Poker Night!

Wanna roleplay out those big events? House parties, football games, wrestling matches, and even prom can all be found right here! Feel free to post your own events, and make sure to jump into others as well!
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Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

((Hey, I can't think of anything to write, so go ahead and skip me this cycle. Just assume Kayla put down the minimum bet.))
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Post by Stark* »

Kayla had placed the small blind, and so it was on Charlotte to put down the big. Not much she could do, being unable to raise or fold yet, so she slid a red chip forward and covertly glanced at her hand. Not much of a start, she thought to herself, glancing around, getting a basic idea of the room's general demeanor so she'd know what she was working with when the cards were all in play and the chips down. She did this all with her typical cheery look on her face, partly because it hid how thoroughly she was sizing up the room, but at least eighty percent because she was just like that, anyway. She wasn't book smart, but when it came to people, she was in her element. She didn't usually hide anything, which would make her either incredibly easy to read, or nigh on impossible due to the unpredictability factor. It would depend on how things progressed. We'll see what happens when he's laid down the river.

"'S on you, Trev," she said, planting both elbows on the table, resting her chin atop her clasped hands. "In or out?"
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Post by VinnyMcQ* »

Trevor was the first player in this hand not to be obligated by being bound to the big or small blind, so watching Kayla and Charlotte's moves wouldn't help his game at all. Kayla was on the small blind but had gone first. To this Trevor said nothing, they weren't professionals and he wasn't one hundred percent sure anyway. Her bet wasn't very revealing as she called up to the big blind. Charlotte's bet was the one he had written off as being useless to him. Being the big blind her chips were already down and she lost nothing by staying in the game to see what came up.

‘‘S on you, Trev' she said, planting both elbows on the table, resting her chin atop her clasped hands. ‘In or out?'

Trevor leant forwards and edged up the corners of his cards. Useless. Keeping his cards face down he slid them across the table to Alex. ‘I fold, no way am I staying in on a hand like that.' Here Trevor was laying the foundations of two aspects of his game. The first was an unwillingness to stay in a hand where his cards had no potential and the second was no ability to bluff his way through even if they were terrible.

Turning to Isabel Trevor asked politely, ‘Since I'm out of this hand do want me to get you that cherry coke?'

If he'd heard her right Isabel hadn't seriously been asking for a soda but Trevor wanted to come across as being lousy at reading people so he asked. It had the added bonus of being a move worthy of brownie points if he had in fact been wrong in the first place. Win win situation in any case he thought.

Trevor sat back in his chair with his arms folded and wondered where this competitive streak had come from. Obviously I want to do well, maybe even win but I can't turn into some robot to do it. I'm here to have fun overall. Trevor took another drink before placing the bottle back on the table softly. Trevor couldn't hold his drink to the same level as most and had to watch himself for the tell tale signs of his limit fast approaching.
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Post by Tagabasa* »

"You don't know, Alex. He might be a 70-year-old who moisturizes a lot."

Simon once again put on his mock offended tone of voice. "Hey, don't pretend that you're not jealous. And respect your elders, Alex." He grinned while he spoke, as if to make sure that everyone would be able to tell that he was joking. The air in the room had gotten a little thicker after Kayla had made her statement. Hey, we're all friends here. And nobody's going to do anything that they don't want to.

"Time to place bets, huh?" Simon repeated, not really paying attention. He was looking at his cards and wondering what move he should make. Kayla had put minimum bet, Charlotte had placed one red chip, and Trevor had folded.

Simon wasn't quite sure how his hand stood up to everyone else's. He wasn't amazingly good at reading people, but he figured that he was also a fairly difficulty person to read. Well then, this was going to be an interesting game. He pushed one red chip forward.

"Alright, then." Simon's face didn't show much. He knew a few basic tenets of poker strategy, but he figured that he would just see how it went tonight. Sure, he would like to win, but barring that he would like to see how the other students were able to tell what he was doing.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

"I am jealous," she said while staring at her unturned cards.

She carefully flipped her hand towards her chest, making sure that no one would see which cards she had. After peeking slightly, she brought them up to eye level. "Hmmmmmm," she let out rather loudly while looking at her cards.

"Well.....well, well..."

Isabel appeared to be thinking about what to do next. She briefly surveyed the other players since she was the last to go. She tapped her finger lightly; her nail made a slight clacking noise when it hit the table. Half of a smile pulled at the corner of her face. She picked up one of her red chips and tossed it in with the other chips.

"I think I'm in," she said with a shrug.

She sat up like she had received a tiny shock when she heard Trevor. Isabel was genuinely surprised that Trevor had asked if she wanted the soda. Sure, she hadn't been serious, but she was probably better off not getting drunk. If she could get away with soda then why not? It didn't look like Kayla was so lucky.

"Yeah," she said slowly. "A cherry cola would be great. Thanks." In return she gave him a real smile, not the half grin she had when deciding on whether or not to bet. Her shoulders moved a few inches down; Isabel hadn't even noticed that they were tensed before hand.
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Post by Syph* »

Dealing always had it's charm and advantage giving Alex prime position to assess the hands of the other players. He expected their curiosity influenced their bets more than the associated probabilities. Alex's maths (or math, as painful as it was to mention) was good enough for him to work out basic probabilities in his head. Most were memorised from a book he had bought last week, but he liked to think that if he concentrated he could calculate quicker than he could recall.

His hand was probably worth the investment he must make to see the flop. He grabbed the chip and placed it on the table.

'Check...' he said in a almost whisper.

He hoped people would have a mixed reaction. Alex wanted to send contradictory messages but make statistically sound bets. He hoped his curiosity would be perceived as a bluff or even a double-bluff. He would not leave the round without seeing the flop unless someone was obviously stealing the blinds.

He grabbed the deck and dealt the flop on the table:

It was the 8 of Diamonds, the 9 of Clubs and the King of Hearts.
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Post by armeggedonCounselor* »

Kayla stared at the flop, occasionally checking her hand. She chewed on her lip, purposely avoiding the eyes of the others. Unbidden, her memories of that Christmas came back. She had been... about 6, if she remembered right. She was meeting her "brother" for the first time. He was a natural born son to the two parents, but he had graduated and moved away before she arrived in their household. He came back for Christmas, which was observed, never celebrated, in that household. The distinction was important: a celebration indicated that some amount of joy was taken from the holiday, while observation indicated an extreme religious view of the holiday. It was to be revered, the birth of Christ, our lord, in the mists of time that sat between 0 B.C. and 1 A.D. They gave one, strictly one, gift to somebody in the family, and ate a quiet dinner while contemplating their navels. It never made much sense to Kayla, especially at age 6.

Of course, her "brother" was a fun guy. He had a cool job, a cool name, a cool voice, and, most importantly, he had a sense of humor. She stayed up until after midnight that night, for the first time in her life, while he taught her just a little about his trade. She had been a bit of a stubborn student, but had learned at least a little. Of course, the years had flown past and taken some of the important parts. She looked up from her navel contemplation, hoping that it hadn't delayed for very long. She smiled and put in a dollar more. "I um... raise?" She wasn't certain if she had this in the right order.

She took another drink of the cider and smiled nervously.
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Post by Stark* »

With only an off-suited ace and five, the odds were, at best, fifteen to one against her, and while Charlotte was far from mathematically inclined enough to work that number out in her head, she knew staying in was a long shot. This early in the game, it was best that she didn't dive in with that much of her stack, and it would establish her as a careful better to the other players - and she could use that preconception to her advantage later on. For now, though, she'd play it safe; one beer wasn't going to lower her inhibitions enough to follow through on this hand, let alone match Kayla's bet. "I'm out," she said, her expression unchanging. "Bit rich for my blood."

She leaned back in her seat, giving Trevor a nod. "Think you could make that two while you're up? I could go for a cherry coke myself."

For now, it was a matter of seeing how this hand played out. She'd already gleaned just the slightest bit about her opponents' games so far, though Isabel was proving trickier than the others to get a bead on. Time would have to tell, it seemed.
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Post by VinnyMcQ* »

(Sorry for delay, got too excited by the Mini)

Trevor saw the flop and was immediately relieved about his choice to not stay in the game. That would have meant major bluffing and if that had failed....well, Trevor's game would have collapsed there and then.

Trevor saw Isabel sit up a little when he asked if she wanted a coke before she replied,

''Yeah,'' she said slowly. ''A cherry cola would be great. Thanks.''

In response to her smile Trevor offered a grin of his own and made to get up from the table. As he was halfway up he heard Charlotte chip in for a coke as well. At first his mind snapped to the poker game. She's going to clean us out with a sober mind!This knee jerk reaction was quickly replaced with a sense of calm as Trevor found that he didn't mind. As he relaxed he felt the urge to win fall and he was just planning on enjoying himself. It's what, $30? I won't be losing out.

''No problem, Cherry Coke for two then'' Trevor said and he finished manoeuvring himself out of his seat and away from the table. As he got up he looked from Charlotte to Isabel and Kayla before giving a subtle look to Charlotte and slightly tilted his head in their direction, as if to say mmhmm I know your game. As he passed Alex he quickly said ''just gonna raid your fridge, be two ticks'' and with that moved into the kitchen, which thankfully wasn't too far. In a house like this I wouldn't be surprised if he's got another kitchen smuggled away in some forgotten corner.

In the quiet of the kitchen Trevor clasped his hands together before running them through his hair. Sometimes, it was to get away for a minute. Feeling calm he walked over to the fridge and scanned it quickly. On the bottom shelf he found what he was looking for and took the two cokes from the fridge. Trevor took a sharp intake of breathe as the coldness of the two cokes surprised him. He could have been keeping these in a freezer damn that's cold. Wonder how much it cost to get a fridge like that.

In truth Trevor felt a little uncomfortable when confronted by such a simple yet powerful statement of wealth. It felt like you could be someone's equal, but they could be a little more equal at the same time. Alex is your friend though, don't forget that. If he was some stuck up rich boy you'd go nowhere near him. Relax and get yourself back in the room. Putting his worries to one side Trevor made to go back to the poker room.
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Post by Tagabasa* »

"Of course you're jealous. Let's face it, Isabel; you've never seen a 70 year old who looked this good before." Simon watched as the other players placed their bets and Alex dealt the flop. There was an eight of diamonds, 9 of Clubs, and King of Hearts.

Simon winced at his own cards. "Well, I'm out for this one." It was the first hand; too early for him to start heavily bluffing. Plus, there was the chance of losing a lot of his chips. To be honest, Simon really didn't care if he walked out of the Seymour estate five dollars poorer. He had really only come to the poker night to spend some time with his friends and meet other people. His parents were always encouraging him to ‘get out of the house' and ‘go play with friends', even though he was just fine by himself. Still, hanging out with other students was a lot of fun. Maybe he should try inviting people over more often.

It might be a little too late for that. Simon's high school days were almost over. He had an acceptance letter from his preferred college, the University of Pittsburgh, and was even remembering to put the "h" at the end of "Pittsburgh". But still, Simon felt a little regret at leaving his hometown. After you leave, you might never see these people again, the back of his mind seemed to be telling him. He tried to ignore it the best he could.

The bustle of the room brought Simon out of his thoughts. He had already folded for this hand. He sat back his chair to watch how the game went.
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Post by Ruggahissy »

"You should bottle your secret and make millions" she replied back to Simon.

Isabel looked at her cards, then out at the cards on the table. She repeated this process a few times. After a minute she sighed and put rested her head on her hand.

"Thanks, Trev" she called after him after he confirmed the drinks. She briefly thought about whether it was rude of her to shorten his name so soon after meeting him. Isabel figured if it was he would tell her.

She looked out at the other players. Everyone had folded except for Kayla, not counting Alex and herself who had yet to respond.

"Call," she said with a shrug.

She picked up a chip and tossed it in.

With so few players left I might as well stay in. Besides, there's nothing worse than not doing something and regretting it. If you're going to lose, you may as well lose big. Money is important but at least it's not strip poker. I'd be much more cautious with my bets if that were the case. Then again, it that was the case, I would have come wearing five sweaters and thirteen pairs of underwear.
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Post by Syph* »


Alex glanced at his hand and rubbed his left eyebrow. Kayla had put in quite a sum. Perhaps this was her game or perhaps she was a fool. Would he risk 40% of his pot to raise her to $2.

He gulped another small quantity of cider and made his decision. He pushed $1 worth of chips into the pile. His deliberate choice to push many small chips into the table made him seem more confident and more intimidating. Maybe there was a reason why the professional poker players didn't do it.

In this situation against an insecure girl, it must have been a move of pure genius...


...or so he hoped.

Alex dealt the turn and revealed the Jack of Hearts. He tried not to smile, mixed emotion ran through him. He absolute dominance relied on the river. He was 1 in 13 from victory, unless he bluffed.
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