Walkin' in Circles

This huge area takes up most of the island, with the only real "settled" places on it being the parts of the abandoned and run down military base. There are paths through the jungle, but there's also an extremely thick underbrush and abundance of plant life that would impede and agitate the contestants; not to mention the animal life dwelling within that would find the contestants to be a nice treat. The terrain itself is trecherous with several random drops, cliffs, and the occasional booby trap that the soldiers manning the base "forgot" to disarm; one could be easily lost for days in the vast confines of the jungle if the heat and other conditions didn't drive them insane. Exercise caution, children, one wrong step here would most definitely be your last.
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Walkin' in Circles


Post by ZombiexCreame* »

((Lulu Altaire continued from Wild International))

Lulu Altaire didn't originally plan to just wander off somewhere. She had originally planned to leave the cottage and wait for Ryan, Steve and Eris. Yes, deep in Lulu's heart, she still had hope that maybe Steve and Eris had sorted through their problems. Maybe Eris was still alive.

It was possible. Yeah right.

Unfortunately, no matter how much Lulu wandered around, she never saw a single soul. Were they still back at the cottage? She hoped not. It was a danger zone after all. After some more walking, it wasn't long until Lulu realized that she was lost. She assumed that she was a fair ways away from the the cottage and out of danger but what if she accidentally stepped into another danger zone?

This island was crawling with them now. Sitting down at the base of a tree, she opened her map and examined it, pen in mouth. She looked at all the various danger zones she had marked off. If she could somehow avoid those spots, she would be okay.

"If I cross through the jungle, I'll probably make it to the caves or the airfield or something..Maybe there are people there. Or maybe I could get reunited with Ryan and all them.." she muttered, but realized that it was just wishful thinking. The grim realization was that Lulu might not see them again.

Time passed. Was it minutes? Hours? Lulu had entered the jungle just a few short minutes ago and it seemed like days had passed. Every tree looked the same. Every stick snapped in the same way. Every bird made the same call.

Lulu sat down against a tree, trying to trace her path. Unfortunately, she had no clue where she was located. Oh how she wished for one of those signs that one would see in a mall lobby. A big glowing white one with a layout of the entire shopping complex. And then, a big red X was marked somewhere with, "You Are Here" written in bold black letters.

If only Lulu had one of those. Instead, she was in some unspecified part of the forest, completely lost. "Oh well, as good of a rest place as any..." she muttered to herself. Sitting down in the dirt, she lied on her back and stared up at the sky. Her mind was swimming with thousands of thought-fish, all trying to reach the same destination: "Why am I here? How have I survived so long? How much longer can I last?"

"Not too much longer..I'm starving. I'm thirsty. I'm tired," Lulu complained aloud. To add, the wound on her arm was stinging something awful. She was glad that she hadn't been shot, but a graze was still painful.

The red headed girl sat up and dug through her bag, looking for something to eat or drink. She had very little water and very little food supply. Maybe for later, when she would be even hungrier.

After a few more minutes of silence, Lulu came to the realization that this is where she began. At the beginning of this forsaken game, she had hidden here for a few days before met Anna, Amanda and Lauren. A bunch of people. But now she felt completely alone. "All I have now are a bunch of twigs..and this little spider. Crawling up my leg..ew ewww get off.."

Lulu made quite a scene of jerking her leg around to get the spider away from her. Even though she had been trying to survive on this island for like, more than a week now, Lulu had lost count, that didn't mean that she was any more used to bugs.

Lulu lied back down on the jungle floor, deep in thought.
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Post by Theseus* »

((Lenny Priestly continued from All Down Hill From Here))

Lenny Priestly stumbled through the jungle. He was tired, and still dazed from his fight. Jordan had put up a fight, that was for sure, too bad he didn't know when to walk away. Too bad. Maybe that was Lenny's problem too. When should he walk away? Where was he even going?

He had been walking for a while now, the bag seemed heavy, full of all his prizes. He stumbled, and fell down. Lenny felt the impact as his butt his the ground, and he just let the rest of him lay down. The throbbing pain shot through him, as he stared up into the sky.

No one would help him now.

He had no one to help.

He was on his own.

Lenny stood back up, and continued. He wasn't sure where he was going, and while he was traveling he thought of the Canterbury Tales. Maybe it was because they had just had to read it for English, but he wished he was like those pilgrims. With a purpose. Flawed some of them were, but at least they knew where they were going. Off to Canterbury. Where was Lenny going?


Ah well.

He almost stumbled over Lulu because he didn't see her and he wasn't paying attention. When he saw who it was, he took a few steps back, his hand instinctively feeling for his handgun.

"Look who it is."
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Post by ZombiexCreame* »

Lulu was staring up at the top of the trees when she heard the distant pitter-patter of approaching footsteps. Who could it be? Her eyes flickered around as her mind read through the possibilities. Maybe it was Steve, Ryan and possibly Eris. Maybe they had managed to make it out of the danger zone safely and were looking for her.

There was also the possibility that it was a classmate whom she had never met. Hopefully, one that wasn't playing. But if it was a player, she would just have to be strong.

After realizing that she had let her mind run away with her again, she realized that the footsteps were extremely close. She glanced over and saw just the person she didn't want to see. Ever. Why? Why him? Why Lenny?

She sat up off the ground and brushed the dirt and twigs from her hair. She looked straight at Lenny with no particular emotion on her placid face. Okay, think fast. Keep calm. But she couldn't keep certain creeping thoughts out of her head. The thoughts that said things like, 'This monster is a cold blooded killer! He killed Anna and Lauren right in front of my face!' It was true, after all.

Lulu wanted to react in rage. She wanted to yell and scream, but she was positive that Lenny had heard it all before. He was probably sick of people telling him that he's a killer by now. So why waste energy and spew the obvious?

But Lulu didn't want to react in fear either. Running away, screaming and crying is probably just what Lenny would want to see. And a free ticket to getting shot in the back. Besides, didn't he tell Lulu that the next time he saw her, he'd kill her? Or something like that. She'd have to expect the worst.

"Oh, hey Lenny. How ya hanging?" she asked him in an indifferent voice. She curled her feet under her body and gave him a vague grin. She adjusted her glasses for a moment, then pulled her pack into her lap. "I gotta show ya something, hang on."

Lulu dug through the bag until her hands touched something hard. Madison's MPK5. Using both hands, she lifted it out of her bag and placed it on her lap. Her expression darkened slightly, but she still maintained a slight grin on her face.

"See this thing, Lenny? Now you take your fucking hands off your handgun or I'll blow a hole through your head. Don't think that you can just mow me down like all my friends! Like Anna and Lauren...I'm not as weak as I look." She glared through her glasses.

Lulu was extremely surprised at the words that came out of her mouth. Did she just say the forsaken F-word?! She had the urge to apologize to Lenny, but reminded herself of all that he had done. She couldn't let Lenny know she was scared. She couldn't. Everything she had just said before was, of course, mostly bluffing.

Her face brightened a bit and she tilted her head very slightly to the side. "Besides, I don't think you want to scuffle with me, do you? Because you look terrible. Just awful. Poor, poor Lenny..." Lulu trailed off, her fingers tracing the side of her scythe blade.

Deep inside, she was shaking like a leaf.
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Post by Theseus* »

Lenny watched Lulu, surprised when she managed to show her bigger gun than his, but he smiled. She had guts, that was for sure. You had to really admire a girl like Lulu. She had watched her friends die, and she probably knew just like Lenny that they were all going to die within the next day or two, yet she still managed to make threats.

Lenny didn't believe it was an empty threat at all either, so that's why he took his hand off his handgun, letting it rest tucked into his jeans.

"I see you've done well for yourself. Though being out here all by yourself, is that really the smartest thing to do?"

Lenny shook his head, and looked around the jungle. Darkness was approaching once again, and Lenny couldn't wait until dawn. The next set of danger zones, the next set of who has been killed. Lenny would know then how much longer he had left. Maybe Lulu would be the one to kill him. Maybe she would be the one strong enough, fast enough, smart enough, lucky enough to kill Lenny Priestly.

Then again, he doubted it.

She was just as useless as the others he met. Shameeca, Jordan, all of them. Useless and dead.

"If you're going to shoot me, do it now. Get it over with. I'm right here. You got the gun. What are you waiting for? Though, let me be clear. If you miss, I swear I'll have you screaming for mercy, begging for me to stop the terrible things I'll do to you."

Lenny mimicked Lulu's voice, "Oh Lenny! No! Please stop! It hurts so much! Kill me Lenny! Kill me!""

"So the choice is yours. Become a murderer, die, or we can just go our separate ways."
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Post by ZombiexCreame* »

Lulu relaxed a little when Lenny took his hand off of his gun. Maybe this wouldn't end too terribly after all. She sure hoped so. Honestly, Lulu didn't think she could keep her cool for too much longer. She realized that soon she would probably start shaking in fear. But for now, she would just have to pretend that she wasn't scared. But she was. Deathly scared.

"I see you've done well for yourself. Though being out here all by yourself, is that really the smartest thing to do?"

"Well uh..I..I'm not alone. I'm not! I'm with a whole group of people. There's Steve..and Ryan..and uh..They just went to go to the bathroom.." Lulu nervously chattered. It was obvious that Lenny would be able to see through this blatant lie but Lulu couldn't help herself. The lie made her feel a little bit more brave.

She was going to make some sort of comment back at Lenny, maybe 'I see you're alone too' or something of the sort but realized it probably wouldn't be the smartest thing to say. Of course he was alone. Elizabeth was dead and he had no allies. Who would want to be? She suddenly felt a little sorry for Lenny. He was all alone. That pity was suddenly replaced by anger, as she reminded herself of all that Lenny had done.

Then Lenny told her to shoot him. Easy as that. But if she missed, there would be consequences. Was this some sort of joke? How was she supposed to react? One of the more notorious players of this game strolls up to Lulu and tells her 'Hey man, go ahead and shoot me.'

Lulu found herself glancing around the foliage for hidden camera men. Maybe one of them would pop out from behind a tree and shout, "Smile! You're on Candid Camera!"

Lulu shook those silly thoughts from her head. "I need more sleep..." she thought to herself. She was about to say something in response, but then Lenny started mimicking Lulu ad her voice. It was a little humorous sounding actually, so she found herself restraining a smile.

She looked up at Lenny, her eyebrows curved inward. "Don't delude yourself. If you ever manage to kill me, and that's if, I wouldn't give you the pleasure of hearing me scream. Never. It would just be the most boring and plain death ever. Not very fulfilling. I would just keel over and die. All anti-climactic-like."

She took a deep breath and stared down at the gun in her lap. She had a choice to make. A hard choice. Why in the world was Lenny even giving her a choice? He was such a confusing guy. Back at the cottage, Lenny had even told her something like, 'Never let us meet again' or something. And now this?

"I really don't understand...Why are you giving me a choice?" she asked quietly, still eying the gun. It wasn't the fact that she was afraid her bullet would miss, no. She didn't care about that. It was whether she should just go ahead and shoot Lenny or let him go.

Letting him go was the safest choice. Less fighting. More simple. But what if Lulu ran into Lenny again? It was bound to happen eventually, seeing as the island's available zones were shrinking in size. Would she be so lucky?

But if she parted ways with Lenny, what if he just continued to go around slaughtering more people? Slaughtering innocent people like Lauren and Anna? Wait, was Anna even that innocent? Regardless, Lulu knew what she had to do. It was scary and she didn't even think she had the bravery to pull it off, but she would have to try. Besides, she'd killed before. She could do it a third time. Three times the charm, right?

Even if the bullet missed, Lulu would have to go through with this. Some way, some how. Pulling herself into a standing position, she held the heavy gun with both her hands. She aimed it, her hands shaking slightly. "I..I guess I'll go with the first choice.." she mumbled nervously.

Before even a few seconds passed, Lulu shook her head and lowered the gun a little. She couldn't do this. Not now. She still had something to say.

"Lenny, I just wanted to say..um. Well, I'm not..I'm not so upset about Anna's death anymore. I kind of understand why you killed her. Anna did attack your twin sister. And I know that twins are close and stuff...So it was understandable..I guess. If someone hurt my twin, I'd probably want to get revenge too. I know this doesn't change anything but...I feel sorry for you," Lulu told Lenny, her lips pursed slightly. "I'd give you a hug but I kind of don't want to be anywhere near you..."
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Post by Theseus* »

Lenny tensed up when Lulu said she'd take the first choice. There it was. This was it, his release. He was practically giving it to the girl. All she had to do was aim and pull the trigger. Then Lenny would die. It really was that easy.

She didn't.

She was trying so hard to be strong, acting like she had a group around, when they both knew they were alone. They were as alone as they ever would be on this island. Alone, vulnerable, lying. It was the way people were now. So many days since the first day on the island. Since Lenny woke up and made a vow to protect his sister. Now he was alone.

All alone.

What Lulu said next though surprised Lenny.

She acted...understanding. Albeit, there was an obvious edge, but she still acted understanding. Lenny's immediate thought was to not take it. He wasn't going to let this girl act sorry for him! If anything, he should feel sorry for her. She would be dead soon enough, if not by him, then by someone else.

"I don't want your stupid pity. It's your friend that hurt my sister! She caused my sister to die! It's your fault, it's everyones fault!"

Lenny had it. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he reached for his handgun and pulled it out, aiming it at Lulu, then turning it around, and pressing the barrel against his head. Falling to his knees, Lenny looked up at the sky and screamed. Only the darkness answered him.

"It's my fault...Elizabeth is dead because of me...I tried...I killed so many people to protect her...and it doesn't matter. In the end, she's dead and I'm still alive. Still killing people. For what? Another day? I'll be dead soon enough. We all will be, except for some lucky individual. It's not about how well you play this game. There's no skill, no plan, nothing that will let you win. It's not how nice you are, it's not how ruthless you are. It's luck. A fluke. I should be dead. You should be dead. Luck has kept us alive. Coincidences and accidents. My sister died, a fluke. Bobby's dead, luck. If I pull this trigger, it's just another occurrence. I'll be gone, in a blink of an eye. All those people I killed, it would be meaningless. All the people I would have killed in the coming day, they'll keep living. That's all this is Lulu. There's no plan, no fate, nothing."

Lenny contemplated his own thoughts and closed his eyes. He could do it. Pull the trigger. He could be the one to release himself from this island. He could be with his sister.


Lenny brought his gun down and tucked it back into his jeans.

Standing up, he looked at Lulu.

"I hope to see you at the end Lulu. There's not long left."
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Post by ZombiexCreame* »

Lulu was staring at Lenny, her gun hanging limply at her side. He had just told Lulu that he didn't want her pity. That it was her friend who hurt her sister and that it was Lulu's fault. Everyone's fault.

Lulu wasn't sure what to do or how to react. She wanted to yell and scream that it wasn't her fault. It wasn't anyone's fault but his own. He brought this upon himself, didn't he?

Lulu decided to go the other route.

"It's true that Anna hurt your sister. And maybe it's true that she caused Elizabeth to die. But...it's not my fault. I never wanted Elizabeth to be...killed. We took Elizabeth away from you to protect her. But enough of that. It's in the past. Maybe..maybe it's just no one's fault," Lulu said softly with a simple shoulder shrug. Fate worked in mysterious ways, didn't it?

She had been staring out beyond the trees. Her eyes had traced upon the scenery as she spoke. As her eyes drifted back to Lenny, she saw the tears brimming in his eyes. Her heart lurched a little. She hated to see people cry, even if it was this guy.

"Oh...don't cry, it's okay.." Lulu said, trying to be comforting. She was wringing her hands awkwardly. Poor guy. Lulu had never known a sibling, but she could feel the grief. It must have been tough. She was about to say more, until Lenny pulled out his gun.

At first, Lulu thought he was about to shoot her but relaxed when she realized that he wasn't. Then she tensed up again as he put the gun to his head and screamed out. Lulu wrung her hands tighter. She didn't like seeing anyone like this. "Oh..oh, what should I do?! Should I do something? Say something?"

Even though she kept telling herself that Lenny was bad and Lenny was a monster, she couldn't keep herself from drifting away from those thoughts. There appeared to be more to him than just a ruthless murderer. Lulu didn't want to see Lenny shoot himself. She bit her lip nervously.

Then Lenny began to speak again and Lulu listened intently. After he finished, Lulu found herself silent for several moments. Lenny...he was right. This was all luck. Realistically speaking, if this game was based on how well you played, Lulu would have been dead days ago.

So Lenny wasn't just mindlessly killing. He was doing it to protect Elizabeth, in some twisted way. But now she was gone, so now what? What a terrible situation.

"Lenny..it's not your fault. You just said it yourself. This is all luck or something so..you couldn't have possibly known that she would have..died. You tried your best and stuff. I'm not saying that...killing is good, but you were trying to protect her. So that's..something at least." Lulu shifted her weight uncomfortably from one foot to the other.

"But you're exactly right about all this being luck. I didn't even expect to live so long..." Lulu lapsed off into silence again, thinking about everything he had said. She realized that she had been talking to Lenny so nonchalantly, and he still had a gun aimed right at his head. Shouldn't she do something?

"Only a short while left...It's kind of weird, isn't it? This is how we're spending our last days. Traipsing around some island. Unsure of how we're going to die or who's going to kill us. But you didn't kill me, Lenny. So I won't kill you. And uh...I don't think you should kill yourself because-"

Lulu's rambling was cut short. Before she could say anything persuading at all, he lowered the gun from his head and it was tucked into his jeans. Likewise, Lulu returned her gun back into her bag and realized that Lenny must have made his resolution himself.

"I hope to see you at the end Lulu. There's not long left."

Lulu took a step towards him. "W-wait. Um, Lenny..I realize our time is short. There isn't many people around but...these next few days or so doesn't have to be a nightmare. You can stop the killing. I kinda understand what you've been through since I killed Liam to protect my friends. Remember, that crazy boy who didn't trust you?"

Lulu adjusted her glasses and cursed silently to herself. Why was she bringing up stuff like that?

She shook her head. "Okay, what I'm trying to say is...I don't think you're that bad. Call me naive but you can put all that killing behind you. A fresh start. And you can join me and some others. I kinda got separated from them, but it'll be okay. I think I have luck on my side. You don't have to be alone anymore."

Lulu stuck her hand out in Lenny's direction. "So, fresh start. My name's Lulu Altaire. What's yours?"

The little red headed girl may have been ignorant, naive and a million other names in the book, but she was always trying to look on the bright side. It was all she could do to keep crawling onwards. Sure, her friends were dead. Sure, this boy killed most of them. Maybe Lenny would just walk away from her or pull his gun on her again. But Lulu had to try. She had to keep treading forward somehow. She had to put the bad things behind her and embrace the good.

There wasn't long left, but Lulu Altaire wanted to set things right. There wasn't long left but Lulu still wanted to trust people. Maybe, maybe somehow...Things could be okay. Maybe luck could be on her side once more.
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Post by Theseus* »

Lenny watched as Lulu talked about a fresh start, how she believed he wasn't all that bad. Where was she going with this? Then she stuck out her hand towards his, offering to make it a clean slate. Just like that, this girl was willing to start all over again with him. The boy who killed so many. Who hunted her down to get his sister back.

Just like that.

Lenny Priestly looked at the hand, then at Lulu.

For a second, Lenny considered it. He didn't have to be alone anymore. He had Lulu, someone who could actually stand him. Someone who was willing to stick with him, until the end, when they would die by a bullet or a knife in the back.

This could be his salvation. Maybe he didn't need to wander the island, looking for the one person who could kill him. Maybe his release, his savior, it was all in Lulu. All the people that died by his hands, his sister, their deaths could mean something. It could all mean something if he just grabbed Lulu's hand and shook it.

Just like that.

For a second, Lenny considered it.


Lenny was a killer, a murderer, and that was who he was. He didn't even know what his intentions were anymore. They used to be to protect his sister, then it was pleasure, then regret, now it's all mixed together. It was all a haze that he found himself in, and all he knew was that if he kept pulling the trigger he lasted a little longer in the haze. Maybe, just maybe he could start to see again.

Then, maybe, if he was lucky, someone would come along and kill him.

There had to be a Beowulf on this island to kill the Grendel. No more Unferth's.

Lenny knew who he was, or at least he thought he did. He knew better than to shake Lulu's hand. As much as he wanted to, he knew that wasn't how it was supposed to be.

Though...every story needs a twist. Every story needs to shock and surprise its readers.

Though, this was not the twist. Lenny was not good. Lenny killed people. Lenny would still kill people. That doesn't mean he couldn't have a companion. Even Grendel had his mother.

Lenny grasped Lulu's hand and said, "I'm Lenny Priestly. Now get your stuff, we need to get moving."
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Post by Cyco* »

((continued from Hands Up, Guns Out))

Denise pumped her legs as hard as she could, straining against the fatigue that made her arms and legs and daypack feel like a thousand pounds. She sped past a familiar ring of trees and thought back to a few minutes ago when she'd convinced herself to go back for Andrea. The only thing she'd had to go on was the notion that the sick fuck wasn't playing because he wanted to, and now that it was clear he was an idiot she felt herself wondering if it had been a bad decision.

'No,' she decided, looking over her shoulder and feeling a sharp pang of grief for the girl who had done so much for her and the others. It had been all Denise could do to just try and save her. 'I'd do it again.'

Her chest was starting to ache. She had to find a place to hide.


Harry checked the GPS again, breaking his stride for a moment. He was gaining on her, despite the dull throb that coursed through his leg. He'd been lucky Andrea hadn't thought to grab the doloire, which he'd left behind in his haste.

'Don't need it,' he reminded himself, readjusting his grip on the shotgun. He had more than enough rounds left to take out the remaining competition. The game was beginning to draw to a close. 'With any luck I'll be out of here by dinnertime tomorrow.'

He was starving. Exhausted. But that was the price you payed for playing well. Maybe...definitely, after he wasted this bitch he'd get some rest and food in him. Second wind. Just enough to get him through the rest of the game. If there were still people foolishly devoting their efforts to escape this late, it'd be that much easier.

"Hm--?" The blip had stopped moving.


Denise cleared some thick ferns and planted her shoulder against a tree, breathing heavily. She was ballsy enough to take a quick peek around the trunk to see if Harry was still on her tail. She didn't see anyone. Maybe she'd lost him.

An arm threw itself forcefully around her throat, illiciting a frightened yelp from the girl as she was drawn backward against the ferns. Something cold and hard pressed itself against her cheek. She thrashed, but he held fast. Her mind raced. She could feel him breathing against the back of her neck, hear an amused giggle escape his lips.

"Can't hide," he whispered into her ear. In her peripheral vision she caught the glow of his GPS screen. Blue and red dots indicated the both of them. "Can't blame you for trying, though...So who's the faggot now--"

With a cry Denise threw her head back as hard as she could. Fortune smiled and the blind attack met Harry's nose with a wet snap. His grip around her throat loosened just enough that she was able to explode out of it and make a dash for cover. The last sound she'd wanted to hear right then was the roar of the shotgun, and she felt her stomach lurch as it indeed bellowed furiously behind her. A searing pain tore through her side, forcing an agonized scream past her lips and staggering her off-balance. With all the adrenaline she could muster she kept running, weaving around a tree and soldiering through the injury.


"BITCH!" Harry screamed, effectively drowned out by the sound of the Jackhammer firing. A sharp sting issued from the bridge of his nose, blood trailing from his nostrils. Broken? Probably. "YOU'RE DEAD!!"

He wiped his nose quickly on his sleeve, another tinge of pain surging through it, and started off after her. Why had he stopped to gloat? Idiot, he cursed himself. Not another word. From there on in it'd just be point and shoot. Get this fucking thing over with and go home. Cut another demo and get his shit out there. Any record company'd be an idiot to turn him down. He'd sweep the nation. Biggest thing since the Beatles. Bigger than Jesus. No more being a nobody.


Denise clutched her wound with her free hand. It was moist. She brought her fingers back up in front of her face. Crimson.

"F'ck," she choked. Her lungs burned. She tasted blood. She couldn't run much further...but like the cuntbag said, she couldn't hide. What a dangerous weapon that GPS was. Fucking douche that he was, he had every right to be confident in winning with that and the shotgun at his disposal.

A scary thought occurred. What if he found the others? They were armed, yeah, but Harry was now aware that they were attempting an escape and could possibly take advantage of their hesitation to gun him down on the spot like the fucker he was. What if he got his collar off? No, she decided, he'd do whatever he could to win legitimately. Then again, there was nothing to stop him from putting the thing right back on after catching everyone off-guard--

'--Wait.' Something didn't add up. Her frantic thinking segued into something else entirely. She swung her bag clumsily around to the front, trudging painfully forward as she dug through it.

"Can't be..."


Harry sniffed angrily, the blood flow from his nose still not quite letting up. He inspected the GPS. He was catching up again. She couldn't keep going with a gunshot wound slowing her down. Stupid bitch. He spotted her daypack on the ground in front of him and passed it without another glance. He was closing in, and she was either out of gas or stupid enough to try hiding again, because the red blip slowed to a halt on the GPS screen.


As he cleared another dense patch of ferns Harry let the GPS hang and threw his free hand to the barrel of the shotgun. Straight ahead, in the bushes.

"Toldyou, you can't..." Harry stuck the barrel of the shotgun into the bush and cleared the branches away with one hand. There, in the dense foliage, on the branch of a tree...

...a collar.

"Oh shit--"

That was it. That was what was wrong about Andrea. And Denise. Harry peeled his eyes away from the object after a moment of intense shock and wheeled around frantically. She was behind him.

Denise screamed in wild fury at Harry and swung her cleaver. The frightened boy reflexively threw his left arm in front of him as some sort of poor, rushed shield, but she hacked away until it dropped off at the forearm in a torrent of blood. Harry screamed bloody murder, one or two of his exclamations vaguely resembling words like "stop" or "wait" but none of them quite intelligible enough to really mean anything. Denise kept screaming back at him, bringing the butcher's knife down on his collarbone again and again. He crumpled against a tree as she attacked, the shock making the Jackhammer in his one remaining hand as useless a weapon as an empty caulk gun. A swing clipped his face and opened it up like a Christmas turkey. Finally the resistance ceased and what was left of Harry Tsai fell forward in a heap at Denise's feet.



Trembling violently, Denise dropped the butcher's knife with a thud at her feet and collapsed against the tree beside Harry's corpse. She took deep breaths. She was getting light-headed. The wound at her side ebbed thick blood and she considered it a waste now to keep her hand pressed against it. This was it. She knew it.

She reached into her pocket for a smoke, fishing her lighter out from its opposite with her other hand, but the carton was empty.

"Shit..." her grumbling gave way to a resigned chortle. "Fuck it, I quit anyway..." She snorted as she tossed the empty box onto the ground in front of her, casting a glance at the collar hidden in the bushes.

"Stroke a' genius, Dee...haha...euhh....uurk!" Another furious shot of pain erupted from her side. She didn't have much time left. What would she do with her last few seconds? Fuck, it was so hard to think. Her vision started to fade...

Suddenly she remembered the most gorgeous pair of brown eyes she'd ever seen. Her little Annie. She thought back to the first time she'd ever held her beautiful baby in her arms, Leo beside her, the three of them right then and there all she'd ever dreamed of in a family. Tears crept up into her eyelids and spilled down her cheeks. Blood crept up her throat and spilled down her chin.

"...L-l-leo! Annie! I....." She spoke as loud as she could, fighting to retain consciousness. "I..."



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Post by ZombiexCreame* »

Lulu stood with her hand outstretched, watching Lenny. She knew that he was thinking about it. Maybe going through the pros and cons. Maybe he wasn't considering it at all. Lulu bit her lip as she waited, wondering if this was a bad idea.

Of course it was, she was trying to talk a killer into joining her. But Lulu's decision still stood. Even if he wanted to murder her later or if she wanted to murder him later, this was the present. And as of the current time, Lulu wanted to make a change.

As Lenny said, there wasn't long left. So even if Lulu tripped and snapped her neck or got shot plain in the back, the end destination was still the same. Death. Death for everyone except one person. Who that would be, Lulu had no clue. Maybe not her. Maybe not Lenny. So she might as well face the fact that death was almost certain.

At the beginning of the game, this thought would have appalled Lulu half to death. But now? Oh well. Maybe dying in this game would be far better than dying eighty years from now in a stale hospital bed from old age or heart failure. More excited and stuff.

So do something crazy. Make things right with Lenny and keep moving forward. It sure beat hiding behind some tree for the rest of the game.

"I'm Lenny Priestly. Now get your stuff, we need to get moving."

As Lenny grasped her hand, her face lit up brightly and she smiled a little. "Nice to meet ya and greet ya, Lenny," she said, suppressing a slight laugh. Pulling her hand away from Lenny's, she turned around to gather her stuff. After pulling her bag onto one shoulder and picking up her scythe, she stood beside him.

"Alrighty, let's get to moving. Do you know where we are? I got a little lost," she told him with a sheepish grin. She vaguely wondered if they had any set destination. Or maybe they would just wander around a little. If that was so, she sure hoped they would run into Steve or Ryan. Or even Eris. But what would they think about Lenny? If they didn't really trust Eris, she doubted they would trust Lenny.

But it would all work out somehow.
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Post by Theseus* »

Lenny wasn't sure where they were either. He had just been walking, and he wasn't sure where they should go. Dawn hadn't broken yet, and Lenny wanted to hear the announcements. He was stuck walking around with this girl who he said he'd kill. He opened his pack and pulled out his map. There weren't many places left to go, and he looked at the showers. It was still a safe zone, or so he thought, and people were always attracted to shelter.

That was where they should go then.

Lenny packed it up, and did a final check of his belongings. When he was all loaded up and ready, Lenny started to walk forward through the jungle, he glanced back at the girl.

"We're heading to the showers. Keep that gun of yours ready."

Lenny knew Lulu would kill if it came down to it, but she did fail to shoot him. That was enough to make him wonder. Lulu was the last of the students who were on the beach when everyone went south. She was it. Everyone else was dead weren't they? He had a hand in killing most of them. He contemplated just ending her life now. She wouldn't have time to even process it. All he had to do was turn around and pull the trigger.

Though, that wouldn't work at all. That would accomplish nothing, and besides, Lenny was getting lonely. That much was true. He might as well have someone to die next to.

So with that, Lenny Priestly continued to walk through the jungle, heading towards what could very well be the place he'll die.

((Lenny Priestly continued in Match Point))
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Post by ZombiexCreame* »

Lulu was following right beside Lenny, her eyes scanning the vast jungle. Even though she had seen almost nothing but jungle for the duration of the game, it still managed to amaze her a bit. The large trees, the bright grass, pretty flowers... "Or maybe I just don't get out much," Lulu thought to herself.

She looked over at Lenny as he told her they were heading to the showers, then reminding her to keep her gun ready. Perking up a bit, Lulu removed the gun from her bag and held it tightly with both hands. "Okie dokie."

The two of them walked off in silence towards the showers.

((Lulu Altaire continued in Match Point))
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