Bank on this, B*tch*

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Bank on this, B*tch*


Post by Chase* »

((Continued from: How Many Ways Can You Define the Word "Cow"?))

Jenna was focused on the mirror as she put gloss on her lips, and unscrewed the mascara applicator from the bottle when she caught what had to be a plastic surgeon's masterpiece of silicon coming through the door.

"If you really want to take it this far today, Mariavel, I'll be happy to oblige," she laughed while she applied the gunk to her right eyelashes, "but aren't you afraid I'll pop your implants?"

She finished the mascara, pretty much done with any sort of  grooming she felt to do nowadays. Her eyes scanned the bathroom idly before coming back to the blonde twit she so completely loathed. If it wasn't that the whole whore persona fit her, it was that she was completely oblivious to how weak she really was. I mean, who the hell goes to fight in a mini-skirt?

"Let's do this," she took steps towards the girl and took hold of her arm to toss her into one of the stalls.
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

((Continued from: How Many Ways Can You Define the Word "Cow"?))

Jenna took hold of Mariavel and threw her into one of the stalls. Mariavel went right through the open door and slammed her forehead against the toilet seat. Rubbing her head she stood up and, looking twoards Jenna, ran at her full speed with the intent of slamming her into the wall. Everyone thought Mariavel was a weakling, but acctually, she was able to take pain rather well thanks to her father's constant abuse. That's about the only thing she CAN thank him for.
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Post by Chase* »

It's a wonder that she didn't weigh a ton with those implants, Jenna thought as Mariavel disappeared into the stall for mere moments, coming out again like a charging bull. Jenna couldn't help but laugh at the girl's so blatant attack, completely ill-thought of and reckless in performance.

But hell, she wasn't going to be choosy on how bad Mariavel would go down. And this time, in a different way than she was accustomed to.

Let's make this a little more amusing.

Jenna slipped off her unzipped jacket, revealing the usual mid-drift tank top that she practically trademarked in the school. She held it out in arms length as she stepped out of the way from Mariavel's charge, still getting an elbow to her side before the girl went past.

"Ole!" she yelled, laughing full on at the blonde's attack, not showing that the elbow she got was going to leave a bruise later on.

Her other hand snatched the long, flowing blonde hair and pulled it backwards, and Jenna kicked Mariavel behind her knee cap to force her down.

"What kind of game do you think you're playing? I'm not going to go easy on you just because all your thug friends do."
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

"He ha ha, you idiot." Mariavel said as she pulled on her hair. Suddenly Mariavel spun on her left knee using her arm to take out Jenna's legs. When she spun some of her hair was ripped out of her head.

"I've had my hair pulled out so many times it dosent even phase me!"

Mariavel sent a quick jab to Jenna's abdomen. Standing up she said, "So, had enough?"
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Post by Chase* »

Jenna fell backwards, her hand reaching out behind her to steady her footwork as she let her shoe fly towards Mariavel's diaphragm.

The jab to her abdomen sent her back staggering, and when she looked down she noticed the bottom ball of her belly ring had broken off.

"Fucking whore!" she screeched as spun around Mariavel to come up behind her and grasp her in a full nelson. If anything, the move bought her time to keep the little twit still for a moment while she caught sight of a toilet in one of the stalls....

"Ever been flushed like the turd you are, dear?"
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Mariavel struggled against the girl, but she had her in a tight grip.

"Hey, Jenna. I know a way to shrink your nose." She smirked, and proceded to slam the back of her head into Jenna's face, again, and again, and again.

"Who's lafing now, bitch?"
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Post by Chase* »

How she managed to headbutt someone while she was in a full nelson, which basically meant Jenna came up and put her arms between Mariavel's arms and put her hands to her neck to prevent further injury, baffled Jenna. But the first blow caught her in the mouth, causing her teeth to bite into her lip to draw blood.

"That's it!" she responded to Mariavel's insult by dragging her into the bathroom stall.

The cubicle like piece of shit metal structure was tiny in it's square footage, but Jenna took little consideration to that as she aimed her foot for the back of Mariavel's knee once again, with enough force to possibly pop the knee out of her socket.

"You'll be lucky if I don't kill you right now, you dumb bitch."

With that she lifted the toilet seat.
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

"Oh, hell no... HELL NO!" Mariavel sxcreamed as Jenna brought her to the toilet.

Mariavel was trying to reach her arm into her skirt, if only she could reach it, this would be over.. if only.

"You fucking bitch, let me GO!"
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Post by Chase* »

The ghetto spats coming from Mariavel just seemed to push Jenna to the edge. She pulled out of the nelson hold, and with a use of as much force as she could she shoved Mariavel's head into the bowl of toilet water.

Keeping her there would be the challenge, but at this point Jenna's adrenaline from the fight was getting on its high. If it wasn't for the fact that Mariavel wasn't flailing, she would've thought for sure she was winning, but she caught the girl's hand moving under her skirt.

Face twisted into disgust, Jenna used her forearm and body weight to keep her head under while her other hand reached to Mariavel's arm and twisted it behind her back awkwardly.

"Look, twat, if violence gets you going that's not my business, but you ain't masturbating in my goddamn prescence!"
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Mariavel was gasping for air, and now her arm was killing her. Thankfully, Jenna was concentrating on her arm and head. she reached into the other side of her Skirt and was able to feel the edge of her pocketknife, if only she could reach it.... YES! Mariavel quickly pulled out her knife and attempted to plunge it into the girl's arm.
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Post by Chase* »

With Mariavel relatively incapacited with her head in the toilet, Jenna was focused on keeping her there until she passed out. Which was proving pretty damn annoying as the girl was struggling like a cat on crack.

"Hold...still," she growled as she pushed her weight onto the girl.

It took seconds, Jenna blinked for a moment as the glint of the blade caught her eye, and she tried to avoid the blade as it went towards her arm holding Mariavel's head down.

The blade sliced across her arm, letting a thin line of blood fill the broken skin. And Jenna let out a primal howl as she let go of the other arm and twisted the hand holding the knife to get her to let go of it.

She let go of the girl's head for one second, and slammed the toilet seat on her head before she stepped down hard on her ankle.

"I'm done with you, apparently you can't take a damn fist fight well at all. Dirty bitch."

She tossed the girl into the stall wall, then shut the door and strode out of the bathroom, picking up her jacket and dusting off her shoulder.

That, my friends, is how you take care of business.

((Continued in: Down the Stairs, Your Ride Awaits))
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Post by Mitsuko2* »

Mariavel slowly got up, she was hurting all over. Her hair was soaked, her makeup was probabaly decimated, and she was gonna feel those bruses in the morning. She sighed and began to leave the restroom, not caring what people would think...

((Continued in: How Many Ways Can You Define the Word "Cow"?))
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Post by Kaishi* »

Rainbow Brite @ Jun 10 2006, 09:32 PM wrote: OOC- Mitsuko, here is my advice to you before you post...

Copy -> Paste into Word -> F7 -> Copy -> Paste into "Post Reply -> Submit.

A free way to improve your RPing skills...
((OOC: This thread didn't need a comment like that, Rainbow Brite. If you're going to suggest something to mitsuko2, do it through PMs. Consider this a warning.))
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