Buzzer Beater

Everything Prom-related before the actual dance takes place here: last second date-searches, time spent dressing, rendezvous with friends, and fancy limo (or, as the case may be, bus) rides to the dance are all welcome.
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Buzzer Beater


Post by Yossarian* »

Rob Jenkins, 6'5" Bayview basketball team star, was creating enough attention by his presence on a regular day with a head way above the crowd and quite decent popularity. But that day, he stood out even more, mostly because of his look. Probably for the first time since ages, anyone have seen him in something different than shorts or no sleeve-shirts. He had a really well made black suit on him, white shirt under his coat, red tie matching his hair color, and boots polished so much, they could probably work just as well as a mirror. He had to buy this suit via special order, because not much Bayview clothing shops offered anything for his size. Since Rob was in fact quite poor, and couldn't afford another one, he wore it only on very special occasions to not destroy it.

And that day was such a special occasion. He exactly knew, that Prom is coming closer and closer, and yet he was postponing his decision of asking out Melissa Li one day after another. And now he had it. The morning of the Prom day. The last chance to finally do something he was planning since last two months.

Thanks to good scouting report he received (Melissa's school friends plus several gossipers who couldn't stop giggling when he asked them about the girl), he knew Melissa should be heading home at the moment. From where? He didn't know, and frankly, he didn't care as well. That didn't matter. What mattered was, whether he was already too late with asking her about Prom, and even if not, whether she'll be interested in it at all.

Well, that's why he was there. To learn the answer. He was as far from his favorite basketball court as possible, but he felt excitement and adrenaline, just as he was right in there during last few seconds of the game with 2 point trail.

Come on Rob... You can do it...
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Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:41 am


Post by Tythanin* »

'Tonight's prom...I hope I don't embarrass myself with the other girls.' Melissa thought to herself as she walked back home, the next couple of hours of her life about to be devoted to making herself look good so she could fit in with all the other students. Her parents, thankfully, had approved of her purchase (in a rather backhanded way) and they even complimented her when she showed off the dress to them. Once in a while they were nice...She smiled to herself as she saw the proud face of her father and mother from the mirror's reflection. It was a good memory.

She rounded the corner and came to a halt when she suddenly saw Rob Jenkins standing there, looking fairly nervous and wearing a nice suit. He cut a very dashing figure, standing there, but a small flicker of nervousness lit in her heart. There was only one reason why he would be standing there. Two reasons, really. One to ask for tutoring and the other to ask her to prom...and considering the situation, it had to be the latter. 'What do I do...? I didn't promise to go with the other girls but...'

There was nothing left but to confront it, though, and she walked up to Rob with a faint smile on her face, waving once. "Hi Rob...what are you doing here?"
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