So Fresh, So Clean

Everything Prom-related before the actual dance takes place here: last second date-searches, time spent dressing, rendezvous with friends, and fancy limo (or, as the case may be, bus) rides to the dance are all welcome.
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So Fresh, So Clean


Post by Buko »

Music was therapy for the soul.

David Perez or ‘Dirty D' as he was often called hadn't learned much in the Philosophy class he took his Sophomore year. He had learned that Philosophy was definitely more difficult than he had initially imagined and he had learned that he didn't like the type of people who took highschool Philosophy classes. They were connivors and manipulators, the type of people who got off on fucking with eachother and were determined to prove that they were the smartest person in the room. That being said, while he did pick up some misanthropic tendancies from the venture into higher thinking, he also picked up something that Aristotle had once said: Music is essential to the development of character.

And it was even more essential to the kid alone on Prom Night and being forced to go by his mother.

David didn't like the idea of Prom. He didn't even like the people who normally went to prom, he didn't like their music, he didn't like the fact that he was being forced to party. What he did like, no, what he did love was his mother and as the woman practically pleaded for him to go and enjoy what would probably be the last moment of importance in his highschool career…he really didn't have much choice in the matter.

The Piano chimed and the bass popped from the cheap computer speakers in the teenagers room, the sludgy voice of ODB pounded into his brain as he tried to button up his cuff links…

"Oooh baby I like it raw," David hummed as he fiddled with the button on his right hand with his left, "Yeah baby I like it rawww…", David sighed as he lifted his forearm and twisted it in attempt to find the button and force it through, "Oooh baby I like it raw," the words could barely be heard through the grunting of his voice as his forearm tightened and his eyes buldged, "Yeah baby I like it rawwwARGH!"

David flippantly put his arms down and instead searched for the black jacket…he wasn't going with anyone, he didn't have anyone to impress…besides who even looked at cuff links?

Slipping on his jacket and flicking off his computer David walked into his living room and waved his hand over his body and looked his mother dead straight in the eye as if to get a signal that he was presentable: that her dateless, dirty, and dishelved child was at least going to look good one day in his life before she sent him out in the real world…

Instead the woman just clicked her tongue and shook her head.

"David…", she extended the ‘a' sound in a low whine, "Your tie is crooked and you didn't even button your cuff links!"

His mother swarmed him and began fixing him up. David loudly sighed once more…

This night certainly would be full of magic.

((Continued In: Let The Dance Begin!))
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