Matthew Gourlay*

Decidedly non-canon since he ended up in Mini

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V4 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Matthew Gourlay*


Post by chitoryu12* »

Name: Matthew James Gourlay
Gender: Male
Age: 17
School: Bayview Secondary School
Grade: 12th
Hobbies and Interests: Soccer, golf, drinking/partying, cross-country, student government

Appearance: Matt is 5'10 with plenty of muscles from a long sporting background, though his arms are slightly lacking in comparison to the rest of his body. He keeps his dark blonde hair cut short, sometimes with a very short fauxhawk in the center, as if he didn't really care how distinctive it was. He often cuts his hair so that he has a small, slightly squarish widow's peak.

While he has the body of a strong athlete, his face greatly offsets it. He has a very boyish look, with wide, bright blue eyes, a large mouth, slightly protruding and pointy ears, a somewhat pointed, thin nose, and a light complexion devoid of freckles or extensive acne.

Matt prefers expensive, sophisticated clothes at school and around his parents, with polo shirts and khaki slacks the norm. When his parents want him to look nice, even without a specific event to go to, he'll be dressed in a button-down shirt, dress pants, and black dress shoes. On occasion, he'll come to school wearing his Bayview High soccer team uniform if he feels the need to show off that he's a team member. Around his friends, however, he drops the expensive outfits in favor of a style more befitting their standards, attending parties with a t-shirt a size too large and baggy jeans. He almost always wears a necklace with a tiny silver crucifix.

Biography: Matt Gourlay was born to a privileged family in the most expensive neighborhood in St. Paul. His parents were natives of Houston, Texas, but moved to Bayview a year before their first son, Robert, was born. Matt was born on March 17, 1992, four years younger than his brother, and very quickly set about with his current behavior.

To put it simply, Matt was extremely spoiled. His parents, John and Linda, wanted the best for little Matty, and showered him with praise and gifts even when he didn't deserve it. Matt took it all gratefully, understanding by the end of elementary school that he could get his way with his parents very easily and always accepted their gifts, sometimes faking humbleness later on to make it appear that he wasn't just milking them.

Matt got into sports at the age of 6, his parents pushing him to begin playing soccer in the assumption that, since Robert excelled at it, his younger brother would as well. Matt enjoyed soccer, was an excellent soccer player. The sports kept him in shape, and he later took up golf and cross-country, joining the school's cross-country team at the beginning of his senior year.

Matt, in all honesty, doesn't even like his parents. Despite all the false praise and expensive toys he had grown up with, he viewed them as simply "fake" and believes that he would be better off if they just shut up and gave him an iPhone. He finds much more comfort in his friends, many of them from the soccer team, and his parents have no clue that their precious, intelligent, nice little Christian boy is in fact a foul-mouthed partier and heavy drinker. It wasn't uncommon for him to let his friends help themselves to his parents' liquor cabinet when they were away, then using his rather large allowance to get one of his older friends to buy alcohol and replace what they had taken out. His parents rarely drink, and as such don't notice if a bottle of gin is now a bottle of vodka.

Matt does quite well in school, wanting to keep up the illusion of his perfection to his parents and let him act like he's superior to other kids. He rarely finishes a class without a top grade and ran, though he failed, for student body president in his senior year. He intends to follow his older brother into the Air Force Academy when he graduates, mainly because the military gets him a free ride for higher schooling.

The illusion of perfection that his parents maintain is quickly shattered simply by looking at how Matt treats other students. Matt is a bully, plain and simple. He enjoys the feeling of power he gets from being on top and likes to lord over other students with his wealth and advantages. He often mocks students who are less popular because he knows that they have fewer friends to run back to and get on his ass, and he prefers to keep his bullying to social networking sites like Facebook to avoid any angry punches to the mouth.

Advantages: Matt's an athlete, so he has a strong body and is an excellent runner. He doesn't get fatigued easily, and he can jog a mile without any trouble. He's made many friends and acquaintances in the sports teams, as well as the parties he goes to, so he's got an ally around every corner.

Disadvantages: Matt is a coward at heart, hence why he hates trying to intimidate anyone except over the internet. He's never before had to deal with an angry victim in real life, and will likely break down in tears when threatened, and especially at the barrel of a gun.
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