Kent Chirper

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V4 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Kent Chirper


Post by Parzel* »

Name: Kent Chirper
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 12th
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Tennis, Chess, Internet Roleplaying, Medieval History, Going Out, Classic Rock Music, Mod Music (English Rock)

Appearance: Kent is an average looking teenager who is barely underweight and not predominantly tall. Kent's physique is at average for his age. His hair is a mixture of hazelnut brown and fox red, forming a maroon-like unique colour. His hair smartly parts down his hair line causing him to look slightly nerdy and even preppy. His facial shape is a peculiar contour as it curves up from the chin and then ever-so slightly curving in at the top, causing a diamond like figure. These curves are barely noticeable, and can only really be seen if his hair is removed. His eyes are at a small distance from his nose and always seem to look wearied down and almost decrepit, its colour an dark mahogany brown. His ears are relatively small, poking from a small island of hair which formed around it. His lips are filled with various cracks, only noticeable if you were up close to them. His teeth are a faded yellow, with ghastly dark gold patches. All-round it was more of a post-it yellow, parts of various molars have been chipped off. Kent has a small brisly moustache, and a short stubble on his chin.

Kent's arms are quite small but do have muscles built around from time at the tennis club which he is a part of. His biceps are not impressive and although he has developed the skill of agility his legs are in no way powerful. He also has good stamina, and can sustain himself without exhausting for a long while.

His wardrobe usually consists of various styles of clothing from bright outfits to dark outfits as he doesn't seem to belong to any style. He is usually seen wearing a dark grey jumper and slightly baggy jeans. Kent doesn't seem to care about the sort of clothing he has.

Biography: Kent grew up around a family of four which included his younger sister, Lucy Chirper, his father Andrew Chirper a Biologist who attempted to encouraged Kent into the world of science from a young age, and his mother Jenny Chirper who was a high school History teacher. She never really brought History to the child, it was only when Kent was made to go into work with his mother that he began to explore history at the early age of seven.

When Kent entered High School he kept himself secluded, holding only a few friends with him. Kent spent most of his social life on the internet after deciding that human life was a mere waste of time and that the possibilities of roleplaying could mean he could start a new life, but this time with all sorts of cool stuff. One day his internet connection was cut off, and in a bored state he dug up an old chess board which had derived from his late grandmother. He sat there for hours, playing against various family members until he required a great skill for it. He discovered his skill for logic and patience, although he also found himself extremely competitive and didn't like it when he lost.

He began to open himself up more in the later years of his high school days. He met new friends and made a name for himself. He was liked by most people, and of course there were a few who disliked him. He was a keen member of the Chess Club and although many people found this nerdy, somehow he seemed to get away with being apart of it. He also built up a slight rivalry with many of the chess club members and although he pretended to befriend them, it was obvious he was jealous of most of them. Kent in fact is good at sports (he is also a member of a tennis club). Kent doesn't dislike losing, he hates it. There have been times when he he's come out victorious, of course he is rather pompous about it, but most of the time he ends up getting angry with himself and failing.

Kent built up more friendships and for a time lost his innocent preppy boy look. His hair grew much longer and curled at the top, almost perming itself. His parents disapproved of this new look he was adopting and had him made back into the sweet little boy. Disgruntled, Kent deveoped a grudge towards his parents...the teenage stage had hit him. Kent usually made jokes most of the time and most of what he said was a joke, although there was always an egotistical sense about him.

Kent enjoys spending times out with his friends. He frequently visited their houses, where they usually got drunk or just chilled out. Kent's grades were beginning to slip, and so were the results of his chess matchs, but chess isn't a skill necessary for survival. Kent watched the last series of SOTF, enjoying it while being completely oblivious to the reality behind it. Most teachers know Kent for his eccentricity, and although he can be out of hand in some lessons, he is generally a good child.

Kent is an Atheist and strongly disbelieves the existence of God. He is confident and will approach anything that comes at him, although hesitant at some things, he is generally an optimistic person. Many see him as a pacifist as he has never been in a fight, but Kent disagrees as he just claims he's never needed to fight.

Advantages: Kent holds logic, he isn't just going to run into a building guns a-blazing. He will tactically think things through, treat the island like a chess game. He heavily dislikes loosing, so he will be very determined to win.

Disadvantages: Although Kent holds determination, he isn't exactly the type to kill; he wouldn't be too lucky if he gets a melee weapon as he isn't the strongest in the world. Kent also may let the anger get the better of him and break his logic. Plus, to people who don't know him, he may come across as a nerd, which irritates some students.
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