Remember When MTV Meant Something?


On the southern edge of Las Vegas is Meadowbrook, a close-knit, middle class neighborhood. The area is charming and nearly all of the houses sport the Spanish tile roofs common to the area. Front yards often have gardens with native plants due the ease and affordability of keeping those plants alive in the heat. While the area may lack the glamor of other parts of the city, residents find it an affordable and relatively safe place to live.
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Remember When MTV Meant Something?


Post by Deblod100 »

[+] You have received 1 new text message
Title: Complaints
From: Veronika Burke, member of the MHA
Dear Mr. Ralph and Jonah West,

As part of the Meadowbrook Homeowner Association, I am required to keep tabs on our fellow neighbors who rely on us to ensure a peaceful neighborhood. Yes, we do get complaints of rowdy teenagers from the nearby Red Rock school, but I'm here to address that one of your neighbors Miss Clara Drexler have threatened authority or legal action concerning one of your children playing from their garage. Complaints on unruly noise levels have been addressed and resolved before, but in case you need a reminder, Miss Drexler's house is only a few houses from yours. She has also claimed to get social services involved for your adopted children, since to your eldest adoptive daughter sporting "sinful" clothing and "singing in tongues".

I wouldn't take it too seriously, since you have mentioned before that your eldest daughter is interested in music. It's also important to note that Clara has been under trouble for harassment towards other fellow neighbors before that can be seen of offensive intent. However, do take note that Drexler is playing the law card on this matter. The next MHA meeting will be coming soon, so we can privately address some actions when needed. Also, thanks to one of you for making a donation to the local church's food drive. Clara Drexler keeps insisting that the neighborhood should get involved, but no one seemed to have notice her make a public donation.

Veronika Burke
And now...

It's time for a BAD good idea to occur to which you, the reader, can participate and face many UNGODLY wonderful consequences of your own actions, because you would NEVER learn.

Step 1 - Purchase loudspeakers large and strong enough to be heard from miles away.
Step 2 - Do some digging on the deep web.
Step 3 - Purchase downloaded files of low frequencies reserved for long-range acoustic devices.
Step 4 - Mix said low frequencies with your favorite tunes. It is recommended to use an avant-garde masterpiece known as Merzbow. In possibly Emma's case, she can choose the peaceful hymns of Lamb of God.
Step 5 - Connect your speakers to the device that you will use to play the music.
Step 6 - Crank all of your speakers to the loudest volume possible. Mostly pass 11.
Step 7 - Get yourself some noise-cancelling headphones to wear.
Step 8 - Play your disaster and let the city you reside in fall to the ground like matchstick houses in a shockwave.

Do not worry of retribution from the authorities. Even with the headphones on, your body would be liquidated to a fine tomato paste. This will be covered up with the nuclear bomb that your government will be forced to use to get rid of the threat you caused.

It is NOT recommended that you do this.

No, seriously. Please don't do this.

It's just a prank, bro

And now back to your regularly scheduled program...

Somewhere in a suburban house in Meadowbrook...

It wasn't dark at first, until the lightbulb in the egg carton-lined garage lit up the room. Resting near the parked black Honda Rebel 250 motorcycle with its helmet resting on its seat, were some amps. It was nestled along a microphone attached to a stand, along with being a secluded space, since Emma's father Jonah needed the rest in the garage for his car. She had to bring down her laptop, so that it can record with the drumming backing track that Raymond done playing.

Our warrior of the heaviest of metal and punk is Emma Drakenberg-West.

She had the guitar strap over her shoulders for her black Jackson Dinky guitar with an Arch Top and multiple stickers plastered on it. Her personal touch with her band, the "Finest in Niflhel".

It was the time where the importance of the ideology of the punk was needed, to which the metalheads can join in too. Obviously, that bitch Tipper wasn't going to bring back the PMRC, but what can you do when you had to deal with Canon getting back into office. AGAIN. In fairness, those fucking champagne socialists and neoliberals were to blame for this. The hell are you going to do when your walking corpse Kirby suddenly goes cold turkey to which his sidebitch had to step in to clamber for him. Probably one of the biggest WTF moments in American politics, but those Brits must be laughing their heads off at what was going on doing the 2024 elections.

She wondered if she can met a member of the dirtbag left one day in Vegas. She never saw anyone else who registered as being one, but they were like gods up close, Emma heard.

She needed to ease off of things politically unless Heather said otherwise, since she wanted to get out of Red Rock on a high note. The band was being united and their prospects were going to soar for Sin City to hear their names and know they will play for the valkyries.

For her garage studio, which was the only room in the house that she was allowed to play her music, since her bedroom wasn't suited, she covered it up with egg cartons and her parents also had some electrician friends come over to make some subtle changes to turn it into a makeshift recording studio. For the light switches that were in the hallway outside of the garage and inside of the garage itself, there was a red light that signified whenever Emma was practicing her guitar-playing and singing. It was usually where she done her demos or backing tracks, since the Performing Arts studio at Red Rock was better equipped with dealing with music making. There was another red light that flashed in the garage when she was busy rehearsing. It was based on a staple in stand-up comedy as a joke that the West's electrician friends knew from the comedy clubs. The red light that flashes when you're on stage is your cue to wrap it up or leave.

The red light visible at the hallway out of the garage. No other distractions hopefully. She strummed and tuned her guitar to get the right notes sounding. A little adjustment with her microphone on the stand. A small growl to get the vocal cords ready. Then, she pressed "record".

"1. 2. 1 2 3 4!"

Emma began to strum with a death growl and heavy distorted riff. Her foot tapping wildly to the fast beat. For this demo, she was using more power chords on the guitar than needed when it came to shreddin' to separate the other songs she had planned. The tempo she had set was made to be fast-paced. It was common with the genres she played. She went more hardcore with this demo as a throwback. Getting her eyes away from her hands, so they can do her natural magic, she went up to the microphone to deliver her lyrics in a death yell.





Emma's hands moved wildly against the strings of her guitar, until the flashing red light appeared in the garage. Emma tried to avoid letting out an aggressive sigh. She paused the recording on her laptop, winding down. Still good for an attempt. She had to share it with Heather and Mitch to see their thoughts. There was some stuff that Mitch also had on GarageBand, so she needed to check in with him.

Emma went over to the garage door. Whoever that interrupted her was going to get their ass handed to them-

Calm down, Emma.

Emma had to get to that mind temple that substitute therapist recommended. He was corny to Emma straight up with his "new age" talk. Namaste this. Namaste that. Namaste go fuck yourself. She wasn't going to go gyan mudra.

Emma opened the door to see Riley flipping the switch, then she looked up at Emma looking down at her.

"Ya done?" Emma asked her. Even when she was not singing, Emma had the voice of a demon. She couldn't yell at Riley. She had to enforce standards on herself. She didn't go through the shit that Emma been through. Big sisters had to look out for their younger ones.

"Dad said that he is going to need help with dinner, since Pa is going to be late." Riley said in a mousy voice. Emma let out a sigh.

"Fine. Let me put my stuff away." Emma resigned herself to her fathers.

Emma's lifestyle at her two fathers' place was more healthy than her past. There was something odd at how metrosexual her two dads looked, while Emma looked like she came out from a leather store. Ralph looked more in-tune as a teacher, even though he worked as an economist with a grey beard and glasses. Jonah looked surprisingly young for his 40s and probably had some youthful energy in him still. Emma can confirm this, since he's the only grown adult that Emma knows who still plays on a N64 with Smash Bros. Riley, being an innocent plum, was wearing a Minnie Mouse shirt, while trying to cut a piece of baked sweet potato. Riley, also being adopted, was also a different ethnicity than her adoptive parents and older sister. Riley was given the talk before, but she never questioned again why she was Asian and her parents being white. Emma didn't mind pork chops with applesauce dinner, though Heather might kill her as usual when she knows that she's eating meat. Not that Emma was a vegan. She doesn't know how Heather does it easily.

"You think they are going to send the National Guard over to California to deal with the wildfires?" Ralph asked his husband Jonah, who was eating and making sure Riley was cutting her food properly and wasn't going to choke.
"Don't know on if the Canon administration will send aid. Los Angeles is looking like scorched earth."
"You reckon the fires would spread upstate?"
"Might not be good for Fresno."

"The Mormons are making a karaoke night at the community center to raise money." Emma commented, eating a piece of pork. "Oh that sounds interesting, Emma. You could attend." Ralph suggested, but Emma gave a dumbfounded look.
"There's the problem. The Mormons are running the event. None of us don't read from the LDS or what they call it. Vad fan kallar de sina biblar? (What the hell do they call their bibles?) They even charge 5 bucks for a ticket."

"Well, perhaps you can still send your support. There's the donations for the church in the neighborhood." Jonah suggested. "The only support I know is the loving graces of Ozzy Osbourne. Don't want to cause blasphemy." Emma remarked.

"Emma, my dear. There are still ways. If you're creative enough, you can work around it with what you do best." Jonah told Emma. "We're not Christians, but you need to show there is still kindness in the world. Surely, you know by now."

Kindness in the world. That depends. Not everywhere. Emma knew the answer, but she can't say it in front of Riley.

Emma didn't want to focus on philosophy and morals at the dinner table. The best she can do was go along. The best comfort she needed besides parental love was the sweet tunes of System of a Down.

((Emma Drakenberg-West continued elsewhere))
It's so hard when your on your own
You might fall into the Forbidden Zone

[+] V9 kids
Mortimer Schuab - The creator is converted into an avatar of all. Happy to tell you that life is completely meaningless and that everyone is going to die horribly.
Emma Drakenberg-West - Rebelling against the system with the power of metal and punk music gets you by, only for a little while, unless you decide to do the right thing only by getting your hands dirty.
Joanne Martinez - She enforces the authority of the school, but even a queen bee must lose the stinger. Now, she wants to make her point clear on who rules.
Vanessa Thibodeaux - Humans and animals are both the same. The lines officially blur for a butcher who will now become the executioner.
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