
Lined with dumpsters the various stores dispose of their trash in, there isn't much to see in the back alley behind the mall. The occasional employee slips back here to indulge themselves in a cigarette one in a while, and the occasional band of "emo" kids who think they're too cool for the mall but hang out there anyway seem to find a home in this dirty little haven.
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Post by Ciel* »

The Back Alley was empty. It certainly was not unusual for a mall - there was never anyone back here. No one would ever want to hang out in a dingy place like this when there was floors and floors of stores to go crawl around. Maybe this is why people would prefer to do shady things back here.

Kitty Gittschall (anyone who dared to call her Kit would risk getting a black eye) did not like the Back Alley. It made her nervous. True it was the middle of the afternoon during the summer and no serial rapist would attack someone at this time of day but Kitty got the chills anyway. The world was filled with ALOT of bad people and she certainly did not want to get caught up in the middle of them.

She looked around the Alley for another moment before letting out a sigh. No one was around, thank god. She seriously did not want anyone else around, especially here, ESPECIALLY now. Kitty went to go find a place for her to lay up against - a wall perhaps. There was some open space next to a green dumpster so that would definitely work for right now. Kitty turned around and looked to make sure no one was around.

Kitty took out a cigarette (Newports - they weren't that great but it wasn't like she would give a shit, it was a cigarette) and lit it up. Her eyes studied it for a moment, watching the smoke rising up from the tip. Personally she liked to keep her habit a secret, which explained why she was in the back alley of all places. It wasn't that her parents would disaprove. Her parents usually let her do pretty much whatever she wanted on the grounds that it wasn't extremely bad like heavy drugs or killing people. This was why she loved her parents. However if her friends ever found out that she had been smoking behind their backs they would never let her hear the last of it. Kitty wouldn't say that they were't goody two-shoes but when it came to drugs they were against them outright. Frankly she didn't want them bitching to her about how many people second-hand smoking kills a year.

She let the cigarette sit against the corner of her mouth, her lips having a loose grip on it. Kitty left it there for a moment as she pushed her carton back into her pocket. Her back was pressed up against the wall with only one leg holding her up. The heel of the other was pressed flat against the concrete wall. The position she was in made her wobble a little off balance but she didn't pay that much mind. She didn't even care if she lost balance.

Her hands went back up to the cigarette as she took a long, slow drag off of it. She quickly took it out of her mouth and let the smoke out. Kitty coughed loudly, obviously taking in too much smoke than she could handle. Her throat burned as she turned away from the smoke, gasping for air. Clean air was not what she got. She was right next to a dumpster which smelt horrible, but it was all that she could do. Kitty was a lightweight after all. She had just started smoking a few weeks ago, what with exams coming up and the stress building up (not unlike lava building up in a volcano). She certainly didn't mind this pain though. With the burning came a nice, smooth taste and a tingle of pleasure somewhere deep within her.

She finally lifter her head up and cleared the smoke from her eyes. She placed the cigarette back in her mouth and laid up against the wall once more.
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Post by Ramshackle* »

(( Debut of Corinne Connelly. ))

There were few things in the world that Corinne liked more than shopping, and one of those things included spending her stepfather's money. She had little to no plans for the day, so she'd decided to do both, intending to find a new bauble or two that she didn't really need. So far, those baubles had extended to a large pair of gaudy blue earrings, a new pair of patent-leather heels, and a bag stuffed full of interesting shirts that just happened to have been on clearance.

All in all, it was shaping up to be a pretty good day. The only thing that would have made it better would have involved her mother actually being on time to pick her up.

At the moment, Corinne was standing in front of the mall's front doors, glancing around at the traffic and searching for her mom's station wagon. Of course, she couldn't get a hold of anyone on the phone, since that would have been too easy. The bag of shirts was starting to dig painfully into the flab on her arm, and she'd let the other bag rest on the ground so that she could gnaw on a soft pretzel with her free hand.

In her agitation, she'd eaten the entire pretzel before she knew it, and without really tasting it. Letting out a little huff of irritation, she looked around once more, both for her mother and for a trash can to get rid of the greasy, salt-speckled paper in her hand.

Of course, both were nowhere to be found.

Luckily, Corinne knew the mall as well as if she'd built it herself, so she knew that she was relatively near the alley where the dumpsters were. She'd purposefully chosen that spot so that she'd stand out a bit; everyone liked to stand in front of the mall, so she'd obviously be more visible if she stood away from the crowd, right? Unfortunately, that was probably why there were no trash cans nearby.

Her bags rustling, she strode quickly down the alley, and would have just chucked her trash and hurried back if not for the fit of coughing that echoed right down toward her. Well, she was near enough to the corner that one little peek wouldn't do her any harm. Maybe she'd recognize whoever it was, and strike up a conversation to pass the time while she waited for her mother to finally appear. Slowly, she leaned over, and peeped around the edge into the back alley proper.

A very distinctive person was standing there, though Corinne couldn't for the life of her put a name with the face. The blue hair was definitely a dead giveaway, though - Corinne did recognize her from the senior class. Well, it wouldn't do to not even be on first-name terms with this girl, would it? Mustering her courage (which really didn't take much work), Corinne stepped around the corner and flashed a wide smile. "I don't suppose I could bum one of those?" Step one to making friends - make sure you have something in common...?
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Post by Ciel* »

Kitty hadn't expected to see anyone in the alley. True it wasn't unusual to see someone back there but in the heat of the moment she had figured that no one would go behind the dumpsters. Especially someone who looked like Corinne. Kitty didn't really gasp or jump in surprise but she did look over at Corrine with a look on her face that could have said just as much. The girl that was peering over at her with the big smile seemed perky, like she had been Kitty's childhood friend and she was glad to see her. The move didn't weird Kitty out, quite the contrary. Kitty was releaved that this wasn't some maniac roaming the alleyway of the local mall. Then the realization hit - she had a cigarette in her mouth and Corinne could see it as clear as day

Kitty should have been glad this had been someone she didn't even know but for some reason she was embarrassed anyway. Her hand shook as she took the cigarette out of her mouth again and it fell out of her hand and onto the ground. She growled under her breath. Fuck me... Just perfect. She wiped the mistake from her mind quickly, and crushed the cig under her foot. No reason to pick it up and have all those germs running inside her mouth. She looked back at Corinne, who had seconds ago asked her a question. She really didn't catch most of it but she did hear "bum one of those" somewhere in there.

"Wha..." Kitty replied, trying to refocus. She suddenly figured out what Corinne was asking her. She wanted a cigarette. While Kitty wasn't entirely thrilled with the prospect of giving the overweight girl one of her cigarettes but she relented such feelings once she figured out that giving away one wasn't the end of the world. "Oh. Oh, yeah?"

Funny. Kitty didn't exactly know who Corinne was. She didn't have any classes with her, that was for certain. Corinne didn't look the type to be smoking. She appeared to be one of those upper-crust rich kids who condemned that sort of shit. But you can't judge a book by it's cover. Kitty fished in her pocket with her free hand and pulled the carton of Newports out. She fiddled with it, poping one of the sticks out and handed it to Corinne with a limp hand.

"There," Kitty said bluntly with only a hint of a smile. After she handed it out to Corinne she fished back into her pocket to grab her lighter. "Do you need a light?"
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Post by Ramshackle* »

Corinne watched blankly as the other girl dropped the cigarette, then stubbed it out with her toe. Odd. Maybe she was done smoking, then? It would be too bad if that was the case... she really did want to at least learn this girl's name before she disappeared. Luck seemed to be with her, though, as she found a cigarette extended in her direction.

"Say, thanks!" Corinne said with a sigh of relief. The relief, of course, wasn't at the prospect of nicotine but the fact that she wasn't being immediately shunned for coming off as too upbeat. That had certainly happened in the past. Quickly, she shed the bags that she was carrying and reached for the cigarette with a grateful smile. Tucking it deftly between her lips, she began to pat at her pockets as if searching for a lighter. The fact was, she knew that she didn't have one, since she wasn't much of a smoker at all.

She'd actually only had a couple of cigarettes before, both of them in similar situations as the one she was in now. Smoking made for a good ice-breaker. To top it off, the other girl actually offered her a light, instead of staring at Corinne until she went away. Maybe that meant, even if it was on a subconscious level, that she wanted company?


"Yeah, thanks," Corinne answered the offer with another grin, speaking around the cigarette."I don't have mine, since my mom doesn't like it when I smoke." This was true, of course. She waited patiently for the lighter, offering a, "I'm Corinne, by the way," to pass the time. Introductions never hurt.
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