Sora Najikano

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V4 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Sora Najikano


Post by AnimeDutchess* »

Name: Sora Najikano

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Grade: 12th

School: Bayview Secondary School

Hobbies and Interests: Gardening, Fishing, Hiking

Appearance: Sora's most noticeable feature is his hands. They are big, rough, and calloused, and his fingernails often have dirt under them, since he is usually working with soil. He's about 5 ft 7 in, above-average height for a Japanese male, but at 210 lbs, he's a little overweight. This isn't from fat, however; most of it is muscle, gained from being active so much. His hair is black, and a little long, usually tied back while he's working, but let down when he's not. Sora's skin is rather tan from being outside so often. His eyes are a gentle brown, and they seem to say that no matter how intimidating he may look, he's really just as warm and sweet as melted chocolate.

He usually wears jeans and light t-shirts, which are durable and easy to move in while working outdoors. Sora also favors hiking boots, since they can take a lot of damage and still be wearable.

Background: Sora is a well-rounded student with no particular likes or dislikes regarding academics. He's easy-going, amiable, and overall peace-loving. He believes in an ‘unwavering goodness' in all people, no matter how messed up they may be.

Sora has a certain gift with living things; he can make the most stubborn of plants florish, the most aloof of cats be friendly, and can get along with most anyone.

Sora originally hails from Tokyo, and has both his parents. He also had an older sister, his Onee-chan, who was ten years his senior. When Sora was four, his sister committed suicide due to immense stress at school to do well. She had been working to raise her GPA in order to go on her class's trip to Mount Fuji, and just when she made the grade, she was found dead in her bedroom. After the funeral, Sora's parents moved the family to America to try and start a new life. They moved around from city to city, before settling in St. Paul, when Sora was in the 6th grade.

Sora's father became a camping enthusiast when they moved to America, and he would take his son on many excursions into the woods of the areas they lived in. Even now, on most weekends, Sora is out hiking and fishing with his father, and enjoying every minute of it. He has even surpassed his father's ability in these areas; he can hike for two hours straight without stopping, and has a good eye for picking out prime fishing spots.

His mother, on the other hand, became a gardening enthusiast, and quickly roped her son into her new hobby. A lot of his upper body strength can be attributed to lifting heavy things in order to work on or better his mother's garden, which now takes up their entire backyard. He has been known to research plantlife in his spare time; he claims it is to find new things for he and his mother to grow.

Sora did not talk to many people when he first came to America, but that was more about the language barrier; he didn't learn how to speak coherant English until 3rd grade, which earned him much teasing from his then-peers. Still, he did not let this bother him.

Even when he had the means to communicate, Sora did not open up to many people. He felt alienated from his peers, who lived in worlds where their loved ones didn't die. Once his family moved to St. Paul, however, he was approached by one of his classmates: Ileane Heldin. Both seen as the black sheep of the school, Sora and Ileane became good friends. It was through this one friendship that Sora was able to become happy again, and throughout middle school, he became a well-known and almost popular guy. Even though he is still well-liked today, he has not forgotten his first friend.

Sora is on good terms with many students, and has a large group of friends. He is in no certain "clique", since he has no time – he heads right home after school to help his mother and improve his garden.

Advantages: He's got a great amount of physical strength; he could knock someone out cold if he had to. He's also got some camping and survival skills, which will prove useful. His kindness and acceptance could turn a psychopath on the island into a valuable ally.

Disadvantages: Sora is much too trusting. He will accept anyone and everyone with that "unwavering goodness" philosophy. He may just get played into a trap if he isn't careful.
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