Sing Us a Song

The middle floor of the Promenade boasts the stores known as the staples of teen fashion. Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister, American Eagle, and Urban Behavior are among many of the more popular stores that call the second floor of the mall their home. The odd food stand can be found sporadically scattering this floor, with vendors selling things like fresh baked pretzels and hot dogs for that on-the-go shopper.
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Sing Us a Song


Post by Polybius »

The Promenade; every school area has a place where the local teenagers love to go to for some reason. Maybe it's the stores; maybe it's the food; maybe there's nothing special about it, buteveryone goes there because it's tradition, likely passed down from upperclassmates.

The Promenade mall was like that to the kids of Bayview Secondary School, mostly due to the first two reasons listed above.

Funny, I never even heard about this place before I transfered to Bayview. It's probably been a few blocks away from my house for much longer than two years.

Ross Baker was standing around, leaning on the balcony guardrail; eating a pretzel from one of the stands close by. It was only an hour or so after school and already the mall was packed with teenagers; shopping, talking, generally having fun.

I wonder when Kent's getting here. Oh well, I guess there's quite a few things to do until then.

((okay, short post. Commence joy and drama now.))
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Post by Parzel* »

The buzzing noise of voices ripped through his eardrums as he stood in the entrance to the promenade. He loved the place, filled with action and excitement, exactly where he wanted to be. He was meeting a pal of his, Ross Baker. He was of the same wavelength of him, respectable among the school. People knew not to mess with him, as he had some slight anger issues, so Kent was happy to be friends with him.

Kent walked through the busy antics of various teenagers and citizens, rushing around shop to shop in a frenzy. He loved the madness of the mall; weekends were of course the worse. His eyes met with a familiar face, it was Ross, standing alone near some shops. Kent began to walk towards him, fixing up some of his already scraggily hair as he approached him.

"Oi, You!" He said, walking up behind him and tapping him on the shoulder.

"What do you think you're doing here then?" He begun to say, showing a jokingly serious face. He then smirked his annoying smirk which he usually does, and greeted him.

"God, School today, I think I could kill Shakespeare, and that Omar Burton Kid, some mouth he's got." Kent began to say, still clearly exasperated at the way he was dealt with in the English class before.

"You would never guess right, he comes up to me and tells me to shut the fuck up, then he starts going on about having a wank, I was like "Yeah, you couldn't even fit your hand around yours its so small, so don't give me bullshit like that" and before we knew it he bolted of unable to come back, dumbshit" Kent said, grinning while he was saying it, he didn't care that what he was saying was an utter lie.

Kent looked at Ross, expecting perhaps a laugh or maybe a similar statement about the lad, he was filled with rants, especially about that bounce girl.
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Post by Badb* »

((Dom Hoffman, Continued from Life Wasted))

That Kent kid's a fucking prick. I hope he get's thrown in fucking SotF or something.

Dom Hoffman tried to calm himself, but that Immature kid had insulted him, and now he wanted nothing more than to punch his face off.

Pull Yourself together, Man. You hit him, he's won. Wait for him to throw the first punch, see how he likes taking on an armed to the teeth brick Shithouse.

"I should really learn my way around here some day" Dom Hoffman walked through the mall, completely and utterly lost. "Alright, Now... Where's the damn food court?"

Dom turned and asked a couple of random passer-by for directions to the food court, not realising until the sardonic response that he'd asked Kent Chirper.

Fuck, That's one guy I really didn't want to see again today.

"Dude, Are you following me around today or something?" Dom looked towards the other guy. "Oh, Hey."

Not wanting another Kent response, and not knowing the other kid. Dom decided play it safe and make his own way there.

There gotta be a fucking map around here somewhere

((Dom Hoffman in Toys in the Attic))
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Post by Polybius »

In the few seconds after finishing his previous thought, Ross took a bite out of his pretzel, started chewing, and was abruptly called at by the person he happened to be waiting for.

"God, School today, I think I could kill Shakespeare, and that Omar Burton Kid, some mouth he's got. You would never guess right, he comes up to me and tells me to shut the fuck up, then he starts going on about having a wank, I was like "Yeah, you couldn't even fit your hand around yours its so small, so don't give me bullshit like that" and before we knew it he bolted of unable to come back, dumbshit"

Ross swalloed and thought for a minute; pondering what he was going to say. He decided to go with the standard response: "Heh, okay."

Don't leave it at that, Ross...

"Well, um, Omar's pretty arrogant I guess." Kent is too, I don't know how much of that happened. "The whole- er, 'wanking' thing was assholish, you should probably leave him alone... y'now, um, whatever he told you to shut up about."

"That's just how he is, I guess, too bad for him." Not that I would know. After a moment of awkwardness, Ross finished his pretzel and spoke up:

"Okay, let's do something. Leave our troubles behind; school's over, hehe."

Ross glanced over the balcony, elementary school kids were filling the first floor. The mall's filling up, wow.

Then, someone he knew as Dominic Hoffman came by and said a few things... Ross couldn't understand what he meant... and then just left.

Ross smircked and turned to Kent. "Eventfull day, eh?"

He chuckled and said: "So, what shall we be getting to?"
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Post by Parzel* »

Kent sighed, looking to guy utter out some words, a sense of awkwardness was passed from him and he grinned slightly as he said it. Kent relaxed, he discarded the thoughts of maybe he was simply lying, but he was glad to know somebody agreed with him. Then, seconds later that Hoffman kid walked past, that was all he needed. He walked up and added a rather bad insult to him which he couldn't hear properly in the rustling background to well, then he looked to Ross and left with his tail between his legs. Kent laughed at his dismal entry and exit.

Stupid wuss, scared because my friends are around, what is he even doing here anyway.

"Tell me about it, anyway I'm sorry, I'm complaining too much, it's just been a bad day ya know." He said, looked towards Ross and slipping some gum into his mouth, he thought about offering Ross some then realized that that would be there would only be one for him. He crunched down on it once again.

"So yeah let's go somewhere, no doubt someone else interesting is in town " The two students began to walk through the busy fields of people, swapping various small talk and minor conversations not worth even mentioning. Kent frowned to himself, he had made an immature comment before and he didn't like that. He guessed it just came out in the heat of the moment; he looked to the pretzel Ross was eating, and licked his lips slightly.

"I know I could use one of them, where'd you get ‘em from?" He asked kindly, his eyes fixated upon the pretzel. He hadn't eaten all day, and it was starting to get to him.
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Post by Hiro* »

((Charlie Beckwith and Natalie Williams, Continued from Freedom!))

"I just had a thought."

Charlie glanced over at Natalie walking next to him. The two of them had finally arrived at the destination, the second floor of the Promenade mall. Over the course of their trek, they had made light conversation about assorted subjects, mainly involving either art or school. At first Charlie had kept quiet for the most part, but over the course of their walk he had begun to speak more frequently, gradually breaking out of the reserved exterior that he had had at the beginning.

Shifting his binder, which he had been carrying all this time, to his other arm, he continued. "Maybe it would be cool to do something like having poetry to go with the paintings hanging up in the cafe. What do you think?"
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Post by landlocked* »

((What Hiro said.))

"Ooh, that would be kind of cool. It'd be like, accessible on a bunch of different levels, you know? Visual and verbal. I dunno what kind of poem would possibly go with that hamster thing, but some of those other ones could definitely work."

Natalie had to admit, talking with Charlie had been a little awkward at first - her rambling probably hadn't helped that much, but, meh. But now that they had been walking and keeping the conversation going for a while, things had gotten much easier, and Charlie had proven to be a pretty cool guy. They'd talked a lot about art, and he didn't seem to mind it too much when she'd lit up a cigarette during the walk. The conversation had definitely helped to keep her awake, anyway.

"I'm not much of a writer, though," Natalie continued as the pair made their way through the small crowd of mall-goers and towards the cafe they worked at, "Unless you have any ideas?"
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Post by Hiro* »

Charlie had to admit that he was a little surprised when Natalie had whipped out a smoke, but he didn't hold it against her. After all, it wasn't like he had never dabbled with them himself. Though admittedly the only time that he had smoked was a year ago when he inexplicably found a pack of unopened cigarettes in his dad's back yard. He smoked them over the course of the next 5 days before his mom caught him in the act and confiscated the rest. From his brief affair with smoking, he found it to be relaxing, but generally overhyped and overrated, and so never picked the habit back up.

"Well...I may write a few things here and there," he replied to Natalie's quandary. Although he was a big fan of poetry and writing, he rarely showed his works to anybody out of a combination of shyness and self-consciousness about the quality of his work. "It's not exactly professional-quality stuff though...Most of my stuff is from way back during my 'dark-and-edgy' phase." Looking to the side, he made a face of disgust as memories of his younger, borderline-emo self floated through his mind. "Bleh..."
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Post by Polybius »

The conversation from that point was a little, well, awkward. This is what usually happened with Kent until they found something interesting around, and in all reality, it was like that with most of his friends . Ross didn't seem to have much in common with his closest friends, they were usually both popular in some form and just happened to hang around one another.

"I know I could use one of them, where'd you get ‘em from?"

"Erm, the stand over there." Ross said, pointing to a chain stand run by a middle aged man in the standard chain uniform.

Ross stumbled away for a second as Kent walked towards the stand. Two other teenagers from their school... Charlie Beckwith and Natalie Williams were walking past them, talking about... art, or something.

Of course, he tried to be nice to them, they weren't the kind of people who talked to them but Ross figured he should at least greet them.

"Hi!" he called, waving and hoping to get a response, at least another wave back.
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Post by landlocked* »

"Dude, don't even get me started on the whole "dark-and-edgy" thing. I was totally the same way with my paintings for a while. It was all 'skulls and thorns and roses and shit!' I'm pretty sure that there was a period in ninth grade when I wore nothing but black for months... dyed my hair black and everything. So angsty," Natalie laughed. "But seriously, if you want to write something based on a non-emo-teen painting of mine, totally feel free, I'm sure it'll be cool."

Natalie's eyes began to glaze over a bit as she casually watched the crowd pass by around her. Fatigue was once again begin to creep up on her, making it hard to concentrate. Must get coffee... She thought she saw a few faces she recognized - wait, was someone waving at them? ...Who the hell was that? Natalie slowed her pace a bit and began to stare absently again as she contemplated her greeter. Pretty tall guy, definitely in good shape. Was he on one of the sports teams? He must be. Probably football. He looks like the type... Bleh. The football (maybe basketball? I dunno...) team wasn't a group Natalie associated with. Then again, she didn't associate with Bayview in general much. Too organized for her. Everyone's in little cliques, won't look outside of their box. Jocks included.

Still, it'd be rude to just snub him. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and all that good stuff. So she responded with a polite "Hey," and although she kept walking, it was a bit slower, and she glanced back at Charlie to see how he responded as well.
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Post by Hiro* »

Hearing a voice call out to him and Nat, Charlie turned his gaze to the source of the voice. Catching sight of the hand waving in the air, his eyes slowly trailed down the arm connected to that hand, down to the body of the waver. His eyes settled on the face of Ross Baker, a local football jock. Charlie didn't follow sports, but the guy got around school enough for Chas to have heard about him at least a little. According to the stories, the guy had some sort of dark past of violence or something like that. But that all sounded like a load of hooey. From what he could tell, the guy was alright. Never got in any fights, had lots of friends, and didn't pick on anyone.

Although why a guy like him was singling out and greeting a pair of anomalies like Chas and Nat in a crowd was beyond Charlie. Nevertheless, not acknowledging the gesture would just be rude. And so, pausing mid-stride, Charlie stuck out his hand and gave a good wave in return. "Hey man," he said over the hustle and bustle of the crowd. "What's up?"
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Post by Dropbear* »

((Continued from Q&A))

Sapphire grinned as she stepped through the doors of the mall. The mall was one of those places where she didn't have to worry about anything except the job at hand. Reaching into her pocket, she grabbed out a little to-do list.

- Need new jumper!
- More beads needed (red, blue, black, in big shapes)
- More jewellery boxes!!! Out of earrings and necklace ones!
- Look for new Pirates of the Caribbean DVD.

What was easier to do first… She decided to go to the beading shop first. It was on the second floor, near the elevator, and she could check out that new place for a jumper.

Stepping out of the elevator into the crowd, she spotted a few familiar faces in the crowd…
Ross Baker, the footballer. Sapphire knew that her dad worked for his dad or something like that with the TV station, but that was about it apart from being a… attacking? Offensive? Offensive player on the school team.
Charlie Beckwith. Sapphire was even more at a loss with him, only seeing him at the local coffee bar.
Natalie Williams. More of a familiar face. Sapphire had seen her in the art room on more than one occasion, and had sold jewellery to her numerous times. She was a good artist, painting great canvases and putting them on display in the coffee bar. Sapphire wasn't friends with her per say, but they weren't enemies either.
Sapphire swallowed. She noticed that they were right outside the bead shop, near the pretzel wagon and it would be kinda rude to ignore them, but she really didn't know them that well and they looked like they had something better to do…
Why does everybody pick poor spots to talk to people?
Sighing, she headed over to them.
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Post by Parzel* »

Kent looked towards the pretzel stand, he stumbled towards it and looked to the middle-aged man who stood tired behind it.

"I'll have three pretzels please" Kent looked around to Ross, who was waving at some other students. Kent perplexedly stared towards the other students, being not familiar with them. He brought his pretzels and strolled back over to Ross, who was looking towards the other students.

"Who are they" He said stuffing a pretzel into his mouth, and looking towards the people who had been addressed by Ross.

Kent then saw Sapphire, who he had seen around occasionally but never really spoken to. Considering he was bored anyway, he decided to greet her. He had had a rough day, and theirs nothing better than some good socializing.

"Hey, Sapphire is it?" He said, placing another pretzel in his mouth and crunching gently, of course he didn't do this while talking.
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Post by Dropbear* »

"Hey, Sapphire is it?"
Sapphire jumped a little. She didn't notice Kent Chirper at all next to the pretzel stand. Although that could be excused, as they hadn't really met. She was surprised he even knew her name. She quickly moved over to the stand, trying to franticly think of something to say.
"Er, hey Kent" she stuttered.



…you know, you really should say something to break this silence.
"Erm… yeah, what you doing? I've got to… ummm…"
In a rising panic, she dived for her pocket with her notepad in it.
"Ah, yeah, get a jumper, get new beads and wire, and go DVD shopping… How about you?"
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Post by Parzel* »

Kent smiled slightly, for some reason she was panicking and it was obvious to him. He placed the last pretzel in his mouth, and listened to the reason why she was their. It was obvious she was simply attempting to make conversation.

"Cool, Cool, What DVD?" Kent asked, the conversation had been quite awkward up to now, and Kent was not familiar with Sapphire. He didn't even know if Sapphire was even her name, but he assumed as she went on with it.

Kent finished crunching the last pretzel, he didn't really care about what DVD she was buying, but it would maybe start a conversation and Kent could meet someone new for once. The fact that she had come over in the first place was a sign she wasn't some unpopular freak, but Kent didn't know much about it.
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