Der Metzgermeister *Content warning*

Separate from the barracks, the showers are exactly as their name would suggest. The room is, in essence, a large bathroom facility with an open shower area. It's an ideal place to rest, but don't loiter around for too long. The lone door in the front of the building could sign your fate if an ambitious player follows you inside.
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Der Metzgermeister *Content warning*


Post by AtomicWaffle* »

((Continued from Lost))

Yes? No? Possibly. Not probably. Maybe, though. It was still a possibility, yes. Not a probability, that he knew for sure. Disease... did he really have to worry on an island like this? It was a probable possibility that maybe... he'd have to worry about. He'd die before, though, the knew that. Ooh, this WAS pleasurable. And tasty, yes, quite tasty. It was almost... almost too good to be true. The wet, warm liquid ran down his face, down, far, between his legs. It matted in his hair, his greasy, dark hair that hung loose now at his side.

Because you are what you eat, and you know what it is...

Naked, covered in this sweet, sweet nectar, the kind that really, had no substitute. He lapped it up from it's source, the deep bowl that he now lay upon, dripping with this beautiful sanguine liquid. Once it may have sprayed like a fountain, bursting in all directions, a sea of pleasure for this young, thin boy. This sea of pleasure reminded him of home. His feline companions... they too, experiencing such joy, such happiness before he would tire himself, and they... They would become part of his dreams. Anyone else would find them nightmares, but this boy... it was a sexual pleasure, something he found little of in reality. Oh, their happiness! Screetching, lying amongst their own remains, yes their pain.. his pleasure. He felt no difference between the two emotions anymore.

Blood. That was what people called it. This sweet liquid Viktor Kurchatov caressed himself with, atop the corpse of another student... he didn't bother to recognize. No one could anymore. Now, he had gotten quite intimate with his face.. the parts he couldn't bite off, he cut off with the butterfly sword he kindly left behind. The head, seperated from his shoulders, one of those collars must have exploded... It made it easier to tear out the flesh of his neck. Already blood had sprayed all throughout the showers. How beautiful it was! Gradually, he moved down the boy's chest, dead and now naked as Viktor cut off his clothes; why in death, would he need them? Smoothly the boy caressed his smooth, cold skin, nibbling at his dead, perfect nipples before greedily tearing them from his pale chest, and consuming them.

Viktor, he enjoyed himself. With a face like his, and his genitals painfully burned away, he led a life, devoid of desire, devoid of lust. Of course, that was then. The dead can't say no, can they? He let out a moan as he slid his scarred, spiderlike hand down, between his legs; the cannibal slid inside himself, the animalistic... no, not even... the deranged lust took over. Further, he slid down this dead boy's body. Viktor's head sat now, over the boy's genitalia. Exitement struck Viktor. It wasn't like he hadn't seen it before... just... not enough of it. And did it look appetizing. His long tongue ran over the dead penis, slipping around and sucking the warm, salty skin between the fleshy sack, and the base... if only he had been alive, the experience would have been that much greater...

The dead can't say no, no, no, no, no, no they can't!!

The scarred, bloodshot eyes closed and Viktor allowed the corpse's limp penis to enter his mouth, sucking and massaging the genitals, almost forgetting it was a corpse he was preforming oral sex on. The taste, the texture... Viktor feasted hardily on the very essence of pleasure itself, and with every passing minute his enjoyment rose, and rose. His finger still slid in and out of that ravaged valley between his legs, picking up rhythm. He peaked, and-

Bit down. His sharp, pointy teeth tore Karl Van Buren's penis from it's rotting bounds of skin. Viktor ripped and tore, ripped and tore, and swallowed the bloody genetlia piece by piece. His hand reached for the Butterfly Sword, and drove it into the body's torn chest. Viktor cut, and cut, and cut, and cut, repeatedly until he had literally dug a hole inside him. Then, like the cats he had raped and eaten in Highland Beach, he lapped the pooled blood on the floor off, with his tongue, then simply sucking it off. Still he writhed from the vibrant waves of orgasm, further covering himself in these human remains.Not even the boy he'd attempted to frame for the abductions of those pets, Gabriel, would get to this stage. Viktor knew, he was strange, he was definitely a murderer... but this wasn't the type of pleasure he gained from killing.

"Whaaat a wonderful world..."

Viktor's slim, lanky form rolled off of the mangled body and onto the floor of the showers. Blood was smeared, all over his body. This was exactly what he had dreamt about by that tree... lying, covered in blood, satisfied. The naked Viktor stood up, off of the floor, and licked his fingers. More than blood covered them. It was a sight to behold... this short boy, long hair dripping with blood and sicking to his sides. Scars lined his entire body, and the odd sight of a vagina on this blood-covered, disfigured boy (or what looked like a boy at first) was the last straw to cause even some avid viewers to simply get up and leave the room. No doubt this would provide some interesting material for the masses. Viktor winked at the camera, an eerie smile overtaking his face.

He heard footsteps outside, and quickly ducked inside one of the stalls, still naked.


((Will and Christian continued from Lost)

Will and Christian, were now lost. Again. They had gains and losses. Will had a gun... Christian got shot. They were in better shape than before, and were more aware than ever despite the lack of sleep. When they reached the shower facility, they expected to be able to find somewhere to hole up, perhaps get a few hours of sleep. All they were met with were strange moaning noises, and a few muffled screams. He couldn't discern who or what was making the noises, and he didn't want to find out. Christian heard footsteps, not from inside, or from Will, and motioned to him to stay close to the wall of the facility. The 357 Magnum revolver rose from Will's pocket and he gripped it tightly, ready to open fire on any unlucky son of a bitch that tried to attack them.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

((Continued from: The Swinging Bridge)

Well this didn't look right.

Julie thought to herself with a frown as she stared about her unfamiliar surroundings. Having attempted to retrace her steps back to the barracks where Adam was likely waiting, Julie never expected accidentally taking a wrong turn and ending up somewhere...completely unfamiliar.

Looking up from the map she held in her hand, Julie blinked at the building standing before her. This seemed to be some sort of bathroom facility, it seemed. A showering area, to be exact. She tilted her head to the side. To be honest...what with the afternoon heat from yesterday and the day before, Julie thought it almost convenient,

...So long as there was running water, that is. Of that, Julie wasn't particularly optimistic.

Turning back to her immediate concerns, Julie looked over her shoulder, eyes darting back towards the vegetation somewhat nervously. While she had been trekking through the jungle, she could have sworn that she had heard footfalls just behind her...

Though it was probably her imagination, Julie wasn't about to take any chances.

Julie looked towards the building.

Well it seemed safe enough...

As much as Julie felt much braver with her new weapon, she honestly didn't see the need to take any unnecessary risks. What was the adage, Julie wondered. Discretion is the better part of valour?

She couldn't see an entrance from here...Julie realized, she must be standing at the back of the building.

A stack of crates were piled below a thin window slot above the wall, wide open. Ascending the crates carefully, after making sure they looked sturdy enough, Julie peered through the window.


Well there didn't seem to be anything in there, but the lighting was poor, and so was the view from this position. Nevertheless, Julie placed the submachine gun into her daypack and pushed it through the window. She followed after, working her body feet-first through the window and leaping down onto the tiled floor.


She looked about at what to appeared to be an open showering area, completely deserted. Cautiously and quietly, she began to step further inside, her shoes making slight scratching noises against the smooth tiled floor.

Well here at least she would be able to rest a bit. It was significantly cooler inside, that was for sure. Not that she would stay here long. She had to get back to Adam...

Her thoughts were halted as she froze mid-step just past the doorway that lead into the room of bathroom stalls.

The floors and walls were stained with red, and a body that was completely unrecognizeable lay near the entrance, flesh torn and mangled, its head ripped off.

Julie felt her body grow numb as her eyes widened at the sight, feeling her mind recoil in horror in spite of all she'd already seen thus far. It was unspeakable, an abomination beyond words, what had been done to this student's body... Julie couldn't even tell whether it was a boy or a girl...or if it was even human...

She immediately backed away, turning towards a corner, throwing up. Clutching her knees, her eyes were clenched shut, but all she could see was the mutilated corpse in the vision of her mind. Chest heaving, she breathed heavily, wiping her mouth, feeling a cold sweat running down her paling skin.

Someone please tell me I didn't see that...

She remained in that slightly crouched position for a while, facing the corner, fighting to calm down. Her limbs were stiff and seized up from the terror. Knowing that all she wanted was to get out of there as soon as possible, she struggled to relax.

Coming here was a mistake...
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Post by AtomicWaffle* »

((Sorry for the shittyness of this post. After that big fucker up there I just wanna be done with this sexually deviant, disturbingly erratic and overall dumb cannibal.))


*pat pat pat*



Viktor could only hear noises beyond the stall door. The footsteps were light... a girl's footsteps. If only she didn't see his bloody footprints... He sat on top of the decreipit toilet inside the stall, still shaking from the previous encounter. He waited, if only for the right moment.

Will looked inside the entrance to the shower facility, and saw something that were it not for Jason Foley surely would have made him sick to his stomach. A corpse - of what he did not know - lay on the ground in front of him. He looked down. Small, bloodied footprints led to a stall at the left side of the facility. Across from him, he saw a girl over in a corner, having recently vomited at the sight of the corpse. He didn't blame her. It had been almost completely flayed alive, and from what he saw of the previous competitions it looked like he had died from a collar explosion. Somebody had... done... something... to his corpse. And he bet that whoever it was, happened to be inside that stall with the footprints. He tapped his fingers on the handle of the hand-cannon. The room was silent.

Now! Now! Now, he would strike, and indulge in the delicious and moist flesh of the girl, that LIVING girl, yes, she would be his!

Viktor burst from the stall, glaring eagerly at the girl on his left. Now, he would strike, now he would consume-


Viktor's gut exploded in a mess of gore, spilling all over the tiled floor. It would be a beautiful sight were his stomach contents not dribbling down his front. The high caliber round blasted apart most of his thin organs, and it was a miracle he still stood. A combination of an incredibly high pain tolerance and utter mania, most likely. But, instead of turning to face his attacker... he just kept moving forward, the old butterfly sword in his hand. His stomach was bleeding, and Viktor's scarred skin turned ever-increasingly pale. All he did was lick his lips.

As that... animal... thing... came out of the stall - Will couldn't tell who or what it was. It's hair, shrouded it's face. It didn't have the figure of a woman, but it didn't have the 'anatomy' of a man either. It was just... a freak. It's skin was scarred in more horrible ways than Will cared to imagine. But it was the thing that brutalized the corpse on the ground, and it DID have a large knife with it.

"You're... one freakish little fucker..."

Will took the shot. The gun had more recoil than he had expected. What was worse is that he had tried to fire it with one hand. The large revolver flew from his hands and onto the ground. Looking up slightly, he could see that he had hit his target, but it still stood. Somehow... Will made a dodge for the revolver on the ground, and he hoped that girl had SOME way to defend herself, because from that... thing... despite it's injuries... she would need it. Will grabbed the gun, but tripped and fell on the slippery floor.

Fuck this, she's not worth the time or the bullets.

Hastily he lept off of his feet, grabbed Christian, and led him out of there.

"Buddy, you don't want to know. Let's just go."

((Will and Christian continued in Clock Tower))
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

As she took in deep, gulping breaths, Julie remained unbeknownst to the ominous presence behind her, until the shots rang out. In an instant, she swirled around, reaching for her pack, only to realize that she had left it inside the showering area.

But that wasn't what she was worried about right now. As she looked in front of her, Julie stared in shock at the naked figure, soaked in blood, unrecognizeable as either man or woman.

Like the corpse that lay in the corner, this person was barely recognizeable as a human...

Her mind started to race. Who died...? Julie thought to herself. Who died in the showers...? Think Julie! THINK!

"K-Karl Van Buren..." She stuttered slightly, looking towards the corpse. Julie shook her head...even if she had known the boy's face, she doubted she would have recognized him in the state he was in.

Brilliant detective work, Ms. Mikan, and now for the million dollar question... who killed him? Who killed Karl...?

....Julie's mind froze in a panic, her back against the corner. Who was it...? Julie knew the answer! It was a name she'd written on her list.

The list she made of the people that she was to kill on first sight...

Gabriel....Theobaldt? No, that wasn't right. Gabriel, from what Adam had described, was a giant, and if five foot seven inches of a half-man were enough to call him a giant, Julie would probably be some sort of titan. But if not Gabriel, then who...? Karl died because his neck was snapped...not because he was mutilated. Likely this person, whoever he was...mangled the body AFTER Karl died...? Who could possibly be capable of such behaviour...?

Only one name came to Julie's mind...

Nathanial Harris...?

Was it...was it this person? Julie couldn't believe otherwise... it could easily be just some other insane person. But what if it were him? Julie couldn't imagine the position she was in right now... standing in the same room with a sadist and a killer...

Her throat tightened as she backed away, chest filled to the brim with pure, unadulterated terror. To think that she'd recieved a submachine gun of all things as a weapon and she didn't even have it near her when she needed it the most! He was coming at her now! What could she do? Her hands felt empty...naked... she was completely unarmed....

Save for the knife that Adam gave her.

She had kept it safely in her pocket after she'd left the barracks, and more than ever she was grateful that she had kept it with her. Even more grateful that Adam had let her have it in the first place.

Of course, I'll thank him later... AFTER I get out of here. Julie thought to herself, grimly setting her eyes towards the blood-covered monstrosity before her, a gaping wound in his side. As he moved towards her, she extracted the knife from her pocket and lunged forward, extending the blade and pointing it downwards in an attempt to stab him directly in the face.
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Post by AtomicWaffle* »

"I am the master butcher!"

Viktor's deranged screetch was interrupted by a knife stuck in his face. He collapsed. Now. a brain injury isn't just a matter of pain tolerance. You can't just power through them.

They fucking kill you.

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Post by LadyMakaze* »

"....Says the guy with the knife stuck in his face." Julie muttered coldly at the fallen corpse on the ground.

Feeling absolutely nothing whatsoever, Julie forcefully removed the knife from the eye socket it had been embedded into. Flicking the blade once to get rid of the excess blood, she closed the switchblade and placed it back into her pocket, turning her back towards the two corpses on the ground.

As she reached for her pack, she couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder...amazement almost. Owen's death had been hard on her the moment she realized what she had done.

This time? Julie realized, she didn't feel a thing. Perhaps it was due to the fact that she'd likely done away with someone who was completely deranged. A sadist, or probably a cold-blooded killer. That was probably enough to make her feel less than sorry about taking a life. Then again, it could also be that....


Julie slung the daypack over her shoulder, pausing for a moment to listen to the silence that had befallen the facitility.

Guess that's what they mean by getting used to the flow of things. Maybe I'm getting used to this game. To this whole...killing thing.

Sure, it meant that she would be less likely to break down every time she killed someone, which had already been proven to be inevitable, really. She'd have more fortitude, mentally, and she would have an idea of what to expect in a similar situation.

But still...was it really a good thing?

Julie didn't have time to ponder this question. She quickly headed towards the exit, skirting both corpses as she did so, giving them a wide berth. She also picked up the butterfly sword as she did so. She had to get back to Adam, and she didn't want to remain here any longer than she needed to.

As she retreated, her back facing the building, she affirmed to herself,

Coming here...was definately a mistake.

((Continued at the Barracks))
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