What’s This? Another Inner Turmoil Post? Who Would Have Guessed?

Oneshot; Late Day 3 to Morning of Day 4

Unlike the east side of the village, the west side of the housing has remained in much the same condition it was left in. The houses here are all in the same state as they were when they were first built, the identical houses all sitting in identical rows with the only difference being their color. The interior of the houses all share the same layout, with a shared living area/kitchen and a separate bedroom. The state of these rooms is surprisingly clean and consistent throughout the western side of the village as well, with all the beds appearing to have been made and the houses tidied, with chairs tucked into the kitchen table before the residents departed.

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What’s This? Another Inner Turmoil Post? Who Would Have Guessed?


Post by Ryuki »

(Zachary Beck, continued from Binary Suns)

Zach managed to find a path from the beach back to the village. His feet were about ready to give out as he trudged toward the small circle of houses. He breathed heavily as he kneeled down on the ground, rummaging through his bag for some food and water. He realized at that moment he hadn’t had breakfast. God, how he wished he could taste his mother’s bacon and eggs again. But now had to settle for these shitty protein bars and stale ass bread. Although, a part of him was starting to grow more accustomed to their taste the more he consumed.

Zach was soaked to the bone and needed some rest. He walked over to one of the houses’ windows and peeked inside. He didn’t see any signs of life. He walked towards the door and turned the knob slowly. The door creaked as it opened. Zach did a quick look around as he closed the door behind him.

He inspected the bedroom, gun in hand. No on there either. With that, Zach hopped onto the bed. The bed was quite old and dusty, but Zach didn’t care. He was just glad he could sit on something comfortable, relatively speaking.

Dusk had settled onto the island. Zach laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, lost in thought. What were Sean and the others up to at this point? What would have happened if Zach stuck around and faced them over what he did? Would Sean have forgiven him for what he did? What did that matter now that Zach had just abandoned him.

For that matter, now everyone still alive was aware Zach was a killer. They’d probably seen his face online, so they’re likely to avoid or come after him once they recognized him. He had a big enough target on his back with one kill under his belt. Zach’s plan was to lay low to the end, as to his understanding, he needed to kill at least one person if he didn’t want to play this fucking game again. He didn’t know how long it would take, hopefully not too long. He wasn’t going to wait for rescue that never came, that’s for sure.

His mind went back to the girl at the beach.

“Better dead than a player. Better dead than a puppet.”

Zach groaned in annoyance. How the fuck is being dead any better. As far as Zach knew, if you died, you’re dead, no ifs, ands, or buts. Was there heaven or nirvana afterward? Fuck if he knew. Maybe it was because technically he was a player, but he couldn’t agree with that sentiment. At least if you’re still alive, you have a fighting chance.

With that, Zach began to drift into slumber.

The announcements once again blared across the island, waking Zach from his sleep. He listened intently to see what other fuckers got into the killing business.

Teresa Rojas, someone Zach knew he could count on for some fun, stabbed Reuben Walters. Zach always knew she was kind of a hedonist, but damn. He didn’t think she’d go that far, whatever the circumstance.

The next name to catch his attention was Blaise d’Aramitz. He had killed the lolita chick, Dolly Upton, and the blind dude, Alexander Brooke. Blaise was a gossip, someone Zach would get info out of in case he needed a new prank victim. He hadn’t been on the announcements since day one thinking back. Zach figured he had fully embraced the game. Better watch out for him.

After the announcements were over, Zach opened a tin of crackers for breakfast. After stomaching the bland crackers, he looked out the window. The rainfall had continued from yesterday. Zach had dried off by then, and gotten some decent rest. If he stuck around any longer, someone was bound to find him, killer or not. Zach had to keep moving, no matter how much he hated being wet.

Gathering his things, Zach left the house. He had no set destination in mind, but wherever his legs carried him, hopefully he could continue to stake out this damn game.

(Zachary Beck, continued elsewhere...)
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Image Ned Jackson
Image Yuki Hayashibara
Image Zachary Beck

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