Beyond the Horizon

This huge area takes up most of the island, with the only real "settled" places on it being the parts of the abandoned and run down military base. There are paths through the jungle, but there's also an extremely thick underbrush and abundance of plant life that would impede and agitate the contestants; not to mention the animal life dwelling within that would find the contestants to be a nice treat. The terrain itself is trecherous with several random drops, cliffs, and the occasional booby trap that the soldiers manning the base "forgot" to disarm; one could be easily lost for days in the vast confines of the jungle if the heat and other conditions didn't drive them insane. Exercise caution, children, one wrong step here would most definitely be your last.
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Beyond the Horizon


Post by Megami* »

((Continued from Start - G07))

This day just keeps getting better and better...

From the moment Kallie Majors (Female Student no. 07) had exited the cottage, she had regretted her decision. At the time, the gang of students she had been surrounded by had made her quite uncomfortable. Oddly enough, now that she was out on her own, she was desperately wishing that she had some company. The jungle was dense and she found herself stumbling over roots and tripping over rocks every so often.

Best of all, it'd be dark soon.

Dropping her pack on the ground, Kallie moved over to an old, toppled over tree and sat down on it. Her ankle ached, and she couldn't help but wonder if perhaps she'd rolled it -- or worse -- during her trek through the jungle. She crossed her legs, rubbing her ankle gently, and let out a light sigh. She unzipped her pack and retrieved the map from it, then began studying it carefully, trying to gain her bearings.

Did I... do the right thing?

From the cottage, she had headed east... or at least, she thought she had headed east. The truth was, she hadn't been thinking about it at the time, and she was incredibly disoriented. It felt like she'd been stumbling through the jungle for hours, and he was starting to get tired and cold. She needed to find some sort of shelter soon, or she'd be spending the night in these god awful woods and hoping she didn't become some hungry animal's meal.

I don't get it... what was I thinking? I had Darnell and Guy... they were right there with me... and I left them. Why am I trying to find my friends if I just wind up leaving them because I don't like the company? You make no sense, Kallie.

Her eyes wandered the map and stared dumbfoundedly at the locations that had been scribbled on it. Along with the map, they'd provided the students a list of all their classmates. She could only assume that, just like in the last two games, Danya'd be making his morning announcements and letting them know who all had been killed throughout the day.

I hope everybody's okay...

Who, or what, was she trying to find, anyway? Even Kallie didn't quite know the answer to that question. She wanted to find a place, a person, anything, just something that made her feel safe... and not the kind of forced safe that she'd felt back at the cottage with Kristin, Matthew, and Ken. Maybe she was just being foolish. She didn't even know what she was looking for. In fact, all she'd managed to do was put herself in a potentially dangerous situation.

Now she was alone, poorly armed (the fact was, she didn't have a clue how to use the sword they'd given her, and the thing felt awkward and bulky in her hands), and soon, she'd be surrounded by darkness. Kallie hadn't felt this kind of fear and apprehension since she was a child, and she didn't like the bitter taste that was forming in her mouth. She toyed idly with a strand of long blonde hair, pondering her next move.

How could she set a destination when she didn't even know where she was? The sheer frustration of it all almost made Kallie want to cry, but she forced the tears back. She wouldn't resort to crying, she was too proud for that. Besides, what would the guys say if they saw her crying like a baby. She didn't know why, but she'd always felt like she had to stay on the same level as them, but being a girl, it was hard to sometimes, especially when it came to emotional things.

I just want this all to go away...

It was funny how the weekend before, she could have never imagined anything like this happening. They'd all been at her house, just hanging out and having fun. She, and Keith, Darnell, and the rest of the group. She could still remember the little party she'd thrown, the random trip to Krispy Kreme at 4 in the morning. The memory brought her a bit of comfort, but at the most it seemed bittersweet.

You guys better not die on me...

It took her a moment to compose herself fully, and she reached back into her daypack to grab the jacket she'd slung off earlier and throw it on her shoulders once again before gathering up her belongings. At the very least, she had to keep moving. She'd never find them if she kept sitting in one place. For a moment, she contemplated returning to the cottage for Darnell and Guy, but she didn't even know if they were still there now.

I've just gotta keep going...

((Continued in In God's House))
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