In Theory, This Should Be Easy

Those expecting quick and easy escape will find themselves out of luck when they find themselves at the docks. They are a long L-shaped series of sturdy wooden planks with multiple spaces for boats to park. The boards are often wet and slick during turbulent weather and one slip could send a student into the salty sea below.
Dr. Nic*
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Post by Dr. Nic* »

[Sorry for the delay. Health issues decided to stack with a case of writer's block.]

"Well, you want to know something Steve? I don't care what you think."

William had turned to face the boy as he opened his big mouth once again, tired of hearing him speak. Steve just didn't know when to shut his hole. There was the brief temptation to teach the loud mouthed little pain in the ass just why he should stay quiet, but then Will remembered that he was supposed to be encouraging civility. Putting his gun in Steve's face might have been contradictory to what he had been encouraging just a moment ago. Still, it was tempting. Very tempting. But on the other hand, he could still have a little rant while keeping things somewhat civil. No very, but just enough.

He had to note something though. Aislyn's way of saying Steve seemed to have caught on.

"No one said anything about staying together for the rest of the game, Steve. You're the only one thinking that. As far as I'm concerned, you're on your own. Just like everyone else. The only thing we're doing now is having dinner. No more, no less. We work together for now, but after that?"

William tried his best not to raise his voice, but he wasn't about to let Steve continue on with his assumptions. Will encouraged civility, but did not care to become a group with these people. Steve was obnoxious, and Aislyn was still a little bitchy. As for Kimberly... Will didn't trust her. Plain and simple.

"After that, you're on your own. It'll be your own fault that you'll be without weapons, as well. You were dumb enough to hand them over, so you'll have to live with the consequences of that. No one is going to protect you."

Especially not me.

William, satisfied with his moment of cathartic ranting, slipped past the group to attend to the matter of the bait shop. He kept an ear open, however. William may not have admitted it, but he was keen on hearing Kimberly's answer as well. No one just 'gives away' a weapon on this island unless they were stupid, suicidal or had no other choice. Steve was stupid. Which was Kimberly?

We'll find out soon enough, won't we?

The door to the bait shop was left open. Already, he could smell the stench coming from inside. Something about that smell. It just seemed... off. Maybe it was the salty air or the smell of fish. But as William looked inside, he could see what was causing the smell. Daniel Kensrue was there on the floor. He didn't know how long he had been dead, but it had been a while. Maybe it was hours, maybe it was a day, but it was long enough. But the important details, the dead body lying on the floor, is what Will kept coming back to. He couldn't shake the feeling that he'd been tricked into coming in there, into seeing the body. Let her know if he found anything, huh? He shook his head and covered his mouth. No use wasting time.

Will stepped into the bait shop, ignoring the body. It didn't strike him as something horrific or shocking or even sad. It was just something that existed. Staring at that body, it didn't seem to compare at all to how he felt when he saw Trevor. When he saw Tiffany. How he felt when Everett was killed. Not to mention the countless others he heard about or saw as he traveled around this island. It just didn't seem to matter anymore. Not after what had happened. The only bodies that would matter now were Jason's and Brook's. The ones responsible for taking Tiffany.

William stood in silence for a moment before he scanned the bait shop, looking for anything that would be of use. Without realizing it, Will was searching for Daniel's day pack and personal bag, looking for whatever the boy had been assigned as a weapon. But there was nothing of use left, just Daniel's dead body and plenty of blood. And a bullet casing.

"You got shot, huh?"

Will idly mused as he nudged aside one of the brass casings with his foot.

"Quick way to go, I bet."

He looked down at the gun in his hand. Shaking his head, he turned his attention back to the task at hand. Searching the bait shop for anything of use is why he came in there, after all. Someone had emptied Daniel's day pack, leaving it lying there on the floor. Daniel was boy number 59, huh? Too bad. Ten more and maybe he would have gone out with a smile. Even empty, the bag would be of some use. William picked up the empty bag with the dead boys name on the side, idly tossing anything of use into it. Plenty of hooks, but only a few rolls of fishing line. It didn't look like there was going to be much luck finding an intact pole, but they had a knife out there and Aislyn had her pointy stick. William could always just make a pole.

With that in mind, William grabbed a couple of the broken rods and the reels that went with them, throwing everything into the bag. Before he left, William took a moment to kneel down next to Daniel, doing his best to avoid the blood. He didn't linger long and was quick to leave behind the decrepit old bait shop and dead little Daniel.

"Any of you ever been fishing?"

William spoke up as he returned to the open air of the dock, rather enjoying the salt and fish scented air. But he didn't seem to show any discomfort for having just spent a decent amount of time with a dead body. In fact, he greeted the group with another smile. But something seemed off about him.

Was he wearing that watch before?
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Post by BetaKnight »

"There you go... just be careful with them, right?"

Aislyn tightly grasped the cricket bat's handle, relishing in the heft and solidity of weapon. She flashed Steven a predatory grin, savoring the knowledge that he had allowed her to move within striking distance of him as he handed over his weapon. Rotating her wrist, she turned the bat in a lazy circle. It would be so easy to swing the bat and take out Steve's knee. Then he would see just how careful she would be with his weapon.

Either Steve was the most naïve person she'd ever met or he was slow. She felt a little guilty when Steve seemed very unnerved after handing over his weapons. Maybe he realizes that he just entrusted his safety to virtual strangers who have no vested interest in making sure he stays alive. For a moment, she entertained the idea of trying to team up with Steve. But then she remembered what had happened the last time she tried to help clueless people.

Scowling, Aislyn stepped back with a grunt. Fuck it. He gave her a weapon. The least she owed him was something to eat. She bet that he had no clue how to feed himself. She was also willing to bet that Steve hadn't rationed his food and probably hadn't eaten anything in a couple of days. Just as she was about to suggest they hit the beach and scavenge for edible thing, Steve opened his mouth and continued talking.

Why where they talking about what William did? Why was Steven making an issue about this? And why was he making all these decisions "for the group? FUCK! This guy was annoying! Aislyn thumped the cricket bat against the boards of the dock. Who was this guy to be asking everyone's life story and motivations?

Will saved her from saying anything by basically saying everything she was thinking. Of course, Will was also the guy preaching about civility as he reamed Steve out. Having spoken his piece, Will headed off to investigate the bait shop. Aislyn loudly exhaled. There was no way she was going back into a building if she could help it. Buildings were targets for people. Better to avoid them entirely and just find a location to hunker down in. Leave the buildings to the boys.

Turning to Kimberly and Steven, Aislyn studied the pair and idly spun her new prize before speaking. "While Will is in there, does anybody want to come down to the beach with me to see what we can find to eat? I'd kill for some protein to offset the bread. Hell, even kelp sounds good right now."
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Grand Moff Hissa
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

The situation irrevocably changed the second the knife hit Kimberly's hand. With a smile, she curled her fingers around it. Not too heavy. Sharp. A combat knife, for sure. Better than the shit Liz had. In retrospect, she probably should have stolen that knife. Whatever. She had a better one now. And Steven was telling her to be careful with it. Oh, the beauty of this all. Yeah, sure, whatever, she'd be careful with it. Everything Kimberly did was careful, in its way. Still, no point letting on exactly what she was thinking, was there? Nah. She had to play nice for a bit. After all, Will still had to show his true colors. Had to spring her trap.

"Yeah, don't worry," she said to Steven.

Will and Steven had a wonderful and touching exchange about Will's murder of what's-his-face a couple days back. Will got pissed, words were said, feelings were hurt. Kimberly mostly stood there. Wasn't her battle. Fuck, the more chaos they incited among themselves, the easier things would be for her later. Kimberly nearly laughed when Steven said Will was like her, though. As if. No, Will wasn't like her. Will lacked subtlety, lacked skill, but most of all, he lacked the secrets Kimberly had discovered. She knew. More than anyone else on this island, she knew the score. She'd seen their miraculous savior, knew the truth there. She'd seen what the players were really like. She'd seen what happened to people who grew complacent. She'd seen the results of kindness.

None of it mattered. The secret was, the rules were gone. There was nothing stopping any of them from doing just what they wanted.

There were a lot of things Kimberly wanted to do. More and more, she was realizing that vengeance was a pretty fucking poor goal in the long run. She'd already fucked up Liz's day. Kris still had a visit coming to her, but then what? Kimberly hadn't really thought much beyond it at first, figuring she'd probably die or some shit when she actually caught Kris, or just crawl back to Sarah and Bridget if she was still alive. What would those two be able to do, though? They had an escape plan. Big fucking whoop. Kimberly had seen escape plans. She could've been Liz's fucking assistant if she'd wanted to, could have got some real credibility. Gotten shot up by bounty hunters or shit like that.

They were asking her what she'd done with the gun. On reflex, she lied.

"Oh, I'm hopeless with guns. Don't have a clue how to use one, so I gave it to Sarah Xu. She saved my life, you know. Then we got separated. She was protecting me."

So very, very fake. It was perfect, though. It played to every preconception they seemed to have related to her. Oh, look, it's Kimberly. She's not really that competent or dangerous, just scared and a little off, right? She's lost and needs protection, needs some big, strong guys to help her. Needs someone to give her a weapon and lend her a hand, right? After all, she's so dumb, she just gave her weapon away. Moron. Not the type of girl who just gives a gun away, huh? Of course not, oh no, because Kimberly was just some selfish bitch. She was looking out for herself. Yep. That made it all make sense. Wasn't she cute, thinking she could play with the big boys? Like, some fucking wannabe survivor, huh, but too bad she needed someone else to bail her out all the time. Too bad she couldn't sew up the fucking hole in her arm on her own, yeah? She was just the sort of person who got shot for being dumb, and then cried and screamed like a fucking baby until other people came and put her back together. She needed protection, yes, protection provided by Sarah and Bridget, protection from the rough world. When she went off on her own, awful things happened. Remember Jeremy Franco? That had worked real well, hadn't it? She'd handled that like a cool fucking professional, hadn't she? Lost her hat, busted some stitches, and all the while she was played. Ah, but Jeremy had taught her, hadn't he? He'd taught her, just like she'd taught Liz. All that mattered was power. Power. Control. Having the situation in the palm of her fucking hand. And yet, that was a lie. She'd thrown her life away repeatedly now, thrown away her chances for survival, yet each time she had emerged stronger, better, freer. Yes, Will and Steven could think what they wanted about her. They could play their fucking games, posture like fucking morons, make their bargains and their offers and their calls for civility. It didn't matter. Kimberly was just a weak little girl who had to ask so very nicely and politely for a knife to defend herself. Fuck, she probably couldn't even do any harm with it, right? She hadn't been on the announcements. That meant she was harmless. She didn't have the guts to kill, right? She didn't even have the ability to get their attention. She existed to stand next to Aislyn and look pretty and be talked over. It was like Steven had said, right? Will had the gun, so he was in charge.

Oh, but that was such a fucking stupid thing to say in front of Kimberly.

It had festered. She wasn't entirely rational and reasonable right now. She was projecting. She was very definitely holding Will and Steven responsible for all sorts of shit they had never even heard about, much less been involved in. She'd picked them as her punching bags, just because they were within reach, not out of any real targeted reasoning. Really, all things considered, they'd been kind of condescending but had treated her damn well.

She didn't give a fuck.

This was changing. This was all changing. Will was in control? No he wasn't. He'd tried. He'd tried to seize the reins a few times, but he couldn't even shut Steven up. Kimberly could shut Steven up. Kimberly was going to shut Steven up. She was also going to shut Will up.

She'd been toying with the knife a bit, in a casual, girlish fashion. She knew the weight now.

Will was fucking around in the shed. Dealing with her surprise. No screams. Good. That meant this would work. A guy who panicked, that could have put a dent into Kimberly's scheme. She had Will's number, though. He was a sociopath or full of false bravado. Either would be brilliant. She'd won. No matter what happened, she'd won the second she got her hands on the knife, maybe even before. Yes, she'd won the second Steven made his choice. It was a stupid choice, small and inconsequential, something he'd probably thought nothing of, but he'd implicitly chosen Aislyn's set of values over Kimberly's. She'd warned him. She'd told him how this would go down in those simple little words: "while I can abide liars fine, I just can't stand idealists."

Oh, Steven, if only you had listened.

Outwardly, Kimberly was calm as the empty beach. Timing. Precision. Drama. Best to fuck people's days up when they couldn't see it coming. Aislyn made a suggestion about going to find some food on the beach. That wasn't good. Kimberly wanted to be on the docks. This would be harder on the beach.

Whatever. She didn't have to shoot the idea down, because the door to the shack opened, and Will stepped out. He didn't have poles, but he had some supplies. He was all happy and cheerful as he asked if anyone knew how to fish. Kimberly was equally happy and cheerful and she took two steps backwards, aiming to stand right behind Steven. She'd stayed in his bubble. With any luck, he was used to it. He'd be good cover. He was way bigger than her, after all. She kept a nice big smile on her face as she said, "I bet Steven does, Will, but I think he'll have to wait a second to answer you because if he so much as moves a muscle without my permission I swear I will punch out both his fucking kidneys and leave him to bleed to death on this dock."

Didn't see that one coming, did you?


That was called a transfer of power.

Kimberly was talking loudly now, ignoring anything anyone else might have to say. She didn't give a fuck. The knife was low. No moronic moves for her. She knew the drill. Low stabs, a punching motion. Psycho shit's for amateurs.

"Sorry, Steven," she said. "Should've told you I'm a liar too."

Then, to Will, "Believe it or not, I do want to work with you. Not at gunpoint, though. Not with you having killed. You're going to unload the gun and kick it over to me. You keep the ammunition, so I can't hurt you. When we part ways, or when I know you better, I'll give it back. Until then, we are fucking equals and you have nothing to hold over me. This is not a negotiation. I can do a fuck ton of damage with this knife, and I doubt you can hit me without risking the other two. You're a killer, and I'm too smart to let my guard down. You don't want us all dead, or you'd have tried something sooner. You sure as fuck don't want to be on the announcements over this. Especially not since I lied about the gun. I gave it to Liz Polanski. I'm with her, and about half the fuckers between here and the sawmill know it, and know what my job is right now."

How d'you like that?

Kimberly was pretty damn confident. Aisyln and Steven wouldn't appreciate being caught in a crossfire, especially not now that she had dangled the implied promise of escape. This was pretty nasty diplomacy on her part, but the request was reasonable, and she wouldn't be able to do much damage. Either boy could probably overpower her anyways, if the knife wasn't in the equation. Really, all she wanted was for things to equalize. She had no intention of stealing Will's weapon. Guns had no class. This was about neutralizing a danger and changing the balance.

Yeah. At least things were more interesting now.
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Post by Nadir* »

Steven had actually allowed himself to calm down after William had gone into the shed. At least he was no longer on his own. Besides, he could possibly try and use the time that he was going to spend with them to ingratiate himself with the group. William didn´t seemed to have a problem with him, apart from calling him an idiot from time to time, which, personally, he didn´t mind at all. Words sometimes are overrated. And Aislyn didn´t seem to mind his presence, although he was getting a little bit annoyed with her way of saying his name. But he could deal with that, perfectly.

The moment Will came out from the building, Steve shot a look at the closing door behind him... was there a body in it? Steven couldn´t make its features from this distance, but he was sure, from the clothes that it wore and the hairstyle, that it was a boy.

Any of you ever been fishing?

Steven had gone fishing, actually, twice. Both of them with his uncle, before the man had discovered that his nephew was gay and had practically disowned him. He remembered both events as fond memories of a now too distant past. But he sure remembered how to use one of those poles. If he was going to be the only guy without weapons in the group, he at least could become something less of a "load" and procure them some dinner. Aislyn´s idea of going down to the beach to see if they could find something to eat was also pretty good. Steven actually was beginning to feel sort of confident. Things weren´t looking so grim anymore.

Of course, he was just thinking that when Kim opened her bloody hole and basically took him hostage with the knife that she had just received from him. Talk about predictable.

"I bet Steven does, Will, but I think he'll have to wait a second to answer you because if he so much as moves a muscle without my permission I swear I will punch out both his fucking kidneys and leave him to bleed to death on this dock."

Ah,damn it. He knew this was going to happen.

He was struggling between turning around and facing Kimberly or just follow throught with it and wait for Will´s comeback at her. He knew that the girl was not on her right mind at the time... upsetting her now would have been a very bad idea. But he was not going to let her puncture his kidneys and get herself shot just because she didn´t got to be the boss of the group.

So, he did the only thing that he was able to do. The only thing he had been doing since he had stepped into this blasted docks. The only thing he had been doing aside from running on his whole time on the island.

He talked.

"Look...", he said, trying to move his head a little bit to the side so he could at least make some sort of eye contact with her "If this has anything to do about what I said before, I´m sorry. I didn´t want to offend you in any way. Maybe I shouldn´t have opened my bloody mouth at all. That would have been a good thing"

That´s right, make her see that you are sorry, that you didn´t mean it at all

"William is not going to give you the gun...", he continued, "You know why he is not going to do so? Because he is not an idiot. And yeah, he was right about me, I am a frigging idiot, that´s why I gave you the knife. But William is not stupid, he knows that, if he wants, he is able to walk away from this unharmed. He could just walk out of this shit at any minute..."

He tried to guess any reaction in Kimberly´s eyes. Anything. There was no emotion there. Just like a black void. Was this girl some sort of killer shark turned into a human being?

"The thing is...", he trailed off again "What happens if we finally form a group and he accepts your conditions about him carrying the ammo and you carrying the gun...? What if we bump into that Lombardi psycho, or that Altwell bitch...? Do you want William to threaten them with an empty gun? No, you don´t... that´s why William is not going to give you the gun, because he knows it..."

"Do you know why I gave you the knife? Or even better, do you want to know who had this knife? It belonged to Eric Lorenz. Did you knew him? He was the first person I encountered on the island, just after I woke up. He was pushed into a cliff by some psychotic asshole, I think he was that Rasputin pal... I didn´t remember his name at the time but now I do, for some stupid reason, maybe because it has something to do with a Russian guy with a big cock. The thing is, Rasputin is dead now. And not killed by some other kid, no. Danya himself killed him, just because he was pissed off due to a little girl that had defeated him in his own game. And, as we all should know, the big guy doesn´t like to lose. At all. This is what this game does to you. It turns you into this. Into a number, into just a statistic. Why did I gave you the fucking knife? Because, frankly speaking, Kimberly, I know I am not going to survive. I have been trying to deny it to myself on the last five days, but truth is, since the first moment I opened my eyes, I knew I was a goner. I am going to get killed, sooner or later, either by you, either by some other kid, either by Danya or by one of his little bitches... so that´s why I gave you the knife. So you might have a chance. So you might live and escape. Or at least die trying..."

His throat was beginning to feel sore. That was one hell of a rant, even for him. He had to end it now. But he felt good. He felt calm. He felt collected. He felt cool.

"So, Kimberly, if you want to kill me, that´s perfectly fine with me. But both me and Aislyn are more valuable to you alive than dead. You want to find Liz Polanski? Then we will find her together. Because believe me, that girl needs protection. And if you want to team up with her, you are going to need all the help you can get..."

That was it. Steven Hunt´s last stand, folks. Ladies and gentlemen, killers and cowards, it had been a pleasure...
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Post by BetaKnight »

((Breaking post order for dramatic effect. And mostly because I can. Also, GMing of Kimberly was approved by KillerVole.))

Aislyn rolled her eyes as their little psycho-drama unfolded. "Oh, for fuck's sake," she hissed as she exhaled. What the hell had she gotten herself into now? "I knew I should have turned tail the minute I lay eyes on you people. I fucking *knew* it."

She could feel her anger building. Aislyn's eyes flicked over to William, then back to Kimberly and her hostage. Tapping the cricket bat against her leg, she ran a quick sit-rep. Will had the gun but no firing solution. Currently, he was the lesser of her two evils since she had two upright masses between herself and his gun. And given the looks he was throwing Kimberly, he probably wouldn't be averse to her stepping in and fucking up Kimberly's world.

Kimberly had the knife on clueless Steven. Kimberly also just outed herself as an ally of the enemy combatant, Liz Polanski. She was willingly working with the bitch who was getting people blown up willy nilly. Well, since Liz had no problem screwing over random students, it was only fair to screw up her plans by fucking up her little friend.

A plan forming, Aislyn allowed a smug smile to creep up on her. There couldn't be a more perfect set up. She had a clear shot at an unsuspecting Kimberly, but only if she was willing to go hand-to-hand. Which would be no big deal since she could snap the smaller girl like a twig, pig sticker be damned. She was sure that Kimberly had never used a proper knife in her life. Disarming her should be a complete cakewalk. And if she got to rearrange the fucking lying traitor's face in the process, so much the better.

At that moment, she understood what her father meant when he talked about clarity of thought in adverse circumstances. She could feel it. This is what she was meant to do. This is who she was meant to be. She had the opportunity to deal with the situation, and it was her duty to take it.

Steven was keeping Kimberly and Will occupied with yet another one of his monologues as she crouched down and quietly placed the cricket bat on the ground. Every ounce of her attention was focused on Kimberly. Unencumbered, Aislyn could feel her heart speeding up as she prepared to spring. "In for a penny, in for a pound."

Three quick steps forward brought her alongside Kimberly and the knife in her hand. She could feel the adrenaline and all of its power coursing through her veins as she reached out with her left hand to secure the knife, her right elbow back and ready to fly.

As she took the last step forward to engage Kimberly, things started to unravel. Literally.

The damn rag shoes she'd managed to cobble together after that psycho bitch stole hers hours after their arrival caught on a rough spot. Her right foot pulled up short, forcing her to overextend her reach. Her left hand brushed Kimberly's wrist rather than firmly grasping it, failing to get a lock on the other girl and alerting her to Aislyn's presence.

Aislyn snarled a swear word as she yanked her foot free, practically falling on the smaller girl as she fought to regain her balance. She grabbed for Kimberly's wrist again as she threw a rushed elbow at Kimberly's face.

Rather than powerful strike she had expected, some of the force of the blow was lost because Aislyn had misjudged her opponent's height. Her elbow caught Kimberly near the temple and bounced upward. Instead of dropping Kimberly, it only seemed to daze her.

Caught up in the battle, Aislyn threw herself at Kimberly, intent on doing some serious damage to the petite girl. Kimberly had to be made to pay. She was complicit in the deaths of innocent people. She and Liz got those people killed for no reason and they didn't give a damn. Innocent blood was on her hands. She helped get them killed for shits and giggles, nothing more. She owed a debt, and Aislyn was gonna take every dime of that payment out of her ass.

As she reared back to hit Kimberly again, a searing pain in her side stopped her. Instinctively reaching towards the pain, her hand collided with Kimberly's , which was tightly wrapped around the hilt of the knife. Eyes wide in shock, she looked into Kimberly's eyes, who seemed just as surprised as she was.

"You bitch," she ground out. "You fucking stabbed me." Despite the awkward angle, Aislyn grabbed Kimberly's hand in a death grip, squeezing as hard as she could. Gritting her teeth, she pulled Kimberly's hand back and tried to remove the blade cleanly.

As soon as the knife was free, she let go of Kimberly's hand and pushed her away, staggering backwards herself. She slapped her hand down on the wound, but she could feel the blood gushing through her fingers and down her side.

Aislyn let out a bitter bark of laughter. "You fucking stabbed me. I didn't think you had it in you, but I should have known better. Fuck, I should have known better."
Dr. Nic*
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Post by Dr. Nic* »

[Sorry for the delay in getting this out. Was hoping to have it done before, but I'll sneak it in now.]

Will watched Kimberly move behind Steve. Watched her hold that knife. He listened to her run her mouth and then to Steve as he rattled on and on and on and--

Aislyn was moving. Immediately, Will knew what she was up to. And he couldn't blame her. Steve was annoying, that much was certain, but Kimberly was dangerous as long as she kept that knife. As long as she thought she was in control, she would continue to be dangerous. Aislyn looked to be taking the goth bitch down a couple notches. Well, better play his part then.

"Kill him. I really don't care."

Will spoke up with the same blank expression he had given them before, his smile having faded and his attention remained on Kimberly. He wasn't about to give away Aislyn's plan with a glance or a smile or a smirk. He was just going to play his part just as he would if Aislyn hadn't decided to make her move.

"Go on. Kill him. Trust me, you'd be doing all of us a favor if you could just shut him up. But he is right about something. I'm not giving you my gun. Especially not in exchange for his life. But it's not because of any of that 'grouping up' bullshit he keeps fucking spewing. I have no reason to give you my gun."

William shrugged, glancing at his gun. It was his weapon. It was his strength. It was the reason he hadn't simply given up by now. As long as he had that gun, he could protect the people he wanted to protect. He could kill the people who deserved to die. He could fight for his own survival on this island without needing any one else to help him. He could do it by himself, with his own strength. As long as Will had that strength, he could pull himself out of this hole.

"Your reasons for wanting my gun don't matter, and never will. I don't want to be on the announcements? I don't give a shit if I end up on the announcements or not. In fact, I'm planning on it. I'm planning on having my name called out for having killed two more people. And there is no way I'm going to let you keep me from doing that. Like I said earlier, we aren't working together. I wouldn't want to work with you, now that I know where your alliances lie."

A group, with these people? Will had to resist laughing at that notion. No, he would go it alone. There was no reason to drag anyone else in or get dragged into their plans and problems. Kimberly was with Liz? Well, good for her. She can get killed for her alliances. Why would Will want to side with someone, or arm someone, who chose allies like Kimberly did?

"If I'm a killer, then what is Liz? Even now, she is probably off doing something that will cost someone their life. Someone... mostly innocent. If I'm a killer with one body to my name, then what is she with five?"

Of course, Will didn't expect Kimberly to answer that. He'd done his part, and now it was Aislyn's turn. But Will avoided giving it away. He just stared at Kimberly.

And Aislyn put her plan into motion.

But things didn't go according to plan.

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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Interesting. That was the best way to describe things. Kimberly's plan had hit a tiny little unforeseen bump, in the fact that Steven was apparently too dumb to realize that he was supposed to shut the fuck up, instead continuing on and on, ranting and rambling. He was a talker, for sure. Problem was, he was, in effect, calling Kimberly's bluff. Now she had to either follow through and gut him, something she was completely not prepared to do, or let him keep talking and look like she was weak, like she wasn't actually serious about this. Man, Kimberly had been prepared for a lot of things, but she just hadn't at all counted on this degree of stupidity. It was rather upsetting.

She hoped Will would just assume that she was being pragmatic, that she didn't want to kill her hostage and leave herself defenseless. She hoped he didn't think she was wimping out on this.

And Steven wasn't even being helpful with his words. He was trying to reason with her. Trying to argue that he and Aislyn were more valuable alive. Well, no shit. This wasn't about Steven and Aislyn, though. This was about Will. Kimberly was going to fuck up Will's day something fierce. She was hoping to get the gun, but not really expecting it, not after the bait shop.

Will did not disappoint, making the pragmatic call, putting her bluff to the test. He told her to just go ahead and kill Steven. Clearly, Will didn't understand what was going on. If anyone was going to kill Steven, it would be Will. Kimberly was... well, she wasn't wishing death on anyone, but she sure wouldn't be torn up if Will shot Steven trying to get her. It was all about power, all about control. Will had tried to show he was the tough guy here, tried to prove that he was in charge. He needed validation so much it was painful, and Kimberly just loved messing with people like that. At the start, he'd tried that silent, brooding approach, but then had been broken out, had turned into yet another talker, because the cool was just an act. Right now, she was supposed to be panicking, supposed to be getting all nervous that the big bad tough guy wasn't gonna back down to her threat. Maybe she was supposed to just give up and beg for mercy. She wasn't, though. He had to be sweating bullets.

And then, another curveball. Will hated Liz too. Oops. Damn, he was a tiny bit smarter than Kimberly had expected. Well, maybe; he couldn't count to four, so perhaps he'd just gotten lucky in assigning his ire. Whatever. Maybe it would be a good idea to backtrack on the whole Liz thing, offer to sell her to these freaks or something. Then again, that might piss off Aislyn and Steven.

Ah, fuck Aislyn and Steven. They didn't matter.

Kimberly giggled.

"Oh, man, you sound like me. She's to—"

Something brushed Kimberly's wrist, and her eyes widened. Oh fuck. Aislyn wasn't just standing back. The person Kimberly had pretty much counted on to do the smart thing, to stay out of trouble, was now up in her face, had caught her totally unprepared.

The only reason Kimberly hadn't been disarmed and laid out on the docks was that Aislyn's foot had caught on something. As the girl pulled free, Kimberly turned to face her, for the first time in the situation completely at a loss, totally unprepared and scared and confused and helpless. She had instantly been forced into a reactive role, and, somewhere below her immediate fear, she was furious.

Then Aislyn was coming at her. The girl's elbow smashed Kimberly in the temple, sending a jolt of pain through her head and throwing her off balance. Kimberly paused for a second, disoriented by the blow, incensed at Aislyn, at everything.

Aislyn pulled up, preparing to hit Kimberly again. From there, it was all reflex.

A second later, Aislyn's hand bumped Kimberly's. Kimberly's hand was clutched around the knife, which was now sticking out of Aislyn's side.

Oh no. Oh fuck no.

Kimberly looked Aislyn straight in the eyes, read the surprise there.

"You bitch," Aislyn said. "You fucking stabbed me."

She had. She'd just stabbed Aislyn. She'd just taken her knife and stabbed Aislyn.

The girl grabbed Kimberly's wrist, squeezed tightly. Kimberly could feel the pain, but it didn't really mean anything right now. She was far, far too shocked for something as simple as a little pain to matter. Kris could have probably shot her again without getting much reaction.

Aislyn pulled the knife free. It was still in Kimberly's hand. She was clutching it, holding onto it, though she didn't know why. The best choice would be to drop it, to rush to Aislyn, to apologize and try to help set things right, to blaze a trail for the infirmary or something, to find Sarah again and beg her help.

Aislyn pushed Kimberly away, then put her hand to the wound. Kimberly just watched. There was blood flowing out of Aislyn. It looked like a lot of blood. There was blood on the knife, too, blood on the knife in Kimberly's hand and blood on her hand, blood still warm, blood that had, just seconds ago, been pulsing through Aislyn's body.

It wasn't supposed to happen like this. No one was supposed to get hurt.

Aislyn laughed, short and harsh. "You fucking stabbed me. I didn't think you had it in you, but I should have known better. Fuck, I should have known better."

Kimberly said nothing.

It wasn't supposed to happen like this. It was simple. She had planned to get Will's gun, then make the boys take a little dip, walk them off the side of the dock, pirate-style, then laugh and run before they made it back to shore. They'd pissed her off. It was fitting revenge. Failing that, she'd figured she could at least make Will sweat, could break whatever was left in him to break, force him to show his true self to the viewers, to Aislyn and Steven.

Aislyn was the one person Kimberly hadn't really planned anything for. She was a kindred spirit, in a manner of speaking. She was someone who knew when to be quiet, when to act.

She was bleeding out, and Kimberly was holding a bloody knife.

Kimberly's breathing had sped up. Her grip on the knife had tightened. She had no fucking clue what to do.

Except, when it came down to it, she did.

There was the chance Aislyn had a gun, had some hidden weapon or reserve of energy that she was just waiting to use to finish Kimberly off, to get a bit of revenge. That was a possibility Kimberly had to accept. She wouldn't do anything if that was the case. Otherwise, though...

She had to go. Had to get moving. Had to be somewhere else, anywhere else. Had to think, had to piece together how the fuck things had gone so wrong. She'd fucked up badly. She'd fucked up and she'd stabbed someone, someone who might be dying right now. She needed space.

She was not going to be killed by Will. No fucking way.

"Steven," she said. Her voice was shaking. Fuck. Oh fuck. Show no weakness. "You're my shield. You're going to get me past Will, who is going to give us enough space. He doesn't care if you die, but I don't think he wants to shoot you. Once we're out of his line of fire, I'm gone. I'll try to never see any of you again."

She needed space. Time. She had to get some measure of control back, over herself, over the situation, over anything. She couldn't just stay here and watch Aislyn bleed. She had to move.

It wasn't supposed to happen like this.
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Post by Nadir* »

For once on his whole life, Steven was at loss of words.


That was everything he could amount to think right now. How did things get so fucked up in less than a minute? He sort of had expected to Kimberly to put the knife down. He had expected for nobody to get hurt. He had been right about Kimberly when he looked into her eyes before. The girl was a shark, pure and simple... she was willing to do anything in order to survive. And if that included stabbing the girl who tried to take her weapon away, then she would do it without much hesitation.

He had moved away from Kimberly in the first moment Aislyn attacked her. The struggle that had followed had provided him with at least some open space to keep himself away from the two girls fighting between each other. To be frank, he hadn´t believed Aislyn at first when she said she had been stabbed. It had to be a joke. A sick, twisted, joke. But indeed, the same knife Kimberly had used to threaten him now was dripping with Aislyn´s blood.

Steven began to think. Aislyn was bleeding profusely, although she was still on her feet, but he wasn´t sure if he was going to stay like that for long, shouting murder at Kim. Clearly, it didn´t looked good at all. Steven wanted to examine her closely, to see her wounds. Perhaps it wasn´t as bad as it seemed. Maybe he could help her. Maybe she could be fixed, then everything would be resolved.

Then, the girl with the eyes of a shark spoke again, her words demanding, ominous. But, at the same time, he could hear her voice cracking, trembling. She was not as tough as she hoped to be. Probably, Steven was beginning to realize, this was the first time she had ever used a knife against anybody. She was not a predator, she was just a scared little girl who felt she had nothing to lose. Steven would have pitied her any day, but right now she was threatening him with a knife, still wet from Aislyn´s blood. She wanted to keep him as a human shield, to get past Will. Did she even really care about the girl she had just stabbed...?

He felt scared. He felt afraid. He felt like shitting bricks because right now he was between an insane girl with shark´s eyes keeping him hostage with a military knife, and a very angry boy with a bad temper who had a gun, and, on top of that, he also had to take into account the girl who was bleeding to death and who now was probably the only person with more than him on these docks . But he could not let his fear control him. He had to stop. He had to be calm. He shot a look at Aislyn. If he did nothing, she would surely bleed to death on that same docks. The same kind of fate Kim had promised him. Talk about ironic.

I knew I should have stayed with Brock when I encountered him. At least I wouldn´t have had to be stuck in the middle of this shit

He knew what he had to do. Fuck it, he had seen people die before him on the last days. He was not about to let it happen again.

He turned to look at Kimberly, when she adressed him.

"I..." he said "Aislyn needs help. Maybe I can do something for her. Please, let me just check her wounds. After that I promise you that I will help you get away. But please, just... I beg from you. You cant just let her die like a fucking´s not right".

He waited, he hoped... she had to understand this. He had been studying her from the first moment he had seen her. He knew this kind of people. Sort of like Iago from "Othelo". She used others to get what she wanted, she tried to break others so they would do what she wanted. Probably the whole thing about being with Liz Polanksi was a lie, made up so they could trust her more. Well, certainly, she had used it with the wrong people.

"You can run away when you want. Will is not going to shoot you. He doesn´t even care. But please, just let me try to help her... it will be quick, I promise"

He started to feel tears forming at the corners of his eyes. No. Fuck. He .Couldn´t. Start. Crying. Now

"Please... just please"
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Post by BetaKnight »

The sound of other voices drew Aislyn's attention from the blood flowing out of her. She looked up at the three jackasses who had cost her everything.

No, you did that all by yourself. You let your anger get the better of you. You fight angry, you fight stupid. You fight stupid, you wind up dead. Oh, Cess, you knew better. The voice in her head sounded exactly like her father, right down to the disappointed sigh that always followed a mistake.

"I don't have time for this," she mumbled, shaking her head to dispel the voice. A strange pounding filled her ears and her head swam. She tried to focus on the Three Stooges standing before her. Will was watching, Kimberly was still attempting to escape, and…wait. Seriously?

Fucking Steven looked about to cry as he pleaded to come over here and help her. Help her what? Bleed out a little faster? None of these asshats were corpsmen or medics. They all needed to stay the fuck away from her. And where in the hell did Steven get off crying?

"Are you crying? Are you seriously crying?" Aislyn demanded, completely outraged. "Are you FUCKING kidding me? *I* got stabbed and *you're* crying? Man the fuck UP already!" She wobbled a bit as her legs protested supporting her. "I'm bleeding out, and you're sobbing like a bitch with a skinned knee. Un-fucking- believable."

The pounding in her ears was getting more insistent, more difficult to ignore. Aislyn gave up holding the wound. She wasn't going to be able to stop the bleeding. Plus, it was getting harder and harder to keep her hand there since the area was slick. She pointed at Kimberly, fat drops of blood falling from her hand to stain the dock. "Don't let this bitch walk. She's helping Polanski screw us all. If I don't get to go home, their bitch asses don't get to go home either."

The wind shifted, replacing the crisp smell of the ocean with the rich, coppery scent of her blood. The severity of her screw up smacked her in the face. There would be no extraction for her, no reunion with her father. Her worst fear for him was coming true, only it was happening to her. Death in a place far from home, far from the people who loved her. Friendless and alone.

That thought nearly brought her to her knees. The edges of her vision began to gray and it was a struggle to stay upright. She was so tired and this was so unfair. She was all her dad had. They were a team. But she had destroyed their team because she let her anger get the better of her. Now what would he do?

Aislyn fought the urge to throw back her head and howl. This was so unfair. It was unfair that she was dying here, alone and cold and frightened. Her rage was all that was keeping a hysterical fear in check. She wanted her dad. She wanted him here, telling her this would be okay and that he had it all under control. She wanted someone she could trust.

The pounding in her head slowed, matching the roar of the surf as it broke against the shore. The familiar sound comforted and called to her. She remembered the sense of safety and security that came from being in the water. Her father's voice filled her ears. ‘The water is your friend, Cess. The water will hold you up, cradle you. It's the source of life. Trust in it, and never be afraid of it.'

Aislyn nodded slowly at the wisdom of her father's words. He was right. She wasn't alone here. The water was calling her home. It was waiting for her. Whatever happened on the docks wasn't her problem anymore. It was time to go home.

A few ungainly steps brought her to the edge of the dock. She looked down at the water and smiled as the light glittered on the water. At least in this, everything was entirely within her control. A deep breath, one more step, and then the loving caress of the water.

Her vision darkened as she sank below the waves. The last thing she saw was her hair and bubbles drifting upwards towards the white light that danced across the surface.

G061-Aislyn McCreery: DECEASED
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((Felicia Carmichael, continued from Can't I just die a Disney Death?))

The smell was terrible.

Some part of Felicia mentally slapped herself for having thought such an asinine statement, but even as far as chum buckets go, the bait shop had a smell that was akin to a pile of dead hookers covered in whale vomit. As gag-inducing as the aroma might have been, it was the only place around that could adequate to hide behind when she saw the scene that had been unfolding. Because, you know, after escaping from the bloodbath that was the infirmary, she couldn't just find a spot that wasn't filled to the brim with people trying to kill each other.

When she first tried to approach the docks, she saw some kids there. One of them had another held in front of... her? She had only seen them for a bit before the gravity of the situation struck her and she was forced to hide behind the bait shop. Not that she really wanted to see their faces... she realized that she had forgotten her yearbook at the infirmary, likely covered in blood. She hoped it wasn't... SEBASTIAN'S blood covering the yearbook; he didn't need to stain another aspect of her life. But all those smiling faces in the yearbook? Yeah, those were all lies. The kids that Felicia went to school with wouldn't kill each other at the drop of a fucking hate like that. Who cares if she could see their faces clearly or not?

What she saw clearly, however, were the two guns being pointed at the docks, and that was all she needed for inspiration to hide. She'd rather not get this new set of clothes just as bloodstained as the last set... she had a whole day to herself, wandering and trying to figure out where to go and to figure out which way was up or down on that damn map they were all given. It was then that she decided to rid herself of Sebastian forever, discarding her soaked shirt, undershirt and pants on the ground somewhere. She was wearing the same panties and bra from way back on day one, though. Sure, it was a little disgusting, but there were cameras EVERYWHERE, and she'd be damned if the whole world was going to see her vagoo.

Speaking of vagoo, seriously, how fishy did this place HAVE to smell?

It's called low tide, sweetie, maybe you should look it up.

She welcomed the arguments with herself. Anything, really, to take her mind off of the fact that she had just seen people die for the first time in her life, she had killed somebody (hooray, another first!), she might die at these docks for no real reason, Quincy was on those announcements and was also killing people, and Rosa was still out there somewhere, and who knows what was happening to her. As the sardine-flavored icing on the shitstorm cake, this place smelled like ASS.

Really, can't we invest in an air freshener?
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
Dr. Nic*
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Post by Dr. Nic* »

[Bah, short post. Didn't know what to write.]

Things went south really quick between Aislyn and Kimberly. Before he knew it, Aislyn was tumbling off the dock and Kimberly was cowering behind Steve, telling him to act like a human shield for her. Ordering him. Did she really think she still had power? That she could still order people around? She was trembling, her voice was shaking. She was weak. She no longer had control of anything. She didn't even have control of herself, it seemed. Did she really think she could continue to control Steve?


"Oh for fucks sake."

Steve really was that stupid.

"I will shoot her, Steve. And you too. I'd be doing everyone a favor."

Just to drive his point home, Will aimed at Steve, at Kimberly behind him. His finger was on the trigger. Will could have tolerated Aislyn. But he didn't trust Kimberly. Didn't care for Steve. They wanted to help Liz though, and he couldn't allow that. She was getting them killed. It was only a matter of time before she got more innocent people killed with her antics. He wasn't about to let either of them go back to helping her. They were just going to get more people killed. He couldn't let them do that. Especially not after he watched Kimberly kill Aislyn.

"Get out of the way, or die with her, Steve."

Will aimed at Steve's legs, aimed between them, firing once.


Fuck, what was that? Someone is nearby. Someone is watching. Will swung around and focused his attention on the bait shop. Someone was there. Someone who could be helping Kimberly. Someone to come up behind him. No way. He wouldn't let that happen. William took a step back and stared at the bait shop, his attention flicking back and forth between Steve and Kimberly and the bait shop. He swung the weapon back and forth, keeping them in his sights. Kimberly had a knife, but someone was hiding. Someone who could have a gun. Or something worse. Will wasn't about to let them send him down with Aislyn. He shouted toward the bait shop.

"Who's there!?"

He'd rather be paranoid than dead.

"Come out now!"

But he was taking an awfully big risk, taking his full attention off of Kimberly.

So... what happened to civility?
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

For a second, Kimberly almost relented. Steven wanted to run to Aislyn, to help her or something. Help her? How the fuck could you help someone bleeding like that? Still, it wasn't like it'd hurt. Steven would be out of her way, and then she'd just go. Of course, it didn't quite go down like that. Aislyn might have been busy bleeding to death, but she wasn't about to go quietly, ranting at Steven, chastising him for his weakness. Then, she turned her ire upon Kimberly, imploring the others to stop her, to kill her, most likely. That said, Aislyn staggered to the edge of the docks, and was gone.

Kimberly shot a short nod in that direction. Damn. The one person here worth shit, the one person here Kimberly agreed with on pretty much every fucking point, and she'd killed her.

She'd killed Aislyn. She was pretty sure of it now.

She'd killed someone.

It wasn't supposed to happen like this. She wasn't going to kill anyone. Never.

And then Will was talking, telling how he'd kill Kimberly, and Steven too, if he stuck in the way. Kimberly had judged him perfectly. He was a psychopath, so detached from reality, so swept up in whatever games he was playing, that he didn't care anymore. She might have to use her original escape plan. Force Steven to stay in front of her, pray the first shot didn't kill her, and pitch over the side of the dock like she was dead. Get under it, somewhere with air and a place to hold on, to secure her grappling hook, and wait them out.

Thing was, that wouldn't work now. Not with Aislyn down there. Kimberly could imagine her body, floating, accusing. Worse, she could still be alive, she could grab Kimberly and drag her down into the depths, laughing the whole way.

Kimberly was going to die, but fuck if she was going to die here. When she reached the end of her line, it would be by her choice, on her terms. Nothing else would do.

Will fired a shot into the dock at Steven's feet. Kimberly nearly bailed right then. Instead, she stood still. One shot. The gun she'd had had held eight. Assume a similar capacity, for ease of calculations. She just had to get him to waste a few more shots. She'd just have to get close, or, or something. Make Steven charge him. They were allies now, strangely. They were on the same side here, though he surely hated her. Will had forced that on him, had alienated everyone. She'd make him pay. Steven too. If she was going to die, she'd make damn sure everyone she could get her hands on shared her fate.

You better hope you kill me clean, Will, because otherwise I'll punch some nice holes in you. We can all die together.

Then, out of nowhere, Will flipped. He started shouting at someone, some figment of his imagination lurking around, perhaps, or a student Kimberly hadn't seen. Didn't matter. It wasn't a trick. Will was too stupid to coax her out like that, and besides, if it was a ploy, it'd give her space to get closer to him. He didn't seem the sort to risk that.

It was time to go. But there was one little last thing to do.

"You should run too," Kimberly whispered to Steven. If she wasn't going to die... well, he deserved a chance. And maybe his flight would provide cover for her own run. "I doubt he'll be pleased you let me escape. Don't follow me."

And with that, she was off, tearing down the docks, not heading for Will, keeping low, zigzagging to the degree she could. Instead of passing him, she dropped from the docks to the beach, a little ways short of the other boy. It wasn't too bad a fall, and she landed pretty well, except that the impact jostled her shoulder, bringing back the pain. Fuck. Kris again, ghosts of past conflict rearing up once more.

Didn't matter. She couldn't tell if Will had noticed her going, couldn't tell if he was shooting at her. She was just running, cutting inland to get the bait shop into the line of fire as soon as possible. She had to go. Somewhere else. Anywhere else.

Sorry, Aislyn.

It wasn't supposed to happen like this.

((Kimberly Nguyen continued in and you may say to yourself, "My god, what have I done?"))
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Post by Nadir* »

Everything had happened so fast that Steven seemed to have forgot how to talk.

First, there was Aislyn, bitching at him. Fuck, even when she was bleeding to death she had to be the meanest motherfucker around there. She had told them to kill Kimberly, to stop her from helping Polanksi screwing them all.

Well, his tears had suddenly stopped when Aislyn finally jumped out of the docks. Actually, her words hadn´t shocked him that much. He expected a rude answer from anyone of the three who had been with him on the docks until that point. Even when he was trying to help them, people couldn´t be polite, no. They just had to tell him to fuck off and that´s it.

Well, I guess this is no more Mr.Nice Guy, then

He had enough. Enough of Kimberly and her bullshit, and of Will and his threats. To be quite frank, he was even glad that Aislyn had jumped out herself, because if no, he would have pushed her all the way. Just to make sure she didn´t back off at the last minute. Hell, he should have just followed his damn instinct and just pushed Kimberly also when he first saw her there staring at the sea.

Now Will was shooting at him, between his legs. Steven winced when the first shot landed at his feet, although he thought the boy was somewhat stupid, wasting his ammo like that. Actually, he was beginning to learn the lesson that the other three (Two, he corrected himself) on that location had already learnt. Here on this island, it was every man for himself. And that was all of it. All that there was.

And then, Will had just turned around and began to talk to someone who Steven couldn´t see. Had finally the boy gone stark raving mad? Steven couldn´t tell, the guy was speaking to someone who was hiding (or who he tought who was hiding), in or near the bait shop. In all of his apprehension, Steven thought that he could be talking to the dead boy that was inside.

Oh, so good. Now he has gone all Sixth Sense on us. How endearing

Then, Kimberly had just told him to run off and jump.

Run off from who, lady? Its you the one who he wants to kill, not me

He had just stared at her, saw her run for it, and then dissapear from his field of vision.

"Well, there she goes..." he muttered quietly.

Althought... she had quite a point. What if Will was angry he had let her escape? He could always take his frustration out on poor little Steven... or maybe he didn´t give a fuck and would actually be happy to know that she had run away.

Before starting to go, he grabbed the cricket bat from where Aislyn had just dropped it. He would have offered it to Kimberly anyway, but she was too busy running away, trying to break people, being paranoid in general, to care about random acts of kindness. It was still wet, sticky, dripping with the other girl´s blood. Steven grimaced when he set his eyes on it. It shouldn´t have ended this way. But the events had provided him with a lesson, still. It was the law of the jungle. Kill or be killed.

He walked slowly towards where Will was still pointing with his gun at the unseen enemy. He stopped at several feet from where the other boy was standing. He didnt want to startle him and get up being shot just for fucking stupidity.

"Will, she is gone..." he broke the news to him "And I guess I should be going too. No hard feelings for all this shit, allright?"

He waited for the other boy´s answer, knowing it would probably something along the lines of how he didn´t gave a shit about Steven going or staying, or maybe he would blow his brains off for having let a potential threat like Kimberly escape. Anyway, he also didn´t care about what Will said. Just letting him go would be nice for him.

So... here we go again. Just a little bit wiser this time.
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Felicia nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard a gun shot. Did one of those kids just get shot? There were no screams to confirm that somebody was wounded, but if they got hit in the head, there wouldn't be enough time to scream. She took a deep breath to try and steady her nerves, which failed magnificently thanks to a complete lack of fresh air that didn't smell like a pile of rotting entrails. How the fuck could her situation get any worse?

"Who's there?"

Oh no.

"Come out now!"

Oh no, fuck, FUCK, no! NO!

How could they have seen her? Heard her? Did she let out a gag from that rotten old fish stink that she had subconciously ignored? Did she not duck behind the bait shop quick enough? It didn't matter... she had been spotted or found out somehow, and now somebody was going to find her and kill her. She couldn't keep lying to herself, people on this island WERE killing, and she was just a name on a list of potential targets. The word 'potential' could, now, very well be a fleeting concept.

She pulled the gun out from her hoodie's frount pouch and held it up in front of her, mocking the front cover of at least one James Bond movie unintentionally. If only this gun was truly going to protect her from everybody on this island that had gone completely off of their rocker. Yeah... what a joke that would be, but if this island operated anything like Counter Strike on a bad day, Felicia would look one way, and the bastards out to get her (hacking, obviously) would come from the other side.

Boom. Headshot. Ragequit and uninstall.

The delay was unbearable. Felicia held the gun tightly in both hands, working to steady her breathing. Suddenly, staying behind El Whorehouse Grande seemed preferable to going out there and getting riddled with bullets. But hey, she wouldn't have to come out there, because somebody was more than willing to come over here and finish off the intruder.

Remain calm... hold the gun steady... and when your target comes into sight... likely freak out like a little girl, drop your weapon, and get owned in the face. Sounds like a terrific plan.

She ducked down low, one shoulder pressed to the wall, and aimed her gun in the spot she thought the intruder was going to come from. The steps sounded like the attacker was getting close, ready to barrel around the corner. Instead, as a breath of (metaphorically) fresh air, Felicia was instead treated to the delightful view of some girl's ass sprinting away.

Three people, one gunshot... unless the mystery girl had just iced two people with a piercing round that would make those guys in Contra get hardons, that meant two people were still alive. But there were no more gunshots, and hopefully... HOPEFULLY, that meant no more conflict. And it was a male voice who had called her out, so...

Oh, who am I kidding... there's no logic behind this, and that sort of 'Superlogic' never saved anybody in this damn game, so I might as well just go out there. I get shot, I get shot. If I get sexed up by a couple of guys... hey, score one for me. Or... two for me, or... WHATEVER.

She tucked the gun back into her hoodie pocket; the less threatening she made herself look, the higher the chance of no fighting. And if nobody fought, then maybe nobody would die. Taking a deep breath (again, more metaphorically than anything... she'd rather huff elephant dung), Felicia stepped out from behind the bait shop and walked towards the dock with both of her arms outward as though she owned the place.

"Fellaaaaaaahs!" She said with a grin. "How we doin'? Sittin' at the dock at the bay, eh? Lovely.... view..."

She had tried to keep her eyes on them as though nothing was a big deal, but the blood at the scene was easy to spot.

"Um... hey, eh, what's goin' on?"
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
Dr. Nic*
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Post by Dr. Nic* »

[Sorry for the delay.]

Felicia. Felicia. Felicia what? Felicia Day? No, she was an actress. Carmichael, that's it. Felicia Carmichael. What the hell was she doing out here? What took her so long to come out of hiding? Fuck it, she didn't matter. She didn't look to be holding a weapon and didn't look to have anything bigger than his own gun, but he couldn't be certain and he'll be damned if he was going to let her get close and end up in another situation like the one that just ended. He'll be damned if he let them put him below like Kimberly did with Aislyn. Shame, really, to see her go down like that. Kimberly was at fault for that one and it would be her name called out on the announcements.

Heh. Enjoy it, bitch. Your plans are crumbling. I wouldn't care, but I imagine you'll regret it for a long time to come.

But the underlying cause behind Aislyn's death, another piece of that puzzle was still there. And still being just a big an annoyance as ever. Oh, how William wished to teach that pain in the ass to keep his mouth shut. It was him and his big mouth that caused all this. Him and his stupidity. Steve. God damn Steve.

"Fuck off, Steve. You say one more word, I'll make you eat this gun."

But that was it. William still had his gun, so he still had strength. The strength to do whatever he needed, whatever he wanted. This game was his as long as he held that gun. It afforded him safety and it afforded him power. But he had to decide what he wanted to do with that power. Kimberly had shown him one path, manipulating and controlling others, taking the power in the situation and keeping himself there. That was one choice. Aislyn had showed him the other. Use that power how he wanted, how he felt was necessary. Take people like Kimberly down a notch or two. That was one choice.

Steve? He didn't have a choice. He was a moron who handed over his weapons to complete strangers. He was an idiot who broke the rules and trusted those he wasn't supposed to trust. That wasn't a choice.

Fuck it, he could decide his path once he was away from this place. The smell of salt and fish and death and Aislyn's blood behind him. It was all too much to process. Steve can dig his own grave out here if he wanted to stick around. Felicia can get a good look at what happens in this game. Maybe it'll keep her from saying stupid things again. Steadying his bags on his back and adding Daniel's bag to them, filled with the random supplies gathered from the bait shop, Will turned his attention to the direction that Kimberly had taken off in.

"If you only remember one thing about this incident, Steve, remember this. You are responsible for that girl's death. You gave Kimberly the knife. You gave her the power to do whatever she wanted. Don't make the same mistake twice."

Will glanced at Felicia for a moment before he turned to walk away, passing the place where Aislyn had stood just a while earlier. He knelt down and picked up her pointy stick. Such a pointy stick it was. Aislyn had it when he first saw her, before Steve went and handed her the cricket bat. Like she was the new star of Shaun of the Dead or something. Probably would have been better off keeping the pointy stick. Better reach and you don't even have to swing, just thrust as hard as you could. Maybe if she had been using this, she would still be alive.

Just another thing to make Steve feel worse about, if Will was so inclined to bring it up. But talking to Steve any more than he needed to was something he just didn't feel like doing. He wanted to be away from there as soon as possible. Get back to his own thoughts. Leave Steve to fend for himself, leave the new girl to discover the horror. They could catch their own damn dinner, because Will? He wasn't hungry anymore.

But he was sure of something now, after this incident.

People sucked. He was better off alone. As long as he was alone, he could go on without caring. The names would just be names. The bodies just props for a show. No faces, no emotions, no tragic events and struggles for life. Just a fucking show going on in the background of his life. Besides, this was a distraction. This was time he could be spending chasing Brook. Chasing Jason. Tracking them down and making them pay for what they did. This was time that could be better spent. No wasting energy on petty issues and emotions. He shouldn't bother getting annoyed, getting angry, trying to play the game. He had a mission in mind and that is the only thing that he should have been worrying about.

"Oh, and Felicia? Don't look in the water."

Hey, it was only fair to warn the girl. A glance down at the watch on his wrist, an ill-fitting time piece that seemed out of place on him, and then William was off. That same slow, steady, half conscious pace he'd been walking when he arrived.

Oh, one last thing?

Civility sucks.

Follow the rules.

He wrote himself a note.

[Boy #61 - William Hearst. Concluded in Overdose on Adrenaline]
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