Cheung-Ji, "C.J", Wong

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Cheung-Ji, "C.J", Wong


Post by TheLeakyFaucet* »

Name: Cheung-Ji, "C.J", Wong
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Bayview Secondary School

Hobbies and Interests: Superhero movies, writing the advice column in the school newspaper, photography, surfing

Appearance: C.J is a fairly well-built teenager and quite tall for his age at a height of 6'1. He weighs roughly 185 pounds. There is a slight roundness to his face leftover from the overweight years of his childhood that only adds to his large presence. His skin is tanned and bronzed-looking from his Chinese descent. His hair is jet black and cut into an ivy league fashion with a slight cowlick hanging down on the left side of his face. His nose always has an oily, greasy look to it while mild acne covers his cheeks. There is a single beauty mark under his left nostril that is often more defined in the summer for some reason. C.J's facial features are very defined with a wide nose that has the appearance of being squashed and a stone jaw. Although he isn't exactly ugly, he isn't attractive either.

Biography: Cheung-Ji Wong, shortened to C.J by friends and family, was born in Santa Monica, California on March 16th, 1990 as the first and only child of two Chinese immigrants. He picked up basic skills very quickly, learning to talk and walk much faster than other infants. Always on the move, it was hard for his parents to keep track of him since he was running all over the place. Despite the fact that his hyperactivity and inability to shut up would have been annoying to some, his parents embraced C.J for who he was and didn't do anything to change him. Since the family lived near the beach and he'd already learned to swim, C.J's parents let him take up surfing very early at the age of five. Even if the only thing he could really do was bob in the water on the board, it was still something he liked doing. There was a very soothing feeling about being able to sit on the board with the waves brushing you up and down with the tide. Life was pleasant.

C.J had one consistent problem though: he was fat.

The doctor had said that it was just baby fat that would vanish as he got older, but as it turned out, this was far from the truth. Upon his arrival in elementary school, he was forced to endure being labeled the, "fat kid". Although he did make a close group of friends, he had to tolerate a great deal of schoolyard bullying. There was one instance where a whole group of kids chased C.J until the very end of the recess. As a way of dealing with the bullying, C.J picked up an unexpected hobby: comic books. It was a great stress-reliever to take his mind off things and even helped him pick out a few role models. While he was overweight and a target for bullies, the superheroes in the comics had no flaws whatsoever and always saved the day. This led to C.J's desire to want to prove himself as the same kind of hero he saw in his comic books. Over the years though, the comic book hobby died out and turned into his hobby of watching 80's superhero movies. By the time he was ten, C.J owned what he believed was the largest collection of superhero films in the entire neighborhood. Every Halloween, it was almost a universal fact for everyone in school that he would come in dressed up in a Batman or Spiderman costume.

But although his life was getting better as he got into middle school, there was a growing issue on the side that was starting to get too big to ignore: his weight. At the age of nine, he was already overweight for his age at 85 pounds. After pressure from the guidance office at school, various doctors and seeing themselves that they could no longer ignore the problem, C.J's parents took action against his obesity. At first he threw tantrums when his fatty foods were taken away and he was forced into exercise, but after awhile, his new schedule and routines became so commonplace to him that he just accepted them. There were times when he wanted to quit, especially when he went on those morning jogs down the shore with his father, but he convinced himself to keep going. He wanted more than to be skinny now. He wanted to be a hero; the same kind of hero that he'd idolized since he'd picked up his first comic book.

In middle school, things ended up looking up. Getting a posititive body image from his constant work-outs, C.J was finally able to walk into a room feeling good about himself. Although he hadn't lost much weight yet, he was definitley getting there. Along with that, he ended up finding a good hobby. After taking a few snap-shots of his backyard with his dad's old Polaroid, C.J realized that he loved photography. Pleased to see him happy, his parents enrolled him in a photography class at the local art center. C.J ended up turning the spare guest room in his house into a dark room for developing photos. And the whole time, he never felt alone. While some would probably call him lonely, C.J never really cared that he didn't have many friends. He had his comic books and movies, and now, he had his photos. Things were going good.

By the start of high school, all the exercise and dieting finally paid off. C.J was now at a healthy weight of 185 pounds and had even gotten fairly muscular from his constant visits to the gym. The first day of school, he couldn't help but smile at the shocked faces of his classmates when the, "fat kid", walked in looking like a new person. Although there were immeadidly rumors about his weight loss that ranged from liposuction to being sent to a fat camp, C.J couldn't help but enjoy it all. He couldn't gloat for long though. His father had gotten a new job offer In St.Paul, Minnesota. Without the time to gloat in his victory, C.J was whisked away from the sunny boardwalks of Santa Monica and placed in the urban metropolis of St.Paul.

Things were hard at first. Being an outsider, he couldn't help but feel like he was behind a glass wall when he looked at his new classmates. While they were all defined under their cliques, C.J was the new kid who knew absolutely no one. He tried his best to be sociable with a few of them, and at first, it didn't pay off. Everyone seemed like they wanted to hang out with their friends they'd known for years instead of the new kid. A little dismayed but not giving up hope in making friends, C.J took advice from his parents and joined a random club. The newspaper seemed like the best bet (The photography club was gone due to budget cuts the year before). After all, the school newspaper published reviews and there had been a few superhero movies that had come out over the summer that C.J felt deserved a good praise or too. However, after the writer of the school's advice column moved,, the job was offered to C.J when nobody else wanted it. To everyone's surprise, including C.J himself, he ended up being quite good at it. There was something about helping people with their problems that came naturally to him. Within a matter of months, the, "C.J Says", advice column was popular school-wide for its dry sense of humor and honesty in dealing with people's problem. Along with a few friends from the newspaper, C.J became relatively popular and was able to find his place in the school.

Advantages: CJ is relatively well-liked by most of the student body and will find it easy to get into a group. Although not necessarily athletic, he is strong and muscular and may be a capable fighter on the island.

Disadvantages: CJ's desire to be the good guy, or a, "hero", in every situation he's thrown into may be his downfall. An optimist who is slightly naïve, he may trust the wrong person and get stabbed in the back.
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