Pool Slingshot

The gymnasium is a large section of the building with a huge coyote mural on the outside. It is used for a number of activities; the floor features markings for basketball and floor hockey, and the mobile equipment allows for both of these games to be played, along with volleyball, table tennis, and more. Gym class is usually held inside, and the room is frequently converted into an auditorium for pep rallies and other important school events. Offset from the gym is a smaller weight room with fitness equipment, though it is somewhat out of date. Mats can be dragged into the main room fro wrestling practice. Adjacent to the gym are the pool and a large football field, with a track circling the green. The outdoor twenty-five-meter pool is used by the swim team, P.E. classes that want to break up the pace, and some students looking to escape the desert sun.
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Pool Slingshot


Post by KamiKaze »

To say that Junko liked P.E. would be like saying water is wet. Being someone who was as physical as her, of course she'd love the class where she can fully indulge almost as much as she wanted. Almost. She remembered how Coach Parkinson yelled at her once because she jumped into the pool as a freshman. That afternoon she got a pretty good lecture on ways she could hit her head if she dived incorrectly. It sucked. It was a pretty good motivator not to do it again, though. She didn't want to spend another afternoon learning about all the ways someone could get brain damage. Even if she had to restrain herself sometimes. It was difficult when she had to.

But, that didn't mean she didn't like Coach Parkinson as a teacher. In fact, he was one of her favs. He was better than Ramsey definitely. It wasn't her fault she chose track instead of gymnastics way back when, before she knew there was going to be favoritism, damn it. And sure, Parkinson could be harsh on slackers. But if you at least showed an interest in P.E., well, you have his approval.

And P.E. was what Junko was good at.

The afternoon P.E. class was abuzz on the bleachers, dressed in their swimsuits as they chit-chatted. Junko leaned forward on the right end of the bottom bench, dressed in her red one piece.

Swimming was something she knew something about, of course. Sometimes everyone on the track team had to do a few laps in the pool. It was good for cardio, right? An hour running laps had similar perks to an hour swimming. So of course she was pretty good at swimming too.

Parkinson stood up, and began talking. They weren't allowed to go into the water until he said so. Junko looked around her. Swimming during P.E. wasn't anything new, not at Cochise. And it wasn't the first time they had swam this year. So, no one was going to drown, unless they wanted to risk hitting their head or another lecture.

As Parkinson talked for a few more minutes, Junko was trying her hardest to pay attention. She really was. But... well, one could see the anticipation on her. In her posture, on her face, everywhere. Her eyes locked onto the shining water behind him. It beckoned for her, called out for her.

Junko smiled. Then that smile became a frown as some asshole behind her just so happened to kick their leg in just the right way, knocking her water bottle down. Thanks for that, she grumbled mentally. It was good the cap was on, at least. Pretty damn sturdy, too. Junko reached down, feeling her fingers wrap around the steel bottle. Maybe she should just… keep it on the ground or something.

At least Coach Parkinson was almost done talking, though. Then? She could enjoy herself.
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Post by RC~ »

((Jeremiah Larkin, Start))

Swimming always seemed very weird to Jerry. Why'd they need it? None of them was in danger of drowning. They were in Arizona, there was no beach around here. Jeremiah once was in California when he was young for a vacation. There, he swam with his parents on the beach. It was fun. But now he was here, in a boring pool in Arizona, filled with a chlorine smell. That killed the ozone layer, didn't it? No wonder why in Australia there were so many beaches instead of pools.

That, and it was an island. That's why. Did some Californian students have PE class on the beach? Gee, that'd be swell.

Oh, yeah, the Coach also gave some instructions or so. He could ask somebody else, what they are supposed to do, he guessed. Or Jeremiah would just do what the others would do. Or just concentrate on what he said. Not listening to Parkinson would be a bad idea. Swimming probably was very important for Parkinson.

Jeremiah imagined Parkinson swimming like in that Omaha Beach scene from Private Ryan. Okay, this was silly. Maybe swimming wasn't important for Parkinson either. He was doing his job.

Inwardly smirking, he waited, till he could be dipped into the water.

He looked around, as a reaction to a sound, to see that somebody's, Junko's, water bottle had been kicked.
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Post by Laurels »

((Nadia Riva continued from Don't Call it a Comeback))

Nadia sat on the bleachers, her head resting on the palm of her hand. Swim class was something Nadia liked, but also slightly dreaded. While she did enjoy floating in the pool, gym class also took a lot of the fun out of swimming. She had to usually do laps or play water volleyball, sports she was never that fond of. She'd rather just be able to float in the pool and relax for a period than have to exhaust herself. She also had to contend to wearing a lame one piece instead of a cute bikini. She preferred to work with school dress codes, not be pigeonholed by them.

Nadia looked around at the other kids. She noticed someone kick over a water bottle belonging to Junko Kurosawa. Nadia didn't have much in common with the junior girl besides a shared Japanese heritage, but she could understand the frustration over having your stuff kicked forward.

"I guess someone's feeling eager to get in the pool if they're already kicking," Nadia said to Junko.
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

((Ty Yazzie Continued From Silence Is Golden))

Nervous energy rippled through Ty's muscles as he stared down towards the pool, barely listening to the clatter around him. The encounter in the library left him sorta twitchy, even with Bee calming him down afterwards. Part of it was the anger. Part of it was shame over the anger's presence. It all sort of muddled together to make him a big-ass mess waiting to happen. The opportunity to blow off some steam with mindless physical activity was a damn welcome one, all things considered.

Most of the class didn't take this whole thing too seriously, and he didn't blame 'em too much. Sitting there on the cold bleachers, he kinda wished that Coach Parkinson would wrap it up and let them get to the drill. At this point, this whole exercise wasn't that big a deal, and words of encouragement or instruction weren't going to do much for the stragglers. It was literally sink or swim. You've either got this shit or you don't, so spending a whole lot of time prepping people seemed like a waste of time, in his mind.

A nervous tick brought his leg out and he gave a slight wince, from realization rather than pain, as he felt his foot come in contact with a steel water bottle in front of him. His eyes locked down on it as it rolled beneath them. Looked like it was Junko's, from the way she was reaching for it. "Sorry," he grumbled out as his eyes turned back towards the pool. He didn't have anything against the crazy stunt girl, and if he wasn't so pissed and pent up, he'd probably put out a more sincere apology. Now wasn't a good time, though.
[+] SotF Characters
[+] V5 Characters
ImageG056, Alda Abbate(Adopted)
It was difficult to nail down exactly when the anger started. Remembering a time when it wasn't there, coiled up and waiting to strike or alive and thrashing, was growing more and more challenging. It'd been with her for so long that it no longer felt like an intruder in her mind. It felt like a part of her.
ImageB062, Garrett Wilde
I multiplied. Then I subtracted. That's what we do now. That's how we keep the most people around.
ImageB014, Joachim Lovelace(Adopted)
Your turn.
[+] V6 Characters

ImageG037, Abby Floyd:This place was vile. Overwhelmingly, terribly vile. Character Theme: Everything's Alright-Emily Scholz
ImageB016, Ty Yazzie: You ever wonder if you still got a home to go back to? Character Theme: Warrior People-Medicine For The People
ImageIsaac Brea(Adopted from Espi): Isaac's well of fucks was bone-dry. Character Theme: The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief-Patent Pending
ImageG011, Caedyn Miller:So...how did you wanna do this? Feeling an open casket? Or is that dumb? Nah, don't say it, that's dumb. We'll be soup by the time they send us home anyway. Character Theme: Sleep-My Chemical Romance
ImageG032, Irene Djezari(Adopted from CicadaDays): Death was not worse than Meme Hell. Character Theme: A Beautiful Lie-30 Seconds To Mars
[+] V7 Characters
ImageB066, Blaise d'Aramitz: I am not fucking dabbing on a corpse, Carl. Character Theme: The Nurse Who Loved Me-A Perfect Circle
ImageG032, Helena 'Hel" Fury: I hope my family’s waiting. The one I made out here. I hope you’ll be a part of it again. Character Theme: Fix Me-10 YearsImage
ImageB073, Jeremiah Anderson: "GO--GO--GO." Character theme: The Big Sleep-Murder By Death
ImageG066, Marco Hart: I'm not satisfied anymore. I don't think I'd want to be if I could. Character theme: Maurice's Monsters-Small Leaks Sink Ships
ImageG080, Nikki Nelson-Kelly: The fools. The morons. The aBsOlUtE cReTiNs. Character Theme: Movement-The Whip
ImageG062, Tonya Collins: The girl, the person, the thing, the shape on the screen, that wasn't her. Character Theme: Get Down-Isador
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Post by KamiKaze »

Junko slid the bottle upright, rather than putting it back where it was. Yeah, it was probably better on the ground. Sure, someone, heck, even her, could still kick it over, but it seemed safer than on the bench next to her.

Somewhere, she heard a "Sorry" that sounded familiar. She pulled herself back up, only to see it was- oh, of course, Ty Yazzie. He was kind of a douche, she remembered. It seemed like the rumors of his dickishness had decreased over time, but she wasn't sure how much he was still. The athlete in her couldn't help but admire his dedication to wrestling, though. Not gonna lie, wrestling was awesome. She was a track person, of course, but wrestling was still cool.

She just gave a toothy grin, a clearly false one. Okay, Yazzie. She'd assume that was an accident. For now. Maybe it wasn't, but as much as getting her bottle kicked over was bad, it wasn't worth yelling about. Somewhere she heard someone crack a joke about it. That was Nadia Riva. Junko and her didn't have much in common, to be honest. Nadia was kind of a girly-girl fashion type, while Junko... well, she liked other things. As funny as it was, she just didn't see her learning how to rollerblade. She and Yazzie were seniors, too, that she knew.

Well, that's one interpretation for what Ty did. He was just excited. Like she was. She was excited as hell to get into that water.

"Couldn't blame him", she said.

The same toothy grin had remained on her face, There was something more genuine in it, though.

Okay, so Parkinson got to the point. Laps. He understood that other students were at different places swimming-wise, but as long as you at least tried in Parkinson's class, it was all good. Laps were nice, though. Volleyball was good, too. She had to pick? But yeah. Laps. Just keep it nice and slow for starting out.

Finally! He was letting them in.

Junko stood up, and stretched, leaving her towel on the bench. Ah yeeeeeeeees. Time to swim. Time to do something she was good at.

It was good that Jerry was in this class, too. Her and Jerry, they went way back. He understood what she was like. He'd seen it all with her.

She felt tempted to tell him that she bet she could get more laps faster than him. Because, you know, she was like that! But then she looked over to Parkinson, and remembered one thing he kept drilling into everyone's head when doing laps at all, and not for like, track or something. Don't make it a competition. Right. Let's not, then.

She just waved.

Then she stepped towards the pool, sticking her foot into the shallow end.

No diving, no dares. Sucks, yeah, but she was willing to play by Parkinson's rules. She respected him, after all.
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Post by RC~ »

Apparently Ty kicked Junko's bottle. What a jerk.

Well, except he wasn't; he was a cool wrestler. But kicking other people's bottles is still a bit jerky.

Nadia talked to her about it, but he couldn't understand what was being said. She did yoga, didn't she? Junko then also waved to him, and his reaction was to wave back with a smile. Junko and the others went into the water, so he guessed he'd do that as well.

Luckily, Coach Parkinson was here. If he wasn't, Junko would almost definitely throw everybody into the pool, including him. But that wouldn't be bad. Going slowly into the water was torture. So he dropped straight into it. Quick and painless.

Being in the water was awesome, floating around without standing on his feet. His feet were a bit fucked up due to dancing. And then Jeremiah began to warm up with lap swimming.
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Post by Laurels »

Oh great. Laps. Nadia should have figured she'd have to do laps. It was practically a given in pool class. She sighed and stood up, raising her arms above her head for a quick stretch. There wasn't any point in complaining now. She just had to get in the water and pretend she gave a crap for the next fifty minutes.

Nadia made her way over to the shallow end of the pool and slowly lowered herself in. She stretched her neck a bit and sighed.

Okay, let's get going.
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Post by Pippi »

((Mia Rose: Pregame start!))

There were few greater feelings than the experience of being in water. Mia had made this assessment years ago, and it had held firm ever since. Stepping into the pool felt like taking a step through the airlock into outer space. The feeling of weightlessness, the excitement, the quickening pulse once she actually started doing laps... yeah, it was a pretty amazing feeling.

Hence why Mia had spent the entirety of Parkinson's speech practically levitating above her seat, itching to just get into the pool rather than talking about it.

Normally she'd probably have been content to chat with one of her friends, but today she really wanted to get to swimming. Every so often, generally the day before it all had to be handed in, Mia was swamped with so much school work, essays, and the like, that she'd have little time to properly fit in her normal exercise routine or hobbies. That was exactly what had happened the past few days, and Mia felt like it had been a millennium since she'd last been in the pool.

As soon as Parkinson gave the OK, Mia was out of her seat and heading towards the water as quickly as she could whilst not bundling any poor sap into the pool headfirst.

Not that that had ever happened before, but she was keen to keep it that way.

There were a couple familiar faces already in and around the pool, most notably Jerry. She wasn't super close friends with Jerry, but Will and Davey were, so they got on pretty well.

A couple of people were acting as though the swimming pool was filled with acid rather than water, gingerly dipping their little toes in and only just breaking the surface. Mia couldn't help but grin, trying her best to hide it by rolling her neck and stretching her arms, before she slid into the pool.


Mia lazily drifted to the side of the pool. What was it Parkinson wanted from them? Laps? Perfect.

She was in her element.
[+] V9
Amber Barnes
Dennis "Buck" Buckley
Patty English
Alejandro Garcia de Teresa
[+] The Past
S009 - Trinity Ashmore - DECEASED - Sasumata - Embrace the dark you call a home, gaze upon an empty white throne - overlords! > Zeus > Road > Recycle > Clarification > Now? > Dodge
Pregame - Annabelle > Light > Treasures

S019 - Robin Valenti - DECEASED - Bowie knife - And if you don't love me now, you will never love me again, I can still hear you saying you would never break the chain - Lights
Pregame - Tears
The Past - like > You
It's Media - awry

S038 - Jess Kawazoe - DECEASED - MAC-11 - What's going on? Could this be my understanding? It's not your fault, I was being too demanding - Veridis > Lines > Circuit > Human
Pregame - Voyager
It's Media - ALERT

S054 - Beatrice Briggs - DECEASED - Broadaxe - Calling for the hero, here comes a big rush, if only for tomorrow, hold on and push up - Prison > Healing > father > Flowers > Beautiful > Gentle > Sing > Ordovician > You > Permian > World > sunflower > universe
Pregame - Sunset

Left Behind (Pregame)
Poppy Fontaine - Here comes the sun, here comes the raging sun, and it's raging on and so we rage as one, on until the day is done - Pregame - door > Fight!
It's Media - neighbors

Ada Bentley - Stranded on an island made of glass, trapped between the future and the past - Pregame - Intro
It's Media - Typo! > Neighbourhood > everyone

B006 - Stepney Cruz - DEAD - Dynasty decapitated, you just might see a ghost tonight - Mountain Bike - Localised - Catastrophe - Inferno
Pregame - Chill - Loss - Realm
Trip - Loved

G035 - Katie Agustien - DEAD - There's only two ways that these things can go, good or bad and how was I to know that all your friends won't hold any grudges, I got the final judgment - The World's Sharpest Knife™ - Dread - Skin - ieatnothing - Satisfaction - Tempest - Zero
Pregame - Vend-etta - Flames - Fleet - Monachopsis - Glitter
Trip - G҉ A҉ N҉ G҉

B028 - Aurelien Valter - DEAD - When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat, before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream - Spiked Mace, Glock 19, Min-Jae Parker's Crossbow - Nightmare - Bubbles - Neighbourhood - Tragedy - Make It - Fiend - Sleet - Love - Walls - Friends - Key - Everything - Gotta - Ghosts - Alone
Pregame - Shark - Heart
Prom - Link - Gradation - Ballare
Trip - Inferis - Scusare

B052 - Garren Mortimer - DEAD- Cut up and I can't feel my hands, no need to chase, can you relate, can you keep up the pace like you're dying for this? - Bryan Calvert's SPAS-12, Alligator tooth sword - Sky - Geek - Nation - No - Dilemma - Mauerbauertraurigkeit - Struck - Punishment - Énouement - Pain - Learn - lamb - Moves
Pregame - Rain
Trip - Life

Lyra Doyle - Let's live tonight like fireflies, and one by one light up the sky - Pop!
Pregame - Evolution - Life - Lo Mein
Memories - Forward - Odds

Dean Puchero - By July you'd made a whole bunch of brand new friends, people you used to look down on, and you'd figured out a way to make real money - Phone - Angel
Pregame - Generation - Prince
Memories - Star
Prom - Sun - Luster

Bryony Adams - Burning bright until the end, now you'll be missing from the photographs
Astrid Tate - So what became of loving man, and what became of you?
Mia Rose - You can't understand that I won't leave 'til we're finished here, and then you'll find out where it all went wrong

Owen Kay - I fold my tie and ribbon to hide my scars, that's how it starts
Amy Bachelor - Can you whisper, as it crumbles and breaks, as you shiver, count up all your mistakes
Francis St. Ledger - So a day when you've lost yourself completely could be a night when your life ends

George Leidman (Adopted from Blastinus) - Now if we jump together at least we can swim far away from the wreck that we made
Tim - Freddie - Kendra
[+] The Future
Boyd Adkinson - Ain't no surprise that I can't sleep tonight, my only vice is standing by your side
Redd Quintero
Melissa 'Lissa' McCree
Jamie Mittelman
Tabitha 'Tabby' Sun
Natalie McGuiness
Takumi Tsunoda
Ophelia Wright
Anna Montgomery
Jordan Rush
Patton Tesser
"bryony and alba would definitely join the terrorists quote me on this put this quote in signatures put it in history books" - Cicada Days, 2017
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

Laps were good. Laps were mindless effort, a routine that could be repeated over and over and over again until the aggression ached out of his muscles. Laps could set him back to...not exactly normal, but damn close enough that he wouldn't snap at anybody, hopefully.

Ty didn't pay much attention to the others as he dipped into the water. The soles of his feet pressed back against the wall as he launched away, letting his arm extend into deep, even strokes as his mind blanked out into the pattern. He stayed in his lane and kept his breathing steady, sailing forward with absent purpose. He barely registered the effort as his feet touched back against the opposite wall and his head rose, staring down the lane as he prepared to launch into the second half of his lap.
[+] SotF Characters
[+] V5 Characters
ImageG056, Alda Abbate(Adopted)
It was difficult to nail down exactly when the anger started. Remembering a time when it wasn't there, coiled up and waiting to strike or alive and thrashing, was growing more and more challenging. It'd been with her for so long that it no longer felt like an intruder in her mind. It felt like a part of her.
ImageB062, Garrett Wilde
I multiplied. Then I subtracted. That's what we do now. That's how we keep the most people around.
ImageB014, Joachim Lovelace(Adopted)
Your turn.
[+] V6 Characters

ImageG037, Abby Floyd:This place was vile. Overwhelmingly, terribly vile. Character Theme: Everything's Alright-Emily Scholz
ImageB016, Ty Yazzie: You ever wonder if you still got a home to go back to? Character Theme: Warrior People-Medicine For The People
ImageIsaac Brea(Adopted from Espi): Isaac's well of fucks was bone-dry. Character Theme: The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief-Patent Pending
ImageG011, Caedyn Miller:So...how did you wanna do this? Feeling an open casket? Or is that dumb? Nah, don't say it, that's dumb. We'll be soup by the time they send us home anyway. Character Theme: Sleep-My Chemical Romance
ImageG032, Irene Djezari(Adopted from CicadaDays): Death was not worse than Meme Hell. Character Theme: A Beautiful Lie-30 Seconds To Mars
[+] V7 Characters
ImageB066, Blaise d'Aramitz: I am not fucking dabbing on a corpse, Carl. Character Theme: The Nurse Who Loved Me-A Perfect Circle
ImageG032, Helena 'Hel" Fury: I hope my family’s waiting. The one I made out here. I hope you’ll be a part of it again. Character Theme: Fix Me-10 YearsImage
ImageB073, Jeremiah Anderson: "GO--GO--GO." Character theme: The Big Sleep-Murder By Death
ImageG066, Marco Hart: I'm not satisfied anymore. I don't think I'd want to be if I could. Character theme: Maurice's Monsters-Small Leaks Sink Ships
ImageG080, Nikki Nelson-Kelly: The fools. The morons. The aBsOlUtE cReTiNs. Character Theme: Movement-The Whip
ImageG062, Tonya Collins: The girl, the person, the thing, the shape on the screen, that wasn't her. Character Theme: Get Down-Isador
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Post by KamiKaze »

((I have RC's permission))

The water was cool, in multiple ways. It was cool in that it made her skin less warm, and cool in that it was a good experience. Taking a few seconds to tread water, Junko then pulled away from the edge.

There were still a few people hesitant to get in, poking their feet inside. Wimps. It's just water. And they had to get in eventually. But she couldn't help but smile at the idea. She wondered why there were still people surprised that they had to swim. Oh well, their problem, she guessed.

One arm forward, the next up. The legs kicking. Junko decided on using a front crawl today. It was what she preferred when swimming, after all. No doggie paddles for her. Anyways, she soon got to work.

Even though Parkinson said "don't make it a competition, it's just warm-ups"... Junko couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment with each person she was ahead of. She had always been proud of her physical abilities. Who wouldn't? She was good at track, and at rollerblading, and even though she sucked balls at first, she was quickly getting better at parkour. As far as she was concerned, she had a right to brag, and a right to show off.

At the end of the day, she was still Junko, after all.

As she swam, the other side of the pool got ever so closer. A few people were ahead of her already, too. Junko tried her hardest to focus on her laps rather than anything else, but that meant she wasn't paying attention.

And paying attention was important, or else your arm ends up crashing into someone next to you. Like right now.

"Ah, sh-" she began, but stopped herself. "Sorry, Jerry."
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Post by RC~ »

When swimming, Jeremiah suddenly felt a slap. Or a punch. He did not know what the word for it was.

He did not know how to react either, breathing probably was the best reaction. But he couldn't breathe underwater, so after he got some water into his mouth, he spit it out and tried to get his head above the water.

Apparently Junko punched him. Meh, that can happen. But then again, it was Junko. However, her apology seemed like it was honest.

"No problemo."

Actually there was no time to chat, Parkison probably was watching them. He should continue swimming and so he did.

Hopefully they'll do something fun after the laps. Doing laps was kinda boring for him. But it was a warm-up after all.
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Post by Laurels »

Nadia continued to stretch her arms. She figured she could keep doing that for a while until the coach forced her to start doing laps. At the very least, it was something that let her look busy, and could let her mind drift off if needed.

Nadia looked around. She saw Junko crash into Jerry. She simply shook her head at that.

"Well, I don't know what I was expecting," she muttered to herself.
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Post by Pippi »

To any outside observer, seeing Mia drifting forwards as slowly as possible would have been an indication of someone who really couldn't care less for swimming, and possibly for sports and PE in general. And, true, it did look like Mia was putting in the bare minimum of effort, as if she'd decided her goal for the day was to be put on Coach Parkinson's Shit List.

An outside observer, however, wouldn't have been paying attention to Mia's impish grin.

Sure, swimming in PE wasn't quite as good a form of training as just diving into the pool into her own time, but it was something she was passionate about, and every little bit more she practiced, the better she would get at the sport. She wasn't prepared to just doss about and not take it seriously. But that also didn't stop her from having a little fun along the way.

As soon as she felt like Coach Parkinson was on the verge of yelling at her, Mia took a deep breath and propelled herself forwards, pushing herself into a front crawl. Not her best stroke, that accolade belonged to the backstroke, but that was all the more reason to practice it. All other thoughts left Mia's mind, as she focused on the steady rhythm of pushing herself through the water, aiming to pass by as many people as possible.

It wasn't exactly the fairest of challenges. About half of the people currently in the pool either didn't actively participate in or care for regular swimming, after all. But on the other hand, that was all the more reason to work as hard as she would in her regular swim practice. If she couldn't beat the less-physically inclined members of her class, well... that would be a bit of a bad sign.

As Mia continued to swim, she noticed flashes of familiar faces passing by her, small snippets of conversation between the less-than-infused and the accidental-colliders. Mia wasn't prepared to slow down to join in with any of it, no matter who it was or how much she wanted to.

Ah well. The flash of her grin would have to suffice as conversation.
[+] V9
Amber Barnes
Dennis "Buck" Buckley
Patty English
Alejandro Garcia de Teresa
[+] The Past
S009 - Trinity Ashmore - DECEASED - Sasumata - Embrace the dark you call a home, gaze upon an empty white throne - overlords! > Zeus > Road > Recycle > Clarification > Now? > Dodge
Pregame - Annabelle > Light > Treasures

S019 - Robin Valenti - DECEASED - Bowie knife - And if you don't love me now, you will never love me again, I can still hear you saying you would never break the chain - Lights
Pregame - Tears
The Past - like > You
It's Media - awry

S038 - Jess Kawazoe - DECEASED - MAC-11 - What's going on? Could this be my understanding? It's not your fault, I was being too demanding - Veridis > Lines > Circuit > Human
Pregame - Voyager
It's Media - ALERT

S054 - Beatrice Briggs - DECEASED - Broadaxe - Calling for the hero, here comes a big rush, if only for tomorrow, hold on and push up - Prison > Healing > father > Flowers > Beautiful > Gentle > Sing > Ordovician > You > Permian > World > sunflower > universe
Pregame - Sunset

Left Behind (Pregame)
Poppy Fontaine - Here comes the sun, here comes the raging sun, and it's raging on and so we rage as one, on until the day is done - Pregame - door > Fight!
It's Media - neighbors

Ada Bentley - Stranded on an island made of glass, trapped between the future and the past - Pregame - Intro
It's Media - Typo! > Neighbourhood > everyone

B006 - Stepney Cruz - DEAD - Dynasty decapitated, you just might see a ghost tonight - Mountain Bike - Localised - Catastrophe - Inferno
Pregame - Chill - Loss - Realm
Trip - Loved

G035 - Katie Agustien - DEAD - There's only two ways that these things can go, good or bad and how was I to know that all your friends won't hold any grudges, I got the final judgment - The World's Sharpest Knife™ - Dread - Skin - ieatnothing - Satisfaction - Tempest - Zero
Pregame - Vend-etta - Flames - Fleet - Monachopsis - Glitter
Trip - G҉ A҉ N҉ G҉

B028 - Aurelien Valter - DEAD - When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat, before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream - Spiked Mace, Glock 19, Min-Jae Parker's Crossbow - Nightmare - Bubbles - Neighbourhood - Tragedy - Make It - Fiend - Sleet - Love - Walls - Friends - Key - Everything - Gotta - Ghosts - Alone
Pregame - Shark - Heart
Prom - Link - Gradation - Ballare
Trip - Inferis - Scusare

B052 - Garren Mortimer - DEAD- Cut up and I can't feel my hands, no need to chase, can you relate, can you keep up the pace like you're dying for this? - Bryan Calvert's SPAS-12, Alligator tooth sword - Sky - Geek - Nation - No - Dilemma - Mauerbauertraurigkeit - Struck - Punishment - Énouement - Pain - Learn - lamb - Moves
Pregame - Rain
Trip - Life

Lyra Doyle - Let's live tonight like fireflies, and one by one light up the sky - Pop!
Pregame - Evolution - Life - Lo Mein
Memories - Forward - Odds

Dean Puchero - By July you'd made a whole bunch of brand new friends, people you used to look down on, and you'd figured out a way to make real money - Phone - Angel
Pregame - Generation - Prince
Memories - Star
Prom - Sun - Luster

Bryony Adams - Burning bright until the end, now you'll be missing from the photographs
Astrid Tate - So what became of loving man, and what became of you?
Mia Rose - You can't understand that I won't leave 'til we're finished here, and then you'll find out where it all went wrong

Owen Kay - I fold my tie and ribbon to hide my scars, that's how it starts
Amy Bachelor - Can you whisper, as it crumbles and breaks, as you shiver, count up all your mistakes
Francis St. Ledger - So a day when you've lost yourself completely could be a night when your life ends

George Leidman (Adopted from Blastinus) - Now if we jump together at least we can swim far away from the wreck that we made
Tim - Freddie - Kendra
[+] The Future
Boyd Adkinson - Ain't no surprise that I can't sleep tonight, my only vice is standing by your side
Redd Quintero
Melissa 'Lissa' McCree
Jamie Mittelman
Tabitha 'Tabby' Sun
Natalie McGuiness
Takumi Tsunoda
Ophelia Wright
Anna Montgomery
Jordan Rush
Patton Tesser
"bryony and alba would definitely join the terrorists quote me on this put this quote in signatures put it in history books" - Cicada Days, 2017
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Latin For Dragula
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

As Ty hit the wall, he got a glimpse of a crash between Junko and...shit, what was his name? J...something. Jamie. Jacob. Jerry. Didn't know the guy all that well, to be honest. Still, it looked like they'd gotten the first accident out of the way, and nobody was too roughed up by it. Better them than him, in that case.

Staying by himself seemed to be the best option so far. The pool was crowded and people were bustling all over the dam place, so staking out a lane and staying sharp to avoid anybody who might wander into it was better than bunching up. Ty sunk into the lap once more, and let the water rush by him.
[+] SotF Characters
[+] V5 Characters
ImageG056, Alda Abbate(Adopted)
It was difficult to nail down exactly when the anger started. Remembering a time when it wasn't there, coiled up and waiting to strike or alive and thrashing, was growing more and more challenging. It'd been with her for so long that it no longer felt like an intruder in her mind. It felt like a part of her.
ImageB062, Garrett Wilde
I multiplied. Then I subtracted. That's what we do now. That's how we keep the most people around.
ImageB014, Joachim Lovelace(Adopted)
Your turn.
[+] V6 Characters

ImageG037, Abby Floyd:This place was vile. Overwhelmingly, terribly vile. Character Theme: Everything's Alright-Emily Scholz
ImageB016, Ty Yazzie: You ever wonder if you still got a home to go back to? Character Theme: Warrior People-Medicine For The People
ImageIsaac Brea(Adopted from Espi): Isaac's well of fucks was bone-dry. Character Theme: The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief-Patent Pending
ImageG011, Caedyn Miller:So...how did you wanna do this? Feeling an open casket? Or is that dumb? Nah, don't say it, that's dumb. We'll be soup by the time they send us home anyway. Character Theme: Sleep-My Chemical Romance
ImageG032, Irene Djezari(Adopted from CicadaDays): Death was not worse than Meme Hell. Character Theme: A Beautiful Lie-30 Seconds To Mars
[+] V7 Characters
ImageB066, Blaise d'Aramitz: I am not fucking dabbing on a corpse, Carl. Character Theme: The Nurse Who Loved Me-A Perfect Circle
ImageG032, Helena 'Hel" Fury: I hope my family’s waiting. The one I made out here. I hope you’ll be a part of it again. Character Theme: Fix Me-10 YearsImage
ImageB073, Jeremiah Anderson: "GO--GO--GO." Character theme: The Big Sleep-Murder By Death
ImageG066, Marco Hart: I'm not satisfied anymore. I don't think I'd want to be if I could. Character theme: Maurice's Monsters-Small Leaks Sink Ships
ImageG080, Nikki Nelson-Kelly: The fools. The morons. The aBsOlUtE cReTiNs. Character Theme: Movement-The Whip
ImageG062, Tonya Collins: The girl, the person, the thing, the shape on the screen, that wasn't her. Character Theme: Get Down-Isador
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Location: Behind you.


Post by KamiKaze »

A whistle.

"Hey, Kurosawa, what's going on?" Parkinson's voice piped up.

Shiiiiiiiiit. He noticed. This was not the day to get in trouble in P.E. Even if Jerry was fine, and it was an accident. It was never a good time to get Parkinson on your case. Junko turned to him, treading water. He was standing at the edge closest to her, trying to figure out what just happened. Right, let's hope he believed her when she said it was an accident.

"I wasn't paying attention, and… I think we kinda crashed into each other", she said. "He's fine, though."

Parkinson frowned, and looked back to Jerry. Then back to Junko.

"Pay better attention." A few seconds later, he spoke louder so everyone else could hear. "I want to see everyone trying their best here! Do laps, and then we'll have time for volleyball!"

Volleyball, once they were done with laps. Right. As much fun laps were, volleyball would probably be more fun. For starters, it would probably be more… acceptable? Correct word? Well, okay, she would be able to compete and show off. And there would be less chance of crashing into your friends. Less.

Alright, Parkinson. She could play by that. No getting distracted, no crashing. Noted.
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