You hit like a girl

If you want to hit a few balls or you’re looking to hone that competitive edge, then a trip to the Castle batting cage is in order. The large, oval, chain-link compound is made up of nine stalls, each with a painted batter’s box, coin mechanism, and heavy canvas backstop that marks the strike zone. Signs note the pitching speed of each stall and reminding patrons to wear helmets are prominently featured.
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You hit like a girl


Post by Arscapi* »

(Kathryn Nguyen start)

Kathryn squared her stance and focused her attention at the opposite end of the cage. A drop of sweat dripped down her neck and Kathryn rolled her shoulders. Ten minutes into her batting practice and she was already sweating. Maybe she should take off her jacket, but then she might be cold.

She was snapped out of her internal debate by a large crash. She jumped and looked around realizing she'd missed the last pitch. Making a decision, she stepped out of the batter's box and shrugged out of her jacket, setting it on top of her equipment bag. Another pitch went past before she stepped back into the box.

‘Concentrate,' she told herself, refocusing her attention. She swung and connected this time sending the ball skipping across the ground. "Out," she said with a frown. That wouldn't do at all. There was no way she was going to stay on the varsity team with performances like that. She swung again and this time sent the ball sailing towards the back of the cage.
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Post by BetaKnight »

((Iselle Ovalle-Vandermeer - start))

"Oooh," Iselle drawled, stretching the word out for a good five seconds. She leaned forwards against the batting cage fence. "You let two go by looking before you got a piece of anything. Good thing you pitch so well."

She giggled as the machine cycled, getting itself ready to start the next batch of balls. Not that there was anything wrong with that solid grounder Kathryn had smashed. A fast moving hopper made even experienced fielders wary where a pop fly usually had the entire infield charging after the easy out.

But with the new season gearing up, it was good for her to give her teammate a little crap. It was practice for both of them. After all, the catcher trying to rattle the batter was basic part of game strategy. Kathryn would probably do the same for her when they switched spots.

Bored with the wait, Iselle walked to the opposite side of the pitching stall as she studied her friend's stance in the batter's box. She could see the problem right there. Kathryn's stance was way too wide. She looked more like a baseballer than a softballer. She needed to create the A-shape by bringing her elbows in closer to her chest and pivot on her hips. That would give her next swing more power.

"Hey, close up your stance, Katie, and fix your A-frame! Bring your elbows in and send the next one on a ride!" She grabbed her bat and demonstrated for her friend.
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Post by Arscapi* »

Kathryn rolled her eyes at Iselle's comments. "Really you're going to start already," she muttered. "You know you're only supposed to give the other team grief. Besides there's absolutely nothing wrong with my stance," she argued glancing over at her friend and teammate.

Kathryn stepped out of the batter's box as she heard the machine cycle through. "And just for the record, I only let one go by. I was out of the batter's box for the second one, so it doesn't count."

She moved to the entrance of the batting cage. She swung the chain link covered door open. "It's your turn, why don't you show me how it's done, Miss Know it all," she teased.
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Post by BetaKnight »

"Watch and learn, young padawan. Watch and learn," Iselle responded cheerfully as she put on her batting helmet. Giving it a tap to seat it firmly on her head, she confidently strode into the cage. As Kathryn shut the door, she dropped a batting cage token into the coin slot. Flashing the pitcher a cocky grin, Iselle took up position in the batter's box.

"Here I go, starting my stance," she called out, mimicking the ever-popular Mike Candrea Fundamentals of Fastpitch Softball Batting video. With exaggerated movement, she put her bat up at the ready, barrel over her right shoulder. She transferred her weight to her back leg as she planted it. Continuing to narrate her actions, she shifted her hands. "With my leg planted to provide greater power to my swing and my bat in the ready position, I make sure to line up my door knocker."

Making a show of lining up her knuckles on both hands, she tucked her elbows close to her body to create the A-shape. "And here is my A-frame, keeping my elbows in to maintain my drive power." The pitching machine began to rumble threateningly, its mechanical growl dropping in pitch. Any second, it would hurl a bright yellow ball towards her.

Trying to calm her breathing, Iselle couldn't help but grin as the machine launched the first projectile. As it neared the plate, she could see that it was low and outside, just like she liked them. Once it was within range, she pivoted at her hips, snapping her bat around. The bat chimed loudly and clearly as she made contact with the ball.

It flew true, heading back the way it came before crashing into the mesh netting that protected the pitching machines. She glanced over her shoulder at Kathryn, a pleased and smug grin on her face. "When you got it, flaunt it. Or in my case, talk as much shit as humanly possible because I gots the skills to pay the bills."

She relaxed her grip, removing her right hand from the bat to wave at her friend and sometimes rival. "Door knockers, door knock-ers," she chanted in a sing-song voice.
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Post by Arscapi* »

Kathryn watched her friend set up her stance. When Iselle launched into her monologue, she mostly tuned her out. She wasn't going to say anything she hadn't heard before. Besides there was nothing wrong with her stance. Kathryn wondered what the competition was going to be like this year. Were there any others planning on trying to take her spot? She sincerely doubted it, you can't be better than the best and she was the best.

She heard Iselle's bat connect with the ball and watched it sail towards the back of the cage. She smirked right back at Iselle and said, "Terrific, you hit one. There's more coming you know. What's the rule? Oh yeah, keep your eye on the ball."

When Iselle had turned back around, Kathryn stepped forward, mimicking her friend's movements, gently swinging when a ball would cross the plate. In between pitches she asked, "Hey, are we still on for Friday? New Supernatural you know, we're getting close to Cass coming back."
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Post by BetaKnight »

Iselle rolled her eyes at Kathryn's ribbing. "Yeah, yeah. I'll smack the crap out of those too," she assured her.

She grunted when she only managed to tip one of the pitches, sending it up into the netting above her head. It took every bit of willpower she had not to look up to see where it went. There would be nothing more humiliating than getting a black eye or a bloody nose in front of Kathryn while trying to track a ball she popped up in the cage.

"Of course we're still on for Friday. I wouldn't miss an episode of Supernatural unless God himself showed up in my living room." Iselle stepped out of the batter's box, shaking her arms and rolling her neck before stepping back in and resetting her stance.

"Okay, God himself or Dean Winchester," she amended after a moment. "But those are the only two I'd make an exception for." She grinned wolfishly as she swung at the next pitch.
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Post by Arscapi* »

Kathryn laughed and said, "You are such a Dean girl."

She moved towards the entrance of the batting cage, swinging it open as she heard the machine wind down.

"My turn," she stated. "I've got to get a couple more rounds in. My mom's going to be here in a half hour."
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Post by BetaKnight »

"Hey, you were a Dean girl too, until Cas showed up," Iselle reminded Kathryn with a grin. She stepped to the side at Kathryn entered the enclosure. Trading places, Iselle walked out and closed the cage behind her.

"Besides, you say that like it's a bad thing. At least I'm not a Sam girl. How anyone could find his incessant whining and super emo man-pain cute is beyond me." She wrinkled her nose at the though of Sam Winchester. "I mean, I get the Dean and Cas slash fic, but I'll never understand Wincest. Like, never ever. That's just too gross."

She put her bat back in her gear bag and pulled off her helmet. Waving the helmet to cool it off, she surveyed the batting cage area. "I wonder where everybody else is? You think conditioning did them in?"
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Post by Mimi »

"Hey, ‘sup?"

Andi scoffed, patience long since sapped from her being. She knew what was coming next; having heard it enough in the past thirty minutes alone to mouth along with the automated response.

"Psyyyche! I can't come to the phone, so leave a message and I'll get back to ya!"

Andi gripped her phone tightly, nearly leaving an impression on the side of her face as she left her message; none too concerned with the level of her voice or the curious looks of the Castle patrons.

"Hey. It's me. Again. It'd be super if you'd be a decent person and call me back; you didn't show up. Again. Just call me back," She spoke sternly at first, wanting to get the message across, but lost steam half way through. It wasn't worth fighting over, not if they were going to try and make things work,

"Alright, love you, bye." She finished quickly, feeling somewhat awkward telling him she loved him. It was true, of course, but it hadn't felt right for awhile; he hadn't reciprocated for quite some time, not since last year. It was more or less telling a wall you loved them—which never felt good.

With a heavy sigh, Andi quickly checked the time before flipping the phone haphazardly back into her purse. She'd told her mom and dad she'd only be out for an hour or two; that she needed to meet up with Sven and hash things out. While at first hesitant, they agreed to watch Fiona and let her go. It'd been three already, though. Two of which were spent blowing up Sven's phone while waiting for him at the Diner, the other spent walking around The Castle, none too eager to go home and be a Mom.

She needed the break. Fiona was still up all hours of the night crying; sometimes for what seemed like no reason at all. It was infuriating, in all honesty, and she decided they needed some time apart from one another. And besides, there was a big game coming and Iselle was adamant that she practiced her batting—despite Andi's protests. She wasn't the best batter, sure, but she was solid, and she could outrun just about any girl on the team if she said so herself.

Quickly finding Iselle and Kathryn at one of the end cages, Andi grabbed on to the chain links and shook them violently.
"HEY!" She shouted loudly, hoping to scare the two girls. "Please distract me from my dick of a boyfriend. Actually, distract me from my life in general," She groaned, tightening her grip on the fence and collapsing slightly into it.
Casey the Undead*
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Post by Casey the Undead* »

((Alda Abbate continued from From Sao Paulo to Seattle))

Alda swung her bat lazily, twirling it in a circle like a heavy, metal cane. She whistled- or, more accurately, she tried to whistle and only managed to make a somewhat pathetic squeaking noise. She picked up pace as she spotted the Castle. Practice, here she came.

She wasn't exactly surprised to see the others at the Cages. After all, the season was starting, and it was time to get into high gear. Besides, it was a pretty nice day, and smacking the shit out of high-speed balls was a good stress reliever.

Oh boy, did Alda need a stress reliever. As if her brother wasn't already a dick, he was being especially irritating lately, for some reason. He and his little buddies were constantly swarming in her backyard, playing pretend like ten year olds. Alda, as a real athlete, didn't find their little games all that amusing.

She sighed as she approached the cages, flipping the bat in her hand. Oh yes, this would be quite relaxing.

"Hola, bitches. How's it going?"

Alda managed to catch the last few pieces of conversation as she arrived. She raised an eyebrow at Andi. "Who's being a dick? Not the Mighty Swede again? I've been saying it for a while girl, dude's a dick. Like, a massive dick." She paused, frowning. "A massive, Swedish-themed dick."

She turned to Iselle and Kate, narrowing her eyes. "As for you two, I know I heard you both wrong. Because there is no way that anyone in this world could ever hate Sam Winchester. None. He is a flawless human being."

Sometimes, Alda thought she should hate her teammates for hooking her onto that show. But, most of the time, Alda figured the emotional trauma of watching it was worth it for the glory of Jensen, Misha, and, of course, Jared.

"I mean, really? Emo-man pain? I think the dude's entitled to a little man-pain. His girlfriend died, his Dad died, he went to hell, he lost his soul, and now the Devil is dancing around in his head like a little bitch? I'd be filled with a little emo-pain as well, thank you very much! Not to mention, his brother is a womanzing alcoholic who is obviously in massive gay love with an angel in a trenchcoat. His life sucks. And who does Sam get? No one! Because everyone he sleeps with almost immediately get murdered in horrific manners."

For a second, she felt bad for Andi, who probably had no idea what they were talking about. Unfortunately, defending your favorite TV character came before considering the opinion of everyone around her. "Also, his hair is glorious and his abs are amazing. So hush. Although, to be fair, Wincest?" She shuddered.

"Okay, that shit's creepy."
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Post by Arscapi* »

Kathryn jumped at Andi's entrance. ‘What a drama queen,' she thought. ‘Like I care about your boyfriend drama, it's your own fault for not being serious about your sport.'

"What's your problem? You see me in the cage here? What are you thinking sticking your hands through the fence, that's a good way to get them broken. Iselle can tell you I don't have the greatest batting average at the moment."

Her rant was curtailed with the arrival of Alda, casually swinging her bat. She laughed as Alda's opinion of Andi's boyfriend mirrored her own. She listened intently as Alda voiced her opinion of Sam; she so didn't agree and couldn't wait for Iselle to make a rebuttal.

"I would feel sorry for him, if half the people he slept with weren't demons or monsters of some kind," she said. "I'm gonna agree with Iselle on this. Sam is super drama, and at least Dean has a reason for drinking."

She stopped herself thinking over this argument. "Face it they're both drama," she continued. "I'll take my emotionally stunted, possibly gay, Angel of the Lord over both of the Winchesters thank you."
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Post by BetaKnight »

Given that Kathryn was already upset, Iselle knew that really shouldn't say it. And really, she had a point about Andi's fingers and the cage. But the pitcher had given her the perfect set up and she couldn't resist. "It's true," she confirmed with a disheartened shake of her head. "Kath can't hit worth a damn today."

Iselle flashed Kathryn a playful grin and waved at her. "You know I love you," she sang out, hoping to forestall having an irate batter charging out of the cage at her. Or worse, having Kathryn get revenge by "accidentally" hitting her at the next practice. Girl could be down-right vicious when she wanted to be.

Dropping her batting helmet on her locker bag, Iselle fished around inside for a bottle of water. It wasn't in its usual place. There was a pair of batting gloves, her knee-savers, and a bag of sunflower seeds but no water bottle.

She squatted next to the bag and began to dig through it in earnest. "I'm with Alda, Andi. Sven might be the father of your baby, but you need to ditch his ass. He's a total L-7. You could do so much better. I'm never sure what you see in him."

Andi's whole situation was genuinely sad. It seemed like her relationship with Sven was incrementally imploding. And she had seen enough episodes of 16 and Pregnant to know that there really wasn't a way for that relationship to end well. While Andi liked to complain about Sven, Iselle got the feeling that she was genuinely in love with the loser.

Plus, Andi, like the rest of the girls present, had a bit of a temper. It was best to get out of those waters quickly. The Supernatural discussion which was a much safer conversational bet.

Iselle found the water bottle crammed in the bottom corner, under her cleats. She pulled it free with a flourish, rocking back on her heels. "Okay, I admit that Sam Winchester is indeed much improved since his trip to Hell. And yes, both the Winchesters are incredibly dramatic," she conceded in a very put-upon tone.

She pointed at Alda and Kathryn, using the half-full plastic water bottle to emphasize her point. "However, while we can all agree that Cas is the hotness, he has gone full-blown whack-a-doo on us. What we need is for them to bring back the sanity. They need to bring back Bobby."
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

((Enter Susan Clarke))

Susan wasn't late. Nope. You couldn't be late to unofficial practice. She was just that tiniest bit less anal than the rest of the team, so she hadn't really rushed. She'd get her time in with the batting machine, even if it meant staying out a little longer than the others. It wasn't like she had other plans after this.

Of course, Susan wasn't lagging too much, by all appearances. Iselle and Kathryn looked like they were already in serious game mode, but Iselle and Kathryn existed perpetually in serious game mode so it wasn't a surprise at all. Andi and Alda were just arriving, but Susan wasn't really sure if this had been a planned meeting for the whole team or not. All she knew was that the coach had suggested she turn up for a bit of touch up, and had given her a time, and she was maybe fifteen minutes behind that time.

No biggie. It was very clear that the entire team wasn't here, so they weren't gonna ride Susan too hard, not with everyone getting all riled about TV and Andi's personal drama and all that jazz. Susan liked Andi, liked her a lot, but the girl really didn't know how to cut her losses when a relationship went sour. She also didn't know how far to take stuff in the first place, or, apparently, how to tell a guy to use a condom. Over-involvement, that was her issue. Better to date a guy, figure out he was scum, then bail. No need to sleep with him first. Definitely no need to have a kid with him.

Probably better not to bring that up.

"Hey," Susan called, picking up her pace a little and giving her bat a bit of a twirl. As she tuned in a bit more, it definitely seemed like TV was where the talk of the day was headed. Susan liked TV alright, but she didn't really follow along with the more plot-intensive shows like most of the others liked. When she was alone, Susan preferred to just fire up her CD player and listen to a good album. One full-length TV slot was just about enough time to make it through "New Adventures in Hi-Fi". With that sort of competition, it wasn't even a choice unless socialization was added to the TV route. Then it was fun, but the electronic stimulation was superfluous. Better to just be with friends.

She wanted to chime in with some sort of comment to smooth her integration, but figured it was better to hold her peace until she figured out the actual direction the conversation was going and maybe picked up a bit about teh goings-on in the show. Nothing was worse than someone showing up and just totally hijacking the interaction to monopolize it with their problems. Instead, to avoid going awkwardly silent, Susan dug her own bottle out of her bag and took a nice, big, preemptive swig.

It was always important to stay properly hydrated while exercising.
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Post by Outfoxd »

((Katy Warren continued from These Dusty Shelves))

Katy had been invited to come belt a few balls at The Castle. Normally, not an option for her, but Daddy had given her the go-ahead; he would be teaching the class for the day, said he had some stuff he wanted to go over with some new additions. She was grateful; the girls on the softball team were the closest she had to a (friends? acquaintances), and she almost never saw them outside of practice. Even though this was more or less an unofficial practice, it was alright.

Not that she suspected the other girls particularly liked her, she figured. She was good at her spot on the base; they had found it hilarious when she almost clotheslined a girl trying to muscle her off, and she had her fair share of hits when she had the bat in her hands. But Katy was sure they mostly just respected her, as she did them. Liking her was another story.

As Katy walked up to the batting cages, she rolled her shoulders and her neck, trying to get loose before it would be her turn. She could hear Andi complaining about her dick boyfriend, and Katy smirked. She had shown the girl what to do if he got out of line, involving the ridge of her hand and his groin. Andi hadn't taken her up on the suggestion.

Alda, Kathryn, and Iselle were talking about that Supernatural show they'd tried to get Katy into once (she'd declined, citing that she was getting ready for a shiai; she really just wasn't a fan of the show), measuring who they had crushes on or whatnot. Amusing conversation, but she didn't jump in on that note. She figured she could get right to business.

"I made it." She said as she got in the vicinity. She didn't think it would pull them out of the conversation about Winchesters and Sams and whatever.

There was a bench next to the cage, and Katy set her bag down on it as the girls talked.

"Who's on deck?"
Casey the Undead*
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Post by Casey the Undead* »

(Skipping cause it's been a while)

Alda shook her head at Kate and Iselle. While it was, admittedly, both of their faults that Alda even watched Supernatural, they were also both fundamentally wrong.

"Sam Winchester is a glorious character, even if he does stick his dick in a helluva lot of monsters." She paused for a moment, trying to think of any women he slept with who weren't monsters. "Actually, Sam might be better off going celibate for the rest of the series. Still! Doesn't make him a bad character! And, you know, at least he's not off to the side drowning his misery in alcohol and creepily mind-raping his own girlfriend until she forgets him like his dear brother."

Alda could have gone on a tangent about how very unsettling that last choice was on the writers part for hours, but Iselle piped up, and, like usual, was able to bring the conversation to the one point everyone could agree on. "You know, even with all of our ship wars and general hate of everything and massive dislike for about half the characters, this is one thing we can universally agree on: Nobody fucks with Bobby. Of course he needs to come back. He's the only sane one left on that show."

Alda turned at the sound of a voice, noticing Susan and Katy for the first time. She waved, smiling- well, smirking, actually, as Alda wasn't generally a grinner to begin with- in their general direction. "Ladies! You're just in time! Iselle, Kate and I were just discussing the heart wrenching awfulness of Supernatural. And Andi's baby daddy is still, amazingly, a dick." Alda turned back to Andi, shaking her head at the girl. "I still vote you drop the boy off at an Ikea and call it a day, by the way. You know, if you're taking suggestions."

She turned back to Katy, furrowing her brow at the question. "It's...uh...actually I have no clue, honestly." She flipped her hair over her shoulder and faced Iselle. "You gone yet? Cause if not, Andi was here before me, so I guess she's next."

Alda hastily undid and redid her ponytail, shaking her hair loose for a brief moment. "In all honestly, we should probably skip over me. Lord knows I can't hid worth a damn."
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