
Boasting 16 bowling lanes and blue-ribbon eating, All-Star Bowling just recently opened its doors in town, making it one of the new local hotspots. Friday and Saturday nights include live performances from many local bands, and Mr. Swanson, the company CEO, is always standing behind the counter eagerly awaiting new customers with a jolly smile.
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Post by Dropbear* »

((Ben Powell continued from Prom Panic))

Sitting and waiting. That's all Ben needed to do. Wait for Courtney to show up.

What if she doesn't come?
She's going to come.
But what if…
It's been…
Only 10 minutes. Patience is a virtue, remember?

Grumbling, Ben sat up and walked over to the bleeping of the rail shooters and racing machines, starting to stare idly at a purple elephant propped up in the nearest skill tester.

Eh, what the hell. Fishing into his pocket, he took out a dollar and chucked it in. The machine immediately sprang to life, the claw stretching out and responding to the joystick in his hands.

Left. Right. Up a little… Activate! The claw slowly decended and grabbed the elephant by the neck, rotating upwards… then falling out of it's grasp as it moved back to the prize slot, into the stuffed crowd below. He looked at the LCD, showing the number 3 go down to 2. He let out a small sigh.
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Post by Badb* »

((My apologies for the lateness, and the patented ZettaMagnetic "Written-At-1am-Post".))
((Courtney Bradley, continued from Prom Panic))

"Alright, Here we are, All-Star Bowling."
"Thanks for dropping me off, Dad."
"Alright, Just don't be too late, Courtney. Have Fun."

Courtney waved her Dad goodbye as the car pulled out of the Bowling alley's parking lot. As much as she'd hate to admit it, from one side of St. Paul to the other might ave been a little too far to run, even for her.

Partly to check the time, and partly to check if she'd actually remembered it, Courtney reached into the pockets on her jacket and grabbed her phone, trying to find the alarm function.

Okay, I still got some time, I should be okay.

Briskly walking through the parking lot, Courtney soon entered into the building itself, and started to look for Ben, Eventually spotting him in the arcade area, trying to win what looked like... elephant? Damn, That thing's haunting me, I swear.

"Hey Ben!" Courtney smiled and walked towards him.
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Post by Dropbear* »

"Hey Ben!"

"Oh, hey Courtney!"

Turning around, he saw Courtney. It was strange. It was only yesterday that they wouldn't have even talked, yet here they were. Going bowling, maybe even good enough to invite to prom. Smiling and trying to act casual, he lent back on the skill tester machine.

[font=Courier]"TILT! TILT!" [/font]

The machine flashed red and screamed, startling Ben and making him jump off the machine, eyes wide open.

"OK, I think… I think we should just go bowling now." Exhaling softly, Ben shook his head as he walked to the counter with Courtney. "Sorry about that, I'm a bit absent-minded when it comes around equipment and electronics." He let out a small chuckle as he got out his wallet. The guy at the counter raised an eyebrow at Ben as he received the vouchers.

"OK, that's two people for one game, shoe hire and a bucket of chips, that's $10, and I'll need your name and shoe size. And don't lean on the counter, OK?"
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Post by Badb* »

Ben tried to act casual, smiling and leaning back on what looked like a skill tester.

Wait, did some kid just put money in that and get called aw-


Courtney couldn't help bursting into laughter as Ben jumped off the machine, looking slightly like a cartoon character, after they'd been hit over the head by an oversized frying pan, except without the heavily exaggerated bruising.

"OK, I think… I think we should just go bowling now."

"I agree!" Courtney said, almost in tears from laughter. "You have some coupons for here, right?"

"Sorry about that, I'm a bit absent-minded when it comes around equipment and electronics."

"At least you don't randomly draw elephants on things." Courtney continued laughing, but eventually calmed herself down, but not without chuckling some more first. "I just wish I was filming that, would've been a hit on youtube."

The man at the counter looked fairly unamused by Ben and Courtney, and replied to Ben handing over his coupons in a dull, monotonous tone.

"OK, that's two people for one game, shoe hire and a bucket of chips, that's $10, and I'll need your name and shoe size. And don't lean on the counter, OK?"

"Courtney Bradley..." Courtney paused, leaning on Ben and taking off a shoe to look up her size. "I'm a size 6... I think."
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Post by Dropbear* »

"No, no YouTube. I don't want to be famous that way."

Ben shook his head slightly and smiled as they both gave their details and in Ben's case his money to the guy, Courtney putting out a hand to lean on Ben to check her size.

"What am I, a skill tester?" he jokingly said.

After grabbing their shoes and the token for the chips from the food bar, the two sat down on the plastic chairs near the aisles, Ben untying and taking off his sneakers.

Flipping over the red and white bowling shoes, he grinned at Courtney. "So, you've been bowling before? Should I go easy on you?"
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Post by Badb* »

"What am I, a skill tester?"

"No," Courtney smiled. "More of a... temporary armrest."

Wait, that made no sense.

Sighing, and taking her bowling shoes, Courtney went with Ben and sat on some plastic chairs.

"So, you've been bowling before? Should I go easy on you?"

"Haven't you already asked me that?." She said, as she untied her shoes and put the bowling ones on. "No, This is my first time."

Lacing up the last shoe, she stood up. They were a little tight, and felt like they needed getting used to, but Courtney figured she'd probably be okay walking in them.

Okay, time to make an absolute fool of mys- play.

"Hmm, we're in lane... Six, Right?"

Courtney walked over to the lane, and picked up a ball. It was significantly heavier than she'd expected, and put it back down, shaking her wrist.

"Woah." She said, "These balls are heavy." Thinking for a second, she burst out laughing.

"...That didn't sound as dirty in my head, honest."
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Post by Dropbear* »

Ben couldn't help it, he laughed. "Oh man, this can not end well."

Grinning, he poked the ball next to the one Courtney had dropped, a bright orange. "You might want to try that one, it's lighter."
Rolling the purple bowling ball on the other side of the ball return, Ben picked it up experimently, and then satisfied put it back down on their side of the lane.

Looking at the screen, Ben started to walk backwards and sat down on the nearest chair. "Well, COU, it's your turn. Just grab the ball..." Ben paused, half from not wanting to be too annoying, half from the mental image in his mind. " know what, I'm just going to shut up."
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Post by Badb* »

"You might want to try that one, it's lighter."

"Thanks" Courtney said, picking up the slightly lighter, but still fairly heavy orange ball.

"Well, COU, it's your turn."

"COU?" Courtney looked up at the screen. "Y'know, It really wouldn't have killed them to make the name entry longer."

"Just grab the ball..."

Courtney giggled, and walked up to the lane. She stood for a second looking at the next lane, where someone who wasn't quite as hopeless as her was bowling, walked forwards, and did what they did, rolling the ball.

...What happened next was rather unexpected.

Courtney was caught off balance by the throw, and stumbled backwards, falling on her arse. The ball was still going down the lane, with some speed, and hit just to the left of the centre pin, sending them all falling down.

"Uh... What?" Courtney said, getting up to her feet "How did I just do that?"
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Post by Dropbear* »

Ben resisted the urge to laugh while watching Courtney fall backwards while bowling. He couldn't hold it in when the ball managed to knock down all the pins, flying into the back of the lane. Smiling broadly while watching the screen flash behind a dancing X, he walked over to her and extended an arm to help her up.

"Whatever it was, keep doing it. You OK?"

After making sure that Courtney was good, Ben picked up the other ball experimentally and rolled it around in his hands.

Wait, I don't to show off.
Oh for god's sakes, just bowl.

Dropping the ball down the line, it made the familiar drumroll sound before striking the pins. 7.

I can work with that.

Walking back, he started to wait for the ball from the return. "So, you're in Athletics, right? What's that like?"
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Post by Badb* »

"Ow! It's not funny!" Courtney said, laughing, as she sat down on the bench.

"Whatever it was, keep doing it. You OK?"

"Well, I'll try." Courtney laughed, and sat back, watching Ben take his turn, not messing up quite as much as Courtney, in fact, doing pretty well.

"Seven." Courtney announced jokingly, as he hit the pins. "You've got a way to go until you beat me, young grasshopper."

"So, you're in Athletics, right? What's that like?"

"Oh, it's good fun." Courtney replied. "I've always loved running, and stuff like that."

Courtney took her ball from the ball return. She knew Ben would probably have another go, because he didn't hit every pin, but she thought it'd be handy to have it on hand.

"So, Ben. You have any hobbies?"
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Post by Dropbear* »

Making a sharp smacking noise as it hit the others, Ben picked up his bowling ball from the return. Giving a small smile at Courtney, he replied to her question.

"Eh, only fencing and venturers. I get to poke people with blunt swords, which is always fun, and you get to jelly wrestle in the other. Or go see Steve... I mean go to the Steve Carlson Arena."

Going back onto the wooden launch strip, Ben threw the ball down the runway, aiming for the 3 pins left. Unfortunately, the ball had another idea and decided to curve left, going straight into the gutter. Making a open groaning sound, he walked back to Courtney.

"Gut-ter-ball. Gotta love it."
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Post by Badb* »

"Eh, only fencing and venturers. I get to poke people with blunt swords, which is always fun, and you get to jelly wrestle in the other. Or go see Steve... I mean go to the Steve Carlson Arena."

"Jelly... Wrestling...?" Courtney asked, "...Actually, I don't wanna know."

Ben walked up to bowl down the remaining three pins, but the ball rolled into the gutter, or whatever it was called.

"Gut-ter-ball. Gotta love it."

"Well, it was close... I think?" Courtney replied, standing up from the bench "Well, my turn."

Courtney gra-... picked up her ball, and walked to the lane, trying to to fall over this time.

She carefully threw the ball, and sent it slooooooowly down, until it hit a single pin.

"Well, that wasn't what I'd hoped for." Courtney said, picking up another ball from the return and waiting for the single pin to be automatically cleared.

"Okay, I'll try not to balls this one up, then."
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Post by Dropbear* »

"Jelly... Wrestling...? Actually, I don't wanna know."

Opening his eyes in the realisation of stupidity, he stammered "Oh, no, not THAT type. Like... Ummm, don't worry."
Scratching his head again, he sat down as Courtney went through with her turn, scoring a measly pin.

"Well, that wasn't what I'd hoped for."

"Eh, still, better than nothing. You might want to throw a little bit earlier... or later, I forget which." Pausing, his eyebrows went down into a thinking position. "When it's the closest to the floor, I think."

Hey, brain speaking over here, just letting you know you should say something about prom sometime in the next 3 frames.
Oh, what? Oh. Damn. Yeah.

"Okay, I'll try not to balls this one up, then."

...what are we, trying to see who can make the most sexual innuendo jokes?

He smiled.
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Post by Badb* »

"Eh, still, better than nothing. You might want to throw a little bit earlier... or later, I forget which." Pausing, his eyebrows went down into a thinking position. "When it's the closest to the floor, I think."

"Okay, then." Courtney said, as the pin was cleared. "I'll try that."

Okay, focus. Roll the ball, and don't fail this time.

Courtney rolled the ball, sending it pretty slowly, but still faster than it was before. It hit a grand total of 6 pins, and Courtney was actually pleased with herself.

For a few turns, or whatever they were called in bowling, Courtney was silent, focusing on playing the game. But also watching other people bowl, then suddenly, she shook her head and sat up in the bench.

"Wow," she said "I think that's the longest I've ever been quiet for."
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Post by Dropbear* »

Ask her.
Can I just be silent? It's less hard.

Drumrolling down the lane, the bowling ball cracked against the pins, grabbing eight down into the darkness.

"Wow, I think that's the longest I've ever been quiet for."

"Yay for awkwardness." Giving a stretch, Ben walked back, waiting for the return.


Ben swallowed before opening his mouth. And shutting it again. And opening it again, suddenly sounding much more awkward than usual.

"Err, Courtney? Can I ask you something? It's about... Well, prom."

A large clank from the ball return stopped him from continuing, nervous. Looking back at Courtney, he started up again. "Umm... Well, I was wondering, well since we don't have partners and all which you said in the library, I was wondering if, you could, ya know, go with me to prom?"

He let out a small sigh. Finally.
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