Running Free

It used to be the island's housing district... at least, it used to be. It wasn't much to begin with, maybe ten or twelve houses lined up in a row where the soldiers' families lived. When a large storm hit the island years ago, all the houses were practically destroyed and the water stagnated on the flat ground, giving way to the festering marsh that sits here now.
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Running Free


Post by DetectiveArcher* »

((Continued from Hold Me Closer Tiny Dancer))

He ran. He didn't pay attention to where, because it really didn't matter. Blood pounded in Edward Sullivan's head. Battery acid pumped in his veins, smoke filled his lungs. He kept running. As long as he ran, he didn't think. As long as he didn't think he wouldn't remember. Kimmy, Darnell, Wade…Jodene. He wouldn't remember the blood or the screams or the words that cut like knives.

And so he pushed his body, not daring to slow down for fear of what he might find when he stopped. In fleeing from Kimmy he found a sort of comfort. As if escaping the small girl was the same as escaping his troubles. He didn't hear his own self-deprecating voice, he didn't hear Redmond's insults or Darnell asking him to leave. He didn't hear Wade's ranting or Jodene's sobs. Only the sound of the wind by his ears and through his hair. He found peace in his flight.

The breath rushed out of him as he slammed into the ground. Holding onto his midsection, the boy rolled painfully onto his side, throwing a scowl at the rotted tree root that had tripped him. I should have been watching where I was going. Damn that was stupid. He lay there, a moment, chewing on his lower lip. I don't think anyone else would do something so stupid. I can't even run right, can I? And just like that all the weight of the past week slammed on Eddie's shoulders.

Trying to forget the unpleasant memories, he bit down harder and harder. The taste of copper filled his mouth, finally making him stop. Sitting up, he began wiping away the tears that stung his eyes once more. He was almost surprised when his hand came away bloody. He couldn't say what about the image caused it, but through clenched teeth the sobbing began again.

"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck FUCK!" He pounded the soggy earth of the swamp again and again. He grabbed at his head, fingers digging into the scalp. He wanted himself to hurt. He didn't deserve to have come through the days relatively unscathed while others were dead or dying. He didn't deserve to be better off than Jodene. Thinking about her brought a torrent of old memories. Familiar sights and sounds replayed themselves in the boy's mind.


Jodene was hurrying to class, her long golden hair flowing behind her. She was uncharacteristically late, as was Eddie. He'd been waiting for her outside the school all morning. Watching her approach, he felt his throat close up and his heart hammer in his chest. He'd told himself that he would talk to her today. He'd stop her, look her square in the eye, and tell her how he felt. How she made him feel. She drew nearer and nearer.

When she passed by where Edward had been waiting, the boy had long since run and hid in a nearby boy's bathroom. Slamming his fist into the tiled wall, he cursed himself a coward. Fighting back tears of shame and frustration, he breathed, deeply, in and out. It was ok, there would be other chances to confess to the girl.


At the memory, Eddie choked out another harsh curse. He'd always assumed there would be more time. He screamed again, this time an unintelligible cry of pain and loss. More images came. Football games where she cheered in her cute uniform, laughing with her friends during lunch, looking bored in math as their teacher droned on about something or other. She had the cutest quirks. Her fingers made cute little dances when she was bored, her laugh always made his heart miss a beat, her singing voice was like an angel's. He knew almost everything about her and she probably didn't even know his name.

Why did she have to die?

Suddenly, nothing mattered anymore. Being a failure, wanting to help other people, being a hero. All of that seemed superfluous, like so many illusions fading from the glory of a much greater truth. Only one thing mattered anymore: killing Wade Wilson.

Eddie had strayed away from his original motivation. He'd almost forgotten about his Jodene. But, thanks to Kimmy, he knew that he couldn't be sidetracked anymore. Trying to protect other people didn't matter; they probably didn't even want or deserve to be helped. Climbing to his feet, Edward steeled himself for what lay ahead. He would become a force of nature, unable to be stopped or turned aside, if that's what it took. Wilson would pay.
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Post by blastinus »

(Continued from Blood, Sweat, and Tears)

Despite the generally disgusting nature of the place he had gotten himself into, Jimmy was relieved to be in it. This meant that he had cleared the forest's traps. There were a couple close calls, to be sure. At one point, while he was reading the manual for his new revolver (up close, to the point where it was almost covering his face) his cane had tapped something metallic, which then closed on the cane with a loud SNAP! It had taken a lot of effort to get it off, and the thing almost snapped his fingers off. It's a good thing he had drawn his hand away at the last second. The second one he hadn't activated, thank goodness for that. Because his cane had tapped against the side of what appeared to be a military land mine. What with those tense incidents in the jungle, this icky swampland was downright pleasant.

Brushing aside flies from his daypack, Jimmy had to wonder why he, of all people, had been chosen to take part in an elimination challenge. He could barely recognize most of his peers, let alone kill them, and he didn't have the stomach for it either. What purpose would there be for a blind kid to go around, bumbling his way through a combat zone?

It's because I'm blind that makes me so perfect for this show. Danya's set me up to be a walking target. I'll bet viewers everywhere are taking bets as to whether the traps or my peers will get me first. Anybody wanting to win big is probably going to bet on my winning this thing, because the odds of that are ridiculous. Who knows though, I might surprise them. It's easy. I'll just beat up Adam, Bobby, Wade, and any of those other multikill people, pick off the remainder, and reign supreme. And while we're at it, fairies exist, and the terrorists are really dragons in disguise.

Jimmy had to chuckle at his assessment of things. Even though he was probably covered in leeches and worms from his waist on down, even though he was running for his life, he still kept a positive attitude. Not the easiest of things to do on this island. Finding a slightly elevated area, to the point where the standing water only touched his ankles, he sat down, and leaned back with a sigh, only to feel his head tap something. Turning around, he saw that he had plopped himself down right next to a fellow who had just stood up.

With a yelp of surprise, Jimmy skittered back, to the point where his arms started to go into the water. He couldn't retreat backwards, not without sloshing through water. And there was no way he'd get anywhere fast doing that. Instead, he held up his hand, and said pleadingly, "Don't kill me, please! I don't want to fight!" His weapons were all in his daypack, meaning that the only visibly threatening thing on him was his cane, which he had dropped in his surprise. Theoretically, with his pistol and his rifle, he could fight this guy, but he didn't want to. He was not going to kill anyone if he could help it.

Please don't be Bobby or Melina. Not Bobby or Melina. Anyone else is fine, just not them.
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Post by Mimi »

(Kimmy Redmond continued from Hold Me Close Tiny Dancer)

The thrill of the hunt was thick within the small girl. It was a feeling that couldn't be put into words, to know that someone was running from you out of pure and unadulterated fear. Something so incredibly amazing that it made her giddy to even think about it. It was almost unreal when she fully thought about it. Killing someone. It was a subject so simple, yet so incredibly complex. The death could be done with in a matter of seconds, but the effects it had on the killer would last a lifetime.

Much to her satisfaction, Eddie wasn't a fast sprinter. It gave her a chance to fully revel in the pursue- to fantasize about the kill. Kimmy would experience the sweet satisfaction of showing the boy that she meant business. She was not someone to be taken lightly.

The density of the jungle impeded the small girl's vision, which made it nearly impossible to tailgate Eddie. That, coupled with the fact that she had to climb under and around broken trees, significantly slowed down her chase. Losing Eddie dampened the girl's spirits, but she knew that as long as she went in the straight most path she's eventually catch up to him. Her prey wouldn't be smart enough to try and lose her by going a different way- at least in her mind.

To further enhance her already massive ego, Kimmy proved herself right. The trees had thinned out as she approached the marsh, revealing Eddie and a boy who was thigh-deep the the sludgy marsh water. Kimmy was horrified when she saw Eddie's face.

He looked... calm. He wasn't the whimpering sack of bones he was back at the tower.
Had he forgotten all about her!? Did he not realize that she was going to kill him!?

Being the vindictive bitch that she was, Kimmy decided to lay low until Eddie felt fully safe. Well, as safe as someone could feel in Survival of the Fittest. And when that time came, Kimmy would reveal herself and send Eddie spirally back down to the coward that he was.

Looks like the tables were turned. Eddie was no longer the stalker.

She was.
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Post by DetectiveArcher* »

The sloshing gave the boy away long before he actually said anything. Turning to face the noise, Eddie found Jimmy Trejo making his way through the swampy waters. He could have alerted the nearly blind boy to his presence, but decided against it. Maybe, if he took care not to draw attention to himself, he could get out of the marsh before Jimmy could-

Trejo flew backwards, stumbling in the water. "Don't kill me, please! I don't want to fight!"

"Well," Eddie muttered under his breath, "there goes that idea." Jimmy looked like shit. His clothes were ruined, soaked through and stained a brownish black from the swamps murky waters. He looked like he was shaking too, though from the cold or from fear, Eddie couldn't say. To top it off, a dark bruise and caked blood dominated the right side of his head. Apparently, Jimmy's run of luck was going about as bad as his own.

Clearing his throat, Ed called out to the frightened student. "H-hey. It's just me, Eddie Sullivan…though, I doubt the name means anything to you. But, I'm not playing." The eavesdropper paused a moment. Was he playing? Technically, he was, but not really. He didn't want to kill anyone to survive. He just wanted Wade. "Yeah, I'm not playing, so no need to be afraid."

For a long moment, he contemplated leaving Jimmy to his own devices. If the guy was in trouble, that was no business of his. But, if he just left, that meant someone could come along and try to fight the down-on-his-luck student, looking for an easy kill. In all good conscience, he couldn't just let that happen. What would Jodene have thought of him if she could see? Fine. Just help him up, dust him off, and set him on his way. That's all you can do for now. Wade won't wait forever.

Moving to the edge of the dark waters, he offered his hand. "Come on, up and at ‘em. No need for y-you to stay d-down there."
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Post by blastinus »

"Come on, up and at ‘em. No need for y-you to stay d-down there."

At first, Jimmy was somewhat leery of accepting help from Eddie Sullivan. He squinted at the outstretched hand for a second or two, just considering the ramifications for it. So far as he could tell, Eddie didn't have any visible weapons. Even so, if Eddie had been truly interested in killing the half-blind guy, he could have just pushed him into the muck and held him down. Jimmy was in no position to be declining help either, what with all the dangerous people on the island.

This guy sounds nervous himself. Maybe he's just as scared as I am. He could be needing a friend of his own too, and he's offering me help besides.

And so, after a little bit of contemplation, he finally stretched out his own dripping hand, and allowed Eddie to lift him up to his feet. Feeling his cane next to his toe, he bent down and picked that up. "Thanks for that. I haven't met someone not wanting to kill me in a while. My name is Jimmy Trejo, and I'm not playing either." He then took that opportunity to find a comfortable place to sit down. "Geez, my feet are killing me. I've been on the move for who knows how long."

There was no point in emptying out his shoes, as they would just get filled up with muck again, but Jimmy did take a tan T-shirt out of his pack. His sleeves and the tails of his shirt had gotten soaked through with the revolting stuff when he had gotten surprised, and he really didn't want to have that stuff clinging to him more than was required. "Say, if you don't mind me asking, what's your reason for hiding out here? It certainly doesn't seem like the best of places to camp out for tonight."
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Post by DetectiveArcher* »

After a moment, Trejo took the extended hand, allowing Eddie to pull him from the muck. Helping the soaked boy onto, more or less, solid ground he felt pleased with himself. This was something useful, at least. Maybe the good karma would be come in handy while hunting down Wade. "Thanks for that. I haven't met someone not wanting to kill me in a while. My name is Jimmy Trejo, and I'm not playing either."

Eddie nodded slowly before sitting down and motioning for Jimmy to do the same. "Yeah, J-Jimmy Trejo, I think I've s-seen you around. Sorry t-to hear about that. But no need t-to worry. I'm not really the p-playing t-type."

Jimmy took a seat not too far away and "Geez, my feet are killing me. I've been on the move for who knows how long." Opening up his pack, Jimmy took out a clean shirt. For the first time, Eddie realized that he had left his own daypack back near the tower when he ran. He almost missed Jimmy's question.

"Huh. Oh. I haven't been here long. I...I just sort of w-wound up here. I was running and I d-didn't really pay at-ttention to where I was g-going. I even left my p-pack behind." Giving a heavy sigh, the tired boy rubbed his eyes. "What about y-you?"
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Post by blastinus »

He doesn't have his pack? Does that mean this kid was running around alone? Without food, water, or a weapon? No wonder he's stuttering.

If Jimmy had known about the terrifying weapon which Eddie had been assigned, he probably would have burst out laughing. As it was, he only felt sorry for this guy. Wandering around without any comforts whatsoever, just the clothes on his back, he probably had been suffering. The half-blind man thought about Eddie's condition, and wondered just how much longer a fellow like him would survive without anything except his wits. As he switched out his shirt, he said slowly, "I just wanted to feel safe. Sure, I'm probably gathering all sorts of bacteria walking through this water, but it's better than being shot or blown up."

Swatting away a fly, Jimmy considered whether or not to give Eddie one of his weapons. Part of him felt guilty for having all this weaponry in his pack. But at the same time, he couldn't be fully sure that Eddie wasn't playing. Sure, he had his word, but there was no guarantee that he wouldn't shoot Jimmy or chop him into pieces the instant he laid hold on a weapon. What's more, if he saw the blood on the axe, would he jump to conclusions, and assume that the half-blind man was lying about not playing?

I know absolutely nothing about this Eddie Sullivan. I can't take the risk. Although...if he dies...

Sliding his daypack over to him, Jimmy unzipped it. As a matter of fact, he had one weapon he would never get any use out of. Taking out the manual for his rifle, he passed it over to Eddie. "Look, you seem like you need some protection," he said. He kept his daypack close by, and zipped it halfway closed. "That's the manual for a gun I have. A Remington...something. Do you think you can use it?" Odds were very high that Eddie would say that he could. After all, in his current state, he would need all the help he could get. He consoled himself with the fact that if the man were truly desperate, he could have killed Jimmy long ago. If he had guessed wrong, he would be dead, but if he had guessed right, his conscience would be at ease.
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Post by Mimi »

Anticipation was slowly overtaking Kimmy. She couldn't stand waiting and watching, but it had to be done. Impatience was something that Kimmy couldn't let get the better of her. If it came down to it, she'd rather wait than make a mistake that she might regret later. The whole situation eerily reminded her of the feelings a small child would have on Christmas Eve night. Waiting- waiting so long for morning to come. But when it finally did come, all the waiting was worth it when you finally started to rip off the wrapping paper of that first present.

And like they say- good things come to those who wait.

In the dim early morning light, Kimmy was able to make out the figure standing in the marsh water. His face was familiar, but she couldn't place a name on it. She did know that he was blind or deaf or something along those lines, but other than that the boy was a complete stranger to her.

Attempting to hear what they were saying was a process in and of itself, but when coupled with making sure she wasn't spotted it was nearly impossible. She was thankful for what little light she had, because without it she'd have no idea what was happening.

From what she could make out, Eddie had helped the other kid up and in return the boy had given Eddie something. A book maybe? It was useless trying to make out what it was.

Oh well. Probably something stupid anyway.
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Post by DetectiveArcher* »

"I just wanted to feel safe. Sure, I'm probably gathering all sorts of bacteria walking through this water, but it's better than being shot or blown up." Eddie nodded at the comment. He thought he had it bad, but Jimmy seemed to have been through a whole hell of a lot more danger. Oh well, he was fine now and that was all that mattered. Eddie couldn't stay much longer. There were things to be done.

It took a moment before Eddie realized there was an awkward silence stretching across the swamp. Trejo seemed to be sizing him, or maybe just trying to get a better look. The boy's consideration made him feel uneasy. Eddie never was the type of guy who liked crowds and he hated being under close scrutiny. It was part of the reason he didn't have any friends. If people looked closely, he doubted that they would like what they found. So, it was better to fade into the background and The thought struck a chord. So, the habitual observer doesn't like people paying too much attention to him? You're a real piece of work, you know that, Eddie?

He began pushing to his feet and muttering something half-heartedly about needing to be somewhere else when Jimmy offered the book. "Look, you seem like you need some protection. That's the manual for a gun I have. A Remington...something. Do you think you can use it?" Cocking an eyebrow the husky boy looked from Trejo to the manual and back again. The blind boy couldn't seriously be considering actually handing a gun to him, could he?

"Eh- I- But...." He paused a moment to keep from tripping over his words any further. After a deep breath, he continued again, "You c-can't just g-give this to me. You know next to no-nothing about me. And besides, you c-can't g-give away a weapon. It's not p-practical."

Are you insane?! You're turning down a rifle?! This is what you've been looking for, this can kill Wade! What are you doing, you fucking idiot?! The boy raged at himself in his head, hoping the conflicting emotions didn't show on his face. "I c-can't t-take it. Especially not from a b-blind kid." He gave a small smile. "I d-do have my st-standards."
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Post by blastinus »

"You c-can't just g-give this to me. You know next to no-nothing about me. And besides, you c-can't g-give away a weapon. It's not p-practical."

Of all the possible reactions to his offer, Jimmy did not expect this one. Not only was Eddie declining his offer, but he was also criticizing him for being generous. Thoroughly stunned by this unexpected reaction, the half-blind man sat there, staring at the grayish lump which presumably was Eddie, with his mouth agape. Eventually, he just shook his head, and placed the manual back in the bag. If his standards were so important to him that he would decline probably his only chance for survival, then on his head be it.

He's a moron. End of story.

Seeing that Eddie was getting up to go, Jimmy just sat and stayed where he was, remaining silent. The fellow didn't know what he was doing, obviously, and it would come back to bite him sooner than later. He would regret not accepting the gun the instant he encountered somebody who wasn't nearly as friendly as Jimmy.

I can't say that I didn't try. This man has dug his own grave.

Leaning back, and feeling really tired all of a sudden, the half-blind man reached into his daypack again. "If you're going to leave, at least take a water bottle. Maybe after you're done drinking it dry, you can clock people over the head with it." After he had finished saying that, Jimmy took a water bottle out of his pack and passed it over. Dawn was approaching, and that meant that the sun would return soon too. This fellow would not be able to make it through the day without something to drink.
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Post by DetectiveArcher* »

Jimmy's mouth dropped open. Apparently he hadn't been expecting an answer like that. Eddie didn't blame him. It was probably the stupidest thing he could have done. Maybe he really was an idiot. Sighing he ran a hand through his hair as Jimmy dropped the manual back in his pack. Well, there you go. You're really fucked up this time Ed. You had revenge so close you could spit on it and what did you do? Turned it down. What a waste of space, blood and organs.

The half blind student offered a water bottle, which Edward took with little grace. Another long pause. "Hey, you g-got a minute?" The nervous boy shook his head at the stupid question. Where was Jimmy going to go off in a hurry? "It's j-just that I need to t-talk to someone." Eddie licked his lips. "That's kind of a lie, actually. I just need to g-get something off my ch-chest before I go."

Clearing his throat, Eddie scratched at his ear nervously. "I'm not really the b-best type of p-person. I always t-try to p-put things off. Like t-telling you this, I guess." Taking a deep breath, Eddie exhaled slowly. "When I said I wasn't p-playing, that was only mostly t-true. You heard about what at the l-lagoon, r-right? With Wade Wilson? Well, when that happened, h-he…."

Eddied stopped, trying to keep his voice from cracking. He closed his eyes and breathed deep. Well, this is it. Gonna tell him or not? When he opened his eyes again, they were much clearer. More focused. "He took someone very precious from me. Jodene Zalack. Don't worry if you don't remember her, she was easy to lose track of. But, that's not the point."

He began pacing, keeping his voice even. He'd even stopped stuttering. The words flowed from his lips, without much thought. "I was there when it happened, hiding out. I saw her and the others being attacked and I didn't do anything. It wasn't quick for her. It was slow and horrible and bloody and I haven't slept since. I think I'm afraid to. But, getting to the point, I am sort of playing, in my own way. I don't want to hurt anyone or have anyone get hurt because of me, I just want…need to kill Wade."

He stopped to catch his breath. He took care not to look at Jimmy's reaction. Clearing his throat again, Eddie continued his pacing and his strange confession. "The thing of it is, though, I keep putting it off. It's already been a few days and I haven't even gone looking for him. I think it's because…I was scared. Scared of seeing him again, scared of screwing up, scared of dying. Mostly though, I think I'm scared that if…when I kill him I won't be me anymore."

"I can't help but think that this Eddie Sullivan won't exist anymore if I actually kill someone. I don't think I'm a worthwhile person or anything, but I don't want to be someone else. I don't know how to be anyone but me. I don't want to find myself like those people who are playing. I don't want to be like Wade. Am I making any sense?" He gave a sad chuckle. "Probably not, huh?"

"Anyway, Jimmy, I figured something out tonight. I don't really matter. And if I change because of this, then…I think that's ok. As long as I kill Wade I think I'll be fine." Finally turning his gaze back on the blind boy next to him, Eddie swallowed hard trying to alleviate the dryness in his throat as well as force down his pride. "What I'm trying to get at, Jim, is if you're still offering, I'll take that rifle."
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Post by blastinus »

So that was it, eh? Jimmy remembered hearing about Wade's mass murder, and being quite shocked that one man could kill so many in a day. If this man was after Wilson, in order to put a stop to the killer's rampage, then he had Jimmy's full support. It was about time that somebody actually set out to remove the problem cases, instead of just pursuing their own self-interests.

I wonder what this man will do if he kills Wilson? Will he just go on existing, and try to last to the end? I wish him the best of luck.

Giving Eddie a half smile, Jimmy reached into his bag, and after a little fumbling around, managed to get the rifle out of it. The daypack had never gone too far into the sludge, so everything inside the pack was dry. The rifle would not jam. "If I remember correctly from the manual, the rifle is perfectly safe to carry around, until you pump it. I don't think it's currently loaded, so you might want to keep that in mind." Taking out the manual again, the half-blind man gave it over too. "There. I shot the gun a few times already, but it's mostly full." As he gave the manual over as well, he became lost in his thoughts again.

Well, I just handed over some of my protection. Will I be fine on my own, with just six shots to my name?

Standing to his feet, Jimmy leaned on his cane. "If it's okay," he said, "do you mind if I come along with you? I've got another weapon, and I can navigate better than you might think." It wasn't too likely that Eddie would accept, but it wouldn't hurt to ask. Besides, if the announcement of Wilson's exploit was any indication, then he was dangerous and heavily armed. Eddie would need as much firepower and manpower as he could possibly muster to take Wilson down. Sure, a half-blind kid wasn't the best choice for the job, but an extra pair of hands was an extra pair of hands. Now he only hoped that Eddie would see it the same way.
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Post by Mimi »

She had been alone for her whole life- nothing more than an orphan. Potential parents would come and go and each time the same thing would happen. The orphanage would The 'care-givers', if you could call them that, painted makeup on their faces and dress them in fluffy dresses. They'd be lined up like pigs at a slaughter in front of their could-be parents. Kimmy didn't mind, though. The dreams of having parents overshadowed the humiliation, but each time it ended the same. A kid would go home with their new parents, but it was never Kimmy.

Several heartbreaks was enough to teach Kimmy not to get her hopes up. She was sick of crying herself to sleep at night. Sick of wondering why she wasn't good enough for parents. Sick of hating herself for who she was.

Until the Redmond's came.

At first, it was just a normal round-up. Everyone did what they were supposed to and then stood in front of Mr. and Mrs. Redmond. Kimmy didn't even look at the two adults. She wasn't going to hope for something that was never going to be. Strangely enough, they walked down the line of children and stopped right in front of Kimmy.

"And what's your name?" Mrs. Redmond bent down to Kimmy's level as she talked. Her voice was gentle, caring. Kimmy was beyond bewilderment. That tone was never used on her, it was used for the kids that were wanted.

"K-Kimmy," She spoke, trying her hardest to keep up the tough front that she worked so hard to perfect. The older woman stood back up and had an exchange of whispers with her husband.

Her heart pounded in her chest, though she wished it wouldn't. It was just going to be another heartbreak. Hot tears were forming in her eyes and she roughly wiped them. They couldn't see how much she wanted this, she wouldn't allow it. It was just another reason for them to deny her. The tears, however, poured out full force as the woman bent down to her level once again.

"Kimmy, would you like to come home with us?"


They were still talking. It seemed like they had been talking for hours, despite it only being twenty minutes or so. Kimmy watched as the mysterious boy opened his daypack. At first she wasn't worried about it, but the minute he pulled out the long object and handed it to Eddie she panicked.

It was a gun.

A big, long, deadly gun.

A stone fell into the small girl's stomach as Eddie fiddled with it in his hands. It was amazingly ironic that her 'prey' had scored something like that. Something that he could easily use to blow her away. It intimidated her, but she was still as cocky as ever. She could still off the kid- he was too much of a chicken to actually kill someone.

That was the difference between him and her. She had no problem doing whatever it took to get back to her parents.
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Post by DetectiveArcher* »

((Sorry for the craptastically short post))

Turning the rifle over in his hands, Eddie thought about Jimmy's request. If he brought Jimmy with him, the chance of finding and killing Wade was that much stronger. But, another person meant they would make more noise, attract more attention. And with Jimmy's condition, there was the strong possibility that he would slow Eddie down.

Of course, the nearly blind boy had just given away a perfectly good weapon. Eddie shook his head and already knew what he was going to say. He always was too nice. "If you w-want to come with me, I'm not going to st-stop you. But, this is p-probably going to be d-dangerous. It would be safer for you t-to hide and try to wait out the g-game. But, something t-tells me you're not going to, are you?"
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Post by blastinus »

"Dangerous, huh?" The term 'Dangerous' was nothing new to Jimmy. Everywhere he went, people effectively asked him over and over why it was that he didn't stay home and just cower underneath the bed. To be blind in a world where so much could kill you, it seemed, was just inviting death. Even his mother, when he had asked about public schooling, had told him, "But Jim, school is a dangerous place for a boy like you. What if you get into a fight, and can't fight back?"

A boy like me. Heh. That's a laugh. Makes it sound as if I'm mentally retarded or something.

All throughout his life, Jimmy had felt ashamed and revolted over how he was treated. The people in his neighborhood never could just call him Jimmy. No, for almost all his childhood, people who saw him would whisper to their friends, 'Oh, what a poor boy,' or something of that sort. It was like the whole world thought he was a glass ball that would shatter at the slightest touch. Sure, the sympathy was sometimes nice, but as time went on, he began to realize that he didn't need it. He was learning to work in the real world. He had gotten that surgery so he could become part of the real world again. And yet, he was still just a blind kid, deserving of nothing but pity.

At first, Jimmy had thought that his newfound friend was looking past his eyes. The half-blind man had just wanted a level playing field. He wanted a place where he could show that he could work through his blindness, and overcome it. But that place never came before the island. Everyone was always about giving him special privileges and treats, like he was somehow special. Nobody treated him like everyone else. That was his main motivation for being a public school student. He wanted to take a role where only his raw skill mattered, but it didn't work that way there either.

Tearing himself off his tangent, Jimmy gave a nod to Eddie. "I'm not going to sit around. There's too much risk that if I stick around in one spot, I'm going to get shot eventually, or explode. Maybe even one right after the other. Don't worry, Eddie. I won't slow you down." Hefting his daypack, he slung it over one shoulder, and shivered as a slimy feeling went up his spine. Apparently, the bottom of the daypack had acquired some swamp scum. He would need to clean that off once they got out of here, otherwise his bag would probably split open.

"Alright, let's go."
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