Big open spaces.

Formerly an Open Field. The crashed remains of the terrorists' helicopter lay in the middle of the field, providing some shelter to whomever prefers to use it. Fair warning, though, of all the lurkers around the area looking for the baddies.
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Big open spaces.


Post by NyteDarkness* »

(Continued from Walking into the house of blood... )

At last after quite a bit of wandering Sven came upon an acceptable spot. A nice, open field. Fields were good. Unlike those nasty trees, it was nearly impossible to get lost in a field, though knowing Sven he might manage. He hated having to wander through the trees; he was surprised he wasn't more scratched up with all those awful branches there. Who decided that branches should exist, anyways? That was one of the good things about 'prison'. No damned branches. No kids walking around with guns shooting the hell out of each other either, but most importantly no branches.

Of course the middle of a large field wasn't the most tactical space to be in in a situation in a situation like Sven was in, but he was still convinced that he was invincible, and a complete genius. Sven Kekule, the invincible genius. Of course this idiotic game would never get the best of him. He didn't even want to play it at all, but it was looking like he had no choice. He decided that he had better read that little booklet inside his bag, so he sat down and took it out. He liked to avoid reading as much as he possibly could. It made him feel dizzy to have to look at all those little words, but this might be important. He began to read...

DON'T try escaping the island.

Geez, Sven thought, that's a dumb rule. Who'd honestly follow that? If Sven could manage to find his way out of a paper bag without getting lost, he'd have already tried.

DON'T try to take off the necklace.

Sven was really starting to think someone was out to get him; these rules were targeting everything he was good at! Nah, he thought, they must just be so terrified of what I can to they're trying to tell me not to do it. Reverse psychology, or whatever.

DON'T run around like an idiot, or scream like a wild banshee!

Sven laughed at this rule. It was funny. Just then, however, he noticed a small, red droplet running down one side of the booklet. What was that? He tried to touch it, but it just continued to slide down the page leaving no traces of anything on his finger whatsoever. Another one came down, and another, and another, and another. The booklet now looked as if he had slit someone's throat with it. He panicked, what if he was bleeding? He checked both his hands, but there was no blood anywhere. No blood staining his uniform or anything. It was as if the booklet itself was bleeding.

Soon the booklet looked as if it should be soaked, the blood or whatever it was dripping off, sometimes in big sticky globs. Sven looked down at his clothes; he couldn't get blood on his clothes! But nothing was there, nothing on the ground, nothing anywhere except that damned book. His heart was pumping faster and faster, what the hell was happening? He closed his eyes and with all of his strength tossed the booklet to the side. It was small and light, so it landed only a few meters away from him. The red was gone. The booklet was in the same condition it was when he had taken it out of the bag. He didn't dare pick it up though, that thing must be evil. It was probably a part of this twisted game.

In fact, it was Sven himself who had imagined the blood being there, but Sven hadn't went without his pills for this long in a very long time and couldn't tell his hallucinations from reality either way.

He sat down beside his bag again, trying to forget about the booklet and concentrate on his escape.
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Post by riserugu* »

((Coming From: B46 - Start))

“Well, this can’t be very good.” The voice of Martyn Ferdinand said little; Scottish accent clear on his voice as since he had left the bathrooms now found himself amongst the somewhat the somewhat tall grass of a very large field. Lowing his hands a little, he looked over the area from over the top of the map.

This place was just screaming, 'HEY! Look at me, I’m the idiot wondering through an open field just go on and take a bloody shot right at my head.' Sighing a little, he found himself frowning as he folded his map up and placed it along his back pocket, the pistol he had been given resting along the pocket of his blazer.

“Not good at all…” Martyn repeated pushing forward out of the grove of trees that led into the field, his pace somewhat a bit faster paced than before as he wanted nothing more to make it across this field without taking a bullet to the head.

Absorbed in his thoughts of what he should do next, where should he go, where would be most safe… he hardly noticed that he was indeed, not the only person currently amongst the somewhat tall grass that filled the area. Somewhat peaceful he had to admit, expect for the fact when you remembered that there was a chance…

A lot of a chance he could die in this place.

How funny the thought now that before this the worst thing that had happened to him was that he was having to go to his aunt’s house for his holiday, spending time on the cold coast of Northern Ireland with that crazy fruit bat. Didn’t even know his name… swear if he was called Billy one more time.

Shaking his head he pushed back thoughts of his life before this game, a life he could probably never go back to… “But I’ve got to try, right?” He questioned himself, nodding in response as he pushed forward. If he got off this island, he would and never look back on this time.

If he died… well, he wasn’t going to go out in some pitiful way, oh no. He was going to go down fighting… going to go down swinging till the end.
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Post by NyteDarkness* »

Sven noticed another person coming closer to him and immiediatly ducked down into the grass. Usually a hiding place like this one didn't work but that wasn't going to make Sven give up, this other person would never know anyone else was there. Sven watched as he was passed over, it worked! His hiding place had worked! He wasn't even noticed at all. This hiding place was amazing!

...but wait. Was this other person perhaps...trying to steal Sven's hiding spot? That was not acceptable!

"Hey! You!" he said, "This is where I'm hiding!"

A Note to the Reader: From this point forward, Sven Kekule is no longer roleplayed by handler NyteDarkness and thusly becomes an inactive character. In Sven's next appearance, he will be controlled by fellow handler Riserugu. Therefore, bits and pieces of the remainder of his story may not coincide with what you have already read. We at Survival of the Fittest apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

((Continued in: G56 - Start))
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Post by riserugu* »

Martyn continued to be absorbed in his thoughts till a rustling close by brought his attention out of his thoughts, and about the general area.

"Hey! You! This is where I'm hiding!"

And what a fine job he was doing hiding...

And a wide open field, oh yes, what a prefect hiding spot indeed. Turning to his side, he glanced over the figure of the young man some distance from him. Lifting his hands up a little, he brushed the gun hidden in the pocket of his jacket as the young Scottish man looked over the other,

“Ne, mate. I’m not here to steal this lot of a place… just trying to get through on my way to somewhere else is all.”
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Post by riserugu* »

(( Alright, seeing that it has been close to two months. I shall be moving Martyn at this point... ))

Standing there in the silence that had fallen over the field, a sick feeling started to slowly fill the inside of Martyn stomach. That sick feeling telling them that this was all very real… and this person here who he was standing before could well be one of the ones that had already turned this game into a blood bath…

As he went to move his hands, his arms brushed his blazer and against the gun that he had put in there for safe keeping some time ago. This was just more proof as the panic then grabbed hold and ran with it all… ‘I have to get out of here… now.’

And barely giving those thoughts time to be thought over, the uniformed boy turned his back to the other teen and took off across the field from where he had just came from. He had to get somewhere, anywhere… anywhere… as he sifted the bag on his bag something hit.

His laptop.

If he could find somewhere to charge its battery, he could contact someone on the outside. But where could there be such a place, racking his brain over the familiar sight he had remembered on the map one stuck out the most. The warehouse…

((Continued in: Starting Place for B#54))
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