Geoffrey Angevin

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V4 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Geoffrey Angevin


Post by DAv* »

Name: Geoffrey Angevin
Gender: Male
Age: Eighteen
Grade: Twelve
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: History (An expert on the Napoleonic Wars), Terry Pratchett books, Strategy/God video games and manipulating people.

Appearance: Short, unusually so at a mere 5'2, a common joke being that he has yet to have his growth spurt. Has an average frame with no real fat or muscle on him, riding a bike to travel yet fails to really exercise. His hair is straight, dirty blonde and long, tied back into a ponytail that falls down to his shoulder blades. His face is clean shaven, round with pale skin, dark green eyes, a long Roman nose and mouth with a small scar on the right side which turns up his mouth on that side and gives the impression of a smirk on his face.

His clothes are usually of good design, of Calvin Klein and the like with jeans, overly large t-shirts and pumps being his favourite sort of outfit. He also always carries around a notebook on him, full with notes on the personalities of those around him.

Biography: Can be defined as an oddity, Geoffrey was the third of five children in a higher-middle class family. His brothers were all twins, two above and two below with them having a relationship with each other Geoffrey himself lacked. Isolated and a little embittered, he took up manipulating his brothers as a hobby, turning them against themselves and leading to multiple fights while he stood in the middle as a puppet master, appearing to his parents to be the only good one of the lot and, as a result, was somewhat spoiled in comparison. His own developing charisma led to this being easier than normal, his gift with speaking his way out of most situations led to people giving him the benefit of the doubt. Finding he enjoyed spreading dissent, Geoffrey looked further afield to do so.

As he grew older, Geoffrey developed these skills in school as well. Even as he appeared to remain as a generally neutral figure, many fights and rivalries started with Geoffrey being a major factor in their inception. Not exactly popular, Geoffrey is generally accepted by most social groups in the school as he does his dealings. Despite his generally benign appearance however, Geoffrey has few people he could truly call friends. With a foot in all camps in the school, he is unable to truly connect to any single person on a deep level. Geoffrey merely gains some strange form of comfort that he does what he loves, manipulating people for his own ends, the idea that they're under his influence appealing to him greatly.

Intelligent, charismatic, a quick thinker and with good relations with people, Geoffrey has some undenialbe flaws. His ability to get things the way he wants at home has come to make him expect the same thing from everywhere else in life. When he is unable to get that though, he is left in a rage even as he tries to hide it from people. He also nurses major grudges, always waiting to strike back at them in some way, even if it means sacrificing something in the bargain, revenge being his only motive against some people. As someone who is deeply manipulative and cynical himself, Geoffrey largely expects the worse from people, always thinking twice before trusting them which also breaks down any relationship he can have with most people.

Advantages: Someone nearly everyone likes, Geoffrey has never been found out for the manipulator that he is and as such, can worm his way into people's groups easily enough. He's also quick on his feet with his thinking and can talk out of some situations should the need arise.

Disadvantages: Lacks brawn and stamina. His lack of general exercise has made sure that while he's no slouch, he cannot keep up the pace for too long and with strength, is rather average. His inability to deeply trust anyone also means he'll always have on eye over his shoulder, despite any sort of circumstances. His need to avenge the smallest slight would also impede him in a game where everything is life or death.
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