Your Own Personal War Room

These are the woods that run in a narrow band which separates the mansion from the residential district. Closer to the mansion, the woods have a more manicured look, as though the trees were culled and planted in such a way as to maximize aesthetics, though they have had clearly not been cared for in a while.
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Your Own Personal War Room


Post by banthesun* »

((B085 Start))


It wasn't a good morning, what Will was waking into. A dull ache reached through him as if he hadn't had enough sleep, and he felt dirty. He probably smelled too. Realising he was still wearing his coat was a bit of a shock, but sleeping in the thing was probably the reason he felt like crap. That was a load of bullshit as far as Will was concerned; didn't he have the senior trip to go to? That was probably just a dream or something. Will knew he wouldn't have fallen asleep in his clothes the night before the trip. Yeah, that was probably it; he'd even been having a dream about SOTF or something. And a pretty crappy dream at that! No heroism, no desperate romance, just the dull briefing bit. It'd all fallen to bits after that.

Deciding that it must be the weekend, Will gently rolled over to check his clock, only to feel cold metal grip his throat. Springing bolt upright his hands shot to his neck and came in contact with the deceptively thin form of the explosive collar.



This wasn't meant to be happening! This couldn't be happening! This was his little game that he'd play his way through in his head to set up a little story with his classmates! This wasn't something that actually happened! He was no hero; he was a skinny nerd who spent a bit too much time thinking about situations like this!

Stumbling to his feet, Will looked around the clearing he'd fallen into. Where were the attackers coming to get him? This game wasn't going to be nice to him!

Glancing from side to side, Will was nearly overcome with paranoia, but something inside was calling out. He had to get a grip!

But where was his hat?
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Post by banthesun* »


Will's eyes fell upon his hat, lying upside down on the soil. Immediately he scrambled over and scooped it up. It had a sprinkling of dirt on it, but thankfully appeared otherwise intact. That was good. Pulling the curtain of hair from in front of his face, Will pushed the hat to his head. He immediately felt more balanced, and adjusted his coat.

He could do this! He knew what he was doing here! He'd thought it all out, had it all planned, just on the off chance it would actually happen. He was ready for this!

With his hat and suit Will felt confident again. They didn't feel like normal clothes, they made him feel special. That was pretty much the reason he'd chosen them in the first place. He felt like he could be a hero.

He wasn't strong or fit though; he'd need to play it smart if he didn't want to end up at the base of a tree bleeding to death. He needed allies. His friends. They could get through this together. They'd make a great team. They'd stay safe; protect each other until they could escape. He had a plan, and they could get out of this.

Out of all the names and faces running through Will's head, one stood out. Someone who was better prepared for this situation than he was. Bounce knew more about SOTF than anyone. She would definitely have a plan. She'd probably have her collar off already or something.

Or have a few kills under her belt...

Will had to find her; she'd be a valuable asset in this game. She could advise him or something. Not that he'd be the leader or anything, but he'd have organised the group. That'd mean something. Well, it would if he ever actually did something.

Quashing his doubts and fears with the heroic image, Will turned to his bag. It was time for action.
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Post by banthesun* »

It was time to plan. Time to get his head round the situation he'd found himself in. And his first priority was to take an inventory of what he had. Will reached down to the day pack he'd been given as part of this game and noticed the number on the side. Eighty five? That was him? That was what he'd rolled when Danya was choosing him? It wasn't a particularly special number, but it sounded kind of strong. There were worse numbers he could've gotten.

Returning to the task on hand, Will unzipped the bag and began pulling out its contents. First out came the bread and some biscuits. They looked dry as hell, and Will was pretty much counting on getting something tastier to put on them. He didn't want to be driven insane by boring food. The water bottle distracted him momentarily as he swallowed a gulp of water to clear the taste of his own mucus before he replaced the lid and continued through the bag.

The map and handbook were more interesting though. Will thought he might've read a version of the handbook online. Some kind of SOTF extra someone had uploaded. Not that he'd remembered any of it.

Will was reminded just what SOTF had meant for him before he woke to find himself in the middle of it; what it doubtless still meant for thousands of others around the world. He was in the show now; a character in this continuing series. Strangely, the thought was some kind of comfort to him; he could be famous!

There'd be time to catch up on Danya's stupid hints after he'd found his weapon. Casting the map and book aside for a moment, Will dug through his bag again, past a first aid kit that he'd thought about getting himself countless times, past the spare sets of clothes, past the teddy bear he was sure wasn't his only to find the folded form of his old bag and a few of its contents. Turning his bag out, he checked again for his weapon to no avail. No gun, no machete, not even a skipping rope or something! The only extra thing in his bag was that teddy bear. That wasn't his weapon; one of Danya's crew must have slipped it in as some half arsed form of comfort! If it was his weapon it would've been marked somehow!

"Damnit!" Will screamed and threw the bear across the clearing. That wasn't a weapon! It wasn't even some kind of tool! How the hell was he supposed to be the hero with some stupid toy as a weapon? He couldn't believe that bastard had screwed him over this much.

Will had to keep his composure, otherwise he'd be done. No doubt other people had gotten worse weapons that him, though he couldn't think of what. He'd just have to kill people with what he could find. Not that he was intending to kill anyone! These were his classmates he was talking about, he couldn't kill them, even if some of them were arseholes. But he'd have to get something defend himself.

Selecting a long, slender branch that had broken off when something large, himself, probably, fell through the canopy Will tested its weight, swishing it round in the air. It would just have to do. Gathering up his new belongings, he shoved them back in his school bag. He had to find his friends before they all died. This was what he'd ran through in his head so many times when this game was still a hypothetical.

As he left the clearing, Will bent over and picked up the teddy bear, almost by instinct, and stuffed it into his bag.

((William Sears continued elsewhere))
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