Hello everyone,
Welcome to the 149th Songtest! Now that winter is coming to an end, that means wedding season is approaching! But what's a wedding without good wedding music? Especially for one of the most important parts of the event? For that, I'm calling on you all to help score this moment.
Songtest #149: Wedding Dance
For this songtest, we are looking for romantic songs that a couple would dance to as a special event. How you interpret this is up to you, and you should feel free to have some fun with it. Some dances are
slower and dramatic, while others are
more energetic and surprising. I won't be too strict on entries, but I would ask you lean towards something with some romantic element to it, and something that two people could dance to with each other.
- [+] Rules Per Yoosh
- - submit your song via PM or Discord, whichever's easier for you (I would very much prefer Discord though)
- songs will be randomly divided into 1, 2 or 3 semifinals depending on turnout. if there are less than 20 submissions within 5 days, then there will only be one final round. if you're going to be away at some point in the next couple of weeks, let me know and I can try to put your song in a round when you'll be here.
- listen to every song and give points to your top 10 favorites: 12 to your favorite, 10 to your second, 8 to your third, 7 to your fourth, and so on down to 1 point for your tenth favorite. if there are less than 10 songs to vote for in a round, then simply cut off the bottom portion of the ballot (i.e. no 1 point songs, no 2 point songs, and so on)
- if your song is in a given round, you must vote that round or you'll be eliminated. if your song isn't in that round (or you aren't in the contest at all), your vote will be counted as a public vote, which counts for half points.
- the top [x] songs will move on to the final. that number depends on the number of contestants.
- repeat the process for the finals and we get a winner.
- winner gets to hold the next contest, or they can pass the job along to 2nd place if they don't want to. 2nd place can pass down to third, etc, until someone wants to host.
General song rules:
- no eurovision songs
- no reality show/competition covers
- no songs already submitted in a songtest
- there is no penalty for length in this contest. however, if a song goes over 7 minutes, listeners aren't obligated to listen to more than the first 7 minutes of it. Choose a long song at your own risk!
courtesy rules:
- if you know at the start of your semifinal that you wont be available to vote for those three days, let me know ASAP and I can move you to another semi, if we aren't on the final one already.
- I'll be pinging everyone who hasn't voted on discord 48 and 24 hours before the round ends.
- Have fun! (THAT'S AN ORDER!)
I will be accepting entries from now until
Saturday, March 8th at 5 pm EST. You can send me via board PM or Discord DM.
Have fun!
1. Me
2. FlockOfHens
3. Maraoone
4. Dr. Adjective
5. Fiori
6. Cicada
7. Lamps