Decisions, Decisions

As one might imagine, the school's library is filled with, well, books. Tables and chairs are placed around the room in neat little groups, and everything always seems to be in its rightful place... perhaps because Mrs. Collins, the school's librarian, has horrible OCD.
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Post by Hallucinojelly* »

"So Violet, are you going to vote for me for prom queen?" Leila nudged Violet with her finger, chuckling to herself before slipping her vote into the ballot box.

Prom Queen: Leila Langford
Prom King: Ricky Fortino

"I'm voting for Ricky and me 'cause he owes me."

"He owes you? For what?" Violet looked bemused as she listened to her friend, wondering when the two had ever even spoken.

"He just does. Now, who're you voting for, Vi?"

Ugh, she added the Vi. She really wants me to vote for her, doesn't she?

"I'm not voting for anyone, this whole thing is pretty pointless if you ask me."

Leila's expression dropped immediately, before turning to Hilary and nodding at the ballot box.

"You'll vote for me, won't you?"

"...Yeah, sure."

Hilary stepped quietly over to the box, keeping her slip out of sight as she wrote down her vote.

Sorry, Leila, but I really want this.

Prom Queen: Hilary Strand
Prom King: Brock Mason

"Okay! Cool. We've got dresses to buy, see you!"

Leila dragged Hilary away before the latter could even say goodbye, leaving Trent rolling his eyes as he stood with Violet.

"Hey, you wanna come over tonight? Everyone's out, so we can watch that Hellraiser marathon."

"Uh... yeah, just gimme a minute."

"Okay, I'll meet you outside Math."

Watching Trent walk away, Violet quickly grabbed a pen from a nearby table, then scribbled down her vote for the prom.

Prom Queen: Madeleine Smith
Prom King: Harold Fisher

Cramming her vote into the ballot box, she smiled to herself, then walked briskly out of the building.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Jennifer Perez wandered into the library to vote for the Prom Royalty. She didn't really care that much about the positions, but she figured she might as well vote for some deserving people. She thought about people she was friendly with, and two immediately stood out, people who never caused Jennifer any trouble, and who she didn't feel stressed by.

She wrote:
Prom King: Aaron Boismier
Prom Queen: Melissa Li


Everett Taylor was voting only because he wanted to see worthwhile people win the Prom titles, instead of popular slackers. It was probably hopeless, and he was most likely throwing his votes away, but it didn't matter. When it all came down to it, the whole thing wasn't such a big deal.

Prom King: Chris Carlson
Prom Queen: Mia Kuiper


Aaron Hughes was on a mission of vengeance. He really, honestly, did not care in the slightest who the Prom King would be. Until a couple of days ago, he hadn't cared about the queen, either. Now, though, he had a perfect opportunity to use this stupid school tradition to get back at someone who had wronged him.

Jacquard had asked for it. She really had. It was all too easy. She wasn't very social. She wasn't very popular. She didn't walk very well, carrying a cane with her a lot of the time. The thought of her trying to dance was absolutely hilarious.

Hell, if she wins, Prom might even be worth attending.

Humiliating her in front of the entire school seemed like an appropriate way to even the score between them. After all, she had humiliated him.

Is it really worth all this? You're getting carried away. Yeah, she's a bitch, but you're taking this way too far. Calm down.

Aaron paused. He was taking things a bit seriously. Yeah, Jacquard had hurt him, but getting revenge wasn't the way to deal with it. It would just cause things to devolve. He realized he was holding up the line, and quickly jotted down the first two names that came into his head: members of his Dungeons and Dragons group. He didn't think either would appreciate his nomination, but neither stood a chance of winning, so they'd never know.

Prom King: William Sears
Prom Queen: Bounce

Aaron didn't even try to remember how to spell the girl's name. If it ended up mattering, someone would figure out who he meant, or they'd just pass it off as a joke vote. Aaron didn't care at all.

It's not like I'll be going to Prom anyways...
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Post by ifnotwinter* »

Huh. Prom. Dominic was pretty easygoing about it, planning on going stag anyway, and honestly didn't particularly care about who was going to be King and Queen. Still, voting was like...a part of high-school, right?

He chewed the end of his pencil for a moment, then scribbled down his choices.

King: William Sears. Will would probably get a kick out of being King if he managed to get it.

Queen: Sarah Atwell. Okay, so he didn't know her that well, but she seemed like a popular type. And he didn't really know any girls, wasn't like it really mattered.

Smiling, he headed out.


Erik was already late for class and rushing through the library (to the annoyance of the teachers in there) when he spotted the ballot box. Right...crap, almost forgot. He grabbed the nearest piece of paper, and in large block capitals wrote his nominations.

Erik hesitated for a long moment before writing King: Aaron Boismier. Aaron seemed like a pretty cool guy, popular enough that he might have a shot at winning. And he'd be better then some of the other kids for sure. Besides, it was one less chance that Rob Barron would win, meaning one more chance that he would come stag and Erik would have an excuse to ask him to dance. Not that it would really mean anything anyway, he was like 99% sure Rob was straight, but still.

Queen: Chloe Strong. If there was one person who deserved to be Queen, it was Chloe.

Glancing up at the clock again, he muttered a curse under his breath and stuffed the ballot into the box before taking off.
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Post by Mimi »

(So I was going to wait for James to make Jackson, but he's a lamer.)

Ashlie bit the eraser of her pencil, racking her brain for a suitable King. She had already handed in her vote for Riley Flynn, somehow hoping her winning would improve their relationship. King, however, was a different story. She needed someone who wouldn't jeopardize her even further. Figuring Justin Corrigan was a good choice, she scribbled his name down quickly and just about jammed it into the box.
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Post by DetectiveArcher* »

Scratching down the last of his notes, Ilario Fiametta III breathed a sigh of relief. Stretching his sore hand and closing the large Physics textbook with a dull 'thump,' he pushed away from the table and rose to his feet. Returning his study materials to their place in his messenger bag, he made his way towards the door.

Passing the voting box for Prom Royalty, he stopped short. If pressed, he couldn't say why he bothered taking the slip of paper and pencil. Whatever the reason, he put pencil to paper and began to write. Carefully printing in his long, angular script, he finished his vote before shuddering. Wadding up the piece of paper, he tossed it into the adjacent trash bin. Starting again, he carefully printed his secondary choices.

[font=Geneva]Prom Queen: Francesca Fiametta
Prom King: Justin Corrigan[/font]

Folding the piece of paper in half and dropping it into the voting box, he turned away and made for the exit once more. Frankie deserved to be nominated, even if she was still being hard on herself for her athletic indiscretion. And Justin was somebody she enjoyed spending time with, so that was a good choice too, wasn't it?

Ilario wondered if he should have stuck to voting for Rosa. The unbidden thought of his sister panting while roughly having her way with the faceless prom king returned. Shaking his head as he left, Ilario suddenly wished he'd never decided to vote at all. The mental image was going to stay with him for weeks.


Stupid fucking research paper. Roy Archer browsed the stacks of the library, looking through the art section for information on Wassily Kandinsky. Art projects were truly blowful. He should have known better than to take an art elective. They never were the draw-whatever-you-felt-like-easy-A courses that everyone said they were. That would be too easy.

Snatching up a thin hardback that had seen better days, Roy flicked open the cover to find more than a few tears and food stains. Dumb assholes couldn't be bothered to take care of a library book. If it wasn't theirs it must not have mattered. Oh, well. Bitching about it wasn't going to change the fact.

Heading for the checkout, he caught sight of the voting box for Prom. Holding the book under his arm, Roy quickly scribbled in his picks.

[font=Impact]King: Justin Corrigan
Queen: Aislyn McCreery[/font]

Stuffing the hastily folded scrap of paper into the box, the bespectacled student checked his book and was quickly on his way.


Riley Flynn made her way down the halls, forcing her way through one of the more packed areas of Bayview's hallways, before throwing open the doors to the library. Where was that damned- Ah, there. Quickly making her way to the box, she scribbled down her vote.

[font=Courier]King: Mike Jeffries

She paused a moment. Would she really vote for herself? "Psh. Fat chance."

[font=Courier]Queen: Evelyn Reed[/font]

What kind of total loser needed to vote for themselves? Jamming her vote into the receptacle, the confident, red haired beauty turned on her heel and left the library behind.


She stared hard at the undecorated little box. The box stared back at her. Olexia Kovacs clenched and unclenched her fists, the palms slightly sweaty. No big deal, really. She just needed to go over and write down what she wanted to.

Small, faltering steps towards the voting area. Taking the pencil, she wrote in her delicately looping handwriting. She smiled down at the quaint ballot she filled out.

"Hey, Lex! What'cha you got there?" Edison's head peeked over her friend's shoulder, sending a bucket of ice water down into the smaller girl's stomach. Fist clenching tight, the ballot disappeared into her sweaty palm. "N-nothing! Just...putting in my vote."

Quickly scanning the library, the mousy blond caught sight of one Justin Corrigan going about his business. "Uhm...J-Justin is a good pick, right?" Who did he hang around with? There was that Sierra girl. "Him and Sierra would be a cute couple, wouldn't they?"

Hastily scribbling the new choices down, Olexia quickly stuffed her paper into the box.

King: Justin Corrigan
Queen: Sierra Manning

"Ok, let's get out of here, then," Olexia said quickly, surreptitiously dropping her original vote into the trash. With a shrug, Edison turned and lead the way out.

In the trash can, the vote for Sir Edison Rossivitch and Lady Olexia Kovacs went unnoticed.
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Post by GregTheAnti-Viking* »

It was a startling surprise for Morgan when he realized that Prom was only a couple of weeks away. It was hard to believe that the years end was getting so close and that graduation was inches before him. To which he was excited and horrified of.

He had heard the announcements about Prom King and Queen and in his own opinion, really didn't care to much about it at first. However, after much thought he recalled about how Jen had really wanted to be the Prom Queen with whoever it was she was dating. He knew he would feel guilty that if she didn't win all because of his vote.

Prom Queen: Jennifer Romita

Prom King: ......

Morgan wasn't quite sure as to what to write for Prom King, sure the logical step was to put down whoever she was dating, but that changed so often that it just was a bad situation waiting to happen.

But then again, it was merely a throw-away vote...

Morgan Leftowitz

Sure, Morgan knew it was cheating, but it wasn't like he was going to get to be the King anytime soon. And if by some miracle he and Jen won, he could share a dance with her and that wasn't a bad thing to be sure.

He managed a slim smile as he pushed through the library doors and headed to his next class.
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Post by Pigeon Army* »

Rachel Gettys strode into the Library, a look of steely determination on her face. Today was the day that the voting for Prom King and Prom Queen opened. And she knew who she was voting for.

Stopping in front of the desk, she pulled out a shiny silver pen and began writing down her votes.

PROM KING: Robert Barron
PROM QUEEN: Rachel Gettys

She didn't even bother altering her flowing, overly formal handwriting, immediately recognisable to anyone who knew who she was. One more vote would mean nothing when she won Prom Queen.

And she was winning Prom Queen.


Guitar slung over his back, Dustin Royal walked slowly into the Library, observing the ladies going in and out. Dustin had never been one to rule out nerdy, bookish girls in his search for sexual partners - hell, in his experience, they usually were fairly attractive and they did add a respectable notch to his proverbial belt, being able to say he'd bedded a smart chick.

However, one girl in the Library had his full attention today. He knew exactly who it was, despite his just staring at her legs due to her current bent-over posture - her skirt wasn't exactly making her backside prominent, but it was riding higher than he knew she would've liked.

Rachel Gettys, ice queen extraordinaire. Damn, that's one skirt I wouldn't mind getting under.

Unfortunately for Dustin, his staring meant he missed her straightening up and turning around - meaning he also missed her noticing him noticing her. She strode up to the man and slapped him, her pretty little face red with rage. He took it and smiled, rubbing his smarting cheek.

"Rachel. How lovely it is to see you today."

"Get out of my face, you pervert."

Dustin smiled even wider, and Rachel, furious, stormed off. Dustin shrugged. She just needs time. So overwhelmed by my magnificence that she can't think straight.

With that thought, Dustin walked over to the table Rachel was just standing at, and started smiling even wider.

"Well well well. This is a surprise."

Dustin grabbed the pen on the table and began scribbling down his votes for Prom King and Queen.

PROM KING: Dustin Royal

Dustin stopped. So many possibilities. Only one slot. Hmmmmm.


PROM QUEEN: Jen Romita.

Easy. In more ways than one. Hahaha.


((OOC: New day.))

Max Neill had come to the library to grab a book for a History assignment that was due in a few days and that he was so far behind on it wasn't funny, but he'd been immediately sidetracked by more frivolous matters - namely, Prom King and Queen voting. He had given some cursory thought to who he would vote for, but now that the decision was actually upon him, he found himself lost.


PROM KING: Ilario Fiametta
PROM QUEEN: Irina Burlachenko

Max looked at the paper he'd just filled out, not satisfied but not dissatisfied either, and pushed it into the box. Ilario was in need of some relaxation, and Irina was just the first girl that came to mind - and Max had to admit, he slightly hoped Irina's geniality would rub off on Ilario. He nodded slightly to himself. Yeah, that's why I chose them. Not like I have any better reasons.


((OOC: Later that day...))

Maf Tuigamala didn't often venture into the Library, only going there on the off-chance he needed a book he couldn't source at the city library. Today was one of those days - a book on Grade 12 Mechanics was required in order for him to study for the upcoming Physics test, and he wasn't going to fail it again.

After a few minutes of searching, Maf found the book and took it up to the counter to get checked out. His gaze began wandering, as it often did when he was waiting for things, and he noticed the table with little sheets of paper, asking people to vote for Prom King and Prom Queen. Maf shrugged his shoulders, grabbed the now-issued book, and walked over to the table. He stopped for a second to think, but decided against putting to much effort into something that didn't really bother him, and just wrote the first people who came to mind who he thought deserved it.

PROM KING: Jason Harris.
PROM QUEEN: Alicia Murazek.

"Yeah," Maf said to himself, and he slotted the paper in the box and walked out.

Now, time to study.
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Post by Fanatic* »

Jason paused in front of the Library as he remembered the announcement from class a few days ago. Prom King and Queen. Normally Jason wasn't too interested in these kind of events. Being popularity contests, these things always irked him but as present the whole school was abuzz about prom and he was getting swept up in the spirit. Dropping his bag to the benches outside of the library he pushed opened the doors and made his way over to the desk.

Grabbing the ballpoint pen that was left to write with from the desk he stared at the form. He could only think of one person deserving of prom queen. Glancing around, fearful that someone was looking, although no one would care he carefully scrawled down his vote for prom queen.

PROM QUEEN: Erin Clyde

Prom King was something he struggled with a bit more. Jason thought for a moment. He wasn't the best at judging these things. Roy Archer was pretty well liked around school, as was Chris Carlson. Suddenly another thought popped into his mind. Nathan Choultard. Now this was something that he couldn't compare to his brother, which, Jason reflected to himself recalling the text from one of his psychology books, would be a great things.

Gripping the pen once he carefully scrawled down

PROM KING: Nathan Choultard

Placing the pen back on the desk Jason left, picking up his bags and heading to practice.


Sarah pushed her books away from the table she was studying at as the desk was opened for the day and quickly moved over, pulling a blue pen with a panda bear wrapped around the base from her pencil case.

She had already given this a lot of thought and although she knew that it was unlikely for her to win she was definitely vote for Riley Flynn. The girl was definitely pretty enough and would look fantastic in her dress, Sarah also knew that she would be someone who deserved it.

PROM QUEEN: Riley Flynn

and as quick as that she moved to the next entry. Out of the people she had taped for the school trip there were many who were handsome or deserving so in the end Sarah had decided to scroll to a random point in the tape and pick whoever was in shot at the time. First time around it had stopped at Monty Pondsworth at which she shook her head fervantly at. Next time it had stopped at Chris Carlson, someone she genuinely liked.

PROM KING: Chris Carlson

and with that she grabbed her books at left the library, pausing only to place a new tape in her video camera, so she could catch someone in interview on their way out after voting.


Teo Weinstock glanced over the desk where the box for votes was held then back to the piece of paper in his hand. Why was this so hard for him, and more importantly why should he care? It was anonymous so *he* wouldn't get anything out of it really. School politics were only as interesting in the outcomes as his father would say. So, Teo thought to himself, it comes down to who would look best up their on the stage. He would of put down his girlfriend's name, Natasha Weir, if she attended Bayview but given that she didn't Teo was stumped. His brain defaulted to his next way of prioirtising votes. Who was the hottest.

Putting pen to paper he wrote speedily.

Prom Queen: Rachel Gettys

Pausing for a second Teo looked at the paper in his hand as he didn't really trust what he was writing down. Prom King, that one was harder, he would write a friend's name down, or maybe someone from the team. The starters were pretty tight with each other. His eyes wandered away to see the sleeping form of Peter Siu a few desks ahead, facedown in a book. Hell, Teo thought. Why not. Grinning he finished writing.

Prom King: Peter Siu

Folding the paper and placing it in the box he turned and left for class.
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Post by Danorum* »

Chloe almost seemed to dance her way to the ballot box. She knew exactly who she was voting for and she knew that they would definitely be the best couple there.

Prom King: Erik Laurin
Prom Queen: Chloe Strong

She couldn't think of a single person more deserving than Erik to be king, though maybe it was her memory slipping again, but she could think of too many people more deserving than herself to be prom queen. Instead of making a decision between all the model-like candidates, she thought voting for herself would be easier on her mind. Plus, it wasn't as if she hadn't ever wanted to be queen.

She put her pen back in her pocket and walked out of the library, smiling widely.


((Vivien's first appearance))

Vivien Morin was biting on his pen cap for a few minutes, just staring at his ballot, trying to figure out which couple would look the most beautiful together. This proved to be very difficult without knowing who would be wearing what, who would be going with whom, and how well done everyone's makeup and hair would be. He already had all that covered, and he made sure every one of his friends knew just how perfect he would look at prom. An idea struck him, and he jotted it down before he lost the thought.

Prom King: Roy Archer

Putting the pen cap back on the pen, he smiled at his nominations. Both of them were on the swim team, and Roy already won most swimming competitions. Why not give him the title of prom king too? He certainly deserved it more than most other guys. Plus, he was definitely the most attractive guy in school...

No! I'm totally over Roy! He's nothing more than a friend to me, if even that, and he deserves the title of king because of all the hard work he does!

Vivien ripped the pen cap off with his teeth and quickly changed his nomination.

Prom Queen: Vivien Morin Aislyn McCreery

Perfect. He chose what was sure to be the best prom couple St. Paul had ever seen. Sticking his ballot in the box, he replaced the cap of his pen, heaved a small sigh and made his way out of the library.
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Post by xylophonefairy* »

((The responses for my three characters get gradually shorter as they go on, heh.))

Acacia had come straight from a tennis match, still dressed in her whites, holding a racquet. It was the end of lunch and she was relieved to find that voting was still open before everyone filed back to their lessons or whatever. She stood patiently behind a short line of people, suddenly realising that she had no idea who she was going to vote for. Picking up a pencil that looked to have gone four times through the lawnmower, she twiddled it between her forefinger and thumb, absent mindedly swinging her racquet from side to side.

Chewing on her lip, she leaned over the table and brought the blunt point of the pencil with the white of the ballot paper. There were so many people that she could vote for without regret, but she really wanted to make her vote count, this was one of the most important parts of high school, a ritual that every girl, and guy, would go through at one point or another.

She wasn't sure herself about whether she wanted the role or not. That was a ridiculous thought, of course she would love it given the chance, the honour, the glamour, but in all seriousness, Acacia could see so many people up there in the running, ahead of her, with their coiffed hair and beautiful dresses. And they would have dates. Dates! Acacia hadn't even thought about them yet. She'd had a tennis contest, and then there were finals to study for and she was the first to admit that she wasn't that academic, and even though Ridley Landon had given her some tutoring she was still pretty sure that she had to work four times as hard to keep up with her peers. And now, she had to find a date?

She had made up her mind, and she scribbled down her decision in her large rounded writing.

Prom King: Max Neill
That one was pretty obvious to her, they were friendly with each other, he did a helluva lot for the school, and was in general a good, well rounded guy.

Prom Queen: Riley Flynn
It had been incredibly tempting not to vote for herself, but in the end, she just couldn't. Anyway, the captain of the cheerleading squad seemed as good a choice as anybody, and quickly, Acacia dropped her paper into the box before she could change her mind. Satisfied with her choice, she flipped her tennis racquet over in her hand and exited the library.

In an irritable mood, Maddy entered the library. She didn't want to vote in particular, she knew she could never get voted in, and though she was looking forward to Prom, she completely disagreed with the whole concept of Prom King and Prom Queen. It was nothing more than a popularity contest, and though Maddy had never strived for popularity, it was still annoying when the perfect girls with ther size four clothing and fake tan and wholesome faces got the corwn year after year, while she was stuck, slightly overweight with dull brown hair and pasty white skin. It was just another way to make the average American teenager feel bad about themselves. No wonder anorexia was such an issue.

She didn't really care about who she voted for, and in the end figured that she'd just vote for the people she liked. Even if they stood about as much chance of getting in as she did. Maddy took a pen from her bag and a ballot sheet, and in her slightly cramped writing, scribbled down two names. King was simple enough, she had a sneaky suspicion that her parents and his parents were trying to matchmake them (though that might just be her being paranoid) and he was one of her potential suitors. Queen was more tricky. She liked most girls in her grade, as with a few exceptions, but she wasn't sure who she really wanted it to be. Exhaling slowly, Maddy brushed a strand of dark hair out of her eyes, wondering if highlights would suit her, and then remembering that she would never be allowed them in a million years. She considered voting for Rachel, the closest thing she had to a best friend, and chewed uncomfortably on her lip. There wasn't time to consider this too much.

Prom King: Peter Siu
Prom Queen: Rachel Gettys

Dropping her ballot in the box, Maddy immediately regretted her choices. Surely there were other people more worthy? Would it have been worth voting for herself on the off chance that she was more popular than she realised? Shaking her head, Maddy almost ran from the library, wondering what she was supposed to do with herself now.

Neill strolled confindently into the library. He observed the people around him still trying to make their decisions, wondering why they had bothered to come if they hadn't made their minds up yet. He flipped his head so that his hair twirled in a hopefully dramatic fashion, and taking up the fountain pen that he had stashed artistically behind his ear, enscribed the names of the two people he had chosen in his poncy flowing script.

Prom King: Chris Carlson
Prom Queen: Sarah Atwell

His decisions both stemmed from from his recent encounter with Monty Pondsworth. Chris had been decent enough to step in and allow him to make a getaway (even if he hadn't realised this until the next day, and thought for a while he had actually outrun the bully), and Neill felt that he owed him in a way. And he felt that Sarah was one of the few people actually making an effort at their leaving, even if her doings had resulted in Chris being beaten up (he refused to take any blame for the matter). But she was pretty, and peppy, and seemed like the ideal girl for the role.

Satisfied, he entered his votes and stauntered off to buy a tuna and sweetcorn sandwich.
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Post by D/N »


Imraan sighed a bit as he considered his options. Prom queen, prom queen. Man oh man. Maybe he should just write down someone like Rachel and forget about it. But if he was going to get up the nerve to actually ask her out, he kind of felt he needed to be able to write her name down here. Call it a dress rehearsal for the actual date. She probably wasn't going to be voted in anyway, but wasn't it the thought that counts? He knew her well enough to know that she'd get a kick out of it.

He scrawled down the name. Now he just had to get it in himself to ask her.

Prom King was a bit easier to go for, considering he didn't have as much invested in that. If it were REALLY up to him, he'd probably be voting for Rob Jenkins, considering he was pretty much the school's top export. But Rob hadn't exactly made it a secret that he wanted no part of being voted King. Imraan also knew that a lot of guys were voting for Justin Corrigan, but he.... really didn't like that choice. Besides, the guy deserved it. Imraan had been right there with him through his transformation, and even if half the school didn't accept that he'd changed, Imraan knew that he had. The before and after? Man, you couldn't even tell those two people apart.

Prom King: JJ Sturn
Prom Queen: Jessie Anderson


This was pretty goddamn stupid, that's what it was. But eh, take two seconds and toss the names in. It was expected, wasn't it? Not that Ricky Fotino had any real reason to care about who got voted King or Queen. Hell, he didn't even have himself a date, although he figured he'd ask someone out last minute or whatever. He scrawled down pretty much the first two names that came to mind. Hey, the Italians gotta stick together, right? Plus, guy was always there around school, leadin' the clubs, doing stuff. He couldn't make a more boring, normal choice, and that was a GOOD thing. For queen? Ricky snickered to himself a bit as he considered puttin' down Rosa's name there. Considering her reputation and all, it would piss some of the more prudish members of the faculty off, at least. But common sense prevailed. Like it really mattered.

Prom King: Ilario Fiametta
Prom Queen: Evelyn Reed


Carly Jean Dooley fairly ran into the library, traces of paint still on her hands. All of her senses were ramped up to 11 right now, and she certainly wasn't thinking straight, so it probably wasn't the best time for her to be voting. But through some crazy logic, she figured that this HAD to be the time. After that awful humiliation at the Varsity, after what she'd just done to his painting, she had to do something NORMAL. Voting for prom king and queen was nice and normal. And she was still going, damnit. She was a high school student, and it was her DUTY to go to prom! She'd show that stupid insensitive jackass. She'd find someone else and walk right in and laugh in his stupid face, that's what she'd do! (the realization that Sebastien probably wouldn't be going hadn't yet entered Carly's mind).

Prom king. Stupid jocks, stupid popular people, all over the ballot. She scrawled down the first good-looking athlete that came to mind and didn't make her feel like throwing up all over herself. Yeah. There we go. Prom queen. Maybe she'd just write down her own name, like that would make any difference, as if anyone else would actually vote her. No. She had to just be normal here. And although she still hated most of the cheer team, they really were the obvious choice, and there was still that lingering hope of acceptance in the back of her mind.

Prom King: Niklas Kromwall (GO TO HELL SEBASTIEN)
Prom Queen: Riley Flynn

She slammed her vote into the box with authority, then turned around to find some loser punk girl staring at her. UGH. Stupid freaks.


Andrea Raymer had glided into the library for lack of anything better to do, and baiting the girl with the horribly running makeup had just been too tempting.

"Wow. That's a real epic prom vote right there. Maybe if you stuff it in the box hard enough the friction will cause the other votes to burst into flames or something, hey it's worth a shot. Me, I figure I'm gonna vote for Monty Pondsworth and that Russian girl who doesn't speak English, I think they're the odds-on fa-"


The girl slammed past her and stomped off to whatever destiny awaits girls like that. Well, SOMEONE was in a bad mood.

"'Scuse me, then." she muttered to herself, then wandered up to the box with a bit of curiousity. Ye gods. Prom madness was in full effect it seemed, and the box was filled with dozens of pointless little ballots. Hmmm. Might be fun to see what kind of amusing names were being sent through. Besides, they didn't release the actual totals or anything, and that was like, a total subversion of the democratic process.

She'd grabbed one of the pencils and was fishing through the votes, trying to drag a couple of them back up through the hole in the box, when the voice spoke behind her.


Andrea turned around to see Mrs. Collins glaring at her. Whoops.

"Caught your hand in the cookie jar, Andrea?"

Uhhhhhhhhh. "I uh, accidently dropped my vote in the box before I could finish filling it out, I'm just trying to get it back so I can get my vote in. This is a very important election, you know."

The librarian shook her head. "Are you even going to prom?"

"What? Heck to the no."

"Then either sit down and use the library for its intended purpose or go bother someone else. Please."

Damn librarians.
Maeve Exley
Jace Perlmutter
Elias Valdivia

Always Remembered:
G123 - Fey Zelenka-Morrison - DECEASED Well So Could Anyone

G080 - Nikki Nelson-Kelly - DECEASED Castles Fall in the Sand

B029: Aiden Slattery - DECEASED Get Off the Floor
G058: Kaitlyn Greene - DECEASED She Knew She'd Found Freedom

G038: Deanna Hull - DECEASED From Sea to Sky
B023: Jesse Jennings - DECEASED From Vision to Glory

G077: Andrea Raymer - ALIVE
B022: Imraan Al-Hariq - DECEASED
B006: Ricky Fortino - DECEASED
G036: Carly Jean Dooley - DECEASED

G045 - Eris Marquis - DECEASED
B104 - Jonathan Lancer - DECEASED
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Joined: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:59 pm


Post by Crash* »

(OOC: I'll delete this post once this thread closes up, but this is to remind everyone that you have approximately ONE MORE DAY to get your votes in! Now is the time - here's your final heads up!)
Posts: 73
Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:49 am


Post by banthesun* »

William wasn't out of place in the library, but that box was. A vote for most popular person in the school? Why didn't they put it down in the Varsity? Bah! The formal was important after all, and they were the seniors here, so it was important to vote.

Will stood in front of the ballot box feeling awkward.

Should I go for a popular vote? What bullshit! Like any of those wankers deserve it. Best to give it to someone cool.

He pulled a pen from his pocket, and scribbled down a name.

Prom King: Dominic Stratford

And queen? A lot harder. Someone pretty? Someone nice? How do I vote for this one?

Prom Queen: Yelliztv Bounce

She was weird, but in a cool way. She deserved at least one vote, if only out of sympathy

That wasn't too hard, see.


Katelyn walked into the library looking for someone to talk to, but her eyes landed on that big box sitting on the table. Voting? Best to get it over with.

Prom King: Richard Han

She was wasting her vote on him, as the chances of him getting in seemed phenonomally low, but if he did, it would all be worth it. He was a funny guy when people were watching him, and he'd probably enjoy it. Anyway, her king vote didn't matter. Weren't boys meant to be tough enough to get by by themselves? Her queen vote was a lot more important.

Prom Queen: Laverne Falciander

Katelyn really hoped she would win. That girl needed some love.


Vanessa was only here for one thing. This voting was important. When she was prom queen those sluts would understand what they'd been doing wrong all this time. But if there was one thing she knew, it was that this damn school was full of pathetic losers who could only think with their dicks. So this needed to be done.

Prom King:
Prom Queen: Vanessa Struthers
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Post by Evenni* »

Theresa stared at the ballot in front of her for a moment, chewing absentmindedly on the end of her pencil. To be totally honest, she had no idea who she'd vote for. She didn't even know who wanted votes. After a few moments of thinking, an idea crossed her mind and she quickly scribbled two names down.

Prom King: Danny Zuko
Prom Queen: Sandy Dumbrowski

Pleased with herself, she walked away humming a bright tune.
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Post by CJanosi* »

Irina Burlachenko strode into the library, a determined look on her otherwise calm face. She had a job to do, albeit a job that she had given to herself and wasn't all that important in the grand scheme of things, but still. She walked over to where the voting box was and gave the librarian a jovial wave, and wasn't disappointed when it was not reciprocated. She took the cap off of her cherry-colored ink pen and went to work.

King: Ilario Fiametta, the Third
Queen: Abigail Atkins

Irina held the vote up and smiled. Yes, perfect. Two people she liked very much, both people she thought deserved to win. Irina folded her vote in half and placed it in the box. She walked away, filled with a stomach-tingling feeling. She was very pleased with herself, to be honest. Why, she wasn't sure. But it was a good feeling.


Leona Christopher looked down at the two votes she had written.

Queen: Jennifer Perez.

Easy enough. A likable girl, and a good enough friend that Leona felt comfortable writing her name down. But for King, it was less decisive.

King: Aaron Boismier.

He was in Choir, and although they never really talked that much, he seemed like a nice boy. But the comfort in Jen's vote wasn't the same as it was with his. Oh well. Leone put the vote in. This wasn't a presidential election; no need to get emotional with it.


This was too easy. Richard Henderson only had a short time to write down his votes before he had to meet his brother outside for a ride, but he only needed two seconds to contemplate his nominations. Even though he knew the odds of either of them winning were slim, it was the sentiment that mattered.

King: Erik Laurin
Queen: Stephanie Henderson

He slipped his votes in and turned around, facing his second nomination. "Make it quick." he said.

Stephanie Henderson stepped forward and scribbled her votes. She took even less time.

King: Roy Archer
Queen: Rachel Gettys

Stephanie based her votes on a polar opposite level than her brother. Rachel, for just popping into her mind, and Roy...well, Steph just wanted to thank him for his decision to swim around in an itty bitty suit. "Let's go. I wanna go to the Promenade after this." she said after submitting her vote. The two siblings left the library, neither one particularly mindful of their votes.
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