V = - ∫ E · dl

Science classes are held on the third floor of the school, in a fairly secluded location. There are many lecture halls, as well as some labs, all fairly well-furnished. The school has been making a push to increase its math and science scores, and, as such, classes are usually fairly full. Since three years of science are required, and many colleges expect students to take science all four years, most students are familiar with this hall. The most commonly taken science class for seniors is Physics.
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V = - ∫ E · dl


Post by BROseidon* »

((Matt Vartoogian continued from Adventures in Cooking))

"Here you go Matt," Mr. Davidge said as he handed him the lab handout.

Physics, one of the few remaining classes that Matt cared about. Matt had stopped caring about his grades long ago, and he was putting in the minimal effort to pass most of his classes at this point. As a result, he was getting mostly Cs nowadays, but physics was one of the few exceptions. Matt enjoyed physics. He liked understanding how the universe around him worked, and he had a knack for it. The material was engaging, so caring about it gave Matt something different to do while he wasn't thinking about League.

What Matt didn't care for nearly as much was lab. Lab wasn't as interesting, really, since they were just playing with things to learn what the textbook and lectures had already taught them. Matt didn't need the tactile experience to understand the material; seeing the physics play out in an artificial setting did little to facilitate his understanding of what was happening, and Matt found the whole experience tedious.

Matt looked at his handout. Circuits, great. He would have to pair up with one of his peers and play around with some wiring and batteries and resistors and capacitors and answer the stupid questions about what the voltmeter read which was going to be slightly wrong because machines aren't perfect. Matt would have rather just looked at circuit diagrams and crunched numbers for the hour or so that the lab would take. It wasn't like this stuff was particularly hard, anyway.

Once Mr. Davidge had gotten around the room and handed out the lab worksheet to everyone, he turned to the class and said, "Time to partner up!"

Who will I get stuck with this time?
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Post by Espi »

Enter Theodore Fletcher

Theodore groaned, and turned to look over at his fellow students, already knowing the routine and milling about. His secret hope for one single class without a partner was flattened, again.

Theo didn't hate Physics; he actually enjoyed it. He felt like it was actual knowledge he might use, at least as much as some other classes. He always got excited when something he was working on worked; it gave him a sense of real accomplishment as high as any 100 on a test. He liked Labs okay, but he really preferred working alone on his projects. Circuits , he thought, reading the packet. So they'd probably work with goggles and gloves and whatnot. At least he wouldn't have to look people in the eye. It made him feel awkward to do that; he never knew why people were supposed to.

Theo just had trouble with most of the people. Boisterous Mr. Davidge was nice, but too bright and loud, and Theo cringed a little every time he broke into song. His classmates weren't that bad, but every class a few students would always group together and misbehave, which was utterly obnoxious to people who actually cared about doing well.

At least he had a couple friends in this class; Matt Vartoogian, for example, sat a few seats away from Theo. Matt enjoyed gaming like Theo, and he generally had a driving personality, which made Theo's social skills (or lack thereof) less glaring. He could hide behind Matt's personality like a shield, not showing his nerves when talking to people

As the various students sidled up with partners, Theo walked slowly over to Matt with a toothy, nervous grin on his face. Mussing his mess of hair, he asked quietly, "Hey, Matt, can we, uh, work together? I mean, I know you like Physics, right?" He shoved his hands in his jean pockets, trying to not look uncomfortable.
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Post by dmboogie »

((Alice Gilman: Continued from Recruitment Drive.))

Ah, physics. Truly the highlight of every day. The material was fascinating, Mr. Davidge was cool (if a bit over-cheerful at times), and, well, it was science! What more could you ask for?

Labs could be a pain, though. Experimenting with stuff was cool! Having to work with classmates? Not so much. Alice did have a couple friends in the class, at least. Today's lab allowed partners to be chosen, thankfully. Nothing was worse than being randomly assigned to work with dead weight. Not that Alice minded doing the whole lab herself, really, but it still annoyed her on a conceptual level. This was important stuff, the laws that the very universe was based on! Show it a little respect, dammit!

Alice sighed, standing up and pushing in her chair. Some people just can't be reasoned with. She scanned the room, trying to find someone acceptable to work with. She smiled a bit as she found that Theodore was free, though trying to partner up with Matt (Alice didn't know him that well, except for that he was interested in physics). The hour was going to go smoothly after all.

Theo was one of her few friends, being a member of her Dungeons and Dragons group, along with having a healthy interest in science and role-playing games. He was a bit awkward, at times, but was more than nice enough to make up for it.

Alice walked up to him. "Uh, hey, Theo. Do you want to work together? Could definitely use someone who actually knows what they're doing. Er, you too, Matt, I guess? Need more than two people, anyway." Working with people who actually cared about the subject? Truly an opportunity to cherish.  
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Post by BROseidon* »

Matt didn't have time to scope out potential partners when Theo came over and asked if they could work together. He generally liked Theo. Sure, the kid had some issues with social tact, but it wasn't like Matt was remarkable in that regard. Theo tended to put his head down and power through work, which was perfect for this assignment; Matt could dictate what they needed to do, and Theo would do it.

"Yeah, sure Theo, I'd love to."

Then Alice came over and offered to join. Well, offered to join with Theo, and Matt came with Theo at this point. Matt didn't really know Alice all to well; all he knew about her was that they had been in science classes together for a while and that she was really good at the stuff. Actually, she was probably one of the few people at Aurora who could outdo him in the sciences, even if he applied himself fully.

"Uh, yeah, sounds great. We've got a group, so let's get to this." Matt looked down at the packet, and realized that they needed to get the materials for the lab. It would be pretty difficult to build circuits and measure currents and potentials if they didn't have the wiring, circuit board, resistors, capacitors, batteries, and voltmeter, after all.

"I'll head over and grab the stuff we need, and you two can read ahead and look at what we'll be doing," Matt said, and he went over to grab the materials.
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Theo smiled and nodded, glad that his two closest friends were part of his group, especially since they were both really intelligent and hard workers. Alice was a highly skilled at D&D; Theo was endlessly fascinated with her clever tricks and game-breaking moves. She had an excellent eye for details and loopholes.

Theo read up on the lab quickly, his eyes flickering as he blazed down the page and deeper into the packet. It seemed simple enough; if they just kept track of which wire went where, what units they measured in, and other little details, it'd be fine.

The little details were always the ones that got people, Theo had noted. In science especially; if a tiny water droplet got into a beaker or a slight humidity in the room once the sparks fly, then nothing would work out properly. The little things were critical to craft a success.

Shaking his head, Theo brushed his hair back and focused on the information packet again. Matt had been kind enough to take charge, which was fine with Theo; he hated trying to lead, it required far too much charisma for Theo. He was a B-Type personality: point him in a direction, and he'd go.

Theo quickly finished the reading, and then read it again to make sure he got everything. When he finished, he gazed around the room to for an open table, before spying one in a corner.

"Hey, uh, would you guys want to sit over there?" Theo asked, gesturing with his right palm.
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Post by dmboogie »

Theo and Matt have joined your party!

Alice smiled slightly. Hey, three kids who gave a damn about science in the same group! Like a dream come true! She quickly (but thoroughly, no room for carelessness in science, after all) read over the day's experiment. Electricity was a pretty interesting topic! It was cool to know the mechanics of the forces that powered practically everything about the modern age.

Theo pointed out a free table, asking if it would be an okay place to sit. Alice nodded. "Fine with me." While she wasn't really a leader by default, Alice had no problem with taking control if no one else wanted to.

She got settled at the table, lab sheet and pencil at the ready. "I'll record our results." Alice liked recording data! It was sort of calming, in a way. Important, too. Not very easy to interpret the results of an experiment if your data's all screwed up, after all. "Guess we just wait for Matt to get back, now." Hopefully he wouldn't take too long. There was science to be done, after all! Maybe not to make a neat gun, but neat sparks were almost as good.
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Post by BROseidon* »

"Resistors, resistors," Matt muttered to himself as he dug through the bin of resistors. He really wished that the faculty kept the lab equipment better organized, since it was a pain to dig through a bunch of resistors when he was only looking for a specific set. As Matt found resistors of the appropriate resistance, he snatched them up. After a few minutes of digging, Matt had gotten all of the resistors he needed.

After the resistors came capacitors, and it was a lot of the same, digging for the right ones while disregarding the others. Then wires. Then batteries. Matt grabbed everything as quickly as he could; after all, the faster he dug everything up, the faster they could get to the lab, and the sooner he'd be out of there. If they got done early enough, Matt could catch a bit of a League stream before his next class. While it was unlikely that an American player would be streaming at this hour, a few of the European players were probably streaming at this time of day, and they were fun to watch. Sometimes hard to understand, but solid players.

Once Matt had collected everything, he took a quick count to make sure he had everything, checking against the list.

God dammit.

Matt was short a 50 ohm resistor. Great. At this point, most of the other kids had gotten to the resistors, so finding the last one was going to be a pain. Matt dug through the bin and found what he was looking for after a few minutes of digging. He turned around and saw that Theo and Alice had found a place to sit, and were ready to go. Matt made his way back to the table.

"Hey guys, got everything," Matt said. "Shall we proceed?"
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Post by Espi »

"If you think so," Theo replied. According to the instructions, Matt had gotten everything, albeit rather slowly for some reason. Theo didn't mind, but still.

Theo got to work. It was pretty simple stuff if you could bother to read instructions. Theo couldn't stand when people just ignored the manual and got stuck because of impatience. It was basically "create circuit, attach voltmeter to wires" with a transistor in the middle.

While he was working, Theo glanced back at the instructions to make sure he didn't miss anything. Rereading the first step, Theo noticed a typo. "It says, "First, gather your materials; blah, blah, blah, voltometer. It's got an extra o." Typos were a big pet peeve, too; couldn't you be bothered to run it through Microsoft Word, or proofread it, or something?
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((Breaking order to jump ship))

"Ugh," Theodore groaned in a moment of spontaneous realization. He'd glanced momentarily at the clock, and realized that he was late for a guidance counselor meeting. It was just a superfluous meeting, but he was late!

"Mr. Davidge, I need to see the counselor, like, immediately!" Theodore called over. The burly teacher offered a brief nod of agreement, and Theodore rushed off.

((Theodore Fletcher continued-))

"Wait, uh, what do I need to make up for this?!" Theo stumbled back in almost immediately to grab his stuff.

With a brief explanation of, "nothing", Theo smiled and raced off, unsure of whether he was glad to be out of class, or felt bad about leaving his two friends.

But really, he was in too big of a hurry to really consider it.

((Theodore Fletcher continued in Joy))
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Post by BROseidon* »

Theo had to run off to see his counselor. Whatever, he and Alice would be able to plow through the lab without any problems.

The pair moved quickly, assembling and testing the various circuit formations and measuring the potential differences and currents. Alice knew her stuff just as well as, if not actually better than Matt, which made working with her a breeze. Not having to slow down to explain every other step made things move quickly.

They were the first group done. Mr. Davidge came over to check that they had finished everything.

"Later Alice, teach." Matt hurried off to lunch.

((Matt Vartoogian continued in Not So Quiet Time in the Lunchroom))
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Post by dmboogie »

The rest of the lab proceeded extremely smoothly. While Theo unfortunately had to visit his councilor in the middle of the lab, the combined efforts of Alice and Matt lead to the lab being finished quickly anyway. After confirming that they were done, Mr. Davidge dismissed the two. Alice left the classroom after Matt, heading to her favorite lunch spot.

All in all, a productive period.

((Alice Gilman: Continued elsewhere))
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