Theresa Duncan

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Theresa Duncan


Post by Evenni* »

Name: Theresa Duncan
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: 12th Grade
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Exploring her environment, bugs, biology, musical theatre.

Appearance: There is nothing about Theresa that would make her stand out in a crowd. She is exactly 5'4 and has a fairly slender figure from years of singing and dancing along to her favourite musicals. Everything about her face is round, including her freckled cheeks and sparkling hazel eyes. She even has pronounced dimples when she smiles. This, coupled with her long, dark brown hair, worn in pigtails, gives her the appearance of someone far younger than seventeen. She wears bright red rimmed glasses to combat her myopia.

Theresa doesn't care as much about fashion as much as most teenage girls. When the weather is cool, she likes to wear big, bright, woolen jumpers and warm, knitted beanies. She also has a few handmade scarves that she loves to wear. When the weather is warmer, she tends to wear long skirts and singlet tops. She almost always wears sneakers and white sport socks.

Biography: Theresa is the only child of Hannah and Charlie Duncan. They would've had more children, but Theresa's birth was something from which Hannah never recovered. Her body didn't handle the caesarean as well as it should have, which left Charlie to take care of Theresa on his own.

For three years, Charlie worked his hardest to hold down a job and take care of his daughter. They moved to a small apartment in St. Paul when Theresa was nearly eighteen months old.

Both of their lives took a turn for the better when Charlie met an attractive woman called Alisha Morcombe. Within the year, Charlie and Alisha were married. Unable to have children of her own, Alisha doted on Theresa as if she were her own daughter. With the two of them working together, supporting the now four year old Theresa was a much easier task. They moved out of their apartment and into a cosy house with a moderate backyard, now able to afford the mortgage repayments.

When they arrived at their house, the first thing Theresa did was run around the backyard. She couldn't remember having one of her own and was absolutely delighted. After a few minutes of running, she found a strange thing swaying in one of the three small trees. To her, it looked like a leaf with small, beady eyes. She asked her father what it was and he told her it was a stick insect. She thought it was the most incredible thing and spent an hour staring at it. She only left it alone when she was called in to have dinner.

For the next month, Theresa spent as long as she could exploring her backyard. It amused her greatly to look at all the critters, in particular, the insects, she could find. She quickly learned that grabbing at them was not a good idea.

Seeing the amount of freckles she was getting through the sunblock, Alisha attempted to get Theresa to stay inside a little more by showing her the musical ‘Grease'. Theresa fell head over heels in love with the happy characters singing and dancing. Even though most of the plot went right over her head, it instantly became her favourite thing. She didn't lessen the amount of time she spent outside, though. When the sun was still shining, she'd be outside, playing games with her imaginary friends. When the sun set, she'd run around her house, singing and dancing.

When she turned five, she was enrolled in kindergarten. She treated it like one big party and was the queen of hide and seek. However, she did start to notice that far away objects were becoming hard for her to see properly. After a trip to the optometrist, she was diagnosed with myopia. Since that time, she's always had to wear glasses. At one point, she tried contacts, but hated them and refused to try a second time.

In the early years of elementary school, Theresa inadvertently freaked out a few of her female classmates by showing them the insects and spiders she found around the school. Her unbreakable upbeat and cheery nature did a lot to stop them from shunning her over this. That said, she never really had a single best friend. Most of the time, this never even occurred to her.

The time came for her to go to Bayview Secondary School. After discovering the drama club, she was insanely happy. At around this time, she took part in her first ever musical production – an amateur version of ‘The Sound Of Music'. She played the role of Marta von Trapp. As a present for doing so well in her first performance, Charlie bought her a cage for stick insects. Until that point, the only pets Theresa had owned were a few huntsman spiders (something that Alisha had voiced her disapproval of on several occasions). She soon figured out that biology was her best subject. Music did come in at a close second, but to her, nothing could beat studying the way things work. It was a natural decision for her to join the biology club.

Theresa never actively seeks to talk to people, but she is always happy to engage in conversation if someone wants to. She is friendly towards everyone and has never really had a reason to act otherwise. She is bubbly and happy, almost always in her own little world. Some might go as far as to call her an airhead, but she is by no means unintelligent. She tends to pay far more attention to what is around her than who is around her. She is currently cast in an amateur production of ‘Grease' as Sandy Dumbrowski. It will be the first time in years that she will wear contact lenses voluntarily.

Advantages: She is very fit due to the amount of dancing she does and would be able to run long distances if the situation called for it. There is not a bug on the island that could scare Theresa. She would pay quite a bit of attention to what is around her and would quickly familiarise herself with her surroundings. If there is a hiding place to be found, Theresa would be able to find it.

Disadvantages: Theresa puts absolute blind faith in anyone who asks for it. This, obviously, would be highly dangerous around the wrong people. She has had no experience in any sort of combat in her life. She barely even uses knives to prepare her own food. Without her glasses, she can only focus properly on relatively close objects.
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