Danielle Tysl

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V2 proper. Profiles marked with an @ appeared only on the V1 boards. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Danielle Tysl


Post by Chase* »

Name: Danielle Tysl

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Grade: 11th

School: Franklyn Senior School

Extra Curricular Activities: Works at Benson's Bar and Grill, played soccer for three years, swam for two.

Description: Biography will be completed at a later time.

Danielle stands just under 5'2", with a weight of 130, so she's not the most attractively proportioned person. Despite the chub around the edges, she is fairly active, healthy, and a quick sprinter when she played the three years of soccer before deciding to work for her second cousin's establishment. Her hair is a layered (and straightened) reddish-brown, with short side bangs that fall in length just below her right eye. Her hazel eyes are a more pronounced mix of a light bluish gray, the green only dominating when she is actually wearing the color. She's fairly limited in expressing outward emotion, the only real expression she has coming from her eyebrows or eyes, this being that she's overly conscious about her nose, which looks larger when she smiles or performs any other facial expression with her small mouth and wider lips. Lucky enough not to have an excessive amount of acne on her face, she is however unlucky in the fact that there are many little blotches on her upper arms, to which she hides the nasty blemishes with long sleeved shirts. The only effort she makes at looking decent is whatever makeup she has on her at the time, which could mean eyeliner and no mascara, or just a bit of lipgloss she found on the floor of her car. She's not pale, not extremely dark, seeing as she doesn't take the concern to make anything particularly evened out on her complexion. Other than that, she has glasses she wears occasionally (being nearsighted), which are a rather discount pair with plastic looking frames with a  translucent green, white and black layered design.

Clique: Nerdy and geeky for the most part, with conversations sprouting up here and there with others.

Relationships: Andie- Coworker

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