a small room like this. She had no clue if the guy could be useful to her. She needed to get away quickly and peacefully.

"Hey, who are you?" she called to the person coming in. "We don't want trouble."

She prayed that would work.
Rorick Skyve*
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Post by Rorick Skyve* »

No weapon on her either, that made two of them. Granted she was telling the truth and didn't plan to gut him once he let his guard down. That was unlikely though, almost ridiculous. So all they could for the moment was wait, wait and s-

There it was again, that horrible creaking, announcing yet another unwanted visitor. Maxim tensed up, clutching his bag even tighter. He took another step back, his eyes gazing at the small gap of light that grew bigger as the door opened up. If he was really, really unlucky, this could be it. If whoever was entering the room had both a somewhat decent weapon or tool on him and malicious intent at that, there was little he could do. A small part of his mind was ready to say goodbye to the world, though the rest stubbornly held onto it. He wasn't giving up. He'd defend his life with his bare hands if he had to, no matter how bad the odds were looking.

The girl said something, took the initiative. Reasonable. Maybe it would have an effect, maybe not. Maybe it wouldn't be necessary at all. He himself did nothing of any sort, just remained standing where he was. Once again.
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Post by Yugikun »

A voice called out to her.


She froze again. Okay, she needed to think about this. There was someone in front of her; Jasmine couldn’t quite tell who it was just by their voice but she knew that it was a girl. That wasn’t exactly helpful, but maybe it was good for her to know that. She couldn’t use that fact now, but maybe it could be used at some point later in this encounter. Right now she just needed to think about what to say. Nothing that’d make the girl suspicious of Jasmine and ideally something that would make the girl an ally. Safety in numbers, after all, and considering that Jasmine ideally didn’t want to die on this island having that safety was the best thing she could possibly get.

She figured that a quick introduction would be probably the best move for her. It wouldn’t be anything too major for her to do, and it’d help to diffuse the tension. She resisted the urge to nod. Yes, that would work. Providing that the person she was talking to was still acting like a normal human being, of course. She expected that to be the case.

“It’s me,” she said. “Jasmine. I don’t want trouble either.”
[+] The Present
Image Image Image

B???: Valentin Shulgin — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | SM: | Present:

G???: Yong Yi "Penny" Yu — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: | SM: | Present:
THEME: Rina Sawayama — Comme Des Garçons (Like the Boys)

G???: Clover Wilkinson-Crowheart — "..." — 0%
PREGAME — Past: N/A | SM: N/A | Present:
THEME: The Killers — Spaceman
[+] The Past
Image Image Image

B003: Jeremy Frasier — "Yeah. No regrets." — 57%
Kills: 2 | Equipped with: Scoped Raging Bull, $1000, Wooden Baseball Bat, Eyepatch, Pancor Jackhammer
PREGAME — Past: ☆ ☆ ☆ | Present: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ | Sadie Hawkins: ☆ ☆
V6: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
THEME: OneRepublic — Love Runs Out

B013: Alvaro Vacanti — "Thank... you..." — 41%
Kills: 3 | Equipped with: MAC-10
PREGAME — Past: ❇ ❇ ❇ | Present: ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ | Sadie Hawkins: ❇ ❇
V6: ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇
THEME: The Megas — The Haystack Principle

G030: Jasmine King — "I win." — 11%
Kills: 0 | Equipped with: Brass Knuckles
PREGAME — Past: | Present: ☻ ☻ ☻ | Sadie Hawkins: ☻
V6: ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻
THEME: Luck Ganriki — golden sneer
[+] The Future

Nicholas "Nick Andretti" Andretti — The Mercenary — "Have a problem? I can help you. For a price."
Teddy "Theodore" Berenson — The Crusader — "Be excellent to each other."
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