Lukas Nielson

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Lukas Nielson


Post by jimmydalad »

Name: Lukas Nielson
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: Senior
School: George Hunter High School
Hobbies and Interests: Writing, school newspaper, people-watching, storytelling, sex therapy

Appearance: Standing at 6'1", Lukas is slightly taller than your average male and maintains a weight of 175 lbs. He doesn't really have any defined muscles due to a lack of exercise yet only has little body fat. He has pale skin and sharp, dark brown eyes with black hair that he neatly wears with a bit of gel and a side parting while he actively shaves to prevent facial hair from forming on his oblong face.

Lukas tends to prefer conservative clothing options, almost to the point where he would try and blend into the background. Most of his clothes are neutral colours, with beige trousers combined with a white or black shirt being a very common ensemble. Occasionally, he has decided to wear a more colourful shirt, dress shirt or jumper, but the colour still tends to be muted with options such as maroon, purple, and dark blue. On the island, Lukas decided to wear a pair of beige khakis, black shirt, brown shoes with shoelaces and white socks.

Biography: Lukas was born on December 20th, 1999 to Christian and Alexis Nielson in Chattanooga. The pair met through various BDSM munches in Tenessee, with Alexis being the relatively well-known dominatrix "Tina Dominica" while Christian had an interest in BDSM that he wanted to discover. While his interest didn't manifest into anything significant long term, the two of them hit it off and eventually married. When Lukas was born into the family, Alexis stopped working as a dominatrix, instead preferring to focus her attention on making sure that Lukas had a good upbringing while his father worked as a successful sales representative for a technology firm specialising in anti-virus software.

Growing up, Lukas had a very close relationship with his mother and father. From an early age, Alexis encouraged the three of them to spend a lot of time together, going out to the park for picnics or reading bedtime stories to him before he went to sleep. Out at the park, his parents would play a game of picking a person and coming up with fun, fantastical stories about them going off things such as the clothes they were wearing or the conversations they were having. This allowed Lukas to develop an over-active imagination, which was only encouraged by his parents.

During elementary school, Lukas was able to comfortably slide himself into social situations. Following his parents' example, he spent recesses telling stories involving his classmates going on magical adventures facing dragons and other magical creatures. Though some were turned off by his stories, he developed a small group of friends who were always eager to hear about what he had in store next. His grades tended to be average, maintaining a B grade average in most subjects, while scoring A's in English.

Recognising the creative spark within him, his parents nudged Lukas towards pursuing writing to keep track of all the ideas he had for stories in his head while also encouraging his artistic side by buying him a journal for his birthday and encouraging him to write whatever he wanted in it. He took to this like a moth to a flame, taking to spending his time writing in journals during lunch breaks and coming up with more ideas, though tending to focus around the fantasy genre.

Not much changed for Lukas in middle school as he was still able to maintain his grade averages from elementary school. He still had the same friends from elementary school, but he became more hesitant to share the stories that he had in his journal. It was mostly because he became more critical of his writing after reading novels such as the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter series that he only wanted to share what he considered his best ideas. He refused to let anyone look at his journal, worried that they wouldn't like the ideas he had in there and got angry at anyone who tried to sneak a peek without his permission. Though some of his friends took umbrage with his overprotectiveness, others recognised his concerns and decided not to bring up the issue with him, though still occasionally asked for what story ideas he had.

It was when Lukas was beginning high school that things began to change for him, mainly because Alexis decided to open up about her history as "Tina Dominica". She felt that he had reached a suitable age that he would be understanding of the situation. She also decided to take charge of providing sexual health education to him as she felt that the sexual education lessons provided by the school were inadequate and that Lukas deserved what she considered proper sexual education. Though he felt confused about why his mother would pursue that line of work at the beginning, through a discussion with Christian and Alexis about a general view of fetish, the importance of consent and clarifying why Alexis decided to tell Lukas about her past, he grew to understand the importance of what his mother was telling him as well as opening his perspectives on sex. When it came to the sex ed lessons that his mother imparted, she stayed away from teaching about kink. She wanted Lukas to approach her about it if he was interested rather than forcing it on him. Instead, she focused on procreation, STIs and safe sex practices.

Towards the beginning of high school, one of his friends found an old advertisement for Tina Dominica online and word quickly spread about Lukas's mother. He became the target of bullies for her unique occupation, often referring to her with derogatory terms and trying to get a reaction out of Lukas. He also lost some of his friends due to not wanting to associate with him and his mother's reputation. At first, he did lash back verbally, trying to think of clever insults to retort with due to the close relationship with his mother. As time went on, and with support from his family and friends, Lukas learned to ignore their insults and not give them any fuel for their reactions. He also began sticking with his friends during school, recognising that bullies left him alone when he was with others.

His parents still encouraged him to pursue his interest in writing and getting involved with clubs, leading him to sign up for the writing and newspaper clubs. With multiple journals worth of writing he accumulated over the years, he approached the writing club first with hesitation, worried about how they would take his stories. After a while, he flourished in the club, learning to be open about his stories to receive critique and being reassured that people wouldn't laugh at him or think he was a bad writer just because they didn't like his stories. While he keeps some of his writing close to his chest, he has become more open to sharing his stories in general and has started to begin telling elaborate stories of his classmates again. His stories tend to focus more on fantasy, though he has expressed interest in exploring the sci-fi genre at some stage.

His time in the newspaper club has been a bit more hostile. Due to his mother's occupation, some of the members were uncomfortable with working with him and actively shun him and his writing out of principle. While he was miserable at first and vented to his family about it, he decided to stick with it as he felt he represented a part of the student body that may not normally receive attention and his presence alone would stand for something significant.

As other kids began to experiment with sex, some of them felt the need to turn to Lukas privately to discuss their worries and issues due to his perceived knowledge of his mother being a dominatrix. He found himself enjoying talking through issues with them, allowing him to talk with people that he wouldn't normally think it was possible to and soon found himself keen to hear about their problems and find ways he could solve them. He started to conduct research into local clinics with walk-in STI testing he could recommend, safe sex practices such as condoms and the morning after pill alongside STI symptoms & their treatments. Using his mother's education as a springboard for further research online, he amassed a strong knowledge of safe sexual health practices that he happily gave to others. He felt the experience of taking a potentially negative association of sexuality and turning it into a positive a fulfilling experience and has manifested in an interest in pursuing job in sexual therapy after he graduates.

These experiences have shaped him into an individual who considers himself more mature than average, owing to his knowledge of sexual health and patience that he learned to develop from dealing with bullies. While he tries to maintain an open and friendly personality, he tries to keep his emotions muted in an attempt to pass himself off as more mature. He also developed a minor sense of superiority from believing he is more mature and knowledgeable than others, which has irritated friends and foes alike. So long as people don't make fun of his mother or bully him, he tries his best to be welcoming and patient, conversing with people and generally working to make them feel comfortable. He's considerably less patient with people who do make fun of his mother and while not outright malicious, will be curt and walk away from conversations where he feels that there's no point to them.

As he developed a reputation for being reliable and helpful, people began to approach him with issues outside of sexual health practices, in particular, relationship advice. He tries his best to hear them out and be as helpful as he can with these topics, even though he personally struggles with the idea of being in a relationship. While he is pretty confident that he is bisexual with a preference towards men, he is hesitant to have a relationship as he worries that his partner would expect him to be as experienced with sex as his mother. While he has done a lot of research into sexual health, he is still a virgin and his mother never taught him what happens in the bedroom. Therefore, when it comes to those type of problems, he attempts a more general approach, moving away from sex and intimacy and focusing more on general factors that could be having an impact on the person's situation. He very rarely rejects someone asking him for advice as he enjoys being useful and feeling like he's making a significant impact on someone's life and can sometimes provide unsolicited advice if he sees something that he considers to be glaringly obvious that tends to agitate people.

In high school, he's still been able to maintain his B grade average, even in subjects he finds boring such as maths and history. Due to his creativity and writing-filled upbringing, Lukas is a grade A student in English, scoring high consistently and being one of the more active members of the class. Following his plans to become a sex therapist, he intends to study Psychology in college and use that as a diving board into the world of sex therapy.

Lukas is a quintessential momma's boy and has a very close relationship with her due to the amount of time they spent together growing up either telling stories or learning about sexual health. She is often the person he goes to with any problems and is open to her about nearly everything, only keeping stories secret from her due to only wanting to share his best stories with her. While he isn't as close to him as his mother, he still has a good relationship with his father, though his work keeps him busy due to his demanding position, leading to some nights where he'd get back home extremely late. He's also the most grounded of the trio, always reminding the other two if they let their imaginations and plans run too wild and is a consistent rock that keeps the rest of the family stable. He's tougher and stricter on Lukas than Alexis, who would let him get away with nearly anything, which can rile Lukas up, but his mother makes sure to try and bridge the gap should any significant arguments arise.

Advantages: Lukas's maturity and patience will help him stay calm during stressful times in the game. His open and friendly personality will help him socialise and make alliances with others while his unflappable nature will make it hard for others to break his nerve or concentration.
Disadvantages: His sense of superiority can rub others the wrong way and his mother's occupation and the reputation associated with it could alienate him and cause him to lose out on potential allies. His desire to be open and console others can leave him susceptible to other people's schemes and acts.
[+] Version 7
Relationship Thread: ... 6632799/1/

Lukas Nielson - "Yes, Tina Dominica is my mom. No, my life isn't as interesting as you think it is." - Profile

Pregame: o -> o -> o -> o
Memories: o

Millicent "Milly" Rosenberg - "As much as I hate them, at least they make my life interesting." - Profile

Pregame: o -> o
Memories: o

Christine Summers - "Hey, let's just chill and enjoy each other, ok?" - Profile

Pregame: o
Memories: o
[+] Version 8
Relationship Thread - Link

Declan Jones - Profile
[+] Artsy Stuff by Other People
[+] Aria Samuels by Un-Persona
[+] Lukas Nielson by Mimi
[+] Lukas Nielson by Kotorikun
[+] Milly Rosenberg by Mimi
[+] Cursed Milly Rosenberg by Mimi
[+] Gremlin Christine by Kotori

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