
The school campus is very well maintained. The grass is always kept neat and short, and the hedges around the school are always kept trimmed. The sports fields are all in immaculate condition, and a nice quad area has been set up for the students outside, with tables, chairs, and a gazebo.
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Post by Killer_Moth* »

"I don't suppose I could accompany you on a shopping trip Jen?"

Now that was unexpected. She hadn't really planned to do anything more than fluster the boy, but he had taken it in his stride. He had more confidence than she had credited him with. Maybe that deserved a reward. After all, he wasn't bad looking. There was material she could work with. She openly scanned him up and down, before walking round behind him, examining him all over, taking a moment to "mmm hmm" as she looked at his butt, before coming back round to the front again. Yes, definite potential, once he grew into it.

Jake and Eva were talking about music over to the side, although they'd both supported her writing idea. Maybe they would pair off, and she could make it a double date. Then again, she didn't like the idea of doing that to Eva. She deserved better than Jake. Maybe she could set her up with Morgan. Bring her two closest friends together, the idea had merit. But would she lose them in each other.

"Well, Geoffrey, I've got plans right now with Eva, but if she says you can come, then you can come. If not, then here." She reached into her bag for a scrap of paper and a pen. She wrote out her number followed by ‘Call me – xxx', and passed it over to him. Yes, maybe he had more potential than Eddie, at least for a little while. And if not, then it was no great loss.

"Sorry, Eva. I've been ignoring you. Do you mind if Geoff – I can call you Geoff, can't I? If Geoff here tags along with us It never hurts to have a boy to give a second opinion on a girls outfit."
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Post by KingKamor* »

Eva grimaced at the out-there title that Jake had thrown out. She thought that it was probably just an unintentionally dumb idea that he blurbed out by accident, and let it slide. It didn't keep it from being stupid, though.

She cringed at the mention of Rum 'n' Raisin flavored ice cream, remembering one time when Jen had given her a small taste of it only to almost cough it back up. Either way, it was looking like Geoffrey was becoming more interested in Jen by the minute. That wasn't necessarily the smartest thing he'd done, but Jen's usually pretty good to the guys she's interested in for the couple weeks she goes out with them. From the looks of things, Jen was checking him out to see if he was up to par. The expression Jen wore told Eva that she was mildly impressed.

"Do you mind if Geoff – I can call you Geoff, can't I? If Geoff here tags along with us It never hurts to have a boy to give a second opinion on a girls outfit."

"Oh, uh, I don't mind, but do you really mind carrying bags and listening to girl talk for hours on end?" It was to her experience that the only reason a guy would want to do that would be to get into her pants, but perhaps these two weren't like that.
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Post by Wash* »

((Dominic McKenzie continued from Keep your head down))

His stomach feeling bloated and heavy from an alarming intake of pasta, Dominic made his way across campus, dragging his feet a little. He was timetabled for a pretty easy day so he'd decided to get a little light reading done outside. Nice day for it. The relentlessly grey sky was possibly the only thing he didn't miss about Edinburgh. He winced as he spotted several people near the benches. Hopefully they wouldn't say anything. He didn't look too weird did he? Just another ordinary kid outside, catching up on his studying.

Simulated normality. Cast the illusion of contentment. Illusion of Contentment2 on all party members. 25 MP.

Dominic sat down on a vacant bench and quietly drew a doorstopper of a book out of his bag. None of this stuff was on his reading list, it wouldn't be until he got to college, but Dominic's appetite for the written word had long since surpassed that of his literature class. He found his place and began reading. Baudrillard. Lovely. The stark bleakness of postmodernism held a certain appeal for the young outcast.

Whereas representation tries to absorb simulation by interpreting it as false representation, simulation envelops the whole edifice of representation as itself a simulacrum.

This would be the successive phases of the image:

- it is the reflection of basic reality

- it masks and perverts a basic reality

- it masks the absence of basic reality

- it bears no relation to any reality whatever: it is its own pure simulacrum

Dominic paused. He readily admitted that he didn't understand half the things he read, half the time he was simply reading for reading's sake. But something in that small passage had spoken to him. The original being consumed by the image. Possible? Indeed, probable? In perpetuating his protective persona around the school, was he in fact fostering his own destruction?

Will Dominic McKenzie cease to exist? Will he be consumed by the veneer of a well-adjusted high schooler he works so hard to maintain?

I hope so.

Dominic sighed and returned to the words.
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Post by DAv* »

Geoffrey stood still as he was eyed up by Jen, feeling the best out of it. When she was done, Geoffrey held out his hands and posed a little, a smirk on his lips "Like what you see?" He teased, batting his eyes tauntingly. His cockiness vanished once the paper was slipped into his hand and he felt a little stunned at it. That hadn't really happened before truth be told. Still, always nice to try out something new, better to regret what you've done than what you haven't done. He brought himself out of his musings in time to here Eva asking about whether he was sure or not "Hm? Oh, no need to worry. Should make for an interesting experience. I could do with a new shirt or two myself..."
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Post by Killer_Moth* »

"Well, Eva. It looks like we've got ourselves a boytoy to do all the carrying for us". Jen was quite pleased with how things were turning out. Jake was keeping his big dumb mouth shut, Eva was following her lead nicely, and Geoffrey was melting in her hands. Even when Dominic walked into the scene, he seemed more interested in his book than in anything that was going on with the small group.

Yeah, things were going well. She had put last night out of her mind, had good times planned. If she was really lucky, Geoff liked to party, or at least could be convinced to. And with Eva there looking out for her, she wasn't likely to screw everything up.

"So, after school? Oh, and can anyone drive, or are we doing transport? Cause I hate transport."
Pickle Jello*
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Post by Pickle Jello* »

Judging by everyone's reactions, Jake concluded that his random comment was probably not the best thing to say. He just stood there, embarassed. He was standing there, being awkwardly silent. He noticed that another student had just walked and sat on a bench. Jake recognized him as Dominic McKenzie. Jake was shy and Dominic was antisocial. It was a conversation that was not about to happen. Jake then just looked back. Jen asked about driving.
Say something, you idiot. You can redeem yourself.
Jake continued to stand there, silent.
Say it.
Say it.
Say it.

Jake wanted to say something about driving but didn't.
You will regret it if you don't.
Finally, Jake said "Um... I could drive if you need me to..." He did it, but he didn't think anyone would go for it. He was even more embarassed just by saying that.
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Post by KingKamor* »

Eva hated the word 'boytoy.' It was just a little too demeaning towards guys for her to say. Even if a guy was a prick, she still wouldn't say it. She liked the idea of Geoffery and Jake carrying their stuff, though.

"Okay, sounds good," she said in response.

As if coming out from the rock he had crawled under because of his previous comment, Jake said, "Um... I could drive if you need me to..."

"Actually, that'd be great! My dad would know if I drive anywhere else besides home today." She wasn't lying. Her father was prone to checking the miles that were on her car, plus the amount of gas left in it.
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Post by DAv* »

"Boy toy? Man accessory at least." Geoffrey said in a mocking tone. Although he was starting to like Jen quite a bit, her less than respectful attitude was starting to wear thin. Ah well, something to take in his stride for now, a strong, assertive woman like Jen was worth a few words after all.

Hearing Jake redeem himself, Geoffrey clapped his hands together "Capital! And since our chauffeur and your pack horse are organised, it seems that you evening will be a most enjoyable one." Geoffrey gave a little flourish with his hand and bowed in a ham-like manner towards Eva and Jen, teasing them in equal respects.
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Post by Killer_Moth* »

"Really Geoff, you wanna be a man, you're gonna have to prove it to me sometime." Jen broke into a wide grin. Yes, he was feisty, and not gonna just let himself be walked over. At the same time, he was pliable enough to agree to most of what she wanted. "Don't worry, I reckon you'll enjoy the testing process"

She looked over at Eva. The younger girl was clearly annoyed by Jen's behaviour. Maybe she should tone it down a touch. After all, Eva wasn't quite as forward as Jen. She walked over to her, and murmured into her ear. "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. We're both just after a little fun. And you've got my back, haven't you?"

"Um... I could drive if you need me to..."

Hmm, Jake seemed somewhat contrite following his earlier faux pas. Maybe he could keep his brain and tongue connected. And he had a car and was willing to provide transport. Eva and Geoff both seemed to like the idea, and Dominic was still sat in his corner. Good, the last thing I want is that little creep sticking his nose in.

"Ok, Jake. Looks like you're the designated driver." Geoff was giving an OTT bow. Made sense. Anyone who spoke the way he did had to have a bit of an acting bug about him. Well, two could play at that game. Time to play up the Southern Belle.

"Why sir, you do honour me, and my companion here. I just hope that we all can have a most enjoyable time. Now, at what time shall we go. Eva, you wanna get more done with the witch, or are we sorted?"
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Post by KingKamor* »

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. We're both just after a little fun. And you've got my back, haven't you?" Her friend whispered into her ear.

Eva smirked a little and whispered back, "If I don't have your back, who would?" Eva couldn't even remember how they became friends. It just happened, as far as she could tell, and for what it was worth, she was enjoying going out every once in awhile despite Jen's little adventures with guys and alcohol.

She listened to Geoff and Jen do their little acting blurbs, and only reacted by rubbing her index finger and thumb on her forehead as if in pain. She was always the kind of person to let everyone else do the talking and planning, so she let their corniness slide this one time.

At Jen's question, Eva said, "Oh! Yeah, just let me pack up my stuff and take it back to the art room. And, uh, where should we meet? Just out in front of the school?"
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Post by Wash* »

(Sorry for holding this up guys, you were probably right to carry on)

Dominic sighed and closed his book. Too bloody sunny. Too bloody hot. Too buggering crowded. He liked being outside on campus when it meant he could get a little alone time but this just wasn't happening.

You know, use of words like 'buggering' is part of the reason no-one talks to you.

Huh. That was probably true. Dominic stood up and stretched a little. Already the day was dragging. He just wanted to be home with his books and his drums.

Just a little longer. Maybe another year of this. Then we're out my friend.

Sod it. He'd wait it out in the library

((Dominic McKenzie continued elsewhere))
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Post by DAv* »

Smiling at Jen playing along, he shrugged at the question "Whenever's best for you. I'm ready to go on the word." He looked over to Jake with a gleam in his eye "Hope you've got the motor gassed up, sounds like we'll be in for quite the trip."

He extended out his hand towards Jen, giving a mock flourish as he said "Would the fair lady care to be escorted to her auto-mobile?"
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Post by Killer_Moth* »

((Okay, let's get this thing moving))

Jen smiled at Eva's reactions. She was used to this routine, and still put up with the total hamminess of it all. She thought again just how lucky she was to have somebody like Eva, or like Morgan, in her life. People who could see past the bad girl façade that she put out to the world, and could truly be her friends. Not total tools like Jake, or playthings to be discarded, like Geoffrey. "Erm, I reckon we should just meet up wherever Jake's parked. I take it that's the school parking lot, Jake, right?"

Dominic got up and wandered off. Jeez, Why did he even come out here, if he was just gonna leave. Maybe the little perv likes to watch girls in the sunshine. Heh. At least he's gone now.

Geoff was keeping up the quasi-Shakespeare routine as he extended his hand to her. She smiled seductively at him as she took the proffered hand. "Lead on, MacDuff." Of course she knew the quote was wrong, but figured that the boys wouldn't notice. It made more sense in this context anyway. "Eva, congratulations. You get to ride shotgun." She doubted that Geoff would complain to sharing the backseat with her. She snuggled up to his arm, making sure to get as close as she could. "Okay Jake, what are we waiting for?"
Pickle Jello*
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Post by Pickle Jello* »

Jake decided to speak in contrast to Geoffrey's Shakespearean talk. OK, let's get going," he said. He led the group to his truck, a blue F-150. He pulled the keys out of his pocket, and pressed the unlock button. He then stood there and waited for Eva to return. He then just stood there in thought. It's been a while since he hung out with anyone. These people weren't exactly his friends, so he couldn't display his goofy sense of humor around them, but they were better than nothing. It was better than just sitting around at home, bored out of his mind.
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Post by KingKamor* »

Eva had packed up all of her art supplies and headed to the art room. It wasn't too far away, so she didn't need any help to get everything there. As she opened the door, she noticed a couple of people looking at a sketch on an eissel, but paid no mind to it and put everything away. Once that was done, she checked to see if she had all of her possessions with her. Purse. Check. iPod. Check. Wallet. Check. Phone. Check. Pretty much everything she needed was ready to go.

"Okay," she said unconciously before leaving the room. For a moment, she thought that she heard a familiar voice from one of the people in the room, but she ignored it and continued towards the parking lot.

"Hey!" She called to everyone with a wave of her hand once she saw them crowded around the blue car.
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