Elaine Gabes

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V4 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Darkling Perhaps*
Posts: 18
Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2018 8:08 am

Elaine Gabes


Post by Darkling Perhaps* »

Name: Elaine Marionette Gabes
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Singing, dancing, writing, drawing, acting, a little piano, and basically anything else creative Elaine can think of. She loves to express herself in any way possible and is always doing something creative. She's been wrapping her mind around the idea of becoming a director the last few years, so has been studying about videos and acting since her softmore year.She also loves spending time with her boyfriend, Rein, hanging out and talking and just being with him. Elaine is also into any puzzle, thinking she should at least attempt them. She has spent hours on logic books just brainstorming answers for questions, trying to come up with better answers.

Appearance: Elaine's soft-toned skin is made paler by the light layer of moonlight make-up she'll generally apply whenever she has spare time before school. Her lips and eye shadow are generally a black shade, but when she's feeling more adventerous she'll apply greens or reds to cause strange effects. She's been known to take some eye liner and decorate her face with elaborate patterns on accasion, tall shifting trees or sparrows in midflight occasionally gleaming out from her temple to her upper cheek. Elaine keeps her wavy hair straight the best she can each day, but usually as her schoolday ends her hair starts its familiar twirl into unrest. Her hair is always dyed sporatically, at the moment she has it black with random white tips, streaks, and splotches in a chaotic pattern. She'll also dye her eyebrows, but usually a different color from her hair. Right now they're a soft blonde.

Elaine has wide friendly deep ocean blue eyes that can be seen to constantly glance around the place. Her eyes pop a little more thanks to her thin cheekbones that also give her head a more round and softer feel to it. Her rounded-off chin also makes her look more child-like, only off-set by her broad nose. Elaine's hair usually covers at least a small part of her face, the strands coming midway down her neck before waving off in tiny tendrils. Her ears are close to her head, slim and disappearing under the hair, but are ornamented with several small piercings along the top. Finally her short neck makes her look even more childish, which she'll sometimes play upon for laughs.

Elaine is 5'6 and 131lbs., not the shortest or biggest girl she knows, but always hangs her shoulders in a friendly but relaxed position that makes her look a bit smaller. Her arms seem a little shorter than they should be, but her thin fingers with multicoloured fingernail polish general distracts. Not really a busty girl, a b-cup, Elaine's normal clothing usually eccentruate it a little unless she's planning on performing in som way where she'll wear more comfortable clothing. Dark fishnet sleeves are her favorite type of clothing, a great majority of her outfits have them, and she loves wearing knee-length skirts with buttons, pins, and safety pins attached all over them. Elaine also will wear cargo pants and corset-like tops on occasion, sometimes flowing lavish chains down when she thinks she can get away with them.

Biography: Elaine was born and raised in a small town in Texas, a farming community known for its crops and football players more than academics. Her father moved out just before she was born for a telecommunications job, but fell in love with the scenic countryside and decided to move his pregnant wife out. Thus Bert and Deidra Gabes started Elaine out in the middle of nowhere.

Growing up, Elaine was really quiet and shy, into her father's old science fiction books more than listening to the local boys talk about their fathers' harvest. A lot of the otehr girls teased her for being so tomboyish, but in reality she just wasn't as girly. Elaine grew up with no friends, using an outdated computer to try to connect witrh someione outside the nowhere town.

Finally late in sixth grade her father found a better job up north, even though he was reluctant to leave his 'perfect country home.' They found a small apartment to rent and enrolled her in the local school. Elaine jumped on this chance, a chance to restart and make her own image free from the judgements she faced before. She
felt like she could be whoever she wanted to be now.

On the first day at her new school, Elaine did her best to not be shy and o be a little more free and random. After her first day, people were actually talking to her, being nice to her. Maybe there was something to this random thing afterall. She made friends, including her best one Violetta, and finally was feeling happier. Shortly she asked out Rein on a whim, and then she had a boyfriend. Her life was coming together.

For the next few years Elaine's quirky and eccentric personality expanded, taking over bits and bits of her wardrobe as she randomly decided to do things simply to do them. She met more frends, got interested on all her artistic habits. While watching Spirited Away she started thinking about drawing and camera angles and movies, and decided then that she wanted to be a director. Like everything she chose it randomly but completed devoted.

Advantages: Elaine is very dextrous, with good hand-eye coordination and flexibility for all the sporatic things she's tried. She's also experienced in a manner of dancing and stretching type activities, making her legs more well-toned. She is also much more friendly than not, meaning she probably has few eneimies.
Disadvantages: Elaine isn't very analytical and doesn't really think before she acts. She likes figuring things out too much and will obsess over making sure things are right.
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