With weight on his shoulders

Ah, the gym. It's the place where the nerdy population of the school get bombarded with dodgeballs, and the athletes flourish. The gym contains a weight room, various locker rooms, and other athletic fixtures.
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With weight on his shoulders


Post by FrozenPrince* »

Eric grunts as he pushes up on the heavy weights that push heavy upon his chest. With grunts that echo the hallway, it is all worth it to getting closer to that football scholarship. As things rattled within his head, thoughts of his girlfriend, angers him. Wishes he would have done something different. Eric was lifting the weights with desperation and with a feral attitude. He placed the weights back on the holder and begins to take off the weights.

Still thinking of what he did to his girlfriend and how he is ashamed. With Eric starring off into the room in a daydreaming state, his actions remained motionless. He quickly shakes his head and carry's on with his normal routine workout. As he moves towards the treadmill, he gets a sharp pain in his head. Memories of him spending the night with one of the cheerleaders and then seeing the look on his girlfriends face when she found out.

Tragedy struck as those memories put him down on one knee. Other football players asked him if he would be ok. Shrugging it off he replied "Yes I am fine just a little headache". Eric continued as planned and started up the treadmill. The sound of the treadmill moving was the same sound as the memories continued to flourish within his head. He placed his hand on the railing and placed his head down to catch his breath. Eric soon realized that he cannot function with these memories haunting him. He had to see his girlfriend. As he left the weight room on his way to see her in the band room.

((continued elsewhere))
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