Survival of the Fittest

Some woods overcrowded with trees. Watch yourself here... who knows who will be hiding behind a tree, prepared to kill?
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Survival of the Fittest


Post by MooCow* »

COMING FROM 'arrival': http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...opic=459&st=105

Aiden dragged Heather away from the school and into the woods.

"Are you okay," Aiden asked panting.
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Post by Kuze* »

(continued from whjere Aiden came from(

Heather by now had zoned out until the boy spoke to her.

"Huh oh yeah.. thanks."

Heather sheepishly said while she gripped her shotgun harder, sure this boy had dragged her out of the line of danger zone, but what was his true intentions.

"but I thought we were going to the school"
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Post by MooCow* »

"We are," Aiden said worried, "I just need you to wait here while I go back and help the others. If anyone tries to hurt you use the shotgun. I'll be back in no time."

With that he turned and ran back towards the clinic.

CONTINUED IN 'arrival': http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...opic=459&st=105
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Post by Sephy* »

((Continued from: Arrival))

Daisuke soon spotted the lame girl ~What was her name again?~ He stopped beside her and looked around, hoping everyone had made it, and releived to be out of the danger zone, his hand touched the cold metal around his neck, strange, he'd grown used to the collar by now, it even felt somewhat..reassuring.
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Post by riserugu* »

((Coming From Arrival))

Pushing through the bushes and other members of the underbrush that blocked his path… he continued walking along intill the sight of the others came into view. Jeremy was no where to be seen at the moment, which slightly worried Glenn as to what could have happened to the boy.

Coming up on the three that where there, he shook off his bag allowing it to drop to the ground, allowing him to sigh a little in getting that weight off his injured arm. Which had slowed down in the bleeding terms, but was still rather ugly looking none the less.

Attention changing, he glanced to the girl he was currently holding, after having carried her away from the hospital in an attempt to keep her from losing her throat. As walking didn’t seem much of an option to Mallory, crouching down slowly he placed the girl against the ground. Falling back into a sitting position, “So, how are you feeling?” He questioned, glancing once more toward her.
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Post by Swoosh* »

((coming from where everyone else was coming from!- Makeshift Hospital, Arrival))

Mallory let herself be lowered to the ground. Her head was spinning slightly, the events of the previous half an hour or so still hadn't hit home yet. The journey from the hospital had been a silent one; Glenn was obviously concentrating on getting away from the hospital as fast as he could, and Mallory was too tired and confused to think up any conversation topics. Besides, what could she possibly say to him now? Thank you for saving my life? Please, how lame did that sound.

She winced slightly as she tried to adjust her leg, heavily wrapped in gauze. Glenn had done that as well. She owed him so much... looking back at him, she smiled slightly, the first genuine smile she'd done since she arrived on the island.

"Yes, thank you," she said warmly. "I mean, for what you did back there, I don't know if I'd have even... thanks, really."

She glanced around. The two boys who were shooting had arrived safely, as well as the other girl. The guy with the sickle... he was still missing, but Mallory hoped he was safe, wherever he was. The crazy shooter, on the other hand... she shuddered. Looking back at Glenn, she still couldn't understand how, after being so close to dying on so many accounts, she was still alive.

I guess I have Glenn to thank for that.

"How about you?" she questioned. "Your arm..." she trailed off, glancing at the boy's arm, which indeed was looking a little worse for wear.
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Post by Theseus* »

((OOC: also continued from where everyone is is coming from, Arrival at the makeshift hospital))

Jeremy finally arrived, he had slowed down a bit, looking out for Fred, he knew he wouldn't find the boy but he looked, then headed here. Jeremy walked to the group, a broken smile on his face, his shirt bloody which was wrapped around his arm where he had been shot. Jeremy didn't even notice the gunshot wound in his foot, just when he walked he seemed to limp a bit.

Jeremy looked at everyone and said, "I'm late..." Then he smiled and said, "Fashionably late, all the cool kids are doing it now." he nodded to Glenn then to the rest of the group.
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Post by Sephy* »

Dai felt releived as he saw that everyone had made it out of the danger zone safely " time we're indecisive, lets not do it when we're about to get our heads blown off."

He half-crouched on the grass, ready to stand quickly "Guess we're all headed for the school then"

~I hope they don't make that a danger zone too...~
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Post by riserugu* »

“My arm feels a lot better than it looks,” He said musing a grin, even if did sting like a bitch and the blood loss had made him somewhat in this time. “I should take can of it before I bleed to death.”

Glenn kept his grin, as he pulled up the sleeve of his black MUSE shirt to relieve the gaping wound. The blood flow from the wound had slowed a great deal in the time, but needed to be taken care of none the else. Last thing he’d need was an infection from leaving the wound exposed to what the island had to offer.

Glancing back up to Mallory as he unzipped his daypack, removing one of the first aid kits before speaking, “And that wasn’t a problem, I told you I wasn’t going to leave you. Anyway I can’t stand to see the pretty ones in trouble,” He said, uncapping the small bottle of alcohol and looked between it and his wound sighing a bit.

“I bet this is going to hurt like hell…” Glenn muttered lightly, breathing in before pouring a decent amount onto the wound, and biting back a bit from yelling out at the wave of pain that washed over that minute. Bouncing his right leg up and down as he sat, he waited a minute before removing the bandages, looking up at the arrived Jeremy.

“Glad you can make it, cool boy. Mind helping me wrap this thing?”
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Post by Swoosh* »

Mallory felt herself blushing once again at Glenn's words, which in contrast to her pale skin made her look as if she had been sunburnt. She immediately looked at the ground, willing her red cheeks to go away so she could once again look Glenn in the face. Jeremy proved a welcome distraction, and while the two exchanged greetings, she furiously wished for her cheeks to stop burning.

Satisfied that she was more or less de-embarrassed, she looked once more over at Glenn. She winced slightly as he poured the alcohol onto his wound; she could almost hear it hissing. At Glenn's request for help, Mallory spoke up a little too quickly.

"I'll help!... I mean, if you need me to hold or look at anything, I'll give it a go..." She blushed again.

Maybe it was just her extreme feeling of helplessness; after all, since she had gotten here all she had done was gotten rescued- but either way, Mallory was keen to start taking action, even if she did have a hinderence in the way of her leg.

Trying her best to not upset her own wound, Mallory managed to slide awkwardly, closer to Glenn.

"I mean, if you need me to..." she repeated again, quietly.

((Ooooh, Glenn and Mallory= OTP!))
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Post by Slayer* »

OOC: Sorry for the breif hijack, but what does that mean?
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Post by Sephy* »

((OOC: OTP=One True Pairing)

Dai took the brief respite as a chance to check his pack

~not much ammo left...kuso~

He watched as various people pathced themselves up and the sickle-girl ~I really must learn names at some point~ appeared to be..flirting? with the boy
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Post by Theseus* »

Jeremy listned to Glenn's request then watched as Mallory quickly jumped at the chance to help. Jeremy smiled and stepped aside, he knew Glenn put a lot on the line in staying back and helping her at the hospital, he must really care for her, or be really stupid. One or the other Jeremy smiled, things seemed to be working out now. Except Fred...where was he....Jeremy looked at everyone around him and wondered if Fred would know to come here, or to school if that was there next destination.

Jeremy remembered his promise to Fred, no matter what, until the end, he would stick with him, Jeremy wasn't about to break that promise, but he knew Fred was safe out there, and he sighed a little in relief, and continued his look around the group.

((I was re-reading my starting post at the warehouse where I met Fred and Heather before our search for Glenn, but I realized Jeremy and Dai crossed paths at the warehouse, I don't think they talked but they were in there at the same time, small world.))
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Post by riserugu* »

“Eh?” Glenn blinked, looking away from Jeremy and back to Mallory. Cocking his head a bit, and blinked softly. Looking down at the bandages in his hand, he turned a little so that she’d be able to get to the wound better before holding them out to her.

Glancing back toward Jeremy briefly he smirked a little, “I wouldn’t worry about dear Fredrik too much, remember we got that twin sense thing. If he can find me once, I’m sure he can find me again, you know?” He mused; he had to think positive thoughts for his brother. He hadn’t seen the wounds delivered to his twin, and could only pray they weren’t anything terribly bad.

Pursing his lips in a thoughtful manner, he sighed a bit thinking back to before the plane incident. How his biggest worry had been the upcoming soccer game, and passing all the finals in his classes. Speaking of classes, glancing back to Mallory he frowned a bit as another thoughtful look passed over his face yet again.

“Oi, we shared a Chemistry class, didn’t we?” He muttered, trying to start up some kind of talk with the girl.
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Post by MooCow* »

CONTINUED FROM 'arrival': http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...opic=459&st=105

"Sorry for running off back there," Aiden whispered, "it was just cutting it close is all and someone had to take the initiative to get us all moving. It sucks that so many of us are injured, and what's worse is that we just left the clinic which would have been a nice place to fix everyone up. All I grabbed was some random medicine bottles and these antibiotics. Until then we'll have to use the extra gauze from when we dressed my arm wound to clean up Mallory again because we're gonna need to redress that frequently so she doesn't wind up like I did. I definately think we should head for the school after we get ourselves together."
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