The List of Adrian Messenger.

The most easily recognizable of the three buildings that make up the housing block and also the only pre-existing building. The hunting cabin is just that, a hunting cabin that has been converted to act as accommodation to the staff of the asylum. Originally built a decade after the original house was to give the owners a place to stay on hunting trips to save on travel back and forth because of this much of the decor is very old-fashioned. Three of the four rooms on the top floor were already bedrooms and one room on the ground floor was converted to give a total of four. Aside from that the wooden construction of the cabin has held up very well and the interior design is still intact. A large open plan living room and kitchen contains a large fire place and a tiger skin rug on the floor, in the middle of the room is a wide staircase that leads up to the second floor which itself overlooks the living area. Despite being a hunting cabin there's a lack of trophies on the wall, this is most likely due to the island being unable to sustain a population of big game.
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The List of Adrian Messenger.


Post by Ciel »

(Scout Pfeiffer continued from And What You Get, Isn't What You See.)

Nancy Kyle. Isabel Ramirez. Kimiko Kao.

Those were the names. It took repeating it more than a dozen times but she had it.

Nancy Kyle.  Isabel Ramirez. Kimiko Kao.

She knew who Nancy was. Vaguely recalled Ramirez. Had no idea who Kao was. Probably a senior. There were other names, and she remembered those too, but those three were the important ones. The ones to keep tabs on. The people she needed to find.

Scout had boarded herself up in the cabin. There had been someone in here before. She found the cabin just as some blonde chick was walking out. She hid, waited until they left. Now it was Scouts. Finders keepers, all that bullshit. Now she was sitting reclined in the living room, her feet kicked up on a table. She had the bonesaw in her one hand.

Nancy Kyle.  Isabel Ramirez. Kimiko Kao. Three names.

Scout did not need paper. Her brain was all she needed, and she was far, far better with names than with faces. She did not hear Alvaro Vacanti's name. Good boy. She also did not hear Clarice's name either which was more of a relief. But Scout knew the longer the days went on, the odds of hearing her name was going to skyrocket. That made her skin crawl.

Hope wasn't going to get her anywhere though. Hoping, praying, wishing on a star. So fuck it. Scout was intending to row her own goddamn boat now. No more thinking, more doing.

Nancy Kyle.  Isabel Ramirez. Kimiko Kao.

She gripped the handle of the bonesaw. Brought it down onto the wood of the table, put all of her strength into it. The sharp teeth dug into the petrified wood. Didn't take a huge chomp out of it, but the indentations were clear. She stared at the teeth, each straight and narrow. Sharp enough, she figured.

... She wondered if she could actually manage it. There were three names now, but there was bound to be more. Lots more.

Quite frankly? Sitting there in the living room of an abandoned hunting lounge, Scout could not find the slightest ounce of a fuck to give.
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Post by Courtography »

(Hannah Kendrickstone continued from the way to dusty death)

Hannah hadn't been able to find Irene yet. More accurately, she hadn't found anyone since she'd run after Irene. Finding Irene and Livvie again was more important than the rest of her classmates though.

The body she had seen still interrupted her thoughts at times, bringing faster breathing and racing thoughts. She'd eventually managed to take her mind off it each time with the help of her exercises.

But she still hadn't found Irene or Livvie and that worried her. The announcements the terrorists made each morning had told her that they were both still alive. She was still worried. It worried her even more that she wasn't sure what could be done when she found them. Irene had Johnny Three, where Hannah just had her useless weapon. She wanted to find Irene, but she guessed that Irene could probably protect herself better than Hannah could.

They were both still alive and that gave her hope. Enough time had passed that neither of them were probably hanging around that creepy asylum anymore. Irene had definitely run to another part of the island and had been going so fast.

That's why Hannah had made her way over to the housing block. It was decently far from the asylum, and probably had decent places to rest if either of them had been really worn out.

She considered entering one of the larger buildings, but she just had a hunch that Livvie and Irene wouldn't hide in one of them. The hunting cabin looked more inviting from the outside. She imagined it would be nice and cozy on the inside. Sure a bunch of animal heads on the wall would be kind of sad, but a cabin was a place she could imagine holing up with her friends. After all, of course someone would have died in the asylum, it was the perfect setting for horrible things to happen. A cabin just wasn't.

She twisted the doorknob and pulled the door open. She didn't expect to see the junior holding a bonesaw.

"Oh fucksicles."
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Post by Courtography »

The girl was holding the saw. She could be dangerous. That's why Hannah had made her remark. She hadn't even taken her own weapon out of her bag to defend herself. She hadn't thought that the cabin could be a place for violence, but she could have been wrong.

She could have been wrong.

Hannah spun around on her heels and took off from the cabin.

It didn't seem like anyone she was looking for was there anyway.

(Hannah Kendrickstone continued in Bread Suit)
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Post by Ciel »

Scout heard the voice. Her back was to her though, so she did not get a look at her face. She assumed it was a 'her'. Scout did not turn around. She did not even acknowledge the voice. Scout stared ahead.

Eventually she heard footsteps. Whoever that was, they were gone.

A voice in her head told her that was a stupid move. Should have at least turned around to make sure they weren't creeping up on her. Of course that was all in hindsight. She could question every decision she made during her time on the island and it would not make a damn bit of difference. She told herself that. Middle of the night, two trains chugging past one another

But deep down she knew she could have killed her. Leapt to her feet and tore her throat open with her saw.

Nancy Kyle. Isabel Ramirez. Kimiko Kao.

The question was, would she have done it? Killed someone she did not know back home, someone Scout had no inclination to know back home?

As the footsteps faded and everything fell silent, Scout made a decision.

Nancy Kyle. Isabel Ramirez. Kimiko Kao.

Scout sat up. She rose from the chair, grabbed it by one of its arms, and walked towards the front door. Then she wedged the chair under the door knob.


To think, she thought the weather was getting better.

The reflection of the moon turned the clouds a static gray. It gave enough light to break through  The rain was churlish, had been since high noon. The sound of raindrops thunking against the cabin roof buzzed in Scout's ears. They were so loud she wondered if the rain had turned to hail at some point. She had no intention to confirm that notion; the curtains were drawn, what few curtains there were. The chair was back under the doorknob. It was just Scout and the sounds of rain and the active fireplace.

Scout made the smart decision of gathering firewood. By 'firewood', she gathered a baker's dozen of low-hanging tree limbs. Small enough (or dead enough) for Scout to snap, big enough to keep the fire going.  The bonesaw wasn't going to be sharp enough to cut logs, and even if it was, Scout did not intend to risk it. She needed the thing to be sharp. Turns out she didn't need a saw after all. Plenty of dead trees to keep the fire going well into the night.

It was pure logic. The past two nights were cold. Scout did not mind the cold, but the cabin had a fire place. Something in the pit of her stomach told her she should make use of it. Turned out to a better idea than she anticipated. The rain came out of nowhere as she was making her way back to the cabin. Scout did not mind the rain either, just not when she was stuck in it.

Scout sat on the tigerskin rug, cocooned in the emergency blanket from her dufflebag. There were bedrooms, yeah, but she did not feel like getting up. She was letting her jacket and boots dry out. The rain hit her jacket pretty hard. Thing was sopping wet by the time she got back in.

As the fire blazed, Scout's mind returned to the names she had been so preoccupied with. Nancy Kyle. Isabel Ramirez. Kimiko Kao. Spent the whole day remembering them, phonetically. Her spelling might have been off. Whatever. Scout really did not want to think about it, about those names, but she could not help it. She could not keep running and hiding and letting little rats like Alvaro Vacanti scurry away.

Under the blanket, Scout hugged her knees to her chest.  With the sounds of rain and fire drowning out everything else, there was an air of repose Strange situation she found herself in. Less barbaric, more homely. Scout did not intend to get used to it.
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Post by Laurels »

((Noah Whitley continued from I'll Carry On When the Valley's Deep))

Noah continued to trudge along through the night. It was now raining, which he definitely did not need. It was bad enough he was nearly murdered earlier today, but now he was cold and wet. He was sure that was going to mess his bandages up, so he'd need to change the bandages once he found shelter.

Since his encounter with Nancy, Noah had been wandering around, hoping to find some sign of Rene or Blair. Unfortunately, it looked like he had completely lost track of the girls. Along with that, he himself got lost himself. It wasn't intentional, but in his panic, he had sort of lost the way to the cabin. He wound up back in the staff area, but he wasn't sure they'd be in the dorms. He quickly moved through them, but didn't see anyone else inside.

Now he was heading back to the cabin. Once he was oriented with the area, it was easier to find the cabin. This was probably the best option to finding the girls. He prayed that they were at least safe inside and that they could get past this awful day.

Noah approached the front door, Sawlaska by his side. He reached for the knob and tried to open it. To his surprise, the door wouldn't budge. His eyes widened. Someone had to be inside. He quickly banged on the door.

"Blair? Rene? Are you there?" he shouted. "It's Noah!"

Noah waited. Maybe the girls barricaded themselves inside in fear of Nancy following them. At the very least, he hoped it would be someone who would shoot at the door just because he knocked. He had gotten his share of being shot at for a lifetime, and now he'd like to move inside and get warm.
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Post by Ciel »

Scout heard the voice. The sense of deja vu weighed down on her shoulders. She grunted, sitting up straight with the blanket drooping off one of her shoulders. It was a boy's voice. Not a voice she recognized. Sounded anxious, like he wasn't expecting the door to be locked at all. Technically it was unlocked in the sense that there was no padlock on the latch outside. Whoever was out there would have better luck breaking one of the windows.

Unless whomever the voice belonged to had an axe. Somehow she doubted that.

The voice did not intimidate Scout. Less dangerous, more scared and confused. Unless Scout was reading it all wrong. Whatever. Not like she was going to judge the book by its cover.

She considered saying nothing. Pretend that the house was empty with 'Blair' and 'Rene' nowhere in sight. She also considered pretending to be whomever the voice was looking for, though she quickly realized that was a stupid idea and she was stupid for even thinking of it. Letting the voice in, giving in to her inner Girl Scout, was a stupid idea too. What the hell has this voice done for her lately?

Scout sat up. With the emergency blanket wrapped around her, she padded towards the door. The sounds of rain bellowed outside, getting louder and more violent by the minute. She could even hear the wind picking up though she thought little of that. She cleared her dry throat.

"Don't know any Noahs, not in my class at least."

Scout paused. She thought for a moment, glanced at the chair that manually kept the door from opening.

"You looking for somebody?" Scout continued, wincing at the redundancy. "You won't find them in here. It's just me."
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Post by Laurels »

Noah let out a small grunt when the voice responded. It wasn't Blair or Rene, but some girl from the junior class. Noah wasn't entirely sure who this girl was from behind the door, but she didn't seem too threatened. At the very least, she was trying to lead him away from the cabin. As Noah continued to feel the pitter-patter of the rain against his head and shoulders, followed by a shiver across his body from the cold, he knew he couldn't go away so soon.

"Okay, that's unfortunate," he said. "But listen, can I at least come in for the night?"

Noah leaned his head against the door.

"I know you have no reason to trust me, but I'm not in the mood to pull any murderous shit tonight. I got lost from my friends today, and if that wasn't bad enough, I was nearly murdered by some blue-haired, blood-crazy twat whose moral compass is spinning in every direction right now. So I'd like some relief from all this bullshit for just one night, if that's cool with you."

Noah closed his eyes. He prayed the girl would let him in and at least give him a chance at sanctuary. He really didn't want to have a repeat of his beach scene in the same day.
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Post by Ciel »

The boy said that he wasn't 'in the mood to pull any murderous shit'. Scout scoffed at that. Never knew you had to be in the mood to kill. in the same way one is in the mood for bowling or crocheting, she supposed. Scout wasn't exactly convinced of his sob story either. But she could hear his shivering and teeth-chattering from the wooden door. She told herself that she did not want to get namedropped during the next announcement because she left a boy to freeze to death in the pouring rain. In truth, she pitied him.

"Whatever," she said, flippant, "just get in here."

The chair scraped across the floor as she unblocked the door. She threw it open with all the grace of a drunk elephant. The emergency blanket was still cocooned around her, but she was without her jacket and boots. Both were left to dry by the fire. She shuffled back to make room for the boy. Once he was inside, she quickly blocked the door with the chair again.

"There are beds upstairs. I'm not planning to sleep tonight, so pick whichever."

Scout managed the barest amount of hospitality. Nothing wrong with that.
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Post by Laurels »

Noah smiled once the door flung open. He quickly moved inside, trying as quickly as he could to get away from the rain. The girl mentioned that there were rooms upstairs.

"I know," Noah told her. "My friends and I stayed here yesterday and-"

Noah heard a crackling sound. He turned to the side of the room and saw the fire in the fireplace. His face lit up.

"Oh my god, yes," he said, hurrying over to the fire.

He rushed over to the fireplace, dropping his bag and Sawlaska to the floor beside him. He held his hands out and felt the warmth of the fire start to peel the cold off his hands.

"Oh, that's heavenly," he said.

It suddenly occurred to Noah that he had just ignored his host. He turned back to where the girl was, pulling his hands away from the fire.

"Thank you," he said. "I'm just glad to have something good happen to me today."

Noah smiled at the girl. He hoped the radiance of his smile would dispel any cruel irony that could be born from such a statement.
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Post by Ciel »

Scout stared at the boy, bleary eyed. At first she was impassive, but that was until they locked eyes. The boy said he wasn't going to pull any murderous shit. He neglected to tell her about all the smiling he was planning instead.

He was a blonde. She'd hesitate to call him dirty blonde for the hell of it; his hair was as light as his smile, far from dirty. Peroxide probably, No way that shit was natural. Scout's eyes scanned her guest from head to toe. The blistering rain did not pity the boy clearly. His mop of wet hair made him look like a sad puppy, smile notwithstanding. His dress shirt was drenched, outlining the contours of his torso. She tried not to stare, but the boy made it difficult. He was smiling. He had a sweet smile.

... Scout averted her gaze entirely. Gay, she figured. Or taken. That's how these things usually panned out. Not like it mattered.

"What happened?" Scout asked. She walked closer to him. "Did you lose your friends or something?"

Stupid question. Of course he lost his friends. Why else would he be calling out to them? Scout neared the fire, slid in next to him on the floor. The thing about checking people out is that your gaze is skin deep. The second she joined the boy, she noticed that his pantlegs were cut. A look of concern crossed her features, brief but noticeable.

"What happened to your - " She jutted to a halt.  Scout finally noticed the thing the boy called 'Sawlaska'. Her eyes went wide. Her throat felt dry. "... What the fuck is that thing?"
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Post by Laurels »

Noah held his hands back to the fire as the girl got near him. She asked him about what happened, and what exactly the thing he was carrying was.

"Oh, this," he said, reaching over and holding Sawlaska up, "is some lost medieval weapon to hurl saw blades at people. Her name is Sawlaska Thunderfuck."

Noah set Sawlaska down, then gazed back at the fire.

"But in all seriousness, I was with some girls on the beach when Nancy freaking Kyle came out and started shooting at us. I was the only one to get hit..."

Noah stretched his injured leg out showing off the bandage on his leg.

"...but I got away. Unfortunately, my friends went elsewhere. We were here yesterday evening, so I thought they'd be here. But it's late and cold, so I'll check other places tomorrow."

Noah let out a sigh. The fire was warm, but he still felt a chill. He probably needed to get out of his clothes. He didn't have extra clothes, so he'd have to at least get the shirt off. He began to unbutton his shirt. As he did, he looked over at his companion.

"Sorry, I need to get this off to dry. Don't worry. I have an undershirt on underneath."

Noah continued to unbutton the shirt. He looked over at the girl and gave another smile.

"But yeah, I'm just hoping for a lot. To find my friends, to get rescued, to fall in love, for Katya to win Drag Race in a few weeks, that sort of shit. How about you? What's your story?"

Noah removed the shirt and laid it out flat on the floor near the fire. That was as far as he'd go, and he'd have to pray that would be enough for him to not get sick.
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Post by Ciel »

The girl snorted. She almost laughed, almost. Instead she flashed a crooked smile she just couldn't resist. Scout had trouble remembering the last time she smiled. Had to be going on nearly four days. No reason to smile, not until the boy joined her.

"Sawlaska Thunder-fuck?" she repeated. "Jesus, that's a mouthful. Did you come up with that?"

Inside joke, Scout figured. She wanted to be a buzzkill, purposefully stress the seriousness of their situation. Nothing wrong with some guy trying to lighten up the mood, right? Yes. Actually. Scout hated people who always felt the need  to make a joke regardless of the situation. Whatever.

The boy told his story and Scout's smiled fell away. It was hard not to pity him, just a little bit. She did not promise to help him look for his friends. Why the hell would she do that? They could be dead for all they knew. Scout had no intention of going on wild goose chases, especially with multiple geese. But the boy seemed hopeful. She didn't want to be the one to crush that. That's why she turned and stared at the firepit.

"Nancy Kyle?" Scout said after a brief silence on her part. She clicked her tongue. "Had her in a couple of my classes. There was always something wrong with her."

The fact that Nancy Kyle started dropping bodies right out of the gate came as no surprise to Scout. What surprised her was the fact that Nancy didn't snap and hurt somebody back at school. Scout never talked to Nancy. Nobody Scout knew talked to Nancy. (Other than Jasmine, who was only a friend by attrition.) Quite frankly she hoped it stayed that way too.

So Nancy was packing heat. And she was a decent shot. Good to know.

Scout sat up. "Y'sure your leg is okay? Dunno shit about first aid but..." She paused as he apologized. She made a face. "Don't worry, I get it. It's cool."

She was not cool. Lukewarm, maybe, but not cool. Tch. Now he was just showing off. Scout crossed her arms under her chest, blanket still slung over her shoulders as she looked away from the boy. Her eyes darted back when he spoke up again.

What's her story? Scout clammed up for a moment, brows furrowed. Of course she knew the boy was just making conversation. Nothing but good intentions. But that's all it was. There was an answer to his question, her game plan as it were, but it wasn't like she planned to present it to some random dude. She had to force herself to answer, because at the rate she was going she'd keep hemming and hauling until the cows come home.

"Th - There's nothing to tell," she started, stumbling on her own words, "No big story, not really. I'm hoping the rain finally stops? I... I hope Half Life 3 comes out in the next century?" Scout cringed. "That last one was a joke by the way."

She paused and thought. She looked towards the boy who was still busy undressing. He seemed pretty friendly. So fuck it. Might as well ask.

"I'm hoping to find my sister. My big sister, Clarice? You might know her; she's hard to miss."

Scout smiled again, faint, indistinguishable from her usual stoicism.

"Oh. Name's Scout by the way. I didn't catch yours."
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Post by Laurels »

"I'm Noah," he said to Scout after she introduced herself. "Noah Whitley."

Noah rubbed his hand under his chin. He remembered there being a Clarice in his class. She was a big girl who wrestled, from what he could remember. They didn't have much to do with one another in the past, but he didn't have issues with her. He couldn't imagine how horrible it would be to be in this game with family. It was bad enough knowing the expansive Luz clan was probably here, but for two sisters to be forced to participate must be unimaginably horrible.

"Sorry, I haven't seen Clarice," he told Scout. "I've seen mostly girls here, but she wasn't one of them."

Noah rubbed his neck. He then remembered the girl had mentioned his leg.

"Oh, it's fine," he said, looking at the bandage. "I dealt with the worst part of it earlier, but I'll change the bandage once I get warmed up."

Noah chuckled. "It's probably not that pressing an issue anyways."
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Post by Ciel »

... Scout deflated. Her shoulders slouched. She said nothing for a long time. What the hell was she expecting exactly? For GPS coordinates to Clarice's location? Whatever. At least he knew who she was.

"Well. Good." Scout said. "If you need any help with that, I know a bit of first aid. Bet if we put our heads together we can figure it out."

Then she smiled. The offer was genuine.

Noah Whitley seemed the talkative sort. Colorful, but not overbearing, thankfully. Scout, however, was not the talkative sort. The conversation was sparse throughout the night, but it was conversation all the same. Funny how life-or-death situations bring people together. Eventually Noah retired to bed for the night. Scout did not do the same. Someone needed to watch the door after all. And the windows.


The rain fell harder that morning. Looking out the front window proved to be futile. The old glass fogged over, making it difficult to see anything. She'd peek her head out later. After the announcement. She was pretty sure she knew what she was going to find though; from the sound alone it was raining cats and dogs. It was so loud that it sounded like the speakers were turned up so everyone could hear the announcements...

... or maybe she was imagining things. Maybe it wasn't raining cats and dogs. It was raining rats, at least.

Boys like Alvaro Vacanti belonged in that rain. Because he was a rat. Might do something about the blood on his hands. Maybe he should just stay out there. Stare up at the sky with his mouth open until he drowns. Like a chicken.

Scout sat back in her chair. A hand reached, fingers kneading at her sore neck. Perhaps sleeping in the chair was not the best idea after all. She gobbled down the food bar she had in hand.

She knew who Alessio Rigano was. He was the dork with the tuba, wasn't he? Scout was not part of any music club but if there was one thing she knew about Al it was the fact that he played the tuba. Somehow she had trouble imagining a tuba player striking fear in the hearts of men, but, well, he killed two people. One of those people was named Henry Spencer.


Alvaro Vacanti. Alessio Rigano. Nancy Kyle. Isabel Ramirez. Kimiko Kao.

Alvaro was the first on that list. She warned him, the piece of shit.

... Noah should be awake soon. Scout propped her feet up on a table and glanced over her shoulder. No way could he sleep through the announcement, surely.
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Post by Laurels »

Noah slipped his jeans on and sighed. The evening with Scout had been pretty decent. She was fairly nice to talk to, and he could forget that he was nearly murdered earlier that day. That didn't make the whole situation better, but it was a nice reprieve. Unfortunately that ended the moment he was awoken by the announcement. He had been sleeping peacefully in one of the bedrooms upstairs, with a chair propped under the knob, when he was disturbed from his slumber.

For the most part, Noah was relieved. Sandra, Rene, Blair, and Lily hadn't been named, and Nancy hadn't killed anyone yesterday. People were still dead and the same killers were continuing to kill. Noah knew that things would probably pick up soon. Now he just had to decide if he was ready to use Sawlaska against Nancy or Isabel or whoever else. He prayed he wouldn't have to, but thirty-some dead kids and repeated killers told him the chance would be coming sooner than later. He gulped, and prayed it would stay a hypothetical.

Noah had first gotten out of bed to change the bandage. Then he got dressed, putting on the jeans and dress shirt he had set to the side when he climbed into bed. He rubbed the back of his neck and stretched in place. He didn't have much of a plan for today. He knew he would check the dorms and maybe the shoreline again in hopes that the girls returned. He didn't know if that aligned with Scout's plan for the day, but he'd at least check with her.

Once dressed, Noah grabbed Sawlaska and his bag and stepped out of the room and made his way back to the living room.

"Hey, you awake?" he asked aloud. "How's it going?"
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