Area Description: The Hot Spring

Halfway up the mountain is a plateau where the hot spring can be found. Originally a roughly cut circle in the rockface of the mountain, time and some work from the residents of the island has seen it become more inviting. The sharper edges have been smoothed down and some steps have been carved into the rock, although these can still be slippery. A pathway had previously been worn into the ground but is now obscured by a combination of weathering and rockfall over the years the island has been abandoned. The water of the hot spring itself is still warm and inviting and is the perfect temperature to soothe aching muscles and bones after a long hike.
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Area Description: The Hot Spring


Post by SOTF_Help »

Area: The Hot Spring

Description: Halfway up the mountain is a plateau where the hot spring can be found. Originally a roughly cut circle in the rockface of the mountain, time and some work from the residents of the island has seen it become more inviting. The sharper edges have been smoothed down and some steps have been carved into the rock, although these can still be slippery. A pathway had previously been worn into the ground but is now obscured by a combination of weathering and rockfall over the years the island has been abandoned. The water of the hot spring itself is still warm and inviting and is the perfect temperature to soothe aching muscles and bones after a long hike.

Status: OPEN


If you have any questions about or concerns regarding this area or any actions taking place therein, please don't hesitate to contact a member of the staff team who will be happy to assist you.
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